Philosophy forum

As long as your not going to say its your husband, Id say its believable. :lol:


why, do you have a problem with gay marriage?

not that there's anything wrong with that.

Nope but his personality shows that hes not gay so if he were to say that the other person with the same IP was his husband, we'd assume he was lying.


what about mani's personality leads you to believe that that person is either hetero or male?

are you related to jeanne dixon?
I have a habit of looking up words i use all the time from time to time simply to make sure the way I use words is accurate. I figured since we are discussing philosophy then it would be wise to have an actual definition of it. Here is what I found:

1 a (1) : all learning exclusive of technical precepts and practical arts (2) : the sciences and liberal arts exclusive of medicine, law, and theology <a doctor of philosophy> (3) : the 4-year college course of a major seminary b (1) archaic : physical science (2) : ethics c : a discipline comprising as its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology

Wasnt expecting the definition to include ethics. If that's the case then technically we already have a philosophy forum this one.

2 a : pursuit of wisdom b : a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means c : an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs

Including this definition, It makes me think this entire board is a philosophy forum. Mostly to discuss political idealogies but we have a number of subdivisions of the topic.

Seems to me that it could be argued we have enough forums to cover any topic. I could be wrong. There is no harm in asking for a new on though. If I remember correctly, this forum and a number of other forums was created when i asked about it. Seemed if we were going to discuss religion in the current events forum that maybe it would be better to have a religion forum... Same with some of the international discussion.

If you want my opinion, I think the reasons ethics was included was specifically to discuss philosophy if it wasnt connected with God. I see no reason not to discuss it here. But I am sure Gunny will do as he feels is best.
There was absolute morality in the old testament. There is NOT absolute morality in the new testament because here you have Jesus saying that you "shouldn't" do this or that...but it wont matter because if you accept him into your heart, you will be forgiven and let into heaven.

Fundamentalist Christians are often busy beating the drum of morality with regard to various social issues, especially during political elections.
Such drum beating certainly gets attention from the media and politicians alike.
Many believers love to associate themselves with a higher power and trumpet their authority by making the claim that their beliefs are based on "moral absolutes".
In this way, they raise themselves up above the secular population and create an aura of righteousness and holiness.
In other words, they know what's best for society because they have God on their side.
However, the issue of absolute morality is often not as obvious as Christian advertising makes it out to be.

Read more Here: The Subjective Nature Of Absolute Morality

If there was such a thing as absolute morality, then it would be universal laws that all humans follow. There is no such thing as "absolute morality". It is a theoretical philosophical concept. Whereas, the truth of it is, that morality is a relative concept. All points of view are valid with respect to the individual. In fact the very word "Morality" is a relative concept to all societies using various codes of conduct. As long as there are humans, it appears that we will act in a manner to benefit the individual.[/COLOR]
But Aristotle did see universal rules of behavior. He said it is always right to be kind, courageous, honest....But I see an invisible barrier to that...I see the added word....."unless".

Kant intimated that if humans behave in a way that we would want all other humans to behave, to behave as if there are universal laws that all humans follow then that is "absolute morality. Under his concept there is no such thing as "the greatest good". It would be wrong to abort a fetus, regardless of the consequences of not aborting. It would be wrong to kill a gunman who is threatening your wife.

Situation Ethics is that what is right or what is wrong depends on the situation. It is wrong to kill. But in a war killing is right. It is wrong to abort a fetus. Yet under certain situations it is right. The right and wrong of Situation Ethics depends on the outcome of the actions taken.

I don’t think Situation Ethics is a bad idea. I think it is the only way humans have in order to be productive, and lead a happy life.


Jamie, The Bible is probably the most argued book of all time.

Catholic Site (New Advent)

My personal favorite, Great search engine, and clean cut and paste. Welcome to Holy Bible the site dedicated to God's word. check out the Online KJV (King James Version) bible and a search.

If there was such a thing as absolute morality, then it would be universal laws that all humans follow. There is no such thing as "absolute morality". It is a theoretical philosophical concept. Whereas, the truth of it is, that morality is a relative concept.
There are laws that we break every day, that complicate our existence. Application is relative to circumstance, motive, method, are all parts of the equation. Cause and effect is exact whether we are aware or unaware. Wisdom navigates, has a plan or vision. Purpose. Why waste time with tangents when guided by inspiration.

You say all is relative, I ask what harm is done, if any? All is not ok, where damage is done. There is no offense in thinking things through. There is a path, and there is that which violates space, sanctity, Life, Property.
I have a habit of looking up words i use all the time from time to time simply to make sure the way I use words is accurate. I figured since we are discussing philosophy then it would be wise to have an actual definition of it. Here is what I found:

1 a (1) : all learning exclusive of technical precepts and practical arts (2) : the sciences and liberal arts exclusive of medicine, law, and theology <a doctor of philosophy> (3) : the 4-year college course of a major seminary b (1) archaic : physical science (2) : ethics c : a discipline comprising as its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology

Wasnt expecting the definition to include ethics. If that's the case then technically we already have a philosophy forum this one.

2 a : pursuit of wisdom b : a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means c : an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs

Including this definition, It makes me think this entire board is a philosophy forum. Mostly to discuss political idealogies but we have a number of subdivisions of the topic.

Seems to me that it could be argued we have enough forums to cover any topic. I could be wrong. There is no harm in asking for a new on though. If I remember correctly, this forum and a number of other forums was created when i asked about it. Seemed if we were going to discuss religion in the current events forum that maybe it would be better to have a religion forum... Same with some of the international discussion.

If you want my opinion, I think the reasons ethics was included was specifically to discuss philosophy if it wasnt connected with God. I see no reason not to discuss it here. But I am sure Gunny will do as he feels is best.

Politics derives from Philosophy.

Jamie, The Bible is probably the most argued book of all time.

Catholic Site (New Advent)

My personal favorite, Great search engine, and clean cut and paste. Welcome to Holy Bible the site dedicated to God's word. check out the Online KJV (King James Version) bible and a search.

If there was such a thing as absolute morality, then it would be universal laws that all humans follow. There is no such thing as "absolute morality". It is a theoretical philosophical concept. Whereas, the truth of it is, that morality is a relative concept.
There are laws that we break every day, that complicate our existence. Application is relative to circumstance, motive, method, are all parts of the equation. Cause and effect is exact whether we are aware or unaware. Wisdom navigates, has a plan or vision. Purpose. Why waste time with tangents when guided by inspiration.

You say all is relative, I ask what harm is done, if any? All is not ok, where damage is done. There is no offense in thinking things through. There is a path, and there is that which violates space, sanctity, Life, Property.

All is ok because it correlates with the natural order and balance of the universe. There has to be wrong in order for there to be right. Vise versa. You have to have immorality in order to have morality. Otherwise neither of them would exist.

Politics derives from Philosophy.

That would be pretty much why I said this whole board is a philosophy forum divided into subtopics. Politics is a subtopic of philosophy. Religion can be too depending on what definition you use.

All is ok because it correlates with the natural order and balance of the universe. There has to be wrong in order for there to be right. Vise versa. You have to have immorality in order to have morality. Otherwise neither of them would exist.


There is opposition in all things. I am not sure that means there is no absolute morality. But then that depends highly on what absolute morality is. Are we talking about moral code that following is always good? perhaps defining it would be wise.
Politics derives from Philosophy.

That would be pretty much why I said this whole board is a philosophy forum divided into subtopics. Politics is a subtopic of philosophy. Religion can be too depending on what definition you use.

All is ok because it correlates with the natural order and balance of the universe. There has to be wrong in order for there to be right. Vise versa. You have to have immorality in order to have morality. Otherwise neither of them would exist.


There is opposition in all things. I am not sure that means there is no absolute morality. But then that depends highly on what absolute morality is. Are we talking about moral code that following is always good? perhaps defining it would be wise.

Speaking of a moral code:

Do you think it's taught, or humans are born with it?

Do we know right from wrong by instinct, or from what our parents/society teaches us?
Speaking of a moral code:

Do you think it's taught, or humans are born with it?

Do we know right from wrong by instinct, or from what our parents/society teaches us?

I think we are all born with the light of Christ which teaches us right from wrong. However, I think many lose that ability because they dampen its effects through their choices. Which is why its necessary to have parents society return our awareness..

Course that's my opinion. I am still pretty flexible and not set in any way specifically.
Politics derives from Philosophy.

That would be pretty much why I said this whole board is a philosophy forum divided into subtopics. Politics is a subtopic of philosophy. Religion can be too depending on what definition you use.

All is ok because it correlates with the natural order and balance of the universe. There has to be wrong in order for there to be right. Vise versa. You have to have immorality in order to have morality. Otherwise neither of them would exist.


There is opposition in all things. I am not sure that means there is no absolute morality. But then that depends highly on what absolute morality is. Are we talking about moral code that following is always good? perhaps defining it would be wise.

Speaking of a moral code:

Do you think it's taught, or humans are born with it?

Do we know right from wrong by instinct, or from what our parents/society teaches us?

I believe it is joint, as the conscience gains experience it has the potential to lead.
Jamie: All is ok because it correlates with the natural order and balance of the universe. There has to be wrong in order for there to be right. Vise versa. You have to have immorality in order to have morality. Otherwise neither of them would exist.

I can relate in that bad things happening , may by contrast and accent the value of good, that however does not justify the bad. To the victim it is not all good. I'm not saying I always know where the line is, and because I don't, I do know grace, I am saying there is a line. There is a path, that may have multiple acceptable forks, there are forks that shouldn't be taken. Consequence, both good and bad, can be very exacting. Locke was big on natural law. I like his perspective.
God's Word must be taken or rejected in full. If you accepted as the law of God, then you cannot pick and choose what to accept, for it is said in itself to be perfect and eternal, just like God. Either you follow God's law in whole (the straight and narrow path) or not. Those who pick and choose and follow their custom-built religions in defiance of God's law, refusing to obey all His commandments are following the wide and winding road to damnation and are blind to their own foolishness and fate.

These are the teachings of God, as revealed in the Holy Niecene Library ('Bible'), in all its current canons.

you and manifold are both correct. that your postition seems less understood is why i post this to you.

in the beginning there was the word, and the word was god. the bible is the word of god. to reject any part of it is to defy the judeo christian god. many christians do just that. example: homosexuality is an "abomination" according to the KJV (to evah), as is eating shellfish to evah, as is wearing blended cloth to evah. this from leviticus. and to evah roughly translates as "ritual uncleanliness". many christians, wearing their poly cotton blends and chomping away at red lobster tell gays they are an abomination. and many if not all who do this call themselves "literalists", meaning they take the bible at its word and at face value. THEN they justify why they can wear blended clothes, and yet still see homosexuality as an abomination. that is them playing god, no matter the amount of doctrine used to convince, it is playing god.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
"If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." 21 Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death."

of course, christians with rebellious children dont do this either. and they will justify that by saying it is against the secular law. they are then saying they fear and obey man over their own god.

enter doctrine. doctrine is "spin". it is the same as "discovering" new rights that conservatives hate when the supreme court does it, but they love it when doctrine spins away the need to do some things like stoning disobedient children when considering following their gods word.

it is suggested the NT is the new covenant, and all christians are governed by that instead of the OT. that sits well with christians, especially liberal christians, because jesus emphasized the internal and social justice, rather than the unforgiving god of the OT and the external. the conservative christians love it also, but much less, because they are told to not stone prostitutes, and then add in to that new covenant parts from the OT they like-such as condemning homosexuals, etc.

either the word is god, or it isn't. some do not take the bible literally, and that is a danger also, because the individual picks what they want to believe of the bible, and discards the rest. in truth, that is what the literalists do, just to a much lesser degree. so indeed, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of [the judeo christian] god.

in truth, very very few actually know the word of their god. the KJV, a favorite (and some preachers claim that it is the only true bible,and all other versions are of satan) is not the best or most accurate translation. few christians seek to understand the hebrew culture and other contextual nuances, and so have no real idea what their god said or meant.

edit: (lol!) morals are doing what is right. the bible has morals. we all have morals, although we might not agree on what is "right". morals must be understood from within the system. sure, you or others can see that it is immoral to stone a disobedient child, that doesn't make the act immoral, just outside the system. if one believes in a god, then whatever that god says to do is moral.
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This thread is like a night at the Comedy Club!

Where's my waiter with my vodka martini anyway?

Sorry I'm late...

I still see the Source as absolute, in spite of me refusing to speak for or limit God in any other way.

this sentence alone qualifies you to be more wise than most, and i understand the conundrum that led you to say "in spite of me refusing to speak..."

i am more tired than i had thought, and have been trying to mull over our posts despite the rude intrusions of life.

a librarian and i talked, and i allowed i was reading philosophy, and she became excited and wanted to start a book club to meet at the library to discuss philosophy. i chuckled. almost everyone i have known who enjoyed philosophy hid in the closet. they tend to attract strange looks, scorn, and a small amount of fear. it is a good thing a few of us have been pulled out to stand erect as proud questioners.
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Someday soon, when I haven't been up for nearly 24 hours, we're going to have to discuss the underlined part. I wrote the paper I included in 2007.

i would enjoy that. i had assumed you wrote the paper, which was why there was no author mentioned.

24 hours? excellent! it is interesting to play with the ceilings and walls we place around ourselves. or that society does. having been a boxer and kickboxer, i am well aware of the effort some must make to beak away from the naysayers who hold us to those artificial walls and ceilings. Lol! i have gone for three days with no food or sleep just to push the limits. our own minds hold us back. the changes that can occur in the human body in a matter of moments during trauma transcend physiological alterations, so the mind must be the key, and yet we pickle it, let it atrophy, opiate it and denigrate it.

In all honesty, if you two don't want to be viewed as a tag team (one voice speaking to and for itself), you should post independently of and less often to and for each other. Its a credibility issue, and a valid one.

i appreciate your position and input. however, i have seldom allowed public opinion to sway me. when i lived in the 'bama bible belt, i wore a pentacle outside of my shirt. i know what is true in my life. i have been doubted before, and i cannot help that. being doiubted is the choice of the doubter, and is on them, not me. if i allow the scoffing of others to alter what i do, i have given into tyranny. i allow bullies to be rewarded. i am no longer being true to myself, but live a lie for the benefit of others who aren't even a friend and haven't my best interests in mind.

if i want to post something to jamie, and dont for fear of being seen as being a "tag team" or something else, then i have compromised freedom-mine. i will have censored myself. why is it that supporting someone who thinks much like me is being a tag team? i affirm those who think as i do, or at least show traits i admire. i do that in rl also. i like to gather such ppl around me (and married one of them). you are asking me to be false to myself?

at another forum, a young man assumed i was working for the FBI, and stalking him. that i was part of a team who were posted outside his house. his paranoia arose from fondness for very young girls and weed. he doubted my credibility when i laughed and told him the truth. *shrug*. i suppose i was simply new and change bothers some ppl.
request denied?

That's a shame.


LOL!!! why is it a shame? those capable of philosophical discourse have been pulled from their hiding places.

whether we post in this section or another. its all good. smile.

besides, the request was't denied. there has been this place for philosophy all along. so in truth, the request hasn't been denied.
Hun, I found a thread while you were gone that I will most likely forget later so Ill post it on here in hopes that you will see it when you get home.


Heres a couple news articles about the study:

Men and women are from the same planet after all - Times Online

Men and women come from same planet after all, claims psychology study | UK news | The Guardian

Contrary to popular belief, it states that men and women are psychologically similar in MOST aspects rather than them being different. She kinda correlates your thesis on this subject. The study just goes to show how much the media influences people to believe everything they read instead of looking at the scientific data. In one of my psychology classes at the university we had discussed this very thing and the gender difference hypothesis was conclusive. Genders, as you state are mostly alike except for the child bearing and reproductive cycle. I had made a topic today in the politics section that I think the voting age should be raised. You should look at that one too.


this isn't your refrigerator.

leave your notes to hubby someplace else.

No kidding. It doesn't take a genius to see the "reality" "Jamie"/Vinny is attempting to create. Notes to each other (why???), minutia about where they supposedly ate dinner, etc. BS, complete and utter BS.

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