Zone1 Personal Verbal Attacks

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See? There you go Blaster ! A safe space for you to park your delicate sensibilities! A shelter in which you can hide and never suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune!

So, I guess we won't be seeing in Zones 2 or 3... Good luck to you... Fare thee well...
I see you took offense to Blaster's thread topic. Is there something in particular you didn't like that caused you to reply like this? Is a member asking for people to talk about the topic of a thread really that horrible? Even you, hjmick, can agree that there are some people on here that go overboard every single day in how they respond to others.
I appreciate your honesty.

I hope you and the other mods would cleanup the site to make it more enjoyable for all.
It's not possible to espouse unity with all philosophies.
Some of them like aryanism, pedophilia or any type of racial supremacy are inherently evil and should be always be opposed. Having said that I think that 90% of the people alive today could find a common ground simply in the interests of humanity in general. Should that ever happen I suspect you would miraculous things 0from the human race.
It seems there are quite a few people at this site trolling and verbally attacking other members. I always try to stay on topic but am continually dealing with people trying to attack my character. I told one person to fuck off after a verbal attack and I got reprimanded for improper behavior.
That has been ongoing for a looong time here.
When I first came here, the revered site owner back then, can't remember his screen name... but a boot print was his avatar. Anyway between him and cereal killer it was overwhelmingly lopsided.
You have some popular posters here who are 100% trolls, but their stupid threads get very high activity because they launch one bait thread after another. Breaking subject rules at will... but their high screen views makes them untouchable. As in... high advertising hits.
See? There you go Blaster ! A safe space for you to park your delicate sensibilities! A shelter in which you can hide and never suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune!

So, I guess we won't be seeing in Zones 2 or 3... Good luck to you... Fare thee well...
I'll continue to post honestly and with integrity. I'm not going anywhere.
It seems there are quite a few people at this site trolling and verbally attacking other members. I always try to stay on topic but am continually dealing with people trying to attack my character. I told one person to fuck off after a verbal attack and I got reprimanded for improper behavior.
I don't know you or the particular situation, but I think a certain amount of bias and prejudice cannot be avoided in human nature. And however much the mods try to be objective and fair in their duties here, they are human.

So I can believe that 'fairness' and 'objectivity' gets skewed now and then and sometimes I think rulings may be a bit different when dealing with people they like and admire and those they don't. When I was moderating it's hard to separate the history I had with some people from the a particular incident in which a decision had to be made. I tried to do that. Whether I was always successful who knows?

Maybe somebody thinks telling somebody to 'F off' is worse than calling somebody stupid or Nazi or telling them they hate gays or blacks or whatever the stupid accusation of the moment might be. I am not privy to who makes those decisions or how they decide them.

I doubt there are many insults--most are quite predictable and unimaginative--that haven't been thrown at me at some time or other. I doubt anybody has ever been reprimanded for that. I certainly have never reported anybody or demanded they be censured for it.

But there is a fine line between 'free speech' and what is unacceptable speech. I do think it somewhat arbitrary that it's okay to insult somebody by calling them a 'Nazi' or 'baby killer' or 'racist' or 'insurrectionist' or 'traitor' but you can't call them a 'pedophile' or a 'groomer.' Is one term really worse than another?

But I long ago accepted that those who own the territory get to make the rules.

A rule that members cannot accuse or insult each other would make things much more pleasant. Alas it would also probably pretty much empty out the population on the board.

I prefer not to attack people personally but make an argument for a concept or as rebuttal against theirs. But I understand everybody isn't me.
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Yes this place and most of the media/posting boards have become attack forums.
I have been guilty of it. A little while back I reviewed my own posting history and it disgusted me. I stayed out for a while and did some internal adjusting..... Got some housecleaning (mental) done.

I am guilty of the same thing and I have removed myself periodically and reformed my behavior. But I don't think most people want to talk or discuss they just want to sling.
That has been ongoing for a looong time here.
When I first came here, the revered site owner back then, can't remember his screen name... but a boot print was his avatar. Anyway between him and cereal killer it was overwhelmingly lopsided.
You have some popular posters here who are 100% trolls, but their stupid threads get very high activity because they launch one bait thread after another. Breaking subject rules at will... but their high screen views makes them untouchable. As in... high advertising hits.

Yep. It is something akin to the "if it bleads, it leads" philosophy in journalism.

Postings that are well thought out, intelligent and well written do not get the same traction as those simple-minded partisan threads that amount to nothing more than monkey poop flinging.
Thanks Aye--I'd just add that the rules regarding pedo accusations and directly dragging a poster's family into the debate still apply..even in the 'free' zones.

No, they don't; I've seen at least 6 posts in a single thread just the last two days where a faggot has called posters 'pedophiles', and he/she/it/mutant is still posting. Put a 'Rainbow' in your avatar and you get to ignore rules.
No, they don't; I've seen at least 6 posts in a single thread just the last two days where a faggot has called posters 'pedophiles', and he/she/it/mutant is still posting. Put a 'Rainbow' in your avatar and you get to ignore rules.
Did you report those posts? If not, why?
No, they don't; I've seen at least 6 posts in a single thread just the last two days where a faggot has called posters 'pedophiles', and he/she/it/mutant is still posting. Put a 'Rainbow' in your avatar and you get to ignore rules.
I have been called a pedophile at least 4 or 5 times in the last few days alone.

Of course, I OPPOSE pedophilia so nothing serious happened. Now, were I to support pedophilia, instead, and was called a pedophile for it, the veritable wrath of God would come down on their sorry ass here.
It seems there are quite a few people at this site trolling and verbally attacking other members. I always try to stay on topic but am continually dealing with people trying to attack my character. I told one person to fuck off after a verbal attack and I got reprimanded for improper behavior.

The ignore function works great on this forum
You never have any trouble deleting mine, whether they violate any rules or not. I don't get paid to manage your board for you.
So you don't bother to report the posts, yet you complain about the content of them in this thread. Did you know it would have taken much less effort to hit the "report" button than to complain in an entirely different thread that someone else started that the topic of it happens to be "personal verbal attacks"? If you didn't report the posts, you can't expect a handful of mods to have seen them. Mods don't get paid for doing anything on here.

If your posts have been deleted in the past, chances are very high that you violated one of the forum rules. If you didn't, then start a DM with a few mods and ask what is was deleted for.
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