Please will someone who opposes the building of the "Wall" on the southern border explain why?

I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407

Please will someone who opposes the building of the "Wall" on the southern border explain why?
“I’m an illegal or barely legal myself.”
“I’m married to an illegal or barely legal.”
“I don’t contribute and I’m noble as fuck when armed with taxpayer money.”
“I’m a broke ignorant fool who doesn’t understand or care about economics.”
“I’m a lowlife human being so other lowlife human beings don’t bother me.”
“The Democrat Party can’t stay relevant without Mexico’s help.”
“I love living amongst people who don’t speak my language.”
“I love people who have litters of children they can’t afford.”
“I like 7 hour backups in our emergency rooms and picking up the tab for those who cause it.”
“I like people who throw Modello cans and shitty diapers on our roadways and beaches.”
“I like people who dump mattresses and couches in vacant lots.”
“I like people who piss in public at Home Depot.”
“I like people to wave Mexico’s flag in my face while waiting for the EBT card I fund.”
“I like having uninsured drivers flooding our roadways.”
“I like people who abuse animals.”
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Build the fucking thing, if it's so damned important to you. Trump has decimated the number of refugees he is admitting to the country during the worst worldwide refugee crisis this planet has ever experienced. Now he wants a 30 foot high wall across our southern border to keep the boogey man out. Sounds like a coward to me.
/----/ Why doesn't Mexico take all of the refugees?
They don't have a first world economy; haven't you, seen the charts?
"Wall" is both symbolic and objective. We'll build walls where it suits the area. Other areas will be monitored. At least that's how it should be.

Fuck illegals, they don't belong here. We Americans should not allow our methods, language and such to be compromised on our dime. Chaos, over-population, driving wages down and housing up, much higher taxes on those who actually pay taxes, and a disrupted education system.

Show me a progressive and I'll give you someone who bites the hand that feeds them. Progressives are the most like to complain about wages and costs, all while they advocate for open borders.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and complain about taxes.

So you advocate letting in hordes of dependents who vote for more government benefits? I agree with those who say kill the incentives. That is such a no brainer only the government could screw that up. It is not enough though. I believe a barrier would be highly effective. More effective than a massive increase in manpower. Why don't we just ask border agents if it will work, then do it. I'm tired of the suits and ties making stuff up.
Why not advocate building a wall on the northern border too?

Interestingly enough that would have been a serious question a century ago in places like Maine where there were anti-Catholic riots. That's why the Klan gained such a foothold there; the Klan would sell itself with whatever angle applied to that region from a menu of monster stories about "immigration", "Jews", "labor unions", "blacks", "drunks" or in Maine's case "Catholics". Erecting a wall would have sold with that bunch.

"When Québec 'sends' its people, they're not sending their best. They're bringing French; they're bringing wine; they're papists.... and some I assume are good people". We've seen this movie before.
French speaking women insisting we need to, learn French. Whatever shall we do.
I thought it was finished!
It's looking pretty good too.
I don't know who built it but it's obvious that no one builds big beautiful walls like him.

I think they left a few gaps there.

Once again you just have to prove you are a complete moron.
"Wall" is both symbolic and objective. We'll build walls where it suits the area. Other areas will be monitored. At least that's how it should be.

Fuck illegals, they don't belong here. We Americans should not allow our methods, language and such to be compromised on our dime. Chaos, over-population, driving wages down and housing up, much higher taxes on those who actually pay taxes, and a disrupted education system.

Show me a progressive and I'll give you someone who bites the hand that feeds them. Progressives are the most like to complain about wages and costs, all while they advocate for open borders.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy and complain about taxes.

So you advocate letting in hordes of dependents who vote for more government benefits? I agree with those who say kill the incentives. That is such a no brainer only the government could screw that up. It is not enough though. I believe a barrier would be highly effective. More effective than a massive increase in manpower. Why don't we just ask border agents if it will work, then do it. I'm tired of the suits and ties making stuff up.
Why not advocate building a wall on the northern border too?

When everyone answers the phone by speaking French, or saying "eh!" at the end of every sentence, we just might have to do that.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407

Please will someone who opposes the building of the "Wall" on the southern border explain why?
“I’m an illegal or barely legal myself.”
“I’m married to an illegal or barely legal.”
“I don’t contribute and I’m noble as fuck when armed with taxpayer money.”
“I’m a broke ignorant fool who doesn’t understand or care about economics.”
“I’m a lowlife human being so other lowlife human beings don’t bother me.”
“The Democrat Party can’t stay relevant without Mexico’s help.”
“I love living amongst people who don’t speak my language.”
“I love people who have litters of children they can’t afford.”
“I like 7 hour backups in our emergency rooms and picking up the tab for those who cause it.”
“I like people who throw Modello cans and shitty diapers on our roadways and beaches.”
“I like people who dump mattresses and couches in vacant lots.”
“I like people who piss in public at Home Depot.”
“I like people to wave Mexico’s flag in my face while waiting for the EBT card I fund.”
“I like having uninsured drivers flooding our roadways.”
“I like people who abuse animals.”
Why are we losing money on border policy. Capitalism works.
Those countries all have bigtime barriers at their borders and the moose limbs STILL got in, primarily because of the far leftist stooges running those nations allowed them in.....Lest we forget that scads of recreational drugs cross all those borders, and they don't have any choice in the matter.There are far better ways of dissuading looters, layabouts and violent criminals from entering 'Murica than a silly wall.
Such as? My point is, if the taxpayers from that area wish to build a wall, for whatever reason, let them. That's the hallmark of a democracy. I am against a federal entity forcing the issue.

Immigration is a federal issue. Read your Constitution.
Those countries all have bigtime barriers at their borders and the moose limbs STILL got in, primarily because of the far leftist stooges running those nations allowed them in.....Lest we forget that scads of recreational drugs cross all those borders, and they don't have any choice in the matter.There are far better ways of dissuading looters, layabouts and violent criminals from entering 'Murica than a silly wall.
Such as? My point is, if the taxpayers from that area wish to build a wall, for whatever reason, let them. That's the hallmark of a democracy. I am against a federal entity forcing the issue.

Immigration is a federal issue. Read your Constitution.
Good point, state and local governments should stop cooperating/participating in enforcement.
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I think its needless.
If we took away incentive, we wouldnt have to do shit. Those assholes would leave when they are dumb, sick, living in the streets and cant afford a piece of bread.
But i like to actually solve problems. Band aids are for the birds.
THEN AGAIN, I dont trust our congress critters.
So i am a bit torn about it actually getting done because i dont trust them to do their jobs.
THATS how low my standards are with these fucks!

" Dumb sick, living in the streets"
Talking about whire boy Mississippians?

I’m thinking you meant black Mississippians?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent
I think its needless.
If we took away incentive, we wouldnt have to do shit. Those assholes would leave when they are dumb, sick, living in the streets and cant afford a piece of bread.
But i like to actually solve problems. Band aids are for the birds.
THEN AGAIN, I dont trust our congress critters.
So i am a bit torn about it actually getting done because i dont trust them to do their jobs.
THATS how low my standards are with these fucks!

" Dumb sick, living in the streets"
Talking about whire boy Mississippians?

I’m thinking you meant black Mississippians?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent
we were worse off, before 1930.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Billions of dollars to build. Billions of dollars to maintain. A ladder beats it quite simply. The lions share of illegals come legaly and over stay Not a good way to spend the money. Oh ya there is also the thopusands of miles of coast line.
Those countries all have bigtime barriers at their borders and the moose limbs STILL got in, primarily because of the far leftist stooges running those nations allowed them in.....Lest we forget that scads of recreational drugs cross all those borders, and they don't have any choice in the matter.There are far better ways of dissuading looters, layabouts and violent criminals from entering 'Murica than a silly wall.
Such as? My point is, if the taxpayers from that area wish to build a wall, for whatever reason, let them. That's the hallmark of a democracy. I am against a federal entity forcing the issue.

Immigration is a federal issue. Read your Constitution.
Good point, state and local governments should stop cooperating/participating in enforcement.

Good point, state and local governments should stop interfering with enforcement.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Billions of dollars to build. Billions of dollars to maintain. A ladder beats it quite simply. The lions share of illegals come legaly and over stay Not a good way to spend the money. Oh ya there is also the thopusands of miles of coast line.

A ladder beats it quite simply.

A wall without observers could be defeated.
That's why we would also need cameras and towers with the wall.
I was watching talking heads program and the token Democrat said "Democrats are against building the wall".
I shouted at the TV "Ask why are the Democrats against the wall"?

What are the reasons for Democrats opposing the building of the wall?
Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
GOP 73% favor expanding the wall while 87% of Democrats don't favor.
WHY are Democrats against improving the security of the country?

Now my opinion based on the previous history of National Voter Registration Act of 1993
National Voter Registration Act of 1993 - Wikipedia passed by the MAJORITY of the Democrat party which directly approved illegals secure driver's license to aid in voter registration.
This has been the major reason Democrats have favored "open borders'.. political benefits cloaked in pious supposedly humanitarian reasons.

The sad fact is that while yes I AGREE the vast MAJORITY of ILLEGAL immigrants are not criminals, are not
a threat to me, it is the few that ARE getting in that are smuggling not only drugs BUT these innocent immigrants who don't know better!
That is the fact that the DEMOCRATS are aiding and abetting, i.e. encouraging people to break the law their first steps into America!

How can people then be against building a physical barrier that will reduce the chances for people to break
the law in the first place?
Why are supposedly these "humanitarians" that feel so bad for these "illegals" that they have NO problem ENCOURAGING their breaking the law in the first place?

So you people that OPPOSE improving the security of America i.e. building the "wall" please explain why because it has been proven that the wall would effectively reduce the
... At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens....The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

$135 billion a year... versus a wall that will reduce dramatically drug/human trafficking as well as reducing the number of people requiring this federal/state/local costs.

View attachment 218407
Billions of dollars to build. Billions of dollars to maintain. A ladder beats it quite simply. The lions share of illegals come legaly and over stay Not a good way to spend the money. Oh ya there is also the thopusands of miles of coast line.

A ladder beats it quite simply.

A wall without observers could be defeated.
That's why we would also need cameras and towers with the wall.
Yep that camara is gunna stop me! 10$ and an oak log I can blow a whole in it the size a semi could get thru. I can go on and on. It's a waist of money. There is a reason no one builds these things any more. They are obsolete.

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