Pit bulls are safe around children!

How many times are we going to see these stories of people being mauled by pit bulls? You always hear the same thing from pit bull enthusiasts, "it depends on how they are raised. My pit bull is as gentle as can be!". Its funny how the owners of the pit bulls that attack people always say "I cant believe it, my pit bulls played with my children." Well guess what, this kid was around these pit bulls before without incident, then suddenly one day these "peaceful" dogs killed a child and mauled his pregnant mother.

These dogs are ticking time bombs, therefore they aren't fit for domestication. They should be outlawed!

Police identify boy, 4, killed in dog attack

I think the breed originated as war dogs, bred to attack and kill humans. Certainly the Germans developed a couple of those breeds as did many other cultures. My friend had a doberman who are unpredictable in the same way. The family praised the creature, a female who basically was easy going if weird. Then one day for no apparent reason the dog up and viciously attacked my friend. They had to give it away or put it down. If forget. It was a long time ago.

pit bulls are actually a wide class of dog

in the states they had been used for cattle
Same argument libs use for guns. Pits are not the only dog breed that attacks people. If they are outlawed the aholes that want a bad ass dog for the purpose of intimidating people will simply move to another breed, like Rotweillers or Dobermans (which used to be the bad dogs).

I watch German Sheppards more than any other at the dog park. Not because they are evil but many don't understand that powerful working dogs need to works and be subservient to their masters. I belong to a dog forum I don't visit anymore because the libs go ballistic when I say shit like that.

Same argument libs use for guns?

REALLY? PLEASE provide a link where a gun got off it's leash and attacked someone walking to church.

  • Pit bulls attack indiscriminately
  • Nonsense. They attack because they were raised to be bad asses. They are loving by nature. It's a human problem, not a dog problem. Just like with guns.

Of course...my pit bull had every reason to attack and try to kill me in my own living room because I picked up his chain that my wife left on the floor after dusting in the dining room. Especially because his chain was a symbol of taking him for a walk, which he loved...
Same argument libs use for guns. Pits are not the only dog breed that attacks people. If they are outlawed the aholes that want a bad ass dog for the purpose of intimidating people will simply move to another breed, like Rotweillers or Dobermans (which used to be the bad dogs).

I watch German Sheppards more than any other at the dog park. Not because they are evil but many don't understand that powerful working dogs need to works and be subservient to their masters. I belong to a dog forum I don't visit anymore because the libs go ballistic when I say shit like that.

Same argument libs use for guns?

REALLY? PLEASE provide a link where a gun got off it's leash and attacked someone walking to church.

Oh the irony. Follow along s l o w l y. Libs blame it on the gun, if only they didn't have a gun. Same thing. If only they didn't have a Pit Bull. What about all those with friendly Pits?

Like I said, outlawing them would just make another breed the new badass.
How many times are we going to see these stories of people being mauled by pit bulls? You always hear the same thing from pit bull enthusiasts, "it depends on how they are raised. My pit bull is as gentle as can be!". Its funny how the owners of the pit bulls that attack people always say "I cant believe it, my pit bulls played with my children." Well guess what, this kid was around these pit bulls before without incident, then suddenly one day these "peaceful" dogs killed a child and mauled his pregnant mother.

These dogs are ticking time bombs, therefore they aren't fit for domestication. They should be outlawed!

Police identify boy, 4, killed in dog attack

I live directly across the street from a guy that raises and sells these pits for his income. I live in complete terror every single day that one day these dogs will get lose and be my worst nightmare. I only hope I live to sue the fuck out of him and his wife when this happens. Can't stand the sight of these white mf's
  • Pit bulls attack indiscriminately
  • Nonsense. They attack because they were raised to be bad asses. They are loving by nature. It's a human problem, not a dog problem. Just like with guns.
Of course...my pit bull had every reason to attack and try to kill me in my own living room because I picked up his chain that my wife left on the floor after dusting in the dining room. Especially because his chain was a symbol of taking him for a walk, which he loved...
One of my dogs is an AmStaff, which is considered a Pit Bull. I could beat her to death and she'd never growl at me. If you had an out of control dog it was your fault, not the dogs.
  • Pit bulls attack indiscriminately
  • Nonsense. They attack because they were raised to be bad asses. They are loving by nature. It's a human problem, not a dog problem. Just like with guns.
Of course...my pit bull had every reason to attack and try to kill me in my own living room because I picked up his chain that my wife left on the floor after dusting in the dining room. Especially because his chain was a symbol of taking him for a walk, which he loved...
One of my dogs is an AmStaff, which is considered a Pit Bull. I could beat her to death and she'd never growl at me. If you had an out of control dog it was your fault, not the dogs.

I don't believe you, video tape you beating your dog and put it on youtube
I live directly across the street from a guy that raises and sells these pits for his income. I live in complete terror every single day that one day these dogs will get lose and be my worst nightmare. I only hope I live to sue the fuck out of him and his wife when this happens. Can't stand the sight of these white mf's
No wonder you're wound up so tight. If he's breeding dogs in a residential area he's breaking the law.
  • Pit bulls attack indiscriminately
  • Nonsense. They attack because they were raised to be bad asses. They are loving by nature. It's a human problem, not a dog problem. Just like with guns.
Of course...my pit bull had every reason to attack and try to kill me in my own living room because I picked up his chain that my wife left on the floor after dusting in the dining room. Especially because his chain was a symbol of taking him for a walk, which he loved...
One of my dogs is an AmStaff, which is considered a Pit Bull. I could beat her to death and she'd never growl at me. If you had an out of control dog it was your fault, not the dogs.
I don't believe you, video tape you beating your dog and put it on youtube
I don't believe you. You're some skinny white Klan member trying to make blacks look bad.
Same argument libs use for guns. Pits are not the only dog breed that attacks people. If they are outlawed the aholes that want a bad ass dog for the purpose of intimidating people will simply move to another breed, like Rotweillers or Dobermans (which used to be the bad dogs).

I watch German Sheppards more than any other at the dog park. Not because they are evil but many don't understand that powerful working dogs need to works and be subservient to their masters. I belong to a dog forum I don't visit anymore because the libs go ballistic when I say shit like that.

Same argument libs use for guns?

REALLY? PLEASE provide a link where a gun got off it's leash and attacked someone walking to church.

Oh the irony. Follow along s l o w l y. Libs blame it on the gun, if only they didn't have a gun. Same thing. If only they didn't have a Pit Bull. What about all those with friendly Pits?

Like I said, outlawing them would just make another breed the new badass.

Hey pea brain, ask an adult to read this s-l-o-w-l-y for a retard...

Characteristics of the Pit Bull Breed

The pit bull is unique in many ways. Historically, the breed was derived from the “butcher’s dog” developed for the blood sport of bull-baiting in England. The dogs were intentionally bred to be stronger than other dogs and to engage in dangerous behaviors that would favor their winning in the ring by fighting a bull to the death.

When this sport was banned in England in approximately 1835, the owners took their dogs to the coal mining communities of Stafford-shire County. There, the dogs were placed into coal pits to fight one another, and the breed was manipulated to be quicker and more agile. This breeding eventually resulted in the smaller, tenacious terriers now known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. The name “pit bull” is associated with dogs displaying these phenotypes. These fighting dogs were bred and trained not to display behavioral signals of their intentions so that they would have an advantage in the ring. For this reason, pit bulls are frequently known to attack “without warning.”

For example, one study found that 94% of attacks on children by pit bulls but only 43% of attacks on children by other breeds of dogs were unprovoked.
Same argument libs use for guns. Pits are not the only dog breed that attacks people. If they are outlawed the aholes that want a bad ass dog for the purpose of intimidating people will simply move to another breed, like Rotweillers or Dobermans (which used to be the bad dogs).

I watch German Sheppards more than any other at the dog park. Not because they are evil but many don't understand that powerful working dogs need to works and be subservient to their masters. I belong to a dog forum I don't visit anymore because the libs go ballistic when I say shit like that.

Same argument libs use for guns?

REALLY? PLEASE provide a link where a gun got off it's leash and attacked someone walking to church.

Oh the irony. Follow along s l o w l y. Libs blame it on the gun, if only they didn't have a gun. Same thing. If only they didn't have a Pit Bull. What about all those with friendly Pits?

Like I said, outlawing them would just make another breed the new badass.

Hey pea brain, ask an adult to read this s-l-o-w-l-y for a retard...

Characteristics of the Pit Bull Breed

The pit bull is unique in many ways. Historically, the breed was derived from the “butcher’s dog” developed for the blood sport of bull-baiting in England. The dogs were intentionally bred to be stronger than other dogs and to engage in dangerous behaviors that would favor their winning in the ring by fighting a bull to the death.

When this sport was banned in England in approximately 1835, the owners took their dogs to the coal mining communities of Stafford-shire County. There, the dogs were placed into coal pits to fight one another, and the breed was manipulated to be quicker and more agile. This breeding eventually resulted in the smaller, tenacious terriers now known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. The name “pit bull” is associated with dogs displaying these phenotypes. These fighting dogs were bred and trained not to display behavioral signals of their intentions so that they would have an advantage in the ring. For this reason, pit bulls are frequently known to attack “without warning.”

For example, one study found that 94% of attacks on children by pit bulls but only 43% of attacks on children by other breeds of dogs were unprovoked.
Where's the link?
The list for why pitbulls are dangerous, in numbers:

$92.7 million – Dog bite claims totaled $92.7 million for 2,400 claims in California (Insurance Information Institute, 2011). Source.

$500,000 – The typical cost of settlements in attacks by pit bulls and Rottweilers causing death or serious injury is an average of a half million dollars. The amount of $29,396 was the average cost of a dog bite case in 2011. Source.

3000 %
- Pit bulls and Rottweilers do three times more killing and maiming than all other dogs combined, meaning that their actuarial risk is approximately 3000% higher than that of the average dog. Source.

2,500 – More than 2,500 times higher risk of killing than Labradors. Source.

789% – Over the past decade, there was an increase of 789% in the number of life-threatening pit bull attacks (attacks on children were up 876%; attacks on adults were up 490%; fatalities were up 388%; and maimings were up 1269%.). Source.
66% – 80% – Over 2/3 (66% – 80%) of the pit bulls who end up at the shelter are surrendered by their owners. Source.

65% – Pit bulls are responsible for 65 percent of all fatal dog attacks nationally. Source.

58% – Fifty eight percent of dogs euthanized at shelters are pit bull types.

44% – Forty four percent of Seeing Eye teams have reported being attacked by other dogs. Source.

25% – A fourth of all dog bite claims were by due to pit bull bites. Source.

14 – Every fourteen days, someone in the U.S. is killed by a pit bull.

14 – Pitbuls are fourteen times more likely to escape their confines. Source.

11th – Eleventh in popularity – *American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers, ranked 11th in popularity among 16 AKC-registered breeds and had by far the highest risk of killing — more than 2,500 times higher than Labs. Source.

9 – Owners of dangerous breeds are more than 9 times more likely to have been convicted for a crime involving children and more than Source.

– Eight times more likely to have been charged with drug crimes than owners of low-risked licensed dogs. Source.

6 – Six times more likely to kill their owners. Source.

5.4 – Every 5.4. days, a body part is severed and lost in a pit bull attack . Source.

3 – Owners of dangerous dogs are more than three times more likely to have been convicted of domestic abuse. Source.

1/3 of all home insurance claims are dog bites (25% of them, pit bull bites). Source.

3 – It is estimated that pit bull type dogs represent 3% of the total population of dogs in the U.S.A.. Source.

1 - The Leading biters in 25 states. Source.

1 – The Leading biters, nationally. Source.

1 - Leading in deaths and serious disfigurements and maimings. Source.

(U.S. statistics only)

So, is there any way a decent person would deny that Pitbulls ARE dangerous dogs? No, there isn’t.

Pitbulls are dangerous dogs? Vicious? Unpredictable? YES! — NO Dogs, Please!
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  • Nonsense. They attack because they were raised to be bad asses. They are loving by nature. It's a human problem, not a dog problem. Just like with guns.

Myth #1: It's the owner not the breed

The outdated debate, "It's the owner, not the breed," has caused the pit bull problem to grow into a 30-year old problem. Designed to protect pit bull breeders and owners, the slogan ignores the genetic history of the breed and blames these horrific maulings -- inflicted by the pit bull's genetic "hold and shake" bite style -- on environmental factors. While environment plays a role in a pit bull's behavior, it is genetics that leaves pit bull victims with permanent and disfiguring injuries.

The pit bull's genetic traits are not in dispute. Many appellate courts agree that pit bulls pose a significant danger to society and can be regulated accordingly. Some of the genetic traits courts have identified include: unpredictability of aggression, tenacity ("gameness" the refusal to give up a fight), high pain tolerance and the pit bull's "hold and shake" bite style. According to forensic medical studies, similar injuries have only been found elsewhere on victims of shark attacks.

Purveyors of this myth also cannot account for the many instances in which pit bull owners and their family members are victimized by their pet dogs. From 2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203 Americans, about one citizen every 18 days. Of these deaths, 53% involved a family member and a household pit bull. Notably, in the first 8 months of 2011, nearly half of those killed by a pit bull was its owner. One victim was an "avid supporter" of Bad Rap, a recipient of Michael Vick's dogs.

Pit Bull Myths - DogsBite.org
Where's the link?

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke

Thanks for proving you have no capacity to read and learn...just "emote" dogma...

It was linked in post 618...

I asked for the link you quoted from and you took a shit, as usual. It shouldn't have even needed to be asked, it's common sense.

Like I said, one of my dogs is an AmStaff and also like I said I meet many at the dog park so I prefer my real life experience to your theories. Some of the pdf makes no sense at all. For example, why would the dogs be bred to show no sign of aggression but also be trained to immediately go for the kill once in a ring? I've seen no such behavior after meeting maybe a hundred Pits.

Also many people call a lot of dogs "Pit Bulls" if they are muscular with rounded heads but ANY dog that is to aggressive to be trained needs to be put down

Here are some facts :

Pit Bull Myths - Debunked - American Pit Bull Foundation
MYTH: All Pit Bulls are mean and vicious.
It is reported on temperament tests conducted by the American Temperament Test Society that Pit Bulls had a passing rate of 82% or better — compared to only 77% of the general dog population.

These temperament tests consist of putting a dog through a series of unexpected situations, some involving strangers.

Any signs of unprovoked aggression or panic in these situations result in failure of the test. The achievement of Pit Bulls in this study disproves that they are inherently aggressive to people. (Please visit ATTS.org)

MYTH: Aggression towards other animals means people are next.
“Many working breeds have antipathy towards other animals – coonhounds go mad at the sight of a raccoon, foxhounds will not hesitate to tear a dog-like fox to shreds, greyhounds live to chase and maul rabbits and even dog-like coyotes. Even the ever-friendly beagle will slaughter a rabbit, given the chance.

And yet the greyhound, coon and foxhound and beagle are among the friendliest of breeds towards humans. And it is the same with the pit bulldog. His work through the years has been control of other animals – never humans. A correct pit bull is more often than not submissive toward all humans, and adores children.

A pit bull that snarls, lunges or growls at non-threatening humans is NOT typical of the breed.” (Written by Diane Jessup)

Pit bulls that do show aggressive behavior towards humans are not typical of the breed and should be humanely euthanized.
  • Nonsense. They attack because they were raised to be bad asses. They are loving by nature. It's a human problem, not a dog problem. Just like with guns.

Myth #1: It's the owner not the breed

The outdated debate, "It's the owner, not the breed," has caused the pit bull problem to grow into a 30-year old problem. Designed to protect pit bull breeders and owners, the slogan ignores the genetic history of the breed and blames these horrific maulings -- inflicted by the pit bull's genetic "hold and shake" bite style -- on environmental factors. While environment plays a role in a pit bull's behavior, it is genetics that leaves pit bull victims with permanent and disfiguring injuries.

The pit bull's genetic traits are not in dispute. Many appellate courts agree that pit bulls pose a significant danger to society and can be regulated accordingly. Some of the genetic traits courts have identified include: unpredictability of aggression, tenacity ("gameness" the refusal to give up a fight), high pain tolerance and the pit bull's "hold and shake" bite style. According to forensic medical studies, similar injuries have only been found elsewhere on victims of shark attacks.

Purveyors of this myth also cannot account for the many instances in which pit bull owners and their family members are victimized by their pet dogs. From 2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203 Americans, about one citizen every 18 days. Of these deaths, 53% involved a family member and a household pit bull. Notably, in the first 8 months of 2011, nearly half of those killed by a pit bull was its owner. One victim was an "avid supporter" of Bad Rap, a recipient of Michael Vick's dogs.

Pit Bull Myths - DogsBite.org
Michael Vick's dog? You mean the ones trained to kill? Good God, you're gullible. Many dogs are capable of similar damage.

The Truth About Pit Bulls


Dog breeds are characterized by certain physical and behavioral traits. Each breed was developed to perform a specific job, whether that job is hunting rabbits, retrieving downed birds, herding livestock or sitting on people’s laps. When developing a breed, breeders selected only those dogs that performed their job best to produce the next generation.

Physical abilities and behavior are both important facets of any breed. A well-bred dog should have both the physical attributes necessary to perform its job and the behavioral tendencies needed to learn it. It’s not surprising that individuals of a specific breed tend to look and behave somewhat similarly. Pointers are more likely than Poodles to point, and sheepdogs are more likely than lapdogs to herd. However, while a dog’s genetics may predispose it to perform certain behaviors, tremendous behavioral variation exists among individuals of the same breed or breed type. It’s also important to note that some dog breeds are now bred for entirely different jobs than those for which they were originally developed. For example, certain strains of Golden Retrievers are now being bred as service dogs, a far cry from their original job of retrieving downed birds.

Today’s pit bull is a descendant of the original English bull-baiting dog—a dog that was bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. When baiting large animals was outlawed in the 1800s, people turned instead to fighting their dogs against each other. These larger, slower bull-baiting dogs were crossed with smaller, quicker terriers to produce a more agile and athletic dog for fighting other dogs.

Continue to read our official position statement on pit bulls »

Tips for Adopting a Pit Bull

Thinking about adopting a pit bull? Congratulations! Pit bulls can make very sweet and loyal family dogs. Adopting a pit bull should be fun and joyful, so we’ve created a list of handy tips to help you make good choices.

Socialization is the key to a happy and confident dog. All puppies should be enrolled in a puppy class where part of the time is devoted to off-leash play with other dogs.

Pit bulls are enthusiastic learners. They enjoy trick training and many graduate at the head of their obedience classes. There are many pit bull rescue groups that can recommend training classes.

It’s play time! Pits are moderately active indoors and extremely active outdoors—be prepared to spend a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes twice a day engaged in aerobic-level activities with your dog.
  • Nonsense. They attack because they were raised to be bad asses. They are loving by nature. It's a human problem, not a dog problem. Just like with guns.

Myth #1: It's the owner not the breed

The outdated debate, "It's the owner, not the breed," has caused the pit bull problem to grow into a 30-year old problem. Designed to protect pit bull breeders and owners, the slogan ignores the genetic history of the breed and blames these horrific maulings -- inflicted by the pit bull's genetic "hold and shake" bite style -- on environmental factors. While environment plays a role in a pit bull's behavior, it is genetics that leaves pit bull victims with permanent and disfiguring injuries.

The pit bull's genetic traits are not in dispute. Many appellate courts agree that pit bulls pose a significant danger to society and can be regulated accordingly. Some of the genetic traits courts have identified include: unpredictability of aggression, tenacity ("gameness" the refusal to give up a fight), high pain tolerance and the pit bull's "hold and shake" bite style. According to forensic medical studies, similar injuries have only been found elsewhere on victims of shark attacks.

Purveyors of this myth also cannot account for the many instances in which pit bull owners and their family members are victimized by their pet dogs. From 2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203 Americans, about one citizen every 18 days. Of these deaths, 53% involved a family member and a household pit bull. Notably, in the first 8 months of 2011, nearly half of those killed by a pit bull was its owner. One victim was an "avid supporter" of Bad Rap, a recipient of Michael Vick's dogs.

Pit Bull Myths - DogsBite.org
Michael Vick's dog? You mean the ones trained to kill? Good God, you're gullible. Many dogs are capable of similar damage.

The Truth About Pit Bulls


Dog breeds are characterized by certain physical and behavioral traits. Each breed was developed to perform a specific job, whether that job is hunting rabbits, retrieving downed birds, herding livestock or sitting on people’s laps. When developing a breed, breeders selected only those dogs that performed their job best to produce the next generation.

Physical abilities and behavior are both important facets of any breed. A well-bred dog should have both the physical attributes necessary to perform its job and the behavioral tendencies needed to learn it. It’s not surprising that individuals of a specific breed tend to look and behave somewhat similarly. Pointers are more likely than Poodles to point, and sheepdogs are more likely than lapdogs to herd. However, while a dog’s genetics may predispose it to perform certain behaviors, tremendous behavioral variation exists among individuals of the same breed or breed type. It’s also important to note that some dog breeds are now bred for entirely different jobs than those for which they were originally developed. For example, certain strains of Golden Retrievers are now being bred as service dogs, a far cry from their original job of retrieving downed birds.

Today’s pit bull is a descendant of the original English bull-baiting dog—a dog that was bred to bite and hold bulls, bears and other large animals around the face and head. When baiting large animals was outlawed in the 1800s, people turned instead to fighting their dogs against each other. These larger, slower bull-baiting dogs were crossed with smaller, quicker terriers to produce a more agile and athletic dog for fighting other dogs.

Continue to read our official position statement on pit bulls »

Tips for Adopting a Pit Bull

Thinking about adopting a pit bull? Congratulations! Pit bulls can make very sweet and loyal family dogs. Adopting a pit bull should be fun and joyful, so we’ve created a list of handy tips to help you make good choices.

Socialization is the key to a happy and confident dog. All puppies should be enrolled in a puppy class where part of the time is devoted to off-leash play with other dogs.

Pit bulls are enthusiastic learners. They enjoy trick training and many graduate at the head of their obedience classes. There are many pit bull rescue groups that can recommend training classes.

It’s play time! Pits are moderately active indoors and extremely active outdoors—be prepared to spend a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes twice a day engaged in aerobic-level activities with your dog.
Cesar millan took some of Vicks dogs.

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