Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record

Listen, if you have some specific examples of me excusing Hillary while she defies ethical norms (by for example not releasing her tax returns) you go ahead and state them otherwise stfu.

You just did excuse her. You stuck up for her not releasing her Wall Street speeches.

WHAT????? Quote me on that.

Besides, her not publicizing a transcript is the extent of your CROOKED HILLARY shtick that is supposedly equivalent to Trump being the only presidential nominee in modern history to not release his tax returns?

You are laughable.
He can't release 'em. They're locked in the same safe as obamas college records. And obama is the only one with the combo.

...because it is unethical to not publicize school records?

something wrong with ya'all
It is if his admission records show him as a foreign exchange student.
Which would make him a non-US citizen.
Which would make him ineligible for the presidency.

So what? Let them demagogue. It is my patriotic duty to ensure that all elected officials always feel nervous and anxious about every little move they make. Bashing them is a form of patriotism. If it bothers them, don't apply for the job. Bashing them keeps them on their toes and uptight....the way it should be.
You only want Republican elected officials to feel nervous and anxious. You want Democrats to have free reign. You proved that every time you defended one of Obama's illegal EOs.
Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record
Source: The Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― A petition on the White House website asking President Donald Trump to release information about his tax returns has now received more signatures than any other petition in the system’s five-year history.

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had over 368,000 signatures, surpassing the previous record of 367,180. The previous record-holder called for the United States government to “legally recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.”

Trump has kept in place former President Barack Obama’s online petition system, which was created in 2011 to increase accessibility to government. The site also still states that a petition with at least 100,000 signatures will get an official response.

A spokesman for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the petition.

Read more: Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record | The Huffington Post

hahaha...Hey, trump 60% of this country wants to see them,.

I want to see Obama's senior thesis.
I want to see the First Gal's aureolas but...OH WAIT..there they are on the cover of ...

Thank the good Lord Mooch's aren't
She has other ASSets.
No it would be proper for all elected officials to be forced to relearelease their tax returns for all to see. Not just Donnie, but all officials. They need to be subjected to scrutiny by the public. If its not a law, it says something dreadfully wrong about this nation.
It would be just as proper to not require them to release their tax returns. As far as I'm concerned, that's private information they are entitled to keep private. Unlike Dimocrats, I also believe they are also entitled to keep their divorce records and child custody records private. That's private,
Hil--Liar spent her life in politics so she made sure her returns were satisfactory for viewers. Trump did not.
So your excuse for Trump to hide his tax returns is because they're too corrupt??

No, but he probably took every tax deduction available to him, didn't contribute much to charity, or something like that. Look at the slack Biden and Al Gore took for only donating a few hundred dollars to charity, and they had the MSM on their side.

If his taxes were corrupt, you can bet your last dollar the IRS would have found it. Anybody here that thinks they can find something the IRS hasn't is full of themselves. Like I said, the only reason the left wants his tax returns is to have something to bash the guy with. It would make no sense for him to give the left that ability.
Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits; as you point out, there's evidence of illegal tax evasion.

As far as it making no sense for him to release what would ultimately be a hunting expedition for the left, I agree with that. The reason I feel he should release them is a) it's become common practice for presidential candidates to release them. Hiding them sets a new precedent for future corrupt politicians to hide theirs; and b) and more importantly, because he said he would. He should be a man of his word. If he has something to hide, as even you admit he does, then he never should have said he would release them.
I love the leftwing oxymoron "legal tax evasion." There's no such thing, moron.
That's ok, loser, the words, "legal tax evasion," never came from my keyboard. Only from yours.

Wrong, moron.

Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt.

So they were legal, but they were "corrupt?" Basically what you said is that they were legal, only not.
Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record
Source: The Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― A petition on the White House website asking President Donald Trump to release information about his tax returns has now received more signatures than any other petition in the system’s five-year history.

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had over 368,000 signatures, surpassing the previous record of 367,180. The previous record-holder called for the United States government to “legally recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.”

Trump has kept in place former President Barack Obama’s online petition system, which was created in 2011 to increase accessibility to government. The site also still states that a petition with at least 100,000 signatures will get an official response.

A spokesman for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the petition.

Read more: Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record | The Huffington Post

hahaha...Hey, trump 60% of this country wants to see them,.
The actual purpose of the petition is for snowflakes to self identify so they can be rounded up for reeducation or deportation.
Wasn't that Hitler's initial plan before resorting to his "final solution?"

Damn, even you freaks on the right see Hitler in Trump. :lmao:

You are so gullible.
So your excuse for Trump to hide his tax returns is because they're too corrupt??

No, but he probably took every tax deduction available to him, didn't contribute much to charity, or something like that. Look at the slack Biden and Al Gore took for only donating a few hundred dollars to charity, and they had the MSM on their side.

If his taxes were corrupt, you can bet your last dollar the IRS would have found it. Anybody here that thinks they can find something the IRS hasn't is full of themselves. Like I said, the only reason the left wants his tax returns is to have something to bash the guy with. It would make no sense for him to give the left that ability.
Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits; as you point out, there's evidence of illegal tax evasion.

As far as it making no sense for him to release what would ultimately be a hunting expedition for the left, I agree with that. The reason I feel he should release them is a) it's become common practice for presidential candidates to release them. Hiding them sets a new precedent for future corrupt politicians to hide theirs; and b) and more importantly, because he said he would. He should be a man of his word. If he has something to hide, as even you admit he does, then he never should have said he would release them.
I love the leftwing oxymoron "legal tax evasion." There's no such thing, moron.
That's ok, loser, the words, "legal tax evasion," never came from my keyboard. Only from yours.

Wrong, moron.

Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt.

So they were legal, but they were "corrupt?" Basically what you said is that they were legal, only not.
No, that's not "basically" what I said.

I also said (which you omitted from my quote) ...

"Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits"

And let's take a look at the word, "corrupt."


guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked:

While it certainly can mean "illegal," it could also be less nefarious and mean, "lacking integrity." Given its definition, along with me saying, "Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits," you appear even more drunk than usual.
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No, but he probably took every tax deduction available to him, didn't contribute much to charity, or something like that. Look at the slack Biden and Al Gore took for only donating a few hundred dollars to charity, and they had the MSM on their side.

If his taxes were corrupt, you can bet your last dollar the IRS would have found it. Anybody here that thinks they can find something the IRS hasn't is full of themselves. Like I said, the only reason the left wants his tax returns is to have something to bash the guy with. It would make no sense for him to give the left that ability.
Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits; as you point out, there's evidence of illegal tax evasion.

As far as it making no sense for him to release what would ultimately be a hunting expedition for the left, I agree with that. The reason I feel he should release them is a) it's become common practice for presidential candidates to release them. Hiding them sets a new precedent for future corrupt politicians to hide theirs; and b) and more importantly, because he said he would. He should be a man of his word. If he has something to hide, as even you admit he does, then he never should have said he would release them.
I love the leftwing oxymoron "legal tax evasion." There's no such thing, moron.
That's ok, loser, the words, "legal tax evasion," never came from my keyboard. Only from yours.

Wrong, moron.

Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt.

So they were legal, but they were "corrupt?" Basically what you said is that they were legal, only not.
No, that's not "basically" what I said.

I also said (which you omitted from my quote) ...

"Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits"

And let's take a look at the word, "corrupt."


guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked:
While it certainly can mean "illegal," it could also be less nefarious and mean, "lacking integrity." Given its definition, along with me saying, "Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits," you appear even more drunk than usual.

How is following the law to the letter "corrupt?" Is it dishonest? No. Is it bribery? No. Is it lacking in integrity? No. Precisely the opposite is the case. Is it crooked? No. Bribery is illegal, and "crooked" means "illegal."

So either you admit that Trump's tax return is perfectly legal, which means it's honest and demonstrates absolute integrity, or it's illegal. There is no middle ground on this issue.
So what? Let them demagogue. It is my patriotic duty to ensure that all elected officials always feel nervous and anxious about every little move they make. Bashing them is a form of patriotism. If it bothers them, don't apply for the job. Bashing them keeps them on their toes and uptight....the way it should be.

Uhh............Initforme, both you and Britpat are using the word "demagogue" wrong. It's not a word that refers to the average citizen, it is a word that specifically refers to the leaders.

Here, lemmie help you guys out with the definition.................


or demagog
[dem-uh-gog, -gawg]

See more synonyms on
1. a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.
2. (in ancient times) a leader of the people.
verb (used with object), demagogued, demagoguing.
3. to treat or manipulate (a political issue) in the manner of a demagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.
verb (used without object), demagogued, demagoguing.
4. to speak or act like a demagogue.

the definition of demagogue
So what? Let them demagogue. It is my patriotic duty to ensure that all elected officials always feel nervous and anxious about every little move they make. Bashing them is a form of patriotism. If it bothers them, don't apply for the job. Bashing them keeps them on their toes and uptight....the way it should be.

Uhh............Initforme, both you and Britpat are using the word "demagogue" wrong. It's not a word that refers to the average citizen, it is a word that specifically refers to the leaders.

Here, lemmie help you guys out with the definition.................


or demagog
[dem-uh-gog, -gawg]

See more synonyms on
1. a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by arousing the emotions, passions, and prejudices of the people.
2. (in ancient times) a leader of the people.
verb (used with object), demagogued, demagoguing.
3. to treat or manipulate (a political issue) in the manner of a demagogue; obscure or distort with emotionalism, prejudice, etc.
verb (used without object), demagogued, demagoguing.
4. to speak or act like a demagogue.

the definition of demagogue

Your own definition includes people other than political leaders, so you're obviously full of shit. Anyone can be a demagogue. Take all the leftwing douche bags in this forum, for example.
Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits; as you point out, there's evidence of illegal tax evasion.

As far as it making no sense for him to release what would ultimately be a hunting expedition for the left, I agree with that. The reason I feel he should release them is a) it's become common practice for presidential candidates to release them. Hiding them sets a new precedent for future corrupt politicians to hide theirs; and b) and more importantly, because he said he would. He should be a man of his word. If he has something to hide, as even you admit he does, then he never should have said he would release them.
I love the leftwing oxymoron "legal tax evasion." There's no such thing, moron.
That's ok, loser, the words, "legal tax evasion," never came from my keyboard. Only from yours.

Wrong, moron.

Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt.

So they were legal, but they were "corrupt?" Basically what you said is that they were legal, only not.
No, that's not "basically" what I said.

I also said (which you omitted from my quote) ...

"Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits"

And let's take a look at the word, "corrupt."


guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked:
While it certainly can mean "illegal," it could also be less nefarious and mean, "lacking integrity." Given its definition, along with me saying, "Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits," you appear even more drunk than usual.

How is following the law to the letter "corrupt?" Is it dishonest? No. Is it bribery? No. Is it lacking in integrity? No. Precisely the opposite is the case. Is it crooked? No. Bribery is illegal, and "crooked" means "illegal."

So either you admit that Trump's tax return is perfectly legal, which means it's honest and demonstrates absolute integrity, or it's illegal. There is no middle ground on this issue.
I would explain, "lacking integrity" to you, but we both know you won't learn anyway, so there's no point.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Well maybe in your world.
What TWO wrongs?

By Law (FOIA / Fed Records Act) Hillary owed the American people many of the e-mails she hid and detroyed.

There is no legal mandate / requirement for Trump to show anyone his tax returns...

Silly snowflakes.
I love the leftwing oxymoron "legal tax evasion." There's no such thing, moron.
That's ok, loser, the words, "legal tax evasion," never came from my keyboard. Only from yours.

Wrong, moron.

Hillary also probably took every deduction possible. That's a lame excuse. And I'm going by what you said, which is that Hillary's returns were "satisfactory to viewers" but Trump's weren't. The only conservative to English translation of that is that Trump's returns are corrupt.

So they were legal, but they were "corrupt?" Basically what you said is that they were legal, only not.
No, that's not "basically" what I said.

I also said (which you omitted from my quote) ...

"Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits"

And let's take a look at the word, "corrupt."


guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked:
While it certainly can mean "illegal," it could also be less nefarious and mean, "lacking integrity." Given its definition, along with me saying, "Trump's returns are corrupt. And not necessarily outside of what the law permits," you appear even more drunk than usual.

How is following the law to the letter "corrupt?" Is it dishonest? No. Is it bribery? No. Is it lacking in integrity? No. Precisely the opposite is the case. Is it crooked? No. Bribery is illegal, and "crooked" means "illegal."

So either you admit that Trump's tax return is perfectly legal, which means it's honest and demonstrates absolute integrity, or it's illegal. There is no middle ground on this issue.
I would explain, "lacking integrity" to you, but we both know you won't learn anyway, so there's no point.
You obviously can't explain it in a way that applies to a totally legal tax return, douche bag. You can't get around the fact that the IRS has approved all of his tax returns, even after he has been audited.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Well maybe in your world.
What TWO wrongs?

By Law (FOIA / Fed Records Act) Hillary owed the American people many of the e-mails she hid and detroyed.

There is no legal mandate / requirement for Trump to show anyone his tax returns...

Silly snowflakes.
Actually the law says that tax returns are confidential and illegal for the IRS to release to anyone, even other government agencies.

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