Perry (R) bailing on S.C. forum/debate

I just finished watching the debate.

The questioners were all Republicans.

Senator DeMint , Rep King and a social conservative doctor.

I pretty sure the MSNBC debate on Wednesday will be much tougher.

I listened to much of it.

I sure hope poor Rick Perry didn't dodge it for fear of sounding dumber than the rest of the field...

...I don't think that would be possible.:lol:
I just finished watching the debate.

The questioners were all Republicans.

Senator DeMint , Rep King and a social conservative doctor.

I pretty sure the MSNBC debate on Wednesday will be much tougher.

So, it was pretty much just a Republican television advert?

Yes...and no.

Mostly softballs, but a few tough questions directed from different divisions of the party.

Informative, but mostly a venue for candidates to articulate their opinion's on internally derisive issues.
I just finished watching the debate.

The questioners were all Republicans.

Senator DeMint , Rep King and a social conservative doctor.

I pretty sure the MSNBC debate on Wednesday will be much tougher.

So, it was pretty much just a Republican television advert?

Yes...and no.

Mostly softballs, but a few tough questions directed from different divisions of the party.

Informative, but mostly a venue for candidates to articulate their opinion's on internally derisive issues.

I just finished watching the debate.

The questioners were all Republicans.

Senator DeMint , Rep King and a social conservative doctor.

I pretty sure the MSNBC debate on Wednesday will be much tougher.

I listened to much of it.

I sure hope poor Rick Perry didn't dodge it for fear of sounding dumber than the rest of the field...

...I don't think that would be possible.:lol:

I think you and I might have been the only two here who heard it...

I only caught Paul and Romney...I thought they both did quite well.
Actually, I've added quite a bit to this thread....

You apparently haven't read the whole thing...

How ironic your post turns out to be....:lol:

This would be known as an opinion, I do not think that you understand irony, just throw the word around to sound intelligent.

He has an PhD in a misplaced, sense of self-importance. He rarely starts threads of any consequence and nips at the heels of those who do. :clap2:

I guarentee you care more about me than I do you, dot

But, this is a nice fail thread you've got going on here....:lol:
Perry seems more and more like Palin every day

Now he is ducking tough questions....right out of the Palin "Lamestream media" playbook
Note Leftwingshitflinger doesn't care that Governor Perry has a crisis to attend to that is larger than politics of a debate.


And why did the President have to move his address to Congress,

something about the 'politics of a debate' getting in the way??


He didn't "have to" move it...

He just caved when he realized nobodyt would be watching him...

Note Leftwingshitflinger doesn't care that Governor Perry has a crisis to attend to that is larger than politics of a debate.


The failed governor from Texas is a coward

And if he didn't go back, you'd be accusing him of not caring about these people losing their homes.

Just like you jokers did to Bush in the aftermath of Katrina.


Don't interrupt a liberal with a good fauxtrage going...

Is this any surprise really? The fires have been raging for some time now BUT he decides now that he's needed back in the Republic of Texas :rolleyes: He skipped the first debate and now he bails on this one. :clap2: Whats up bruh? I think he KNEW he was going to be asked some tough questions. The Forum was set-up for participants to be individually questioned by three people and he could'nt take the heat apparently ;)

Gov. Rick Perry to Skip Labor Day Forum, Return to Texas to Address Wildfires - Summerville, SC Patch
Perry was scheduled to attend Senator Jim DeMint's forum of Republican presidential contenders in Columbia at 3 p.m.

Yeah, the fact that he has a state to run, that is currently having serious issues with Wild Fires has nothing to do with it.

I am sure if he did the Debate you libs would be saying he was irresponsible for being away from Texas as it burns.

A leader need not be on site to lead. A real leader has developed others to replace him or her in the event the leader is incapacitated.
so when bush didn't go to La. soon enough after katrina, or take a more active part, it was unmentioned...
yes I're such a hack, really.
Maybe he thought he needed to type out his answers. Let him fight with Smokey. Hope he carries a bucket.
Is this any surprise really? The fires have been raging for some time now BUT he decides now that he's needed back in the Republic of Texas :rolleyes: He skipped the first debate and now he bails on this one. :clap2: Whats up bruh? I think he KNEW he was going to be asked some tough questions. The Forum was set-up for participants to be individually questioned by three people and he could'nt take the heat apparently ;)

Gov. Rick Perry to Skip Labor Day Forum, Return to Texas to Address Wildfires - Summerville, SC Patch
Perry was scheduled to attend Senator Jim DeMint's forum of Republican presidential contenders in Columbia at 3 p.m.

That is a horrible decision for PERRY to make.

Americans have been waiting for weeks now to watch him in this debate. They want to know who he is. It makes him look weak to back out at the last minute--and afraid to answer questions--or apparently another candidate that doesn't have a Jobs plan to announce.

His poll numbers are going to plummet over this move. BTW--the wild fires in Texas have been going on for a year now.

Seriously? You SERIOUSLY think anyone who would be at all inclined to vote for Perry - or whose vote Perry would even want - is going to consider "I wanted to watch him debate and get to know him" to be a priority over "His state is on fire"? Have you always been such a hideously self-centered, brain-damaged fuckwad, or did you have special surgery?

If you need to "know who he is" so goddamned badly that you think he should blow off his constituents standing in the path of a wildfire, I suggest you take one of those windows devoted to Internet porn and direct it toward his campaign website, and then shut the fuck up and WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE IMPORTANT.
Perry seems more and more like Palin every day

Now he is ducking tough questions....right out of the Palin "Lamestream media" playbook
Note Leftwingshitflinger doesn't care that Governor Perry has a crisis to attend to that is larger than politics of a debate.


What crisis? The wild fires in Texas have been going on for a year now.

Thank you for demonstrating my point about the Internet porn. You DO know there are other things on the 'Net besides "barely legal lesbians", right?
I guess Texas has "the same maniacs they breed over in new yawk."

And the similarities between a snowstorm and a wildfire are . . . ?

The similarities are in those defending both governors.

In other words, not a fucking thing. You just want to blindly attack.

I hope this isn't going to be too factual and reality-based for your pinhead to wrap around, but snowstorms clog the roads and knock out the power for a while. Wildfires BURN YOUR FUCKING HOUSE WITH YOU IN IT.

Note Leftwingshitflinger doesn't care that Governor Perry has a crisis to attend to that is larger than politics of a debate.


What crisis? The wild fires in Texas have been going on for a year now.

Thank you for demonstrating my point about the Internet porn. You DO know there are other things on the 'Net besides "barely legal lesbians", right?

so perhaps you should do other things on the net.
It's not. I've stated already that I understand the concept behind it, but I realistically know that it serves no practical purpose, that's why people say that he "should" instead of listing what it is exactly that makes it effective.

"No practical purpose"? Perhaps you could tell the class what a governor does for a living.

This all started when I stated that there have been no explanations provided by the people that say he needs to be there, as to why that is exactly. I'm more than open to ideas to support the claim, but so far I haven't gotten any. Everyone here seems to know but they're keeping it a secret apparently.

I await the blistering attacks .

"No explanations"? Just how hard did you LOOK for them, considering that I found the explanation on the first website I checked, ie. the one for the Texas Governor's office? WHERE, exactly, were you looking?

Office of the Governor - Rick Perry

The first three news items on the first page are regarding the wildfires. Perhaps instead of sitting on your can, "open to ideas" - which I can only assume means waiting for someone to regurgitate the info at you like you're a baby bird - you should exert yourself a little and go find it for yourself.

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