Planned Parenthood director caught on tape selling baby body parts

You must be in a frenzy. You actually started 2 threads on the same subject?
If the patients signed releases for them to be used in research, how they would be procured, and fees would be collected, fine. If not they are guilty as hell.
Now we are finding out that they altered the abortion procedure to try and get the parts out intact. I would guess the procedure was normally done in a way to protect the health of the mother. Hard to say what they are doing differently, but by treating the fetus more gently, it's reasonable to assume it would take a bigger toll on the mother. The focus should always be on the patient, but seems the money to be made selling body parts is the first consideration. Just the fact that they are now doing things differently, meaning different from what was done for years for the safety and health of the mother, is creepy.

Another PP doctor discussing money and how she can attempt to get parts out in one piece by not crushing. Her eyes look dead and it's true that the eyes are a reflection of your soul.

I know lefties will continue to support this because the most important thing is that the population be controlled by any means necessary. The left has criticized measures in the past that were designed for the protection of patients, such as the procedure only being done by doctors and having clinics within a reasonable distance from hospitals, so this won't concern them at all.

I doubt they tell patients that they will do the procedure in a manner to ensure the intact fetus rather than what is best for the patient. I also can't believe they'd tell patients that they will sell the parts for a lot of money. If that were the case, they should pay the mothers for having an abortion, not charging them. Sleazy is the only word to describe the practices. PP makes millions each year while not providing a lot of services for women's health. They refer them elsewhere for anything but abortions and now we know why. It's not about women's health. It's about population control and making money. That is all.

New Video Planned Parenthood Medical Director Talks Technique Negotiations For Harvesting Baby Parts - For America
Like hot dog makers PP uses ALL the material available.
When they abort a human fetus nothing goes to waste apparently
and Planned Parenthood gets their money
when the mother comes in and when the baby goes out.

Like slave holders, they justify their business by contending the fetus is somehow
less than human. It's a gruesome way to make a buck.

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