Please will someone who opposes the building of the "Wall" on the southern border explain why?

It is over simplistic to say 'keep people we hate out.' I know you are saying that is just what it looks like, but it should not be difficult to realize crime and social services use are proven problems by having an unenforced border. Why educate, feed, and employ people who are not citizens when our country has our very own problems to deal with?
I think its needless.
If we took away incentive, we wouldnt have to do shit. Those assholes would leave when they are dumb, sick, living in the streets and cant afford a piece of bread.
But i like to actually solve problems. Band aids are for the birds.
THEN AGAIN, I dont trust our congress critters.
So i am a bit torn about it actually getting done because i dont trust them to do their jobs.
THATS how low my standards are with these fucks!

But the powers that be will not take away the incentives. That is the point. As a result, the wall is the next best thing.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Colossal waste of money that will have little effect on illegal immigration, and a large effect on wildlife and our relationship with central and south America.

It is truly comical hearing Dims talk about a colossal waste of money.

In fact, the only time you hear it is when the US is building up their military or trying to build a border wall. Anything for the protection of the US is a colossal waste of money it seems. Everything else, like studying the mating rituals of the wart hog, not so much.
I think it is more than just optics. Narcotics and human trafficking are very real problems. It is not just as simple as cutting demand. Sometimes, a wall is a solution.

One can assume cartels w/biZillions of pesos are laughing at all of this

I think it is more than just optics. Narcotics and human trafficking are very real problems. It is not just as simple as cutting demand. Sometimes, a wall is a solution.

One can assume cartels w/biZillions of pesos are laughing at all of this


And if the powers that be really wanted to get rid of the drug lords, all they would need to do is send out an army of drones.

But alas, they seem to like this as well.

In fact, Obama gave the drug lords guns with his Fast and Furious scheme.

Meanwhile Dims are busy trying to take away guns from law abiding citizens.

Very telling.
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Other countries are now waking up and stopping immigrants/refugees from entering. Maybe because of the scum that is entering. Can't support themselves, won't work, want free shit, disrespect the citizens, etc etc etc.
So why is it so damn awful the USA wants people who CAN work, WILL work, HAVE enough funds to support themselves and respect the country they so badly want to belong to???

Answer that.
Your post is the same bullshit, different century.

In other words, Gracie's post is a time-tested truism.
Read what they're doing, and it dawns on one they're big biz cloaked in the guise of gub'mit Votto

Same bullshit, different century.

Some anti-European immigrant cartoons from over a century ago:

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

It's the same bullshit, but a different century.
The Left has always been anti-wasp bigots.
Wow, I wonder how many items the government spends money on that is wasteful, unnecessary and don't do what they claim they will?

I'm thinking that we can eliminate 85% of the Federal budget!!
The naked truth is that the corrupt Democratic Party regards mainstream middle class voters as it's opposition and illegal aliens as their allies.
The Democrats needs poor uneducated voters who hate Americans.

Last edited:
Same bullshit, different century.

Some anti-European immigrant cartoons from over a century ago:

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

Didn't I read that a lot of the objection to these immigrants at the time was cyclical economic recessions? Americans were competing for jobs? So why, with our economy the best in history (according to Trump) are people today so frickin bent out of shape about brown people? I don't get it.

Well probably because
A) the above illustrations came when the country was growing both economically and demographically.
B) Also at that time we didn't spend $135 billion a year on "illegal immigrants' well being!

Makes a big difference I would think but again people commenting without any rational factual arguments such as you have done is the biggest problem.
Maybe you should provide statistics that back up your claims???
Which claims were those?

"people today so frickin bent out of shape about brown people?"
Where is your PROOF people are bent out of shape about the color of peoples' skin?

I along with 90+ million people either "LEGAL" immigrants or like Trump and myself have "LEGAL" immigrants as relatives are grossly offended by idiots who
use the term "anti-immigrants" BECAUSE as you pointed out people from Europe like Trump's grandmother were chastised and berated originally BUT they were "LEGAL"!
It is truly stupid for people to assume that people like Trump, me and 90+ million want a wall to keep out "immigrants"!

It is the simple fact that these are illegal activities by mostly uninformed people sad to say that don't understand they are breaking the law the first steps into the country.
Trump has drastically cut the # of refugees that will be accepted. They're not "illegal" and we have a worldwide crisis of displaced people right now that the other nations of the world are struggling with while we make pussy noises and say we're scared of tewowists or we can't afford to give them $150 a month in food stamps.

For example... this is a great article if you take the time to read it, btw:

in response to the world’s highest number of forcibly displaced persons since World War II, the administration in late September set the lowest refugee resettlement ceiling in this storied program’s history. It has also “paused” admissions from 11 nations that have accounted in recent years for the majority of refugees to the United States, making it unlikely that it will be able to reach even this low ceiling. The Department of State (DOS) has advised refugee resettlement agencies to prepare to close dozens of their resettlement offices, dismantling the infrastructure that receives and helps to integrate refugees.

On November 9th, DOS announced that it would not accept new applications for the Central American Minors (CAM) program, which allowed refugee children from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala to join their lawfully present parents in the United States. Such children – in peril at home – can no longer migrate through safe, orderly and legal channels to the United States.

In early October, the administration released a statement of its immigration principles and policies that called for expanded expedited removals, including of asylum-seekers. Meanwhile, select border officials – who are sworn to uphold the law — routinely and illegally turn away asylum-seekers at the US-Mexico border, telling them that the nation is “full,” or that it only accepts Christian asylum claims, or that it does not admit persons from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras because these violence-torn countries are not at war, or that it no longer takes in families with children

The Besieged US Refugee Protection System: Why Temporary Protected Status Matters | HuffPost
Same bullshit, different century.

Some anti-European immigrant cartoons from over a century ago:

The sign reads: Imported, Duty Free, by Trust, Monopoly & Co. to compete with American Labor.


The caption reads: Results of Encouraging Emigration. Paupers, Vagabonds, Murderers and other of the European and Asiatic Scum Refused Admission Elsewhere, Are Readily Landed Here."


"Results of Encouraging Emigration". Exactly the same rhetoric we hear today!

Here is some anti-Italian immigrant propaganda. Note "The Way to Dispose of Them".


Here is an anti-Irish immigrant cartoon.

Didn't I read that a lot of the objection to these immigrants at the time was cyclical economic recessions? Americans were competing for jobs? So why, with our economy the best in history (according to Trump) are people today so frickin bent out of shape about brown people? I don't get it.

Well probably because
A) the above illustrations came when the country was growing both economically and demographically.
B) Also at that time we didn't spend $135 billion a year on "illegal immigrants' well being!

Makes a big difference I would think but again people commenting without any rational factual arguments such as you have done is the biggest problem.
Maybe you should provide statistics that back up your claims???
Which claims were those?

"people today so frickin bent out of shape about brown people?"
Where is your PROOF people are bent out of shape about the color of peoples' skin?

I along with 90+ million people either "LEGAL" immigrants or like Trump and myself have "LEGAL" immigrants as relatives are grossly offended by idiots who
use the term "anti-immigrants" BECAUSE as you pointed out people from Europe like Trump's grandmother were chastised and berated originally BUT they were "LEGAL"!
It is truly stupid for people to assume that people like Trump, me and 90+ million want a wall to keep out "immigrants"!

It is the simple fact that these are illegal activities by mostly uninformed people sad to say that don't understand they are breaking the law the first steps into the country.
Trump has drastically cut the # of refugees that will be accepted. They're not "illegal" and we have a worldwide crisis of displaced people right now that the other nations of the world are struggling with while we make pussy noises and say we're scared of tewowists or we can't afford to give them $150 a month in food stamps.

For example... this is a great article if you take the time to read it, btw:

in response to the world’s highest number of forcibly displaced persons since World War II, the administration in late September set the lowest refugee resettlement ceiling in this storied program’s history. It has also “paused” admissions from 11 nations that have accounted in recent years for the majority of refugees to the United States, making it unlikely that it will be able to reach even this low ceiling. The Department of State (DOS) has advised refugee resettlement agencies to prepare to close dozens of their resettlement offices, dismantling the infrastructure that receives and helps to integrate refugees.

On November 9th, DOS announced that it would not accept new applications for the Central American Minors (CAM) program, which allowed refugee children from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala to join their lawfully present parents in the United States. Such children – in peril at home – can no longer migrate through safe, orderly and legal channels to the United States.

In early October, the administration released a statement of its immigration principles and policies that called for expanded expedited removals, including of asylum-seekers. Meanwhile, select border officials – who are sworn to uphold the law — routinely and illegally turn away asylum-seekers at the US-Mexico border, telling them that the nation is “full,” or that it only accepts Christian asylum claims, or that it does not admit persons from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras because these violence-torn countries are not at war, or that it no longer takes in families with children

The Besieged US Refugee Protection System: Why Temporary Protected Status Matters | HuffPost

Report: Children of Refugees Get More Benefits Than Poor US Kids

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
I think its needless.
If we took away incentive, we wouldnt have to do shit. Those assholes would leave when they are dumb, sick, living in the streets and cant afford a piece of bread.
But i like to actually solve problems. Band aids are for the birds.
THEN AGAIN, I dont trust our congress critters.
So i am a bit torn about it actually getting done because i dont trust them to do their jobs.
THATS how low my standards are with these fucks!

But the powers that be will not take away the incentives. That is the point. As a result, the wall is the next best thing.
I know. Thats why those worthless fuckers keep getting voted in. Because they keep our best interests at heart. :113:
Didn't I read that a lot of the objection to these immigrants at the time was cyclical economic recessions? Americans were competing for jobs? So why, with our economy the best in history (according to Trump) are people today so frickin bent out of shape about brown people? I don't get it.

Well probably because
A) the above illustrations came when the country was growing both economically and demographically.
B) Also at that time we didn't spend $135 billion a year on "illegal immigrants' well being!

Makes a big difference I would think but again people commenting without any rational factual arguments such as you have done is the biggest problem.
Maybe you should provide statistics that back up your claims???
Which claims were those?

"people today so frickin bent out of shape about brown people?"
Where is your PROOF people are bent out of shape about the color of peoples' skin?

I along with 90+ million people either "LEGAL" immigrants or like Trump and myself have "LEGAL" immigrants as relatives are grossly offended by idiots who
use the term "anti-immigrants" BECAUSE as you pointed out people from Europe like Trump's grandmother were chastised and berated originally BUT they were "LEGAL"!
It is truly stupid for people to assume that people like Trump, me and 90+ million want a wall to keep out "immigrants"!

It is the simple fact that these are illegal activities by mostly uninformed people sad to say that don't understand they are breaking the law the first steps into the country.
Trump has drastically cut the # of refugees that will be accepted. They're not "illegal" and we have a worldwide crisis of displaced people right now that the other nations of the world are struggling with while we make pussy noises and say we're scared of tewowists or we can't afford to give them $150 a month in food stamps.

For example... this is a great article if you take the time to read it, btw:

in response to the world’s highest number of forcibly displaced persons since World War II, the administration in late September set the lowest refugee resettlement ceiling in this storied program’s history. It has also “paused” admissions from 11 nations that have accounted in recent years for the majority of refugees to the United States, making it unlikely that it will be able to reach even this low ceiling. The Department of State (DOS) has advised refugee resettlement agencies to prepare to close dozens of their resettlement offices, dismantling the infrastructure that receives and helps to integrate refugees.

On November 9th, DOS announced that it would not accept new applications for the Central American Minors (CAM) program, which allowed refugee children from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala to join their lawfully present parents in the United States. Such children – in peril at home – can no longer migrate through safe, orderly and legal channels to the United States.

In early October, the administration released a statement of its immigration principles and policies that called for expanded expedited removals, including of asylum-seekers. Meanwhile, select border officials – who are sworn to uphold the law — routinely and illegally turn away asylum-seekers at the US-Mexico border, telling them that the nation is “full,” or that it only accepts Christian asylum claims, or that it does not admit persons from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras because these violence-torn countries are not at war, or that it no longer takes in families with children

The Besieged US Refugee Protection System: Why Temporary Protected Status Matters | HuffPost

Report: Children of Refugees Get More Benefits Than Poor US Kids

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
I was providing "proof" that brown people are being closed out. Trump asked, why can't we take more immigrants from Norway? Why these (African) shitholes instead? Look at their skin color.
"Wall" is both symbolic and objective. We'll build walls where it suits the area. Other areas will be monitored. At least that's how it should be.

Fuck illegals, they don't belong here. We Americans should not allow our methods, language and such to be compromised on our dime. Chaos, over-population, driving wages down and housing up, much higher taxes on those who actually pay taxes, and a disrupted education system.

Show me a progressive and I'll give you someone who bites the hand that feeds them. Progressives are the most like to complain about wages and costs, all while they advocate for open borders.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and complain about taxes.

So you advocate letting in hordes of dependents who vote for more government benefits? I agree with those who say kill the incentives. That is such a no brainer only the government could screw that up. It is not enough though. I believe a barrier would be highly effective. More effective than a massive increase in manpower. Why don't we just ask border agents if it will work, then do it. I'm tired of the suits and ties making stuff up.
Illegals don’t vote.....Period
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Colossal waste of money that will have little effect on illegal immigration, and a large effect on wildlife and our relationship with central and south America.

It is truly comical hearing Dims talk about a colossal waste of money.

In fact, the only time you hear it is when the US is building up their military or trying to build a border wall. Anything for the protection of the US is a colossal waste of money it seems. Everything else, like studying the mating rituals of the wart hog, not so much.
You forgot about Prisons.....part of the GOP triad they are willing to spend on

Wars, a border wall and more prisons

Ask for money to help Americans and they swear poverty
It won't work. It's a waste of money. It's antithetical to the idea of America.
trump is antithetical to the idea of America and yet, he's still president. Problem is, under trump and the evangelicals, the U.S. now has completely lost its moral compass and moral high ground. That argument holds no water. Having said that, if a state or border community wishes to build a wall, they should be able to and expect assistance from the federal government.

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