Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

"The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of nature.
It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, and notion of culture.
In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse, you would first have to cripple the race horse;
conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse.
In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence."
Both horses doing what their skills allow them to do, is equality. You can have an apple and an orange, but they're still fruit. That's equal. You wouldn't have a race horse plow a field and you wouldn't have a plow horse in the Kentucky Derby.
"The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of nature.
It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, and notion of culture.
In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse, you would first have to cripple the race horse;
conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse.
In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence."
Both horses doing what their skills allow them to do, is equality. You can have an apple and an orange, but they're still fruit. That's equal. You wouldn't have a race horse plow a field and you wouldn't have a plow horse in the Kentucky Derby.

And the response to this post (prior to your translation into simpler terms) is name calling and a demand for *my* academic credentials.

At this point, it looks like Matthew's op will just go unanswered in any meaningful way. Of course there are exceptions to every rule - but name calling, obfuscating and focusing on exceptions rather focusing on the rule fails to address Matthew's question .
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And the response to this post (prior to your translation into simpler terms) is name calling and a demand for *my* academic credentials.

At this point, it looks like Matthew's op will just go unanswered in any meaningful way. Of course there are exceptions to every rule - but name calling, obfuscating and focusing on exceptions rather focusing on the rule fails to address Matthew's question .
Matthew's question, fails to address what it means to be an American.
First off, I never got my ass handed to me. Second, I don't want to dialogue with closed minded racist its worthless. Third, the reason I ask for folks educational background because most people that subscribe to racism and those who cherry pick scientific facts are usually uneducated.

1) You had your ass handed to you

2) If it's not "racists" that you wish to have a dialogue with, who is your target audience - people who are going to kiss your ass up and down and agree with everything you say?

3) Bullshit. You hope to quell any viewpoint that doesn't match your own by throwing some worthless degrees around in order to try t discredit any dissenters.

4) Why was I not surprised to see you had started a thread bitching about paying child support?

Child support is not only for tangible items like food and clothes. Hopefully a kid has a roof over their head and preferably their own room, shows on cable tv that they like to watch, heat in the winter and running water to bathe and use the toilet yet you want an accounting down to the penny. What if baby momma eats a bowl of the kid's Cheerios - do you want to prorate the box of cereal?
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"The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of nature.
It is a search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every superior race, nation, and notion of culture.
In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race horse, you would first have to cripple the race horse;
conversely, in order for a race horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow horse.
In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence."
Both horses doing what their skills allow them to do, is equality. You can have an apple and an orange, but they're still fruit. That's equal. You wouldn't have a race horse plow a field and you wouldn't have a plow horse in the Kentucky Derby.

I feel obligated to point out the obvious flaw in your rather obtuse analogy! Did you even consider that Plow horses come in different colors as do race horses! A black race horse will run just as fast as a white one. A black plow horse will pull just as much a load as a white one!

Your ill conceived analogy is meant to portray Blacks as plow horses and whites as race horses! But, that rationale just doesn't make sense since we know that individuals in both racial groups can be analogized as a "plow horse" or as a "race horse."
This is a disgraceful thread.

God created all men equal. I'll take God's word over yours, thank you very much. Racists come in all colors, white, black, brown.. you're all the same in my book. You're as ignorant and offensive as Snoop Dog.
So assuming that we agree that proformance on intelligence tests is important factor to doing well, and assuming that we think we ought to abandon those who are not up to whatever benchmark for intelligence we think is enough?

Then what?

Do we herd the stupid into pens and kill them or what?

Gonna be a whole lotta White boys and girls in those death-for-the-stupid camps, kiddies.

You down wid dat?

no one is saying we should kill off dull people of any race. but your type is saying that we should treat dull blacks as if they were smart simply because they have a different skin colour. an IQ85 white is not being pushed into going to university, most IQ85 blacks are. if you really want a black doctor or lawyer that is typically 1-2 standard deviations lower on qualifications then you must be happy because that is what we have.


I don't hate blacks at all...Just a man in search of the answers to improve our society. :eusa_hand:

Creating DIVISION never improves society.. It's what Barack Obama does which makes you no better than him.. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??
JeannieD, my substance is that I and the great majority of this country will not be swayed by your hatred. We won't do things you way.

In other words, for one you are a douchette that I will keep kicking.

You speak much but say nothing. Name calling has no substantive value. Your lack of substance has outweighed your entertainment value and your repetition has become tedious.
Those who think of race in terms of constructs of biology instead of sociology are predestined to extinction. JeannieD, William Joyce, and the others of that ilk are on the way out. Good riddance.
This is a disgraceful thread.

God created all men equal. I'll take God's word over yours, thank you very much. Racists come in all colors, white, black, brown.. you're all the same in my book. You're as ignorant and offensive as Snoop Dog.

But not all men ARE equal.

Some are smarter some are not as smart., some are more athletic, some are feminine, some are violent. some are passive....etc....
But in the law, all men are equal, to be treated equally in accordance with the law.

Any who do not want to follow the law are invited to leave.
But in the law, all men are equal, to be treated equally in accordance with the law.

Any who do not want to follow the law are invited to leave.

I would agree we are all equal under the law.

But explain why blacks commit crimes disproportionately.

And where do you suggest these law breaking blacks "leave" to?
I feel obligated to point out the obvious flaw in your rather obtuse analogy! Did you even consider that Plow horses come in different colors as do race horses! A black race horse will run just as fast as a white one. A black plow horse will pull just as much a load as a white one!

Your ill conceived analogy is meant to portray Blacks as plow horses and whites as race horses! But, that rationale just doesn't make sense since we know that individuals in both racial groups can be analogized as a "plow horse" or as a "race horse."
If you just want to make up my point for me, just tell me you feel like pontificating and needed my post for an intro. Otherwise, that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

My point had nothing to do with color, but was in response to the post about crippling one horse in order to get equality between two different horses with a different sets of skills. My point was you don't have to compare apples to apples, just to have equality. It had nothing to do with the color of the horses.

But since you brought it up, are you prejudiced against appaloosa's? Why no mention of them?
I feel obligated to point out the obvious flaw in your rather obtuse analogy! Did you even consider that Plow horses come in different colors as do race horses! A black race horse will run just as fast as a white one. A black plow horse will pull just as much a load as a white one!

Your ill conceived analogy is meant to portray Blacks as plow horses and whites as race horses! But, that rationale just doesn't make sense since we know that individuals in both racial groups can be analogized as a "plow horse" or as a "race horse."
If you just want to make up my point for me, just tell me you feel like pontificating and needed my post for an intro. Otherwise, that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

My point had nothing to do with color, but was in response to the post about crippling one horse in order to get equality between two different horses with a different sets of skills. My point was you don't have to compare apples to apples, just to have equality. It had nothing to do with the color of the horses.

But since you brought it up, are you prejudiced against appaloosa's? Why no mention of them?

What you two idiots fail to realize that not all horses are the same. You have draft horses and thoroughbreds, for example, one is bred for their speed the other for their strength.

They are both horses the same as blacks and whites are both human. But each very different from the other.

FTR, I own paint horses.
This is a disgraceful thread.

God created all men equal. I'll take God's word over yours, thank you very much. Racists come in all colors, white, black, brown.. you're all the same in my book. You're as ignorant and offensive as Snoop Dog.

But not all men ARE equal.

Some are smarter some are not as smart., some are more athletic, some are feminine, some are violent. some are passive....etc....

I disagree.. God states very clearly that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. He made the jew and the gentile. As I said, I'll lean on him and his understanding, wisdom- rather than man's.
This is a disgraceful thread.

God created all men equal. I'll take God's word over yours, thank you very much. Racists come in all colors, white, black, brown.. you're all the same in my book. You're as ignorant and offensive as Snoop Dog.

But not all men ARE equal.

Some are smarter some are not as smart., some are more athletic, some are feminine, some are violent. some are passive....etc....

I disagree.. God states very clearly that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. He made the jew and the gentile. As I said, I'll lean on him and his understanding, wisdom- rather than man's.

I don't disagree with that. We are all made in God's image with equal opportunities.

However, we are not identical. We are all different.

Some are smarter, faster.... than others. So therefore we are not equally intelligent, equally strong, equally fast...etc......

It has been shown that there is a difference in men on the basis of race. Facts are a funny thing.
But not all men ARE equal.

Some are smarter some are not as smart., some are more athletic, some are feminine, some are violent. some are passive....etc....

I disagree.. God states very clearly that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. He made the jew and the gentile. As I said, I'll lean on him and his understanding, wisdom- rather than man's.

I don't disagree with that. We are all made in God's image with equal opportunities.

However, we are not identical. We are all different.

Some are smarter, faster.... than others. So therefore we are not equally intelligent, equally strong, equally fast...etc......

It has been shown that there is a difference in men on the basis of race. Facts are a funny thing.

Environmental and Sociological factors only show that one is influenced DIRECTLY by their circumstance, environment. Anyone who has taken Psychology courses knows this. Herman Cain is as smart and intelligent as any white man out there. His race HAD NOTHING to do with that. Hard work, perseverence, how he was raised all factored in to who he is today. We are all CREATED equal and race has ZERO to do with it.
What you two idiots fail to realize that not all horses are the same. You have draft horses and thoroughbreds, for example, one is bred for their speed the other for their strength.

They are both horses the same as blacks and whites are both human. But each very different from the other.

FTR, I own paint horses.
My aunt had an apaloosa.

I fuckin' hate my aunt!
I disagree.. God states very clearly that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. He made the jew and the gentile. As I said, I'll lean on him and his understanding, wisdom- rather than man's.

I don't disagree with that. We are all made in God's image with equal opportunities.

However, we are not identical. We are all different.

Some are smarter, faster.... than others. So therefore we are not equally intelligent, equally strong, equally fast...etc......

It has been shown that there is a difference in men on the basis of race. Facts are a funny thing.

Environmental and Sociological factors only show that one is influenced DIRECTLY by their circumstance, environment. Anyone who has taken Psychology courses knows this. Herman Cain is as smart and intelligent as any white man out there. His race HAD NOTHING to do with that. Hard work, perseverence, how he was raised all factored in to who he is today. We are all CREATED equal and race has ZERO to do with it.

You're entitled to your opinion.
What you two idiots fail to realize that not all horses are the same. You have draft horses and thoroughbreds, for example, one is bred for their speed the other for their strength.

They are both horses the same as blacks and whites are both human. But each very different from the other.

FTR, I own paint horses.
My aunt had an apaloosa.

I fuckin' hate my aunt!

I have nothing against any horse breed with the Arbian being the exception.

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