Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record


Trump, Trump made crowd size an issue. Bbecause he is small man spending time on small issues, so it is laughable when you talk about how supposedly him releasing his tax-returns is not important enough for him to spend time on.
Yeah so? Trump makes "issues" out of all sorts of idiotic bullshit it's completely non-sequitur to the fact that his tax returns are so unimportant in light of all the other actual problems faced by the Republic that only an infant (or a mindless hyper-partisan drone) would worry about him not releasing them to the public.

Yes, it is important that presidential candidates disclose their finances,.
Finances are one thing, TAX RETURNS are another thing, the IRS has been given the responsibility to determine whether or not a tax return is legal not the public thus the public doesn't need to see anybody's tax returns. The only reason they WANT to see anybody's tax returns is so that they can cherry pick things off them to turn into political bullshit "issues".

Tax returns are ANOTHER thing from financial disclosure? You are insane.
Ummm. yeah they are genius, Again Tax Returns are already subject to legal scrutiny by the Internal Revenue Service, financial disclosure is a aimed determining conflicts of interest relating to financial relationships, TWO different things aimed at TWO different objectives.

Here endth the lesson.


IRS scrutinizes narrow LEGALITY of tax filling, not ethical issues of hardcore tax avoidance (that exploits tax-code loopholes public ought to be be aware of) or foreign income sources and other conflicts of interests for a President.
Where does the 60% come from?
Gub'mint worshiper math; Take the actual number and multiply or divide it by whatever will make the number seem to support the position you happen to be advocating. :)


Is anyone home at all? How do you make up this blatant bullshit?
Cool, which one of those links shows that 368,000 signatures on a petition is representative of "60% of this country"?

How'd those polls work out telling you idiot loons Cankles would win? Hmmmmm.

...umm very good actually, correctly predicted Hillary's national vote win within 1% of result.

THOSE polls did amazing.

Except she lost...dumbass

Except THOSE polls do not measure Electoral College points, dumbass, they reflect national popular vote ONLY.

Who is POTUS, toad? Hint: It's not the corrupt old hag. Now take your "polls" and blow
Yes, I heard that Drumplethinskin won all the way back in early just now finding out and sharing your "newly found" news?
Rediculous, IRS scrutinizes narrow LEGALITY of tax filling, not ethical issues of hardcore tax avoidance that exploits tax-code loopholes public ought to be be aware of. IRS also does not scrutinize foreign income sources and other conflicts of interests for a President.
LOL, Why should the public be aware of somebody following the tax laws as determined by the IRS? What business is it of yours how much income anybody else makes or how much in taxes they paid as long as they follow the same laws that you have to follow?

....and for the LAST time, financial disclosure is aimed at determining conflicts of interests, that's why we have completely separate financial disclosure requirements that DO NOT include releasing individual tax returns to the public, Trump (or anybody else) is under no legal or ethical obligation to release his personal tax returns to the public nor should he/they be since the only reason people want it is to conduct political witch hunts and feed the chattering classes.
Poor matthew, 368,000 is not 60% of this nation
Matthew didn't say that 368,000 is 60% of this nation. He made two distinct separate statements.

1, 368,000 people signed petitions for Trump to release his tax returns.

2. 60% of this nation wants to see Trump's tax returns, including those who signed the petition.

I don't buy into polls...nobody but the whining left cares about the returns. But they whine about everything so it's nothing new

No, you are wrong, A lot of republicans want to see trumps returns too.And it isn't just to find out what he is worth. A tax return would tell us the sources of all his income.
Any foreign financial ties, including those in Russia , would throw light on any decision he would make involving those countries. We the People could then make an intelligent assessment as to whether or not Trump's decisions reflect a conflict of interest whereas he could put his personal interests ahead of American interests.

Yeah whatever...there are far more important fish to fry and Trump is doing it.
You don't even care that a crook and Russian shill might now be The President of the United States????
Poor matthew, 368,000 is not 60% of this nation
Matthew didn't say that 368,000 is 60% of this nation. He made two distinct separate statements.

1, 368,000 people signed petitions for Trump to release his tax returns.

2. 60% of this nation wants to see Trump's tax returns, including those who signed the petition.

I don't buy into polls...nobody but the whining left cares about the returns. But they whine about everything so it's nothing new

No, you are wrong, A lot of republicans want to see trumps returns too.And it isn't just to find out what he is worth. A tax return would tell us the sources of all his income.
Any foreign financial ties, including those in Russia , would throw light on any decision he would make involving those countries. We the People could then make an intelligent assessment as to whether or not Trump's decisions reflect a conflict of interest whereas he could put his personal interests ahead of American interests.

Yeah whatever...there are far more important fish to fry and Trump is doing it.
You don't even care that a crook and Russian shill might now be The President of the United States????

You didn't care Obungles was a closet muzzie lover
How'd those polls work out telling you idiot loons Cankles would win? Hmmmmm.

...umm very good actually, correctly predicted Hillary's national vote win within 1% of result.

THOSE polls did amazing.

Except she lost...dumbass

Except THOSE polls do not measure Electoral College points, dumbass, they reflect national popular vote ONLY.

Who is POTUS, toad? Hint: It's not the corrupt old hag. Now take your "polls" and blow
Yes, I heard that Drumplethinskin won all the way back in early just now finding out and sharing your "newly found" news?

Go shave your back and cease annoying me with your redundant garbage
Where does the 60% come from?
Gub'mint worshiper math; Take the actual number and multiply or divide it by whatever will make the number seem to support the position you happen to be advocating. :)


Is anyone home at all? How do you make up this blatant bullshit?
Cool, which one of those links shows that 368,000 signatures on a petition is representative of "60% of this country"?

Dumbass, you are the only one here saying that signatures represent popular opinion.
Where does the 60% come from?
Gub'mint worshiper math; Take the actual number and multiply or divide it by whatever will make the number seem to support the position you happen to be advocating. :)


Is anyone home at all? How do you make up this blatant bullshit?
Cool, which one of those links shows that 368,000 signatures on a petition is representative of "60% of this country"?
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo: No one said 368,000 represents 60% of the country.
Where does the 60% come from?
Gub'mint worshiper math; Take the actual number and multiply or divide it by whatever will make the number seem to support the position you happen to be advocating. :)


Is anyone home at all? How do you make up this blatant bullshit?
Cool, which one of those links shows that 368,000 signatures on a petition is representative of "60% of this country"?
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo: No one said 368,000 represents 60% of the country.
LOL, Go read the OP and then see if your two surviving neurons can summon up enough acumen to recognize the implication of what it says.
Poor matthew, 368,000 is not 60% of this nation
Matthew didn't say that 368,000 is 60% of this nation. He made two distinct separate statements.

1, 368,000 people signed petitions for Trump to release his tax returns.

2. 60% of this nation wants to see Trump's tax returns, including those who signed the petition.

I don't buy into polls...nobody but the whining left cares about the returns. But they whine about everything so it's nothing new

No, you are wrong, A lot of republicans want to see trumps returns too.And it isn't just to find out what he is worth. A tax return would tell us the sources of all his income.
Any foreign financial ties, including those in Russia , would throw light on any decision he would make involving those countries. We the People could then make an intelligent assessment as to whether or not Trump's decisions reflect a conflict of interest whereas he could put his personal interests ahead of American interests.

Yeah whatever...there are far more important fish to fry and Trump is doing it.
You don't even care that a crook and Russian shill might now be The President of the United States????

What is so hard to understand that even if your left wing bias claim is true that that is preferable for Americans as opposed to an anti-american anti white President...The left has never forgiven America or Russian leaders for the demise of their beloved CCCP!...both Putin and Trump are seen by the left as reminders of a much fonder time for them that has now left them and their cause on "the ash heap of history".
Rediculous, IRS scrutinizes narrow LEGALITY of tax filling, not ethical issues of hardcore tax avoidance that exploits tax-code loopholes public ought to be be aware of. IRS also does not scrutinize foreign income sources and other conflicts of interests for a President.
LOL, Why should the public be aware of somebody following the tax laws as determined by the IRS? What business is it of yours how much income anybody else makes or how much in taxes they paid as long as they follow the same laws that you have to follow?

....and for the LAST time, financial disclosure is aimed at determining conflicts of interests, that's why we have completely separate financial disclosure requirements that DO NOT include releasing individual tax returns to the public, Trump (or anybody else) is under no legal or ethical obligation to release his personal tax returns to the public nor should he/they be since the only reason people want it is to conduct political witch hunts and feed the chattering classes.

Because public, through their representatives, DETERMINE tax laws. It has DIRECT bearing on public discourse on tax code reform
Rediculous, IRS scrutinizes narrow LEGALITY of tax filling, not ethical issues of hardcore tax avoidance that exploits tax-code loopholes public ought to be be aware of. IRS also does not scrutinize foreign income sources and other conflicts of interests for a President.
LOL, Why should the public be aware of somebody following the tax laws as determined by the IRS? What business is it of yours how much income anybody else makes or how much in taxes they paid as long as they follow the same laws that you have to follow?

....and for the LAST time, financial disclosure is aimed at determining conflicts of interests, that's why we have completely separate financial disclosure requirements that DO NOT include releasing individual tax returns to the public, Trump (or anybody else) is under no legal or ethical obligation to release his personal tax returns to the public nor should he/they be since the only reason people want it is to conduct political witch hunts and feed the chattering classes.

Because public, through their representatives, DETERMINE tax laws. It has DIRECT bearing on public discourse on tax code reform

If the public "determines" the tax laws and has designated that the IRS enforce them and pays for the IRS to do so on their behalf, why does the public need to scrutinize anybody's personal tax returns? and what bearing would any individuals tax return have on the public discourse regarding tax code "reform"? aren't the contents of the existing tax laws already available to the public?
Matthew didn't say that 368,000 is 60% of this nation. He made two distinct separate statements.

1, 368,000 people signed petitions for Trump to release his tax returns.

2. 60% of this nation wants to see Trump's tax returns, including those who signed the petition.

I don't buy into polls...nobody but the whining left cares about the returns. But they whine about everything so it's nothing new

No, you are wrong, A lot of republicans want to see trumps returns too.And it isn't just to find out what he is worth. A tax return would tell us the sources of all his income.
Any foreign financial ties, including those in Russia , would throw light on any decision he would make involving those countries. We the People could then make an intelligent assessment as to whether or not Trump's decisions reflect a conflict of interest whereas he could put his personal interests ahead of American interests.

Yeah whatever...there are far more important fish to fry and Trump is doing it.
You don't even care that a crook and Russian shill might now be The President of the United States????

What is so hard to understand that even if your left wing bias claim is true that that is preferable for Americans as opposed to an anti-american anti white President...The left has never forgiven America or Russian leaders for the demise of their beloved CCCP!...both Putin and Trump are seen by the left as reminders of a much fonder time for them that has now left them and their cause on "the ash heap of history".
Lord, if only Reagan could here this... I wonder what he would say about Trump and his cummie friends!
I don't buy into polls...nobody but the whining left cares about the returns. But they whine about everything so it's nothing new

No, you are wrong, A lot of republicans want to see trumps returns too.And it isn't just to find out what he is worth. A tax return would tell us the sources of all his income.
Any foreign financial ties, including those in Russia , would throw light on any decision he would make involving those countries. We the People could then make an intelligent assessment as to whether or not Trump's decisions reflect a conflict of interest whereas he could put his personal interests ahead of American interests.

Yeah whatever...there are far more important fish to fry and Trump is doing it.
You don't even care that a crook and Russian shill might now be The President of the United States????

What is so hard to understand that even if your left wing bias claim is true that that is preferable for Americans as opposed to an anti-american anti white President...The left has never forgiven America or Russian leaders for the demise of their beloved CCCP!...both Putin and Trump are seen by the left as reminders of a much fonder time for them that has now left them and their cause on "the ash heap of history".
Lord, if only Reagan could here this... I wonder what he would say about Trump and his cummie friends!
"There you go again" is my guess...You do of course remember that Reagan was the guy who started wwIII, collapsed the economy, and played right into the hands of the Soviets don't you? lol...ah, the left, never right.
Rediculous, IRS scrutinizes narrow LEGALITY of tax filling, not ethical issues of hardcore tax avoidance that exploits tax-code loopholes public ought to be be aware of. IRS also does not scrutinize foreign income sources and other conflicts of interests for a President.
LOL, Why should the public be aware of somebody following the tax laws as determined by the IRS? What business is it of yours how much income anybody else makes or how much in taxes they paid as long as they follow the same laws that you have to follow?

....and for the LAST time, financial disclosure is aimed at determining conflicts of interests, that's why we have completely separate financial disclosure requirements that DO NOT include releasing individual tax returns to the public, Trump (or anybody else) is under no legal or ethical obligation to release his personal tax returns to the public nor should he/they be since the only reason people want it is to conduct political witch hunts and feed the chattering classes.

Because public, through their representatives, DETERMINE tax laws. It has DIRECT bearing on public discourse on tax code reform

If the public "determines" the tax laws and has designated that the IRS enforce them and pays for the IRS to do so on their behalf, why does the public need to scrutinize anybody's personal tax returns? and what bearing would any individuals tax return have on the public discourse regarding tax code "reform"? aren't the contents of the existing tax laws already available to the public?

If Trump pays no federal income taxes (highly likely) public will pressure congress to do something about the loopholes that allow that and it will directly tie into tax reform.

Trump talked about how SMART he was to evade taxes - lets see how smart he is.
Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record
Source: The Huffington Post
WASHINGTON ― A petition on the White House website asking President Donald Trump to release information about his tax returns has now received more signatures than any other petition in the system’s five-year history.

As of Thursday afternoon, the petition had over 368,000 signatures, surpassing the previous record of 367,180. The previous record-holder called for the United States government to “legally recognize the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group.”

Trump has kept in place former President Barack Obama’s online petition system, which was created in 2011 to increase accessibility to government. The site also still states that a petition with at least 100,000 signatures will get an official response.

A spokesman for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the petition.

Read more: Petition Demanding Donald Trump Release His Tax Returns Breaks White House Record | The Huffington Post

hahaha...Hey, trump 60% of this country wants to see them,.
Who cares, hey why don't you show us your tax returns. Prove to use your not dependent on welfare.
Rediculous, IRS scrutinizes narrow LEGALITY of tax filling, not ethical issues of hardcore tax avoidance that exploits tax-code loopholes public ought to be be aware of. IRS also does not scrutinize foreign income sources and other conflicts of interests for a President.
LOL, Why should the public be aware of somebody following the tax laws as determined by the IRS? What business is it of yours how much income anybody else makes or how much in taxes they paid as long as they follow the same laws that you have to follow?

....and for the LAST time, financial disclosure is aimed at determining conflicts of interests, that's why we have completely separate financial disclosure requirements that DO NOT include releasing individual tax returns to the public, Trump (or anybody else) is under no legal or ethical obligation to release his personal tax returns to the public nor should he/they be since the only reason people want it is to conduct political witch hunts and feed the chattering classes.

Because public, through their representatives, DETERMINE tax laws. It has DIRECT bearing on public discourse on tax code reform

If the public "determines" the tax laws and has designated that the IRS enforce them and pays for the IRS to do so on their behalf, why does the public need to scrutinize anybody's personal tax returns? and what bearing would any individuals tax return have on the public discourse regarding tax code "reform"? aren't the contents of the existing tax laws already available to the public?

If Trump pays no federal income taxes (highly likely) public will pressure congress to do something about the loopholes that allow that and it will directly tie into tax reform.
Again, is the tax code a secret being kept from the public? Why do you need to look at Donald Trump's (or anybody Else's) personal tax returns to determine whether or not the tax code is a completely fucked up monstrosity that favors the wealthy and well connected? Hell that's been common knowledge for years and politicians have been crowing about "tax code reform" for years, funny thing, neither the miscreants in charge of the federal government nor the befuddled electorate have actually done anything of substance to change it, why do you think that is?

Trump talked about how SMART he was to evade taxes - lets see how smart he is.
By attempting to cajole him into allowing the public to invade his privacy for no reason other than to attempt to cherry pick material that the opposition can use against him? How about YOU release your tax returns to the public so we can all see how SMART you are, K?

Have fun with your vapid attempt at gathering new political witch hunt material and try not to be too disappointed when Donald Duck continues to tell you and the rest of your lemming slice to go fuck yourselves. :)

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