People who study the origins of civil wars see 'indicators' the US is on the brink of conflict, Yale historian says

Maybe some rioting, but that's likely about it IMO.

  • Yale history professor Timothy Snyder spoke with Insider about the future of American democracy.
  • Snyder said factors like polarization and alternative realities indicate the US is close to conflict.
  • But Snyder said he thinks it's even more likely that the US could cease to exist.

Some are just committed to the fundamental transformation of America.
Maybe. I guess it’s time for a refresher course to be given to states that think they can break away from the Union. Failed last time and will fail next time.
Yeah like abused wives trying to escape their abusive husbands----those red states better not try to escape or there will be hell to pay for it.
Yeah like abused wives trying to escape their abusive husbands----those red states better not try to escape or there will be hell to pay for it.

Screw Secession ... Revolution has a better track record ... :thup:
Winner Take All

At the beginning it will be easy, the midgame, and endgame will be far more difficult.

The long game is a defensive posture in a lot of cases, especially rural areas.
Reallocation of personal resources, establishing some security, dealing with the people you relied on and have their own concerns.

Organized efforts for stabilization in the aftermath is when things could get really screwed up.


The long game is a defensive posture in a lot of cases, especially rural areas.
Reallocation of personal resources, establishing some security, dealing with the people you relied on and have their own concerns.

Organized efforts for stabilization in the aftermath is when things could get really screwed up.


The rural areas are going to be fine for the most part. When the gangs go into the countryside looking for food they are going to get turned into fertilizer PDQ. It's the cities where the fighting will be bloody. If people are smart, they will simply get the hell out of dodge and never look back.
The U.S. survived Reconstruction, the stock market crash, the Great Depression, 2 + great wars, the civil rights movement, half a dozen epidemics and the Cold War and some Yale professor thinks we are on the brink of conflict because some mom and pop trespassers invaded congressional space? My guess is that elitist liberal academia is making excuses for upcoming violence when democrats lose the majority later this year.
The U.S. survived Reconstruction, the stock market crash, the Great Depression, 2 + great wars, the civil rights movement, half a dozen epidemics and the Cold War and some Yale professor thinks we are on the brink of conflict because some mom and pop trespassers invaded congressional space? My guess is that elitist liberal academia is making excuses for upcoming violence when democrats lose the majority later this year.

You need to read more. Trumps election exposed the rot at the core of our country.

A rot that will either be cut out, or will kill the host.

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