people with kids who werent alive / too young to remember 9/11


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2009
what have you told them about it? I was expecting my stepson to ask about it this year, but he didn't say anything and hes never talked about it before.
I think it depends on the kid. How old is he ? Is he interested in that general subject at all? Hell, I know 40 year olds that just don't care about those sorts of things at all.
Daughter was 5 and she doesn't remember the incident that day, but is aware from discussions at school and home.
I was in seventh grade. All I really "remember" from that day is my teachers freaking out and us being on lockdown for the whole morning and being let out of school early.

It was my first year in the DC area, actually, we'd just moved there, and my mother worked for the DOJ, nobody told me what had happened but "they bombed DC", so I kind of freaked but then my mom picked me up from school. I also remember going roller skating with some friends after getting off of school early and having school off the next day.

I think I have a much better grasp of what happened now then I did then.
My daughter was 6 at the time, in first grade.

She remembers.

That following Sunday I took her with me to downtown Indianapolis for a benifit, and she and I donated money to the 9/11 fund.

She also learned about a lot of heros.
I remember being in fifth grade, coming home and seeing it on television after hearing hushed discussions about it by teachers all day. Simplest way to explain it would be using history. Say Pearl Harbor for example.
I remember being in fifth grade, coming home and seeing it on television after hearing hushed discussions about it by teachers all day. Simplest way to explain it would be using history. Say Pearl Harbor for example.

My youngest was a new born... so no she does'nt remember it, but she has asked questions like "why did it happen?" and who did it?".... I just tell her we were attacked by some very evil people who dont like America and Americans. I figure when she is old enough to understand it I will give more details, but not until I think she is mature enough.

My 18 yr old was old enough to know that it was bad, but she didnt understand why the bld's fell. We have since had many discussions on it and she gets it... in fact I think she understands what we are up against more the "the commander in chief" (and I use that term loosely).
So how do we teach Newtonian physics?

I wonder how many 8th graders can figure out reasons why airliners could not destroy buildings that big that fast but have parents that believe that they did?

[ame=]YouTube - Gravitational Collapse onto Cumulative Supports[/ame]

Conspiracies are irrelevant. The laws of physics don't give a damn about them.

my two oldest children are well aware 9/11 was an inside job and are well versed in the history of false flag operations ..the 5 year old will learn soon enough
[ame=]YouTube - Leave it to Beaver OVERDUB Parody[/ame]
my two oldest children are well aware 9/11 was an inside job and are well versed in the history of false flag operations ..the 5 year old will learn soon enough

This thread started on 9/15. I saw it but didn't say anything since I don't have any children.

I consider this to be IMPORTANT because it directly involves education and I consider SCIENCE to be a major part of REAL EDUCATION. MORE IMPORTANT than History and English Literature.

So for two days I say nothing and YOU say nothing but a few minutes after I mention physics you come in with that CONSPIRACY CRAP.

I find that quite interesting. [81]

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my two oldest children are well aware 9/11 was an inside job and are well versed in the history of false flag operations ..the 5 year old will learn soon enough

This thread started on 9/15. I saw it but didn't say anything since I don't have any children.

I consider this to be IMPORTANT because it directly involves education and I consider SCIENCE to be a major part of REAL EDUCATION. MORE IMPORTANT than History and English Literature.

So for two days I say nothing and YOU say nothing but a few minutes after I mention physics you come in with that CONSPIRACY CRAP.

I find that quite interesting. [81]


if you are speaking to me I have no idea what you are talking about
I remember being in fifth grade, coming home and seeing it on television after hearing hushed discussions about it by teachers all day. Simplest way to explain it would be using history. Say Pearl Harbor for example.

Except that Pearl Harbor was a military strike on a military target. I think it's important that children are taught the difference between the two, or do you not think there is a difference?
Interesting to learn how many of the more Liberal posters in here. Were in Grade school when the attacks happen. :)

Explains a lot about your biased and incomplete understanding of the world leading up to it.

Me I was 29 when it happened. So I Actually lived through the years leading up to it, and understand it.

As for my kids 5 and 3. We have not told them much about it, other than there are people who do not agree with us for one reason or another, and are willing to do us harm because of it.
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I remember being in fifth grade, coming home and seeing it on television after hearing hushed discussions about it by teachers all day. Simplest way to explain it would be using history. Say Pearl Harbor for example.
Except that Pearl Harbor was a military strike on a military target. I think it's important that children are taught the difference between the two, or do you not think there is a difference?

Was there anything about the Pearl Harbor attack that seemed to defy the laws of physics?

Can ten year olds be expected to recognize whether or not something defies the laws of physics?

An airliner weighing less than 200 tons hit the south tower at 550 mph. How much does that cause the building to deflect from its center position? When has the mainstream media ever discussed this?

The south tower moved FIFTEEN INCHES and then oscillated for FOUR MINUTES after the impact.

But we are not told the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on each and every level of the towers but we are supposed to believe the building practically crumbled to dust 56 minutes after impact when it only moved 15 inches when it was hit!!!

But then there was the FIRE. So there were 10,000 gallons of jet fuel sometimes known as kerosene. If you could burn that with 100% efficiency, which cannot happen in an open air fire, you will only get so much energy. If you could put all of that energy into 1 ton of steel at 75 deg F it will raise the temperature to some specific level. But if you put it into 10 tons it will raise it to a lower temperature and if 100 tons then much lower still. So talking about the fire weakening the steel without talking about the QUANTITY OF STEEL is nonsense.

So there are about at least three different reasons for wanting to know the tons of steel and tons of concrete that were on every level of the towers. So how is it our EXPERTS haven't demanded it and made it available in NINE YEARS?

Doesn't this have something to do with the SCIENCE EDUCATION of children?

Interesting to learn how many of the more Liberal posters in here. Were in Grade school when the attacks happen. :)

Explains a lot about your biased and incomplete understanding of the world leading up to it.

Me I was 29 when it happened. So I Actually lived through the years leading up to it, and understand it.

As for my kids 5 and 3. We have not told them much about it, other than there are people who do not agree with us for one reason or another, and are willing to do us harm because of it.

oh bullshit..complete and total bullshit
An airliner weighing less than 200 tons hit the south tower at 550 mph. How much does that cause the building to deflect from its center position? When has the mainstream media ever discussed this?

Why would they discuss that when it was not the impact that brought them down, and they never claimed it did.

What they did say is that the impact took out some support Beams and then the uncontrolled fires weakened enough of the rest for it to collapse.

You keep talking about Physics being defied, yet every theory you guys have has been debunked by ACTUAL physicists, and all you guys do is claim they are all dirty.
An airliner weighing less than 200 tons hit the south tower at 550 mph. How much does that cause the building to deflect from its center position? When has the mainstream media ever discussed this?

Why would they discuss that when it was not the impact that brought them down, and they never claimed it did.

What they did say is that the impact took out some support Beams and then the uncontrolled fires weakened enough of the rest for it to collapse.

You keep talking about Physics being defied, yet every theory you guys have has been debunked by ACTUAL physicists, and all you guys do is claim they are all dirty.

The best thing to do with idiots like that guy, is to not even address their whacked out theories.

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