Phoney Seperation of Church and State

While it doesn't offend me - as an American citizen and taxpayer - I wouldn't have done it. There are many worthy religious leaders (and business leaders, and academic leaders, and artistic leaders) who would deserve similar recognition, and it's best for the Government not to get involved.

More pointedly, the issue of Graham's generation, and particularly in The South where he was based, was Civil Rights, and on that issue, Graham was AWOL. He did not march with MLK, do any demonstrating, or even recognize that there was a problem - when manifestly there was. Also, he led a cabal to torpedo the election of JFK due to his Roman Catholic faith (or the pretense thereof).

The definition of "heroism" is risking one's own wellbeing for the benefit of others. Graham never ventured out of his own comfort zone. He was no kind of "hero" as far as I'm concerned.

And frankly, he was not a great orator either. I never "got it" with respect to his popularity.
You might want to read this.
What did MLK Jr. say about Billy Graham? He called his ministry a crutch to his own.
Oh they met once. What a hero :rolleyes:
Read it again. You obviously missed a lot.
No I read it. Maybe you should read it again.
Here's more for you.
What Is Billy Graham’s Friendship with Martin Luther King Jr. Worth?
While it doesn't offend me - as an American citizen and taxpayer - I wouldn't have done it. There are many worthy religious leaders (and business leaders, and academic leaders, and artistic leaders) who would deserve similar recognition, and it's best for the Government not to get involved.

More pointedly, the issue of Graham's generation, and particularly in The South where he was based, was Civil Rights, and on that issue, Graham was AWOL. He did not march with MLK, do any demonstrating, or even recognize that there was a problem - when manifestly there was. Also, he led a cabal to torpedo the election of JFK due to his Roman Catholic faith (or the pretense thereof).

The definition of "heroism" is risking one's own wellbeing for the benefit of others. Graham never ventured out of his own comfort zone. He was no kind of "hero" as far as I'm concerned.

And frankly, he was not a great orator either. I never "got it" with respect to his popularity.
You might want to read this.
What did MLK Jr. say about Billy Graham? He called his ministry a crutch to his own.
Oh they met once. What a hero :rolleyes:
Read it again. You obviously missed a lot.
No I read it. Maybe you should read it again.
Here's more for you.
What Is Billy Graham’s Friendship with Martin Luther King Jr. Worth?
Same shit just paraphrased
You mean the stuff you refuse to acknowledge because of your preformed agenda.
I think it crosses the line.
what line?
He rallied Protestants and Evangelicals to fight against Kennedy due to him being Catholic. He also was not pro civil rights, and also he thought women should be home and be led by men.

The line between Church and State. That line.

There is no line between church and state.

There sure is, and we have discussed this before.
I think it crosses the line.
what line?
He rallied Protestants and Evangelicals to fight against Kennedy due to him being Catholic. He also was not pro civil rights, and also he thought women should be home and be led by men.

The line between Church and State. That line.

There is no line between church and state.

There sure is, and we have discussed this before.
No, there isn't. It's manufactured. Weak people have allowed some people to encroach on our Liberty. That's the only line between church and state that exists. What does the "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?
I think it crosses the line.
what line?
He rallied Protestants and Evangelicals to fight against Kennedy due to him being Catholic. He also was not pro civil rights, and also he thought women should be home and be led by men.

The line between Church and State. That line.

There is no line between church and state.

There sure is, and we have discussed this before.
No, there isn't. It's manufactured. Weak people have allowed some people to encroach on our Liberty. That's the only line between church and state that exists. What does the "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?

This is from the Baptist: I have no idea what the Q stands for , tell me?
Top 5 myths of separation of church and state
what line?
He rallied Protestants and Evangelicals to fight against Kennedy due to him being Catholic. He also was not pro civil rights, and also he thought women should be home and be led by men.

The line between Church and State. That line.

There is no line between church and state.

There sure is, and we have discussed this before.
No, there isn't. It's manufactured. Weak people have allowed some people to encroach on our Liberty. That's the only line between church and state that exists. What does the "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?

This is from the Baptist: I have no idea what the Q stands for , tell me?
Top 5 myths of separation of church and state
It stands for "queer". Isn't calling homosexuals "queer" a slur and insult?
He rallied Protestants and Evangelicals to fight against Kennedy due to him being Catholic. He also was not pro civil rights, and also he thought women should be home and be led by men.

The line between Church and State. That line.

There is no line between church and state.

There sure is, and we have discussed this before.
No, there isn't. It's manufactured. Weak people have allowed some people to encroach on our Liberty. That's the only line between church and state that exists. What does the "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?

This is from the Baptist: I have no idea what the Q stands for , tell me?
Top 5 myths of separation of church and state
It stands for "queer". Isn't calling homosexuals "queer" a slur and insult?

I looked it up and it may also stand for questioning. I would think that is what it stands for.
There is no line between church and state.

There sure is, and we have discussed this before.
No, there isn't. It's manufactured. Weak people have allowed some people to encroach on our Liberty. That's the only line between church and state that exists. What does the "Q" stand for in LGBTQ?

This is from the Baptist: I have no idea what the Q stands for , tell me?
Top 5 myths of separation of church and state
It stands for "queer". Isn't calling homosexuals "queer" a slur and insult?

I looked it up and it may also stand for questioning. I would think that is what it stands for.
Close, but not quite right. The Q stands for questioning or queer, and either one is accepted. So now after being told by the left for years that calling homosexuals "queer" is a slur and insulting, we are now told it's okay. Idiots.
Under your concept, no Christian President could ever lay in state in the rotunda. And it wasn’t a funeral.
An anti-semitic christian evangelist so it all cancelled out.
What's your opinion on a State sanctioned funeral for a Christian evangelist? Doesn't that violate separation of Church and State?

Graham was a purveyor of nonsense that's how he made his living, fleecing the less educated / intelligent, two down and one to go, graham, farwell, next up: pat robertson
#10 is information compromised. Pence's is still a catholic pathology that is a xian pathology. All of us are born again at every instant. For the mystically inclined, that would be Jakob Boehme. For the philosophical, Deleuze, Bergsonism and the Triplicity of Flux. The contradictions of the concept of salvation are best related in modern radical atheism because it questions the desire for immortality, unlike traditional atheism.
While it doesn't offend me - as an American citizen and taxpayer - I wouldn't have done it. There are many worthy religious leaders (and business leaders, and academic leaders, and artistic leaders) who would deserve similar recognition, and it's best for the Government not to get involved.

More pointedly, the issue of Graham's generation, and particularly in The South where he was based, was Civil Rights, and on that issue, Graham was AWOL. He did not march with MLK, do any demonstrating, or even recognize that there was a problem - when manifestly there was. Also, he led a cabal to torpedo the election of JFK due to his Roman Catholic faith (or the pretense thereof).

The definition of "heroism" is risking one's own wellbeing for the benefit of others. Graham never ventured out of his own comfort zone. He was no kind of "hero" as far as I'm concerned.

And frankly, he was not a great orator either. I never "got it" with respect to his popularity.
You might want to read this.
What did MLK Jr. say about Billy Graham? He called his ministry a crutch to his own.

he talked a good game until mlk died.
#10: Pence has duped the prisoners. Being born again (= salvation) is the worst of illusions.

'We can trace how Derrida's thinking of the other deconstructs the religious idea of salvation. In Rogues, he proposes "to separate as irreconcilable the notion of (salut [italics]) as greeting or salutation to the other from every (salut [it.]) as salvation (in the sense of the safe, the immune, health, and security) Moreover he proposes to question the very desire for salvation: "to consider the greeting or salutation of the other,, of what comes, as irreducible and heterogeneous to any seeking of (salut[it.]) as salvation".

These propositions resonate with a number of texts from the last ten years of Derrida's life, where he employs the resources of the French word salut in order to emphasize that the religious notion of salvation is incompatible with the opening to the other. Salut can signify both the salvation of (salut de) someone or something and the greeting to (salut a) someone or something. Derrida links the former meaning to the religious ideal of the unscathed. To be granted salut as salvation would be to become wholly immune to evil, safe from any possible harm.

To address the greeting (salut[it.]) is, on the contrary, to open oneself to an other who can always cause harm or do evil and in any case opens the possibility of loss tha compormises any salvation.....Derrida's strong claim is that the greeting of the other is incompatible with the very hope for salvation: "the (salut a [it.]) presupposes a renunciation of the (salut de [it.]) To address a greeting (to [it.]) the other, a greeting from one's own self to the other as other, for this greeting to be what it must be it must break off all hope of salvation or redemption, all return and restitution of the 'safe' ."

The radicality of Derrida's argument emerges if one bears in mind that the greeting to the other is not a matter of choice. Whatever one does, one is greeting the other, since nothing can happen without the coming of the other. Thus in spite of Derrida's recourse to voluntary metaphors, the "renunciation" of the hope for salvation is concomitant with the advent of life as such. Whatever one desires, one cannot desire the absolute immunity of salvation, sinice it would close the opening to the other that is the condition for whatever one desires.
Derrida's notion of the messianic without messanism follows the radically atheist logic that we traced in his notion of salut without salvation. A radical atheism cannot simply denounce messianic hope as an illusion. Rather, it must show that messianic hope does not stem from a hope for immortality (the positive infinity of eternity) but from a hope for survival (the negative infinity of time).'
(Haeeglund, Radical Atheism)

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