Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

If a woman wants to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy she will find a way to do it. If it's not safe, legal and available she will probably die in the process. The people who pretend it's "all about the woman's health" are lying - to themselves, to the public, to the women they pretend to serve. It's not about the woman's health - it's about ending abortion by making it as inaccessable and restrictive as possible.

Regulating the industry - and it is already regulated - doesn't mean adding even more stringent requirements (requirements that similar clinics are not forced to meet) - it's by enforcing the ones that exist so that clinics like Gosnell are closed down. But that is not what they care about.

Defunding PP is part of the attempt to close down PP and in doing so, ensuring that poor women will have an even more difficult time getting healthcare or getting an abortion. Rich people have options, poor people don't. And they are the ones who will be disproportionately affected because they are one who can least afford to have more children. Ironically - the same ones calling for defunding PP are also the voices calling to cut welfare and stigmatize unwed mothers. force them to have the child, cut off avenues of help, and them damn them.

But..."it's all about women's health".
All lies generated by propagandists who view women as property.
If a woman wants to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy she will find a way to do it. If it's not safe, legal and available she will probably die in the process. The people who pretend it's "all about the woman's health" are lying - to themselves, to the public, to the women they pretend to serve. It's not about the woman's health - it's about ending abortion by making it as inaccessable and restrictive as possible.

Regulating the industry - and it is already regulated - doesn't mean adding even more stringent requirements (requirements that similar clinics are not forced to meet) - it's by enforcing the ones that exist so that clinics like Gosnell are closed down. But that is not what they care about.

Defunding PP is part of the attempt to close down PP and in doing so, ensuring that poor women will have an even more difficult time getting healthcare or getting an abortion. Rich people have options, poor people don't. And they are the ones who will be disproportionately affected because they are one who can least afford to have more children. Ironically - the same ones calling for defunding PP are also the voices calling to cut welfare and stigmatize unwed mothers. force them to have the child, cut off avenues of help, and them damn them.

But..."it's all about women's health".
All lies generated by propagandists who view women as property.

You're the one that thinks of them as baby factories and ambulatory incubators :)
What? You didn't see them circle the wagons for Kermit Gosnell?

Really? Can you provide the link to said wagons?
Joeb was in full cry defending him. Someone was on here today pretending justice went awry in the Gosnell case. Your friends are perfectly fine with were the PP clinics that continued to send women to him to be cut up, drugged and killed....despite the fact they knew the situation. I imagine they got a commission....he charged around 2000 to chop them up.

Gosnell is what happens when safe abortions are not accessible in a timely manner. Women will continue to find a way, even through unsafe means when that is all that is left for them.
No, Gosnell is what happens when you make human rights violations and murder legal.

And won't allow safety regulations in abortion clinics.

Gosnell was breaking the law - his practice was illegal and violating currently mandated safety regulations.

Safety regulations ARE allowed.
Really? Can you provide the link to said wagons?
Joeb was in full cry defending him. Someone was on here today pretending justice went awry in the Gosnell case. Your friends are perfectly fine with were the PP clinics that continued to send women to him to be cut up, drugged and killed....despite the fact they knew the situation. I imagine they got a commission....he charged around 2000 to chop them up.

Gosnell is what happens when safe abortions are not accessible in a timely manner. Women will continue to find a way, even through unsafe means when that is all that is left for them.
How the hell were they not accessible? And why is it wrong to terminate a late term fetus that is still on it's mothers "life support"?
They were available. More baby killing lies.

Stringent laws that force many clinics to close, increasing the distances a woman may have to go to get an abortion, mandatory waiting periods - necessitating either multiple nights in a hotel or more than one lengthy trip - all of which can push a pregnancy to the point where it might be riskier or more difficult or impossible to obtain an abortion. But of course you know that because it's part of your strategy.
Bullshit. It isn't 'stringent' to require a license and admitting privileges. It's only stringent when you have butchers, frauds, charlatans and untrained ghouls doing the killing. As planned parenthood does. Nobody decent does that work. They're the dregs of humanity that should never be allowed to dig around between women's legs, let alone be allowed to drug them and kill their babies.
Joeb was in full cry defending him. Someone was on here today pretending justice went awry in the Gosnell case. Your friends are perfectly fine with were the PP clinics that continued to send women to him to be cut up, drugged and killed....despite the fact they knew the situation. I imagine they got a commission....he charged around 2000 to chop them up.

Gosnell is what happens when safe abortions are not accessible in a timely manner. Women will continue to find a way, even through unsafe means when that is all that is left for them.
How the hell were they not accessible? And why is it wrong to terminate a late term fetus that is still on it's mothers "life support"?
They were available. More baby killing lies.

Stringent laws that force many clinics to close, increasing the distances a woman may have to go to get an abortion, mandatory waiting periods - necessitating either multiple nights in a hotel or more than one lengthy trip - all of which can push a pregnancy to the point where it might be riskier or more difficult or impossible to obtain an abortion. But of course you know that because it's part of your strategy.
Bullshit. It isn't 'stringent' to require a license and admitting privileges. It's only stringent when you have butchers, frauds, charlatans and untrained ghouls doing the killing. As planned parenthood does. Nobody decent does that work. They're the dregs of humanity that should never be allowed to dig around between women's legs, let alone be allowed to drug them and kill their babies.

They are licensed. Cosmetic surgery clinics and liposuction clinics don't require admitting priveledges. Neither do podiatrist clinics. A lot don't.
Planned Parenthood sent women to Gosnell, rather than telling them they were too far along for safe, or legal, abortion. Generally at the behest of the women's abusers.

Read the judgement. Again, you dishonest baby killing hag.

Ok, you have no evidence to back up your claim.
It's all in the judgement which I plastered all over this place, and you read. So again, you prove you are a disgusting liar who approves of killing vulnerable women and infants....and who pretends to be innocent of understanding when we here all know you know exactly what the judgement said. It was scathing and named planned parenthood as responsible.
She was not alive, she was being artificially kept fed and breathing. She had irreversible brain damage. Why should she have had to be kept under those conditions? That is not living. Her brain was a shriveled mass of dead cells. She should not have been kept so long like that. She should have been freed long before.
No she was not artificially kept breathing, or artificially feeding, didn't think there was such a thing. She had a feeding tube, so if you are on a feeding tube, your family can decide for you to stop that treatment? What if it's a breast feeding baby? That's a mothers body it's living off of. That's where it gets it's nourishment and immunity. Does the mom then not have the choice to stop giving breast milk to the child? Why not? Explain to me where the difference is, sell me on it

Tube is artificial feed. Shiavo could not swallow, she frequently had to have her lungs cleared and her trac was there to help assist her breath. Chest tube was to drain fluids and clear her lungs every few days. This was ongoing and artificial or she would not have been able to breath.
Much of the body function, that work when we sleep and are involuntary come from the brain stem and not the brain itself, a remnant of our dinosaur brain.
Her brain was a shriveled mass of dead cells. She really was not alive.
Dysphasia is not a sign of brain death, nor is pulmonary fluid retention. Both are quite common in pretty much any inpatient hospital. A chest tube, feeding tube, and trach for suction is not considered life support.
[Emphasis add] You really should learn the facts before you spew such nonsense....

765.101 Definitions

(10) "Life-prolonging procedure" means any medical procedure, treatment, or intervention, including artificially provided sustenance and hydration, which sustains, restores, or supplants a spontaneous vital function. The term does not include the administration of medication or performance of medical procedure, when such medication or procedure is deemed necessary to provide comfort care or to alleviate pain.​

And the mis-diagnosis of brain death happens all the time...
[Irrelevant anecdotal story eliminated] Sure it happens. But it didn't happen in Schiavo's case. The autopsy confirmed the diagnosis and the prognosis. What's your next line of stupidity?

So can a mother refuse to breast feed, or formula feed (baby had no part in making/buying formula)a child and still maintain the right to choice? Can a father say that he does not want the child, wants a abortion and not have to pay for it. Can family remove feeding tube of a coma patient not on life support?
Again .... yes, a mother can refuse to breast feed or formula feed her baby. Who knows what your point is? :dunno:
Life prolonging procedure vs life support, there is a difference between ordinary and extraordinary procedures, notice you don't care to post that, just any definition to support you.
Florida law does not differentiate. Perhaps you don't understand, "any medical procedure .... which sustains, restores, or supplants a spontaneous vital function."

That definition qualifies Teri Schiavo who required a feeding tube to remain alive after losing the "spontaneous vital function" of swallowing.

And I picked chaivo for a reason I figured that you would agree, so why not agree with removing feeding from a child, elderly w severe dementia, pretty much anyone not in charge of their decision. Notice I made the distinction of ordinary and extraordinary. The bigger question is why does it become wrong to have a late term abortion? It's still on "life support" received from the mother. That's the main question
You didn't ask about removing feeding entirely from a baby. You asked about two specific foods; breast milk and formula. If you want to change your question now from that to not feeding a baby at all, the answer is no, unless one want to face child neglect charges, they cannot starve their baby.

The difference in the Schiavo case from a baby is that Teri, while still cognizant, purportedly conveyed to her husband that she would not want her life sustained in such a fasion. A baby, incapable of rendering such a decision, is forced by the government to be kept alive in cases where the parent(s), or other guardian(s), refuse to.
Gosnell is what happens when safe abortions are not accessible in a timely manner. Women will continue to find a way, even through unsafe means when that is all that is left for them.
How the hell were they not accessible? And why is it wrong to terminate a late term fetus that is still on it's mothers "life support"?
They were available. More baby killing lies.

Stringent laws that force many clinics to close, increasing the distances a woman may have to go to get an abortion, mandatory waiting periods - necessitating either multiple nights in a hotel or more than one lengthy trip - all of which can push a pregnancy to the point where it might be riskier or more difficult or impossible to obtain an abortion. But of course you know that because it's part of your strategy.
Bullshit. It isn't 'stringent' to require a license and admitting privileges. It's only stringent when you have butchers, frauds, charlatans and untrained ghouls doing the killing. As planned parenthood does. Nobody decent does that work. They're the dregs of humanity that should never be allowed to dig around between women's legs, let alone be allowed to drug them and kill their babies.

They are licensed. Cosmetic surgery clinics and liposuction clinics don't require admitting priveledges. Neither do podiatrist clinics. A lot don't.
No, they aren't. Which is why the legit medical community shuns them.
i don't think the Babies volunteered to be "cadavers"

Really? Can you provide the link to said wagons?
Joeb was in full cry defending him. Someone was on here today pretending justice went awry in the Gosnell case. Your friends are perfectly fine with were the PP clinics that continued to send women to him to be cut up, drugged and killed....despite the fact they knew the situation. I imagine they got a commission....he charged around 2000 to chop them up.

Gosnell is what happens when safe abortions are not accessible in a timely manner. Women will continue to find a way, even through unsafe means when that is all that is left for them.
No, Gosnell is what happens when you make human rights violations and murder legal.

And won't allow safety regulations in abortion clinics.

Gosnell was breaking the law - his practice was illegal and violating currently mandated safety regulations.

Safety regulations ARE allowed.

And his clinic was reported over and over and the reports were ignored.
Joeb was in full cry defending him. Someone was on here today pretending justice went awry in the Gosnell case. Your friends are perfectly fine with were the PP clinics that continued to send women to him to be cut up, drugged and killed....despite the fact they knew the situation. I imagine they got a commission....he charged around 2000 to chop them up.

Gosnell is what happens when safe abortions are not accessible in a timely manner. Women will continue to find a way, even through unsafe means when that is all that is left for them.
No, Gosnell is what happens when you make human rights violations and murder legal.

And won't allow safety regulations in abortion clinics.

Gosnell was breaking the law - his practice was illegal and violating currently mandated safety regulations.

Safety regulations ARE allowed.

And his clinic was reported over and over and the reports were ignored.
And Planned Parenthood providers (multiple) continued to send vulnerable, ready to pop women there, though they knew. Because they don't care what happens to those women, as long as their babies get dead.
whatever you do. don't call it a BABY. Don't you know women that goes around telling everyone. hey, we are going to have fetus. you people are sick in the head and they should use all the people who supports and works at PP as specimens for body parts. The brains won't be usable so they toss them in the garbage...... We'll refer to you as a fetus when we write about how heroic you were

As Soapdrop pointed out, 'we are going to have a baby" is something that is going to happen in the future.

If htey actually want it to.

If they don't want it, they say, "I need to take care of that thing on Tuesday."

We considered using Conservatives for brain donors, but they didn't have any.
And his clinic was reported over and over and the reports were ignored.

Yes they were. His clinic was also largely ignored by the pro-life movement, beacuse, hey those weren't white women getting abortions.

Gosnell proves it sucks to be poor and black in America. Nothing more, nothing less.
Really? Can you provide the link to said wagons?
Joeb was in full cry defending him. Someone was on here today pretending justice went awry in the Gosnell case. Your friends are perfectly fine with were the PP clinics that continued to send women to him to be cut up, drugged and killed....despite the fact they knew the situation. I imagine they got a commission....he charged around 2000 to chop them up.

Gosnell is what happens when safe abortions are not accessible in a timely manner. Women will continue to find a way, even through unsafe means when that is all that is left for them.
How the hell were they not accessible? And why is it wrong to terminate a late term fetus that is still on it's mothers "life support"?
They were available. More baby killing lies.

Stringent laws that force many clinics to close, increasing the distances a woman may have to go to get an abortion, mandatory waiting periods - necessitating either multiple nights in a hotel or more than one lengthy trip - all of which can push a pregnancy to the point where it might be riskier or more difficult or impossible to obtain an abortion. But of course you know that because it's part of your strategy.
Gosnell is from Philly, PP is all over Philly
Joeb was in full cry defending him. Someone was on here today pretending justice went awry in the Gosnell case. Your friends are perfectly fine with were the PP clinics that continued to send women to him to be cut up, drugged and killed....despite the fact they knew the situation. I imagine they got a commission....he charged around 2000 to chop them up.

Gosnell is what happens when safe abortions are not accessible in a timely manner. Women will continue to find a way, even through unsafe means when that is all that is left for them.
How the hell were they not accessible? And why is it wrong to terminate a late term fetus that is still on it's mothers "life support"?
They were available. More baby killing lies.

Stringent laws that force many clinics to close, increasing the distances a woman may have to go to get an abortion, mandatory waiting periods - necessitating either multiple nights in a hotel or more than one lengthy trip - all of which can push a pregnancy to the point where it might be riskier or more difficult or impossible to obtain an abortion. But of course you know that because it's part of your strategy.
Gosnell is from Philly, PP is all over Philly
Women went to gosnell because planned parenthood funneled them there.
Pretty much sums it up....


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