Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas

It is completely fucked up that those people have been stripped of their Constitutional rights to a trial for their actions.
I predict that they will eventually be able to sue for this....
Give us evidence that they've been stripped of their Constitutional rights. You'd think a half-way decent lawyer would be all over that, if true.
Give us evidence that they've been stripped of their Constitutional rights.
He considers it to be a constitutional violation that people he personally supports had to sit in jail pre-trial. And he refuses to accept that such a thing is commonplace in our legal system, for people who can't affiord bail, and believes that it never happened ever until now, and that it's a conspiracy to target trump supporters.

Karma is delicious.

And retroactive.

Have you ever known a leftist vermin who is actually a truly HAPPY PERSON?

They abuse their children who grow up to abuse their children who grow up to abuse their children until there are four or five generations of deeply unhappy people. Just look at anything that has been on TV since about the late 80's.


The Irony of this post is delish! :heehee:
They're still in jail moron.
Only if they were convicted and are currently serving a sentence, or were arrested and couldn't afford bail and are awaiting trial. That's how the legal system works. If you can't afford bail, you sit in jail until the has can schedule your hearings. The courts are so backed up that in can take well over a year to get indicted and even longer before you actually get a trial.
Only if they were convicted and are currently serving a sentence, or were arrested and couldn't afford bail and are awaiting trial. That's how the legal system works. If you can't afford bail, you sit in jail until the has can schedule your hearings. The courts are so backed up that in can take well over a year to get indicted and even longer before you actually get a trial.
Why aren't MAGAts fund-raising to make bail for these "trespassers"? Maybe if they buy less trumpie bears and virtual cards............................
1984 is not supposed to be a how to manual. But it is.

Winston is surprised to see that the next prisoner brought to the cell is his neighbor, Parsons. Parsons reveals that he's been imprisoned after his own daughter turned him in for Thoughtcrime. She reported that Parsons had muttered, 'Down with Big Brother' in his sleep. Parsons seems proud of his daughter's actions, though he wonders what kind of sentence he will receive. He hopes that he will not be executed.
Only if they were convicted and are currently serving a sentence, or were arrested and couldn't afford bail and are awaiting trial. That's how the legal system works. If you can't afford bail, you sit in jail until the has can schedule your hearings. The courts are so backed up that in can take well over a year to get indicted and even longer before you actually get a trial.
Many of them were sitting in jail for months without even being charged, moron. That's a violation of habeas corpus.

It always amazes me how ignorant most progs are of the basics of the Constitution.
Why aren't MAGAts fund-raising to make bail for these "trespassers"? Maybe if they buy less trumpie bears and virtual cards............................
Didn't Trump promise to pay the bail and legal costs of anyone who was arrested because they committed a crime to support him? I guess he lied.
Many of them were sitting in jail for months without even being charged, moron. That's a violation of habeas corpus.

It always amazes me how ignorant most progs are of the basics of the Constitution.
Can you show prove of that? and when I say proof, I mean can you cite official court documents showing the date and time when they were arrested and when charges were files, and not some far right blog making a claim with no evidence.
Can you show prove of that? and when I say proof, I mean can you cite official court documents showing the date and time when they were arrested and when charges were files, and not some far right blog making a claim with no evidence.
That's what I've read. I haven't confirmed the fact myself yet.

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