Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

Sigh. I guess you guys are stuck with the Constitution, that.

Too bad.
I don't agree. Some people's primary motivation is to prove themselves. This causes ether failure or success. If you take away the need to prove yourself you take away competition and also take away the need or desire for excellence.......and any society that takes away that starts to deteriorate and crumble. Greece for example......Rome for an earlier example.

You may or may not agree..but that's not the point I was making.

The Constitution provides every one..regardless of their station in life, with the exact same rights. That's the beauty of it.

That's why you can be born with "Downs Syndrome" and not be immediately put to wasn't the case in Nazi Germany.

The Constitution says you have worth as a person. And that's a primary reason it needs to be rigorously defended and upheld.

people with Down's would be laughed out of court if they tried to sue for disparate outcomes. although it is a less extreme case, why should blacks be taken seriously when their lower average intelligence shows up as disparate outcomes?

No they wouldn't.

What universe are you living in?
So assuming that we agree that proformance on intelligence tests is important factor to doing well, and assuming that we think we ought to abandon those who are not up to whatever benchmark for intelligence we think is enough?

Then what?

Do we herd the stupid into pens and kill them or what?

Gonna be a whole lotta White boys and girls in those death-for-the-stupid camps, kiddies.

You down wid dat?

no one is saying we should kill off dull people of any race. but your type is saying that we should treat dull blacks as if they were smart simply because they have a different skin colour. an IQ85 white is not being pushed into going to university, most IQ85 blacks are. if you really want a black doctor or lawyer that is typically 1-2 standard deviations lower on qualifications then you must be happy because that is what we have.


I don't hate blacks at all...Just a man in search of the answers to improve our society. :eusa_hand:

your so full of shit.....
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

"The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of nature.
It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, and notion of culture.
In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse, you would first have to cripple the race horse;
conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse.
In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence."

Hey jeannieD what's your highest level of education?
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

"The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of nature.
It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, and notion of culture.
In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse, you would first have to cripple the race horse;
conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse.
In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence."

Hey jeannieD what's your highest level of education?

Who was it that posted the statement in this thread that no one is responsible to prove themselves to anyone else in this country?

I'll play along with you though, I have a B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in M.I.S. and an M.S in Project Management. I'll take you at your word in reference to the academic achievements you hold forth. So what?
It's fun to look at history and the innovation advanced because of the white race between the 4th century BC up to about 30 years ago. You'd have the be fucking insane to compare blacks with whites.

1912 in science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But but but what about the pyramids? :lol:

Think through exactly what it would take to build those today.
-Sub-Sahara Africa didn't have anything within a few magnitudes of scale in construction. The closes thing you could point out is Greater Zimbabwe, but didn't come to being until the 12th century.
-No organization


Southern Europe was far more advance in making tools and organizion throughout the past 30,000 years. Not only that but to its east also developed a respectable civilization even before it. (10,000 years ago)

The otherside won't even start to consider these questions.
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Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

"The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of nature.
It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, and notion of culture.
In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse, you would first have to cripple the race horse;
conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse.
In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence."

Hey jeannieD what's your highest level of education?

I don't understand how that is relevant.
"The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of nature.
It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, and notion of culture.
In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse, you would first have to cripple the race horse;
conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse.
In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence."

Hey jeannieD what's your highest level of education?

I don't understand how that is relevant.

He thinks becauses he's educated in bull shit to think inside of the book=he's the be all and end all. I'm asking real questions and he can't defend blacks from reality.

This shows that there's something wrong with his beliefs. There was a time being educated=wanting to learn more and expand ones knowledge. Not anymore.
"The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of nature.
It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, and notion of culture.
In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse, you would first have to cripple the race horse;
conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse.
In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence."

Hey jeannieD what's your highest level of education?

I don't understand how that is relevant.

It's completely irrelevant, not only because it's unimportant in the context of this conversation but because the next step will be to call me a liar anyway. So no, my level of education doesn't matter in this forum. I'm unimpressed by degrees in social sciences and humanities.
Hey jeannieD what's your highest level of education?

I don't understand how that is relevant.

It's completely irrelevant, not only because it's unimportant in the context of this conversation but because the next step will be to call me a liar anyway. So no, my level of education doesn't matter in this forum. I'm unimpressed by degrees in social sciences and humanities.

he claims to want a dialog but when he gets his ass handed to him resorts to crying "racism"

He cries racism often because he gets lambasted frequently.
I'm closed minded regarding the idea that intelligence has a racial component.

Most people -- liberal, libertarian, conservative -- are.

It's just too scary.

Sam Francis tells the tale of a young Washington cub -- a conservative -- who told him, "I'm just afraid of where that thinking leads."

Sam replied, "You should be afraid of where ignoring that thinking leads."
It's fun to look at history and the innovation advanced because of the white race between the 4th century BC up to about 30 years ago. You'd have the be fucking insane to compare blacks with whites.

1912 in science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But but but what about the pyramids? :lol:

Think through exactly what it would take to build those today.
-Sub-Sahara Africa didn't have anything within a few magnitudes of scale in construction. The closes thing you could point out is Greater Zimbabwe, but didn't come to being until the 12th century.
-No organization


Southern Europe was far more advance in making tools and organizion throughout the past 30,000 years. Not only that but to its east also developed a respectable civilization even before it. (10,000 years ago)

The otherside won't even start to consider these questions.

What do you hope to accomplish with this hateful rhetroic?
Those who think of race in terms of constructs of biology instead of sociology are predestined to extinction. JeannieD, William Joyce, and the others of that ilk are on the way out. Good riddance.
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Hey jeannieD what's your highest level of education?

I don't understand how that is relevant.

He thinks becauses he's educated in bull shit to think inside of the book=he's the be all and end all. I'm asking real questions and he can't defend blacks from reality.

This shows that there's something wrong with his beliefs. There was a time being educated=wanting to learn more and expand ones knowledge. Not anymore.

That statement would carry a lot more weight if you hadn't demonstrated over and over again that you are terrified to answer the same question.
In other words, for one you are a douchette that I will keep kicking.

You speak much but say nothing. Name calling has no substantive value. Your lack of substance has outweighed your entertainment value and your repetition has become tedious.
But but but what about the pyramids? :lol:

Think through exactly what it would take to build those today.
-Sub-Sahara Africa didn't have anything within a few magnitudes of scale in construction. The closes thing you could point out is Greater Zimbabwe, but didn't come to being until the 12th century.
-No organization


Southern Europe was far more advance in making tools and organizion throughout the past 30,000 years. Not only that but to its east also developed a respectable civilization even before it. (10,000 years ago)

The otherside won't even start to consider these questions.

What do you hope to accomplish with this hateful rhetroic?

Educating people with the understanding of history. :eusa_angel:

You people seem not understand how complex it was to build the pyramids.
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You people seem not understand how complex it was to build the pyramids.

Please tell us about your formal education in ancient Egyptian history. Perhaps you've done archeological field work in Egypt? Or maybe your training is in engineering and you've made a personal study that applies your expertise to the topic of how the pyramids were built?

Come on, tell us all about it.
Hey jeannieD what's your highest level of education?

I don't understand how that is relevant.

It's completely irrelevant, not only because it's unimportant in the context of this conversation but because the next step will be to call me a liar anyway. So no, my level of education doesn't matter in this forum. I'm unimpressed by degrees in social sciences and humanities.

So I take it you graduated adult school?
I don't understand how that is relevant.

It's completely irrelevant, not only because it's unimportant in the context of this conversation but because the next step will be to call me a liar anyway. So no, my level of education doesn't matter in this forum. I'm unimpressed by degrees in social sciences and humanities.

he claims to want a dialog but when he gets his ass handed to him resorts to crying "racism"

He cries racism often because he gets lambasted frequently.

First off, I never got my ass handed to me. Second, I don't want to dialogue with closed minded racist its worthless. Third, the reason I ask for folks educational background because most people that subscribe to racism and those who cherry pick scientific facts are usually uneducated.
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