People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

liberals are such deranged losers. GOP tactics. love it. They "intimidated" people from voting.

Their salty tears are so tasty. Hey, use another analogy. Trickle up? Isn't that physically impossible? Things that trickle up are called eruptions , or geisers.

Fucking liberal losers.

they can't ever accept the fact people CAN'T STAND THEM. they believe they are so superior over anyone else. Well they were just shown the door so now they need to be shunned, ignored and laughed at
If you really think either party as our best interest at heart then you are living in fantasy world. The two party system has brought us nothing but crushing debt, endless wars, rampant corruption, and crony capitalism. So yes, one can understand why more folks aren't rushing off to the polls.
Yes because Europe's multi-party system is so much better. :rolleyes-41:

That isn't what I am claiming. What we need is a viable third party filled with level headed centrists that actually want smaller government and fiscal sanity. Let the blind partisans have their Democratic and Republican parties. Two peas in a horrible horrible pod.
Even that doesn't work because those that want smaller government never seem to want to cut the programs that they like, they just want to cut programs that other people like and in the end there is no program which the majority is willing to cut.

Until people abandon the notion of "what government can do for me" and willingly step forward to take a hit on their own favored government spending, the system is on auto-pilot at best and steered by politicians divorced from the people at worst.

What we really need is a dictator to impose cuts on nation, someone immune from the wailing and hair pulling which will result as spending junkies are denied their fix of government spending. A regular politician is not immune from such angst and so he does what is expedient for HIS SURVIVAL and not what is in the best long term interests of the entire nation.

It isn't going to be easy. Nothing worth fighting for ever is though. Their should be no sacred cows when trimming our budget, all areas must be cut. The problem is petty partisan politics. When the GOP suggests cuts for the social safety net they get accused of hating the poor, when the Democrats suggest cuts to the defense budget they get accused of gutting military. It's nonsense and therefore nothing gets done. Frustrating to say the least.

There is also adding revenue.

When Nancy Peolosi was Speaker of the House, she got many bills that would repeal tax cuts for big business, wall street and the rich.

When they got to the Senate, the republicans filibustered them and killed the bills.

One bill that would have helped workers was a repeal of tax breaks for companies who ship our jobs overseas. Something that most Americans agree with and wanted. When it got to the Senate the republicans promptly filibustered it. Another bill removed the subsidies to oil companies. The republicans filibustered it when it got to the Senate.

If loopholes were closed so that big business, wall street and the rich paid their share, or in come cases any taxes, we could balanced the budget without cutting the social safety net or military. There's a very long list of businesses that didn't pay one penny in taxes. Some not only didn't pay anything but even got huge rebates in the millions. While the rest of us paid our fair share.

Agribusiness doesn't need any money. The oil companies don't need money. There's a long list of companies that get big tax cuts or subsidies that don't need the money. Those who make their money off investments should be paying at least the same rates everyone else does if not higher. Work should be valued more than investment. As a result people like paris hilton get to party all the time and just walk to the mailbox for their statement pay only a small fraction while the rest of us pay much higher portion of our wages. Wages we actually went to work for. There's something wrong when a rich person like mitt romney only pays 14% in taxes while the rest of us pay anywhere from 20% and up.

Was all this happening when the House, a filibuster proof Senate and a President were all in control from 2008-2010? Yet, the repeal of the tax cuts never happened, neither did jailing all those involved in the collapse of the economy in 2008, the subsidies for big oil was not cut, neither did it get cut for the Agribusiness. We also have huge corporations like GE and GM that paid no taxes and the Democrats who held a filibuster proof Senate, they had the House, the had the Presidency, and they did nothing to stop the loopholes of their corporate buddies. If they were so fired up to help all the minorities, all the poor and all those poor working middle class group, why didn't they do it?

The answer is very obvious unless you are a blind partisan nutter.
I hope your elected officials act this way. We see how it worked out for the tea baggers in 2012.

progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood

We only hate the extreme right.

You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.
liberals are such deranged losers. GOP tactics. love it. They "intimidated" people from voting.

Their salty tears are so tasty. Hey, use another analogy. Trickle up? Isn't that physically impossible? Things that trickle up are called eruptions , or geisers.

Fucking liberal losers.

they can't ever accept the fact people CAN'T STAND THEM. they believe they are so superior over anyone else. Well they were just shown the door so now they need to shunned, ignored and laughed at
and they can ditto that in their small minds
What possible reason would we have to want to divide the poor with wedge issues like abortion, guns and racism? It is the rich that con you suckers into voting against your own financial interests over these issues. Without them, why would you vote for the party that only seems to care about the rich?

Trickle down never worked.
Trickle down always works. Rich people buy shit. Same with medium rich, mildly rich, well off, doing OK, could be doing better, I'm scraping all goes somewhere and people need to provide the goods and services.

the poor Sealyboob is a compete brainwashed sheep/tool of the Democrat party. Regurgitates nothing but the DNC party talking points and finds no shame in doing it.

sad and pathetic

Stephanie is a compete brainwashed sheep/tool of the GOP. Regurgitates nothing but the GOP party talking points and finds no shame in doing it.

So, you don't deny the accusations. Interesting response.
liberals are such deranged losers. GOP tactics. love it. They "intimidated" people from voting.

Their salty tears are so tasty. Hey, use another analogy. Trickle up? Isn't that physically impossible? Things that trickle up are called eruptions , or geisers.

Fucking liberal losers.

they can't ever accept the fact people CAN'T STAND THEM. they believe they are so superior over anyone else. Well they were just shown the door so now they need to shunned, ignored and laughed at

Nah. We'll hang in there just like you guys did after the ass rape you got in 2006. What, do you think you will stay in power forever? That's what Newt thought in the 90's and look how that worked out for him.

If the GOP does a good job in the next 2 years, I'll vote for them. I doubt they will but lets see if they prove me wrong.

The sad thing is, they can even put the world into a global depression and you will still vote for them.

So really, who gives a shit what you guys think. You'll never be happy no matter how great we do (Clinton) and you'll never admit that your policies failed even when they do (Bush 2).

Lets see who the Independents vote for in 2016.
So I'm ok with people showing up and going with their gut. Or flipping a coin. Look at you. You get to vote even though you vote wrong. And when I say wrong I mean for you financially. If you were rich that would be different.

And if you are rich, we understand why you don't want the poor voting, or why you think "they get it wrong", because they get it wrong FOR YOU! There are more of them/us than you. When they don't vote, we/I lose and you win. Only realize when I say you I don't mean YOU I mean your side because you are basically a happy house slave.
...because voting Dummycrat has worked wonders for the economy? You are clueless on steroids.

What's wrong with the economy? The only thing wrong is the poor and middle class don't have enough of the pie. Before the GOP fucked the economy up, the rich had 75% of the $ and we had 25%. Today they have 90% and we have 10%. That's the only thing wrong with the economy.

So tell us what your party plans to do to raise workers wages. NOTHING? I didn't think so.

So if you are crying about the economy, that is the proof you don't make enough $ to be voting GOP, because rich people are doing GREAT!
progressives REGRESSING AGAIN as usual. you on the left/progressives/dems, have NOTHING but hate in your blood

We only hate the extreme right.

You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.
So I'm ok with people showing up and going with their gut. Or flipping a coin. Look at you. You get to vote even though you vote wrong. And when I say wrong I mean for you financially. If you were rich that would be different.

And if you are rich, we understand why you don't want the poor voting, or why you think "they get it wrong", because they get it wrong FOR YOU! There are more of them/us than you. When they don't vote, we/I lose and you win. Only realize when I say you I don't mean YOU I mean your side because you are basically a happy house slave.
...because voting Dummycrat has worked wonders for the economy? You are clueless on steroids.

What's wrong with the economy? The only thing wrong is the poor and middle class don't have enough of the pie. Before the GOP fucked the economy up, the rich had 75% of the $ and we had 25%. Today they have 90% and we have 10%. That's the only thing wrong with the economy.

So tell us what your party plans to do to raise workers wages. NOTHING? I didn't think so.

So if you are crying about the economy, that is the proof you don't make enough $ to be voting GOP, because rich people are doing GREAT!

8 years of GOP success under Bush huh?

Poor people died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rich people got richer.
Poor people lost their jobs. Rich people got richer.
Poor people lost their homes. Rich people got an extra holiday home.
ISIS appeared, poor people fear for their lives. Rich people get rich and get more power over scared people.

That's what the Republicans are about, and they manage to convince millions of poor stupid idiots to vote for them so they can keep them in their place and enrich themselves.
Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

And eight years before that the Republicans couldn't inspire anyone. 8 years before that the Democrats again. 4 years before that the Republicans. Wait, do I see a pattern here.

Yes, the people get screwed over, the politicians talk success up, and one or the other of two main parties, not much different, get to tell you what to do. Freedom? Er... no thank you, we're American.
if you dont vote then you dont get the blame when they fuck up

I hope, no I pray to God that the GOP takes Social Security away from younger people.

In 2012 fully 59% of registered voters turned up at the polls for the presidential election. But two years earlier just 42% bothered to cast their votes in the 2010 mid-term elections, and this year’s turnout was even lower. Few are as uninterested as the young. In 2010 the turnout of people aged 18 to 24 was just 21%.

Why is it so difficult to get young people to vote?It is not only in America that the young do not exercise their democratic rights. In 2010 just 44% of people aged 18 to 24 voted in Britain’s general election, compared with 65% of people of all ages.

Historically, youth turnout has never been particularly high anywhere, but over the past few decades things have got worse. One explanation is that the young are simply lazy. But this does not make much sense. Today’s young people volunteer more than old people; they are much better educated; and they are less likely to drink excessively or use drugs than previous generations of youth. That does not seem like a recipe for political apathy.A better explanation may be that young people today do not feel they have much of a stake in society.

Many young Americans do not have driving licenses, hunting licenses or passports, and it is a chore to get a special voter's ID, so many end up unable to vote. (Electoral fraud by impersonation in America is a negligible problem: such laws tend to be cynically enacted by right-wingers to suppress turnout among those that are most likely to vote against them.)

Yet perhaps the most depressing explanation is simply that in many places, young people do not feel that there is anyone worth voting for. A long-running European survey found that in 2008, 22% of French 15- to 24-year-olds said they believed society’s problems could be fixed only by revolutionary action. In 1990 the equivalent figure was just 7%. When charismatic politicians do appear, they can win over the young: Barack Obama would not have been elected in 2008 and 2012 had it not been for remarkably high youth turnout in his favour. But for the most part, such politicians are few and far between. That might be because in most elections, a simpler strategy is to win over older people, who will vote however bad the candidates are. Young people—who tend to be more cosmopolitan, liberal and hopeful than their elders—tend to be switched off by the negativity and cynicism of election campaigns targeting the unhappy old. Sadly, cynicism then breeds cynicism.
We only hate the extreme right.

You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

You are so dumb.
We only hate the extreme right.

You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

The GOP game plan worked perfectly! They know if people are upset then they won't show up to vote and when that happens, Republicans win every time. High voter turn out ='s GOP loses.
You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

You are so dumb.

Your butt hurt, whining and crying are duly noted.
You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

The GOP game plan worked perfectly! They know if people are upset then they won't show up to vote and when that happens, Republicans win every time. High voter turn out ='s GOP loses.

You hate everyone who doesn't BOW to your fascism and cant' stand the fact YOU JUST LOST CONTROL OF your POWER.

You have black hearts and souls if you even have a soul

You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

The GOP game plan worked perfectly! They know if people are upset then they won't show up to vote and when that happens, Republicans win every time. High voter turn out ='s GOP loses.

The states the Clinton's and Biden campaigned in the Democrats lost.

The only campaign Obama worked with was the Illinois governor and he lost.

It looks like the Democrats could not inspire anyone, but blame the GOP, that is what the left has done for quite a while and looks like it's really working for you, please keep it up, I love the results.
You sound very evil and angry. I would guess it is your soul that is very angry and mean and selfish and ignorant.

Also, learn the definition of Fascism stupid. Your party is a fascist party.

Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

The GOP game plan worked perfectly! They know if people are upset then they won't show up to vote and when that happens, Republicans win every time. High voter turn out ='s GOP loses.

The states the Clinton's and Biden campaigned in the Democrats lost.

The only campaign Obama worked with was the Illinois governor and he lost.

It looks like the Democrats could not inspire anyone, but blame the GOP, that is what the left has done for quite a while and looks like it's really working for you, please keep it up, I love the results.

Did you cry in 2008 and 2012 as much as you are gloating over the midterm?

Remember how much you fucking babies cried? What did Ted Nugent say? If Obama was re elected he'd either be in jail or dead?

Do you hear us being so dramatic? Get ready for the ass raping you will be taking in 2016. Get ready for 8 years of Hillary and her veto pen.
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

The GOP game plan worked perfectly! They know if people are upset then they won't show up to vote and when that happens, Republicans win every time. High voter turn out ='s GOP loses.

The states the Clinton's and Biden campaigned in the Democrats lost.

The only campaign Obama worked with was the Illinois governor and he lost.

It looks like the Democrats could not inspire anyone, but blame the GOP, that is what the left has done for quite a while and looks like it's really working for you, please keep it up, I love the results.

Did you cry in 2008 and 2012 as much as you are gloating over the midterm?

Remember how much you fucking babies cried? What did Ted Nugent say? If Obama was re elected he'd either be in jail or dead?

Do you hear us being so dramatic? Get ready for the ass raping you will be taking in 2016. Get ready for 8 years of Hillary and her veto pen.

do you post just to see youRself post? gawd you are such a BORE
Speaking of evil and angry, you might look into a mirror.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not even angry. I was expecting this defeat. Sure I was hopefully optimistic that this midterm would be different but again only 40% of the voters showed up.

Blaming everyone else for the problems Was the Democratic mantra and it failed. No one is buying that it is all the GOP's fault, no one is buying the GOP war on women, minorities, and gays. I stated awhile back that hate cannot continue to inspire people to vote for you, and this election shows the Democrats inspired no one. It is no ones fault for a low voter turnout, except for the candidates that failed to inspire the voter.

Congrats to the Democrats for failing to inspire. Keep up the blaming, keep up the wars, I like how itis working.

The GOP game plan worked perfectly! They know if people are upset then they won't show up to vote and when that happens, Republicans win every time. High voter turn out ='s GOP loses.

The states the Clinton's and Biden campaigned in the Democrats lost.

The only campaign Obama worked with was the Illinois governor and he lost.

It looks like the Democrats could not inspire anyone, but blame the GOP, that is what the left has done for quite a while and looks like it's really working for you, please keep it up, I love the results.

Did you cry in 2008 and 2012 as much as you are gloating over the midterm?

Remember how much you fucking babies cried? What did Ted Nugent say? If Obama was re elected he'd either be in jail or dead?

Do you hear us being so dramatic? Get ready for the ass raping you will be taking in 2016. Get ready for 8 years of Hillary and her veto pen.

I didn't start any threads on the GOP victories, you started a thread making up an excuse as to why the Democrats lost. There are lots of threads by ignorant liberals on why they lost.

In 2008 I didn't vote for the mainstream candidates because both of them sold us out to the banks, I knew either would win, I also agree with the process. So I was okay.
2012, was okay, I wasn't strong for Romney and I knew that Obama was a legit challenger, he has always talked a good game.

In 2000 and 2004, Alec Baldwin, Kim Basinger, Robert Altman, former Kennedy press secretary, Streisand, Cher and more threatened to leave the country if Bush was elected or re-elected.

But I don't expect your partisan blindness will allow you to recall all them talking that way.

As far as 2016? Depends who the candidates are and how it stand on issues. The ass raping fetish you have is pretty odd, but reading your other posts, it lines up well with your emotional outbursts.

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