‘Peres, When Are You Going to Wake Up?’


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Attorney Yossi Fuchs of the Land of Israel Legal Forum called for President Shimon Peres to “wake up” on Sunday as Peres told Arab leaders that most Israelis support a return to the 1949 armistice line.

Fuchs posted his message to Peres on Facebook, and was censored by the staff who operate Peres’ Facebook page.

He wrote, “Our honorable President, when you talk about a majority that favors the 1967 lines, what kind of majority are you talking about? Do you mean a Knesset majority of the sort that you achieved for the ‘Oslo’ accords by giving a political bribe of a Mitsubishi to MK Alex Goldfarb, or maybe to the majority that Sharon’s government got for the Disengagement program by firing ministers Alon and Lieberman 48 hours before the vote?”

“And in general, when are you going to wake up from your dream of a New Middle East to the reality of the Islamic Winter that we are living in?” Fuchs asked.

He concluded, “You are the president of the country, but this is not a Presidential regime. There is a government in Jerusalem. Respect it, and it will respect you in your representative role as the state president.”

?Peres, When Are You Going to Wake Up?? - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News


Wall said:clap2:
Israel is a Democracy(I guess), put it on a ballot referendum!
Maybe I''m missing something but aren't there slight differences between the " 48 Borders" and the Pre 67 " Borders?" Does anyone in their right mind believe this would be considered?

Regarding the " 67 Borders" we saw how Israelis reacted when they were forced to leave Gaza. They are not going to act any differently if forced to totally leave the W.Bank and especially E. Jerusalem ( which will never happen)

Let the Israelis vote on it

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