Peter Navvaro Being Thrown In Prison For Being A Friend Of Donald J Trump

What you see will turn on what you believe. The new lines of demarcation are drawn and proven with many people railroaded into prison and will be used in future protests. The globalists have infiltrated our system.
The good thing about all this is it should force both sides to stop being shady. Democrats, be warned. If you break the law, Republicans will charge you. Just like we are charging Trump.

We had to go after Trump. He's a crime boss who has taken over the already shitty af Republican party. I was fine with it until he took over Merica.
No fucking shit.

How dare anyone impeach the Magic Negro.
From Reagan's Iran Contra scandal, telling Iran to hold the hostages till after the election, to Bush stealing 2000 and then lying us into a war, and topping it off with a Great Recession, to Trump who is indicted 4 times.

Then I think about Clinton, Obama and Biden. They are squeeky clean. Republicans have to nit pick them and they hold democrats to a much higher standard than they hold themselves.

Just a random example. Republicans love to say Clinton signed NAFTA. That means they don't realize Reagan/Bush invented that shit. And EVERY Republican voted for it.
Or imagine if Biden lied us into a war. Do you think Republicans would be saying Mitch voted for it too? Fuck no. They'd say she lied to Mitch too.
From Reagan's Iran Contra scandal, telling Iran to hold the hostages till after the election, to Bush stealing 2000 and then lying us into a war, and topping it off with a Great Recession, to Trump who is indicted 4 times.

Then I think about Clinton, Obama and Biden. They are squeeky clean. Republicans have to nit pick them and they hold democrats to a much higher standard than they hold themselves.

Just a random example. Republicans love to say Clinton signed NAFTA. That means they don't realize Reagan/Bush invented that shit. And EVERY Republican voted for it.
Or imagine if Biden lied us into a war. Do you think Republicans would be saying Mitch voted for it too? Fuck no. They'd say she lied to Mitch too.
You need to stop watching MSNBC.

They will say anything.

I don't know what your problem is, but you're clearly not functioning in a rational way.

Most of America knows the truth. The truth is difficult to get at, but people are beginning to wake up.

Not you.

You need to stop watching MSNBC.

They will say anything.

I don't know what your problem is, but you're clearly not functioning in a rational way.

Most of America knows the truth. The truth is difficult to get at, but people are beginning to wake up.

Not you.

Just because Trump supporters act like little girls who saw the Beatles, means nothing to me. I don't go to see Biden drive by. I just vote.

I didn't even expect him to win AZ.

Biden became the first Democrat to win Arizona since Bill Clinton in 1996, and only the second since Harry S. Truman in 1948. He is also the first Democrat to win Maricopa County since Truman, with a margin of 2.2%, or 45,109 votes. High turnout among Hispanic/Latino and Native American voters was also seen as vital.
Just because Trump supporters act like little girls who saw the Beatles, means nothing to me. I don't go to see Biden drive by. I just vote.

I didn't even expect him to win AZ.

Biden became the first Democrat to win Arizona since Bill Clinton in 1996, and only the second since Harry S. Truman in 1948. He is also the first Democrat to win Maricopa County since Truman, with a margin of 2.2%, or 45,109 votes. High turnout among Hispanic/Latino and Native American voters was also seen as vital.
Biden didn't really win AZ. They just made it look like he won.
My Uncle Bob lives there, and he can't figure out how it happened.

When you have Dominion machines switching hundreds of thousands of's a bit easier to squeak out a win.
Michigan has been doing an audit and they discovered that Dominion machines switched 285,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden.
They claimed it was just a glitch that was correcting itself.
We saw the same thing happening in CA a couple of weeks ago.
Steve Garvey was beating Adam Schiff by hundreds of thousands of votes, and within minutes 900,000 Garvey votes switched to Adam Schiff.
They called it a glitch. Whoopsie
But you cannot give somebody votes and then take them away only to have them show up in the exact numbers in someone else's vote totals. That's no glitch. That's a switch.
A glitch is an improper count. Not a complete switch. That's election fraud.
He's going to prison.......and it's only because he's a friend of Trump's and refused to go along with the coup.

This is the Biden/Obama White House punishing their political opponents.

Textbook Soviet Justice.

He's being thrown in prison for doing pretty much what Eric Holder, Hunter Biden, and several other Obama officials did to congress.

From what I understand it wasn't for being Trump's friend but because he ignored a subpeana.

Should I look up the charges?
Pres. Obama had no reason to tell the Supreme Court anything, he wasn't breaking the law and being impeached every 6 mos.
Does it piss you off that Democrats could not convict Trump either time in the Senate?
Some people really can’t handle using the internet. They’re not smart enough to tell the bullshit conspiracies from reality.
Judging by all the attacks made against Trump, and Navarro, I get your point.

Eric Holder = no time in jail for contempt of congress
Navarro = 4 months in jail for same thing
Judging by all the attacks made against Trump, and Navarro, I get your point.

Eric Holder = no time in jail for contempt of congress
Navarro = 4 months in jail for same thing
Eric Holder was a cabinet member and Obama claimed executive privilege.

Navarro wasn’t and couldn’t.
From Reagan's Iran Contra scandal, telling Iran to hold the hostages till after the election, to Bush stealing 2000 and then lying us into a war, and topping it off with a Great Recession, to Trump who is indicted 4 times.

Then I think about Clinton, Obama and Biden. They are squeeky clean. Republicans have to nit pick them and they hold democrats to a much higher standard than they hold themselves.

Just a random example. Republicans love to say Clinton signed NAFTA. That means they don't realize Reagan/Bush invented that shit. And EVERY Republican voted for it.
Or imagine if Biden lied us into a war. Do you think Republicans would be saying Mitch voted for it too? Fuck no. They'd say she lied to Mitch too.
Americans talking like that simply do not understand Iran Contra at all. They repeat lies. Reagan never asked Iran to hold the hostages. Matter of fact he honored Carter by asking him to fly to pick up the hostages and Carter did just that. Bush beat Gore honorably. Gore took his case clear to the Supreme court and lost. Bush did not lie us into any wars. You simply do not know the true history. Indictments are not convictions. So you do not need to mention indictments.

Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993; the agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994.

North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia​


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