Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record

You can petition it all you want. He's been pretty clear it's not going to happen and at the end of the day, if it was really weighing that much on people's minds he wouldn't have won.

Yea, people didn't care that he can't help himself but grab married pussy either, non-issue since he won

The whole pussy thing was an overly hyped issue. Every single one of us speaks crassly like that at times. The only difference is Trump got caught on video doing it.

..WOW. You seriously think that a problem was with HOW he talked about what he was doing?

It wasn't, it was the fact that he is out of control adulterer who's words described behavior bordering sexual assault.

Then I guess he joins the ranks of Bill Clinton, Winston Churchill, Ben Franklin, and many other statesmen of the past.


Yea, I'm sure you were talking about Winston Churchill and Ben Franklin when that Bill Clinton bj shitstorm hit.

I never gave a shit about Bill Clinton getting sucked off
Smart enough to realize showing Congress anything is just a smoke screen so you can peeky-boo into his tax returns to find something to bash him with.

Amazing the lack of interest in keeping your own honest.

You mean like your lack of interest in keeping Hil-Liar honest?

Bullshit. Hillary released 10 years of her returns. Go fish, "swamp drainer"

Oh, so taxes are the only thing keeping a person honest in your opinion? No wonder you're a liberal.

Listen, if you have some specific examples of me excusing Hillary while she defies ethical norms (by for example not releasing her tax returns) you go ahead and state them otherwise stfu.

You just did excuse her. You stuck up for her not releasing her Wall Street speeches. What could be more unethical than bashing Wall Street people and then pandering to them because they gave you a couple of hundred thousand for a 20 minute speech?

Hillary loves the rich because she is rich. She is the top 1%.
Amazing the lack of interest in keeping your own honest.

You mean like your lack of interest in keeping Hil-Liar honest?

Bullshit. Hillary released 10 years of her returns. Go fish, "swamp drainer"

Oh, so taxes are the only thing keeping a person honest in your opinion? No wonder you're a liberal.

Listen, if you have some specific examples of me excusing Hillary while she defies ethical norms (by for example not releasing her tax returns) you go ahead and state them otherwise stfu.

You just did excuse her. You stuck up for her not releasing her Wall Street speeches.

WHAT????? Quote me on that.

Besides, her not publicizing a transcript is the extent of your CROOKED HILLARY shtick that is supposedly equivalent to Trump being the only presidential nominee in modern history to not release his tax returns?

You are laughable.
You mean like your lack of interest in keeping Hil-Liar honest?

Bullshit. Hillary released 10 years of her returns. Go fish, "swamp drainer"

Oh, so taxes are the only thing keeping a person honest in your opinion? No wonder you're a liberal.

Listen, if you have some specific examples of me excusing Hillary while she defies ethical norms (by for example not releasing her tax returns) you go ahead and state them otherwise stfu.

You just did excuse her. You stuck up for her not releasing her Wall Street speeches.

WHAT????? Quote me on that.

Besides, her not publicizing a transcript is the extent of your CROOKED HILLARY shtick that is supposedly equivalent to Trump being the only presidential nominee in modern history to not release his tax returns?

You are laughable.
He can't release 'em. They're locked in the same safe as obamas college records. And obama is the only one with the combo.
Poor matthew, 368,000 is not 60% of this nation
Matthew didn't say that 368,000 is 60% of this nation. He made two distinct separate statements.

1, 368,000 people signed petitions for Trump to release his tax returns.

2. 60% of this nation wants to see Trump's tax returns, including those who signed the petition.

I don't buy into polls...nobody but the whining left cares about the returns. But they whine about everything so it's nothing new

No, you are wrong, A lot of republicans want to see trumps returns too.And it isn't just to find out what he is worth. A tax return would tell us the sources of all his income.
Any foreign financial ties, including those in Russia , would throw light on any decision he would make involving those countries. We the People could then make an intelligent assessment as to whether or not Trump's decisions reflect a conflict of interest whereas he could put his personal interests ahead of American interests.

View attachment 109023
Thanks for validating what I have been saying all along. That 20% of republicans is a lot of republicans like I said. Add that number to the Great Silent Majority of voters who did not vote for Trump and Matthew's statement rings even truer.
Bullshit. Hillary released 10 years of her returns. Go fish, "swamp drainer"

Oh, so taxes are the only thing keeping a person honest in your opinion? No wonder you're a liberal.

Listen, if you have some specific examples of me excusing Hillary while she defies ethical norms (by for example not releasing her tax returns) you go ahead and state them otherwise stfu.

You just did excuse her. You stuck up for her not releasing her Wall Street speeches.

WHAT????? Quote me on that.

Besides, her not publicizing a transcript is the extent of your CROOKED HILLARY shtick that is supposedly equivalent to Trump being the only presidential nominee in modern history to not release his tax returns?

You are laughable.
He can't release 'em. They're locked in the same safe as obamas college records. And obama is the only one with the combo.

...because it is unethical to not publicize school records?

something wrong with ya'all
Poor matthew, 368,000 is not 60% of this nation
Matthew didn't say that 368,000 is 60% of this nation. He made two distinct separate statements.

1, 368,000 people signed petitions for Trump to release his tax returns.

2. 60% of this nation wants to see Trump's tax returns, including those who signed the petition.

I don't buy into polls...nobody but the whining left cares about the returns. But they whine about everything so it's nothing new

No, you are wrong, A lot of republicans want to see trumps returns too.And it isn't just to find out what he is worth. A tax return would tell us the sources of all his income.
Any foreign financial ties, including those in Russia , would throw light on any decision he would make involving those countries. We the People could then make an intelligent assessment as to whether or not Trump's decisions reflect a conflict of interest whereas he could put his personal interests ahead of American interests.

View attachment 109023
Thanks for validating what I have been saying all along. That 20% of republicans is a lot of republicans like I said. Add that number to the Great Silent Majority of voters who did not vote for Trump and Matthew's statement rings even truer.

Remember there were a lot of Republicans that didn't (and still don't) like Trump and never will. Might as well be Democrats.

This isn't a new obsession of yours, this goes back over a year, and you on the left have never let it go even though you lost the election.

But for the rest of us, we all know the only reason you want to see those returns is to look for something to bash Trump about. The funny thing is, Trump is doing the exact same things to you on the left that DumBama did to the birthers. He's just driving you nuts and laughing his ass off. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

But like I asked another poster earlier: If you were in a bar and somebody said they were going to kick your ass, would you be stupid enough to fetch a pool cue for them to do it with if he asked?
Oh, so taxes are the only thing keeping a person honest in your opinion? No wonder you're a liberal.

Listen, if you have some specific examples of me excusing Hillary while she defies ethical norms (by for example not releasing her tax returns) you go ahead and state them otherwise stfu.

You just did excuse her. You stuck up for her not releasing her Wall Street speeches.

WHAT????? Quote me on that.

Besides, her not publicizing a transcript is the extent of your CROOKED HILLARY shtick that is supposedly equivalent to Trump being the only presidential nominee in modern history to not release his tax returns?

You are laughable.
He can't release 'em. They're locked in the same safe as obamas college records. And obama is the only one with the combo.

...because it is unethical to not publicize school records?

something wrong with ya'all
It is if his admission records show him as a foreign exchange student.
Which would make him a non-US citizen.
Which would make him ineligible for the presidency.
Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record
Source: The Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― A petition on the White House website asking President Donald Trump to release information about his tax returns has now received more signatures than any other petition in the system’s five-year history.

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had over 368,000 signatures, surpassing the previous record of 367,180. The previous record-holder called for the United States government to “legally recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.”

Trump has kept in place former President Barack Obama’s online petition system, which was created in 2011 to increase accessibility to government. The site also still states that a petition with at least 100,000 signatures will get an official response.

A spokesman for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the petition.

Read more: Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record | The Huffington Post

hahaha...Hey, trump 60% of this country wants to see them,.

I want to see Obama's senior thesis.
You mean like your lack of interest in keeping Hil-Liar honest?

Bullshit. Hillary released 10 years of her returns. Go fish, "swamp drainer"

Oh, so taxes are the only thing keeping a person honest in your opinion? No wonder you're a liberal.

Listen, if you have some specific examples of me excusing Hillary while she defies ethical norms (by for example not releasing her tax returns) you go ahead and state them otherwise stfu.

You just did excuse her. You stuck up for her not releasing her Wall Street speeches.

WHAT????? Quote me on that.

Besides, her not publicizing a transcript is the extent of your CROOKED HILLARY shtick that is supposedly equivalent to Trump being the only presidential nominee in modern history to not release his tax returns?

You are laughable.

It's very comparable. The left wants to see Trump's returns to bash him and Trump only asked the same of Hillary: give me something to bash you on.

You care correct on one thing here, and that is you didn't stick up for Hillary. That was Faun who stuck up for her, but you liberals are all starting to look alike to me. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I did take the opportunity however to look up some of your posts just before the election because I knew you stuck up for her on several occasions, and here is some of what I found:

...yes it is fool, Hillary related emails out of those 650,000 were reviewed and summer recommendation not to persecute stands.

Can you point to any proven corruption charge against Hillary?

Conservabots love to talk about what a notorious criminal Hillary is, but for 30 years haven't been able to actually prove even a single allegation.

If I thought that Hilary was a criminal I would't vote for her. BUT I DON'T, so the argument is but a silly straw-man.

Sure I care about PROVABLE ALLEGATIONS. What I don't care about is your fringe rightwing bullshit.

What crime is Hillary not hiding?

Thorough discard of emails is a crime? In which way "bleaching" is more damning then simply erasing? I discard drives and emails all the time, not by some "bleach" software but even more final magnetic wipe so what? Clinton is under constant politico siege, for her, surprising would be NOT to be thorough in discarding emails.

I think this has more to do with fantasizing about scenes of blood cleaning with ACTUAL bleach, then with reality of simply erasing emails.

So the issue is not HOW emails are erased but if she was legally allowed to erase emails.

YES SHE WAS allowed to erase at least some emails, as subpoena was for work related emails, not personal emails.
But for the rest of us, we all know the only reason you want to see those returns is to look for something to bash Trump about.

Damn right! Isn't that the reason ANY politician releases his/.her tax returns? If nothing is there..I would be more inclined to support him in foreign matters..not necessarily so in domestic matters.

If you were in a bar and somebody said they were going to kick your ass, would you be stupid enough to fetch a pool cue for them to do it with if he asked?

Don't you think your anecdote would be moe applicable to Trumps invitation for a historical enemy to hack the DNC and publish the findings for all the world to see?
Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record
Source: The Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― A petition on the White House website asking President Donald Trump to release information about his tax returns has now received more signatures than any other petition in the system’s five-year history.

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had over 368,000 signatures, surpassing the previous record of 367,180. The previous record-holder called for the United States government to “legally recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.”

Trump has kept in place former President Barack Obama’s online petition system, which was created in 2011 to increase accessibility to government. The site also still states that a petition with at least 100,000 signatures will get an official response.

A spokesman for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the petition.

Read more: Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record | The Huffington Post

hahaha...Hey, trump 60% of this country wants to see them,.

I want to see Obama's senior thesis.
I want to see the First Gal's aureolas but...OH WAIT..there they are on the cover of ...
Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record
Source: The Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― A petition on the White House website asking President Donald Trump to release information about his tax returns has now received more signatures than any other petition in the system’s five-year history.

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had over 368,000 signatures, surpassing the previous record of 367,180. The previous record-holder called for the United States government to “legally recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.”

Trump has kept in place former President Barack Obama’s online petition system, which was created in 2011 to increase accessibility to government. The site also still states that a petition with at least 100,000 signatures will get an official response.

A spokesman for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the petition.

Read more: Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record | The Huffington Post

hahaha...Hey, trump 60% of this country wants to see them,.

I want to see Obama's senior thesis.
I want to see the First Gal's aureolas but...OH WAIT..there they are on the cover of ...

Thank the good Lord Mooch's aren't
Don't you think your anecdote would be moe applicable to Trumps invitation for a historical enemy to hack the DNC and publish the findings for all the world to see?

When did he invite anybody to hack the emails that were already hacked? Think Putin is sitting behind his desk waiting for an invitation before he hacks anything? "Oh, I want those emails so badly, but I can't until I get invited to hack them!" :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You people really live in your own little world, don't you? And the best part is, the password to those emails was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Like it would have taken super Russian intelligence to figure that one out. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Damn right! Isn't that the reason ANY politician releases his/.her tax returns? If nothing is there..I would be more inclined to support him in foreign matters..not necessarily so in domestic matters.

Well there you have it. You want to see Trump's return so you can insult him. Why would he give them to you for that reason?
Don't you think your anecdote would be moe applicable to Trumps invitation for a historical enemy to hack the DNC and publish the findings for all the world to see?

When did he invite anybody to hack the emails that were already hacked? Think Putin is sitting behind his desk waiting for an invitation before he hacks anything? "Oh, I want those emails so badly, but I can't until I get invited to hack them!" :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You people really live in your own little world, don't you? And the best part is, the password to those emails was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Like it would have taken super Russian intelligence to figure that one out. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Damn right! Isn't that the reason ANY politician releases his/.her tax returns? If nothing is there..I would be more inclined to support him in foreign matters..not necessarily so in domestic matters.

Well there you have it. You want to see Trump's return so you can insult him. Why would he give them to you for that reason?

I could not stop laughing when I heard that Podesta's password was actually "PASSWORD".

People actually wanted this stupid jackass to be a Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton in the White House?
Don't you think your anecdote would be moe applicable to Trumps invitation for a historical enemy to hack the DNC and publish the findings for all the world to see?

When did he invite anybody to hack the emails that were already hacked? Think Putin is sitting behind his desk waiting for an invitation before he hacks anything? "Oh, I want those emails so badly, but I can't until I get invited to hack them!" :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You people really live in your own little world, don't you? And the best part is, the password to those emails was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Like it would have taken super Russian intelligence to figure that one out. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Damn right! Isn't that the reason ANY politician releases his/.her tax returns? If nothing is there..I would be more inclined to support him in foreign matters..not necessarily so in domestic matters.

Well there you have it. You want to see Trump's return so you can insult him. Why would he give them to you for that reason?

I could not stop laughing when I heard that Podesta's password was actually "PASSWORD".

People actually wanted this stupid jackass to be a Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton in the White House?

Yes, but it's Trump's fault they got hacked. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Oh, if ever wanted to try and sell a bridge to anybody, I would make sure it was a liberal, because they'll believe anything.
Don't you think your anecdote would be moe applicable to Trumps invitation for a historical enemy to hack the DNC and publish the findings for all the world to see?

When did he invite anybody to hack the emails that were already hacked? Think Putin is sitting behind his desk waiting for an invitation before he hacks anything? "Oh, I want those emails so badly, but I can't until I get invited to hack them!" :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You people really live in your own little world, don't you? And the best part is, the password to those emails was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Like it would have taken super Russian intelligence to figure that one out. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Damn right! Isn't that the reason ANY politician releases his/.her tax returns? If nothing is there..I would be more inclined to support him in foreign matters..not necessarily so in domestic matters.

Well there you have it. You want to see Trump's return so you can insult him. Why would he give them to you for that reason?

I could not stop laughing when I heard that Podesta's password was actually "PASSWORD".

People actually wanted this stupid jackass to be a Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton in the White House?
Sell then, that settles it, it had be an inside Job. A trump lover must have given the password to the Russians, They would never have come up with such a complex English password word on their own... :lol:
Don't you think your anecdote would be moe applicable to Trumps invitation for a historical enemy to hack the DNC and publish the findings for all the world to see?

When did he invite anybody to hack the emails that were already hacked? Think Putin is sitting behind his desk waiting for an invitation before he hacks anything? "Oh, I want those emails so badly, but I can't until I get invited to hack them!" :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

You people really live in your own little world, don't you? And the best part is, the password to those emails was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Like it would have taken super Russian intelligence to figure that one out. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Damn right! Isn't that the reason ANY politician releases his/.her tax returns? If nothing is there..I would be more inclined to support him in foreign matters..not necessarily so in domestic matters.

Well there you have it. You want to see Trump's return so you can insult him. Why would he give them to you for that reason?

I could not stop laughing when I heard that Podesta's password was actually "PASSWORD".

People actually wanted this stupid jackass to be a Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton in the White House?

Yes, but it's Trump's fault they got hacked. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Oh, if ever wanted to try and sell a bridge to anybody, I would make sure it was a liberal, because they'll believe anything.
Liberals? What liberals. They must not exist because I haven't found ONE such "liberal" who believes Trump will release his tax returns!
You can petition it all you want. He's been pretty clear it's not going to happen and at the end of the day, if it was really weighing that much on people's minds he wouldn't have won.

Yea, people didn't care that he can't help himself but grab married pussy either, non-issue since he won

The whole pussy thing was an overly hyped issue. Every single one of us speaks crassly like that at times. The only difference is Trump got caught on video doing it.
Not every one of us brags about trying to commit adultery.
Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record
Source: The Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― A petition on the White House website asking President Donald Trump to release information about his tax returns has now received more signatures than any other petition in the system’s five-year history.

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had over 368,000 signatures, surpassing the previous record of 367,180. The previous record-holder called for the United States government to “legally recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.”

Trump has kept in place former President Barack Obama’s online petition system, which was created in 2011 to increase accessibility to government. The site also still states that a petition with at least 100,000 signatures will get an official response.

A spokesman for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the petition.

Read more: Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record | The Huffington Post

hahaha...Hey, trump 60% of this country wants to see them,.

Trump taxes are Matthew new birther moment for Progressive Liberals like him...

( you should change the dog too blue balls instead! )
Except Obama released copies of his birth records. Twice.

When's Trump gonna release his tax returns?

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