Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas

This is exactly what I was talking about. They can't admit what happened, even tho they had nothing to do with it.

Well to be fair. People taking land from other people has been going on since there was land...and people. Is it good? No. Is it an atrocity? Not necessarily.

The atrocities are the Indian Schools and other acts where just rank racism, cruelty and hatred festered.
Dog Mod: let's focus on the OP and not issues related to what happened to the PreColumbian natives in this thread.
Do you know how many people sit in jail for years before trial, due to the court system being backed up and they can't affod bail? This is something new, and it doesn't violate anyone's rights since the ability of the court to schedule trials and hearings is considered necessry. You can't claim that youre rights were violated becase the court had to wait until they had room in their schedule before they could try you.

Everyone who is not BurnLootMurder and Panty-Faaaaaaaaaaa


In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If enough Democrats of goodwill and faith write to their congressman that these are still your countrymen, they will release them.


Again, the Gateway Pundit?

Not one of the people still in jail, not prison, have NOT been charged with a crime....THEY ALL HAVE BEEN. NO ONE EVER HAS BEEN HELD IN JAIL FOR MONTHS AND NOW YEARS, WITHOUT HAVING CHARGES AGAINST THEM.

And, the Judge makes the determination on whether to hold them without bail, NOT the Biden Administration, and a Trump appointed judge made many of those decisions.

This article linked below, is a year old, there were 40 people determined dangerous or flight risk, were held in prison until their trial. Many went to trial just recently with the Oath Keeper trial, and the Proud Boy trial.

Please STOP letting yourself be a PAWN for these LIARS out there...


Facts First: Vance’s claims are false. Every alleged Capitol rioter who is being held in jail to await trial has been charged with a crime. Moreover, every one of the dozens of defendants listed on the very donations page Vance was promoting has been charged with a crime.

More than 90 minutes after his false tweets, Vance appeared to implicitly concede that he wasn’t correct to claim that dozens of Capitol riot prisoners “haven’t even been charged with a crime” – posting a new tweet that read, “*convicted (not charged).” But Vance did not delete either that false initial tweet or the false subsequent tweet claiming the prisoners have been “accused of nothing,” and he did not explicitly say that he had been wrong.

A Vance campaign spokesman had not responded as of Friday night to a CNN request for comment.

Vance graduated from Yale Law School in 2013. A venture capitalist best known as the author of the bestselling book “Hillbilly Elegy,” he had more than 172,000 Twitter followers as of Thursday.

The ‘political prisoners’ claim
We won’t attempt to fact-check Vance’s subjective claim that the jailed defendants are being “mistreated”; conditions at DC jail facilities are known to be poor in general. But there is no factual basis for his claim in another tweet in the thread that “these people are political prisoners.”

The vast majority of the 700-plus people who have been charged over the Capitol riot to date were released to await trial shortly after they were arrested. The dozens who have been kept in jail before trial are only being held because a federal judge – not the Biden administration – ruled that they are either too dangerous to release or pose a flight risk. Most of these defendants have been charged with attacking police or conspiring with far-right extremist groups. And when defendants have argued during their court cases that they are victims of politically motivated prosecution because they support former President Donald Trump, federal judges, including those appointed by Trump, have rejected these arguments.

As of late 2021, about 40 Capitol riot defendants were being held in jail in Washington, DC in particular. While Vance might have been using the word “prisons” informally, the defendants are being held before trial in a jail facility run by the DC government, not a federal prison; they would be transferred to prison if convicted and sentenced to prison time.

The website Vance promoted in his false tweet, called the “Patriot Freedom Project,” was created by a relative of one of the defendants who has spent time in the Washington jail – Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, a former Army reservist who was known as a white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer by colleagues at the Navy base where he had worked as a contractor.

A Trump-appointed judge ruled that Hale-Cusanelli had to stay in jail to await trial, saying he was worried Hale-Cusanelli posed a threat of violence to members of the public. An appeals court then upheld Hale-Cusanelli’s detention.


Any sitting there for a year?
Between indictment and trial? If someone doesn't get bail, they can sit in jail for well over a year, depending on when the court is able to schedule their trial.

This is very common. It's actually why the vast majority of cases never make it to trial. People end up pleading out well before then, because they will actually end up spending less time behind bars that way. The court system has been like that for years. itt was like that long before Trump was ever involved in politics. Ironically, Republicans are the party that has always opposed reforming the system, and now GOP supporters are the ones its hurting.

Hello? Still there? How many have been sitting in jail for a year without so much as a hearing?
Right Now? Thousands of people. Like I said numerous times. Anyone who can't afford bail is kept in jail, and the courts in most states, and at the federal level are so backed up with cases that it can take months just to get indicted, and well over a year before a trial can be scheduled. There is a long waiting list in most courts for hearings. There have been some cases where a person will be in jail for so long that the judge will just commute the senteence based on time served and release them, because it took so long to get a trial schedued due to the backlog that they had already spent as much time in jail as they would have gotten for their crime. One drug dealer in indianapolis spent 5 years in the city jail waiting for trial , and the maximum sentence for the time he was arrested for was 5 years, so the judge simply setenced him to 5 years, commuted it, and he was released.
Yes the system has been busted for poor people for a. Very long time.
And the same people upset about it now (far righters) have been fighting reform efforts for years. How many times have we seen conservative news outlets ranting about convicts being released early due to time served pre-trial, and now the same system is hurting their supporters, so they start caring.

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