Peter Navvaro Being Thrown In Prison For Being A Friend Of Donald J Trump

Eric Holder was found in contempt for not turning over documents to Congress. The courts later found he was protected by executive privilege which barred his prosecution. This is a far cry from Navarro's case.
Navarro was an executive working for Trump. And by law is protected. Sure, the safe way not to be prosecuted is when there is a Democrat president and a Democrat administration. Navarro was entitled to protection.
Navarro was an executive working for Trump. And by law is protected. Sure, the safe way not to be prosecuted is when there is a Democrat president and a Democrat administration. Navarro was entitled to protection.
The courts did not see it that way. Navarro's attorneys raised executive privilege but were unable to produce any evidence of it. Even the US Supreme Court, a conservative court, refused to hear his case.
The courts did not see it that way. Navarro's attorneys raised executive privilege but were unable to produce any evidence of it. Even the US Supreme Court, a conservative court, refused to hear his case.
Departing from the practice in most serious or high-profile legal fights, Roberts ruled on Navarro’s request himself, without referring it to the full court. The chief justice noted that a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel found that Navarro failed to raise several challenges to the fairness of his conviction when he first sought to remain free pending appeal.

“I see no basis to disagree with the determination that Navarro forfeited those arguments in the release proceeding, which is distinct from his pending appeal on the merits,” Roberts wrote in his one-page order, emphasizing that the door remains open to the ex-Trump aide to challenge his convictions themselves.
Departing from the practice in most serious or high-profile legal fights, Roberts ruled on Navarro’s request himself, without referring it to the full court. The chief justice noted that a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel found that Navarro failed to raise several challenges to the fairness of his conviction when he first sought to remain free pending appeal.

“I see no basis to disagree with the determination that Navarro forfeited those arguments in the release proceeding, which is distinct from his pending appeal on the merits,” Roberts wrote in his one-page order, emphasizing that the door remains open to the ex-Trump aide to challenge his convictions themselves.
So, in other words, his lawyers were either incompetent or Navarro did not have the proof. Be that as it may, he is like anyone else similarly situated, he was found in contempt and must pay the piper.
Answer here:

Somebody used Epstein to set people up for blackmail in Washington.
And then when Obama became president, Obama took our intelligence agencies and turned it inward against us.
This is what happens when you vote communists into office.
The thing they fear the most is their own people.
Departing from the practice in most serious or high-profile legal fights, Roberts ruled on Navarro’s request himself, without referring it to the full court. The chief justice noted that a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel found that Navarro failed to raise several challenges to the fairness of his conviction when he first sought to remain free pending appeal.

“I see no basis to disagree with the determination that Navarro forfeited those arguments in the release proceeding, which is distinct from his pending appeal on the merits,” Roberts wrote in his one-page order, emphasizing that the door remains open to the ex-Trump aide to challenge his convictions themselves.
Roberts isn't on the level.

He was put there by Bush, because most people felt he would help Republicans.
Judge Roberts only does what he's told.
Somebody used Epstein to set people up for blackmail in Washington.
And then when Obama became president, Obama took our intelligence agencies and turned it inward against us.
This is what happens when you vote communists into office.
The thing they fear the most is their own people.
Some people really can’t handle using the internet. They’re not smart enough to tell the bullshit conspiracies from reality.
He's going to prison.......and it's only because he's a friend of Trump's and refused to go along with the coup.

This is the Biden/Obama White House punishing their political opponents.

Textbook Soviet Justice.

He's being thrown in prison for doing pretty much what Eric Holder, Hunter Biden, and several other Obama officials did to congress.

This is a lie.

Navarro is going to prison after being lawfully convicted of the crimes he committed.

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