Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas

He considers it to be a constitutional violation that people he personally supports had to sit in jail pre-trial. And he refuses to accept that such a thing is commonplace in our legal system, for people who can't affiord bail, and believes that it never happened ever until now, and that it's a conspiracy to target trump supporters.


Nearly two years.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Can you show prove of that? and when I say proof, I mean can you cite official court documents showing the date and time when they were arrested and when charges were files, and not some far right blog making a claim with no evidence.

Translation: "Stop picking on me".

He did not kill 2 FBI agents.
What did he do? Why is he in prison?


Sorry. My fault. This man has absolutelly nothing to do with anything what I said, because I thought he has to do with the revolt on 6th of January. No idea why someone used his name in this context now.
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The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.

These peoples rights are being violated, and you don't get to decide that they must just languish in jail because you don't like them...
If that is true, why aren't MAGAt lawyers jumping on the chance to defend them?
That's what I've read. I haven't confirmed the fact myself yet.
"What you read" is BS unless it cites verifiable documentation. If you can find me one credible source that shows official documentation showing that anyone was held without charges for longer than the 48 hours allowed under federal law, then I will help you call for those people to be released based on their constitutional rights being violated. Without such documentation, I don't care what anyone or any blog or website says. I don't trust claims that are not backed by actual verifiable evidence.

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