"Permanent job loses" up in the jobs report

Only Biden and Democrats are accepting the reality of our economic forecast and prepared to save our future with time tested solutions. Trump and Republicans are quagmired and struck in make-believe pretend world.
Only Biden and Democrats are accepting the reality of our economic forecast and prepared to save our future with time tested solutions. Trump and Republicans are quagmired and struck in make-believe pretend world.
Time tested solutions? Is that code for, "Its been so long since we've done anything good for the country they won't remember what failures we are!?"
Wow. This isn't good.
People who lost their job permanently Bros in June. We're officially in a long-term decline.

Obama use to brag and say the jobs that are gone aren't coming back. Guess what? They came back
Only Biden and Democrats are accepting the reality of our economic forecast and prepared to save our future with time tested solutions. Trump and Republicans are quagmired and struck in make-believe pretend world.
Biden and you democrats created it.
Only Biden and Democrats are accepting the reality of our economic forecast and prepared to save our future with time tested solutions. Trump and Republicans are quagmired and struck in make-believe pretend world.

My word what a useless statement.
Wow. This isn't good.
People who lost their job permanently Bros in June. We're officially in a long-term decline.

You can't shut mall businesses down for months at a time and not make them close their doors forever.
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Wow. This isn't good.
People who lost their job permanently Bros in June. We're officially in a long-term decline.

Obama use to brag and say the jobs that are gone aren't coming back. Guess what? They came back

No, they didn't. Rrump brought us a temporary surge of low level low paying jobs that quickly disappeared in his self inflicted recession/depression,
Only Biden and Democrats are accepting the reality of our economic forecast and prepared to save our future with time tested solutions. Trump and Republicans are quagmired and struck in make-believe pretend world.
Time tested solutions? Is that code for, "Its been so long since we've done anything good for the country they won't remember what failures we are!?"

You're speaking about conservatism..which hasn't had a successful policy implemented since...well....it's been a really long time.
The current economic situation is a direct result of the guy at the top being incompetent and taking no action when it could have lessened, maybe even largely prevented the shutdowns we see now.
Then come his Republican enablers (and I'm using a polite word to describe them) who are too scared and too politically impotent to challenge him.

Democrats bailed us out of the last two recessions that Republicans got us into. Looks like they'll be forced to do it again.
Only Biden and Democrats are accepting the reality of our economic forecast and prepared to save our future with time tested solutions. Trump and Republicans are quagmired and struck in make-believe pretend world.
Prepared how? Locking down small businesses some more?
Only Biden and Democrats are accepting the reality of our economic forecast and prepared to save our future with time tested solutions. Trump and Republicans are quagmired and struck in make-believe pretend world.

Thanks, Obama!
Wow. This isn't good.
People who lost their job permanently Bros in June. We're officially in a long-term decline.

Obama use to brag and say the jobs that are gone aren't coming back. Guess what? They came back

No, they didn't. Rrump brought us a temporary surge of low level low paying jobs that quickly disappeared in his self inflicted recession/depression,

Thanks, Obama!

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