Per the 14th Amendment,

§2384. Seditious conspiracy​

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808 ; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623 ; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148 .)
You can have a six month Negro insurrection and the police will stand down and you can riot, kill and loot to your heart's content. No worries whatsoever about the Feds.

However, if you protest against the goddamn Democrats stealing the election then the filthy government will either kill you or throw you into prison.

That is the way things work in the Banana Republic of America.
Plenty of rioters were arrested and jailed, you poor victim. It really sounds like you hate America. Or maybe you're just always on the wrong side of history and are a horrible racist piece of shit.
He also told the proud boys to "stand by". Some what to act like Trump never told them to stand by.

You do understand that "stand by" is not a call for any action, RIGHT???????????????????

Its a meaningless 5 second, statement out if a firey 4200 second speech....a CYA and it didn't register....

And he only said he knew they were going to peacefully and patriotically march down to the capitol.... He did not ASK them to.....

Wow, a convenient selective quote for commie propaganda purposes, got it. Why didn't you complete the quote instead of your misleading ellipse?

Most of those breaking in to the capitol were simply trespassers, or even looters, or vandals and did not know the criminal trump enterprise's plan, they were unwitting participants...the proud boys did, and others like oath keepers did and were charged with the seditious conspiracy and convicted by a jury of 12 in trial.

Let's see if those convictions stand on appeal outside of DC. Fair and objective trials are something DC juries aren't familiar with.

He did not ask them to be peaceful.... He said he knew they were going to be, and said before and after saying that, 10,000 reason why they need to change that and not be peaceful,

...instead of a boxer with hands tied, let his hands lose, instead of fighting, fight like HELL, instead of being wimps like republican politicians, they needed to stand up and fight so much of that type of rebel rousing rhetoric.

But that is not the sole indication of sedition or insurrection.....

ALL OF HIS ILLEGAL PLANS to illegally overturn the certification, Pence, the FAKE electors, the Republican State legislators, the 1/6 chaos, the Republican congress critters rejection of state certified results and votes, was ALL part of his SELF-COUP.....and any coup is a form of sedition or an insurrection against the nation....imo.

A self-coup, also called an autocoup (from the Spanish: autogolpe), or coup from the top, is a form of coup d'état in which a nation's head, having come to power through legal means, tries to stay in power through illegal means.

Also, the constitution makes no mention of a trial being held to determine an enforcement and a trial and conviction is NOT mentioned as a requirement to prevent candidates from as you mentioned, how is it determined? How would the founders or writers of the amendment, have determined such without the Code of Law?

It tells how to expel an existing office holder, through impeachment, with no guidance on preventing others from running and holding office.....?

It's a real pickle, as you state, imo too.

You stupid bitch, you commies challenge electors every time you lose, Hypocrite much?????????????

Do you not understand the difference between undermining/obstructing and overthrowing?

Yes I understand the difference between those things. Are you saying that those are the differentiators between the definitions of sedition and insurrection? Can you show your work?
I may be the only one on the planet who see things this way, but to me, it almost seems like they're (the democrats) aren't charging Trump with things he's actually done. Trumps guilty of some things. But the democrats won't charge him for those things he's guilty of.

Like the first impeachment. Trump was completely guilty of bribing Ukraine. 100%. But Pelosi didn't even try to impeach Trump of that. There's other instances.
To me, it's like they're doing all of this on purpose. One false charge after another just so he wins, walks free and garners so much support that he can't lose. In fact, he may have so much support that the country will want to make him chancellor.

Maybe I'm retarded. But I just can't see any reason why they'd NOT charge him for things he's actually guilty of.
Maybe I've seen too many drama movies with huge plot twists at the end.
Because he’s not guilty of anything.
Feel free to provide a quote where Trump told them to do something, well other than to do nothing. That's what "stand by" means, to do nothing.

I did. He told them to “stand by”. He didn’t tell them to disband, practice tolerance, and that he didn’t want the support of hate group. He told them to “stand by”.
Can you show where Trump has been charged with either?

Happy to answer your question right afyer you answer mine. I’m not going to jump to answering you when you completely ignore the things I toss your way. Act respectfully and you’ll be treated with respect.

So can you show your work and provide the definitions of sedition and insurrection to show their difference ?

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