Plot Thickens- Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I see no pullback coming from Putin as Obama gives him no incentive to do so.



Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says

Finland has increased border surveillance in recent weeks as Mr Putin moves to ‘protect what belongs to him and his predecessors

After annexing Crimea and with troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not stop trying to expand Russia until he has “conquered” Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland, one of his closest former advisers has said.

According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create “historical justice” with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Mr Illarionov warned that Russia will argue that the granting of independence to Finland in 1917 was an act of “treason against national interests”.

“Putin’s view is that he protects what belongs to him and his predecessors,” Mr Illarionov said.

Vladimir Putin ?wants to regain Finland? for Russia, adviser says - Europe - World - The Independent
We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.
We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

Your outlook is twisted.
We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

Your outlook is twisted.

Is that what they call that?

We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

Your outlook is twisted.

And I bet you are twisted enough that you supported the without cause invasion of Iraq?
Would that be a fair statement?

Or would it be better to say that you supported the war in Iraq.

Because we here in the great freedom loving country of America would never invade and destroy a country that didn't attack us.

But we did it anyway. That is what was "twisted".

Goforit, when do you complete basic training?
We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

Your outlook is twisted.

It's the Bush Doctrine that was twisted.

Russia adopted it.

Now what?
We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

Your outlook is twisted.

And I bet you are twisted enough that you supported the without cause invasion of Iraq?
Would that be a fair statement?

Or would it be better to say that you supported the war in Iraq.

Because we here in the great freedom loving country of America would never invade and destroy a country that didn't attack us.

But we did it anyway. That is what was "twisted".

Goforit, when do you complete basic training?

How about you zeke? Did you ever have the courage to serve?

I can wait

We are waiting for goforit to get over there and straighten Putin out.

Are you on the way? Signed up yet? Volunteered for service? Completing boot camp. Wtf are you doing about this travesty. Except bitching on a message board.

In case you missed it, I don't give a flying fuck what Putin is doing. When we decided to invade and destroy Iraq without cause, we gave up ALL credibility to bitch at other countries for their aggressive actions. Suck it up and live with it. It's what the rest of the world had to do for us. Including Russia.

Your outlook is twisted.

It's the Bush Doctrine that was twisted.

Russia adopted it.

Now what?


Right on cue


It's the Bush Doctrine that was twisted.

Russia adopted it.

Now what?


Right on cue




Like America, Russia has decided it can invade any country it wants for whatever reason it wants.

That policy was started by the United States.

It's a pretty simple concept.


Now what?

What's your suggestion?

Well, since the horse has left the barn our options are very limited. The US either accepts the missteps which enabled Russia's re-emergence, or try to stop the bleeding now.

The later is most undesirable but again, we have to decide whether the intended, or unintended, consequences of our inaction, are worth providing corrective action. And we know what that means..

For starters I would beef up troops all around Putin.

Peace through strength

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In other related news

Seeing Past the Obama Meme

Published by The Daily Bell - March 31 2014

Chickens come home to roost for Obama ... Today's quiz: What do Vladimir Putin's aggression and ObamaCare's troubles have in common? OK, that was too easy. It is impossible to dismiss as mere coincidence the Russian Bear's invasion of Ukraine and the continuing mayhem of the Affordable Care Act. In their own ways, each reflects the full flowering of the policies of Barack Obama. His chickens are coming home to roost, and what a mess they are making. – New York Post

Obama's sixth year in the White House is shaping up as his worst, and that's saying something. He's been in the Oval Office so long that it is obscene to blame his problems on George W. Bush, the weather or racism. Obama owns the world he made, or more accurately, the world he tried to remake.

Printview - The Daily Bell
It's the Bush Doctrine that was twisted.

Russia adopted it.

Now what?


Right on cue




Like America, Russia has decided it can invade any country it wants for whatever reason it wants.

That policy was started by the United States.

It's a pretty simple concept.


Now what?

What's your suggestion?

Sallow, assholes like a goforit just can't do "pretty simple concepts". It is beyond their ability to comprehend that we invaded and destroyed a country without cause. That just does not compute with them.

Why, if they acknowledged this fact (invasion without cause) their heads would blow up.

Hey and gofirit, You the war monger here. You finished basic yet? At least signed up? Got your induction date.

As to me gofirit. I am not advocating war. You are. But I am an old guy. I carried a draft card. 1A. You know what a draft card is kid? You know what a "draft" is. And I am not talking baseball draft. Look up when the war in Vietnam was winding down and find out what they did with the draft.

It was the only lottery I ever won. Number 312. (shit I gave away the answer)

Right on cue




Like America, Russia has decided it can invade any country it wants for whatever reason it wants.

That policy was started by the United States.

It's a pretty simple concept.


Now what?

What's your suggestion?

Well, since the horse has left the barn our options are very limited. The US either accepts the missteps which enabled Russia's re-emergence, or try to stop the bleeding now.

The later is most undesirable but again, we have to decide whether the intended, or unintended, consequences of our inaction, are worth providing corrective action. And we know what that means..

For starters I would beef up troops all around Putin.

Peace through strength


And the problem with that, is that if we act unilaterally Russia could point out it's another case of American Aggression without warrant.

This could very well isolate the United States against Russia. And even if this is just a "mano a mano" conventional conflict, Russia has the home court advantage.

Which would mean ALOT of American body bags and no sure outcome.

Right on cue



Like America, Russia has decided it can invade any country it wants for whatever reason it wants.

That policy was started by the United States.

It's a pretty simple concept.


Now what?

What's your suggestion?

Sallow, assholes like a goforit just can't do "pretty simple concepts". It is beyond their ability to comprehend that we invaded and destroyed a country without cause. That just does not compute with them.

Why, if they acknowledged this fact (invasion without cause) their heads would blow up.

Hey and gofirit, You the war monger here. You finished basic yet? At least signed up? Got your induction date.

As to me gofirit. I am not advocating war. You are. But I am an old guy. I carried a draft card. 1A. You know what a draft card is kid? You know what a "draft" is. And I am not talking baseball draft. Look up when the war in Vietnam was winding down and find out what they did with the draft.

It was the only lottery I ever won. Number 312. (shit I gave away the answer)

So how are you enjoying Canada? Heard it's beautiful :lol:


Right on cue




Like America, Russia has decided it can invade any country it wants for whatever reason it wants.

That policy was started by the United States.

It's a pretty simple concept.


Now what?

What's your suggestion?

Sallow, assholes like a goforit just can't do "pretty simple concepts". It is beyond their ability to comprehend that we invaded and destroyed a country without cause. That just does not compute with them.

Why, if they acknowledged this fact (invasion without cause) their heads would blow up.

Hey and gofirit, You the war monger here. You finished basic yet? At least signed up? Got your induction date.

As to me gofirit. I am not advocating war. You are. But I am an old guy. I carried a draft card. 1A. You know what a draft card is kid? You know what a "draft" is. And I am not talking baseball draft. Look up when the war in Vietnam was winding down and find out what they did with the draft.

It was the only lottery I ever won. Number 312. (shit I gave away the answer)

The guy is a little snarky but so far he colors in the lines and is generally respectful of other posters.

I wouldn't call him an "asshole".

Not good form.

Like America, Russia has decided it can invade any country it wants for whatever reason it wants.

That policy was started by the United States.

It's a pretty simple concept.


Now what?

What's your suggestion?

Well, since the horse has left the barn our options are very limited. The US either accepts the missteps which enabled Russia's re-emergence, or try to stop the bleeding now.

The later is most undesirable but again, we have to decide whether the intended, or unintended, consequences of our inaction, are worth providing corrective action. And we know what that means..

For starters I would beef up troops all around Putin.

Peace through strength


And the problem with that, is that if we act unilaterally Russia could point out it's another case of American Aggression without warrant.

This could very well isolate the United States against Russia. And even if this is just a "mano a mano" conventional conflict, Russia has the home court advantage.

Which would mean ALOT of American body bags and no sure outcome.

And again, I answered your question as to what would have to be done at this point. And yes, at this point our options are limited which means we had best complete a detailed risk analysis. If the cost is high, we may very well need to pay a high price

There are consequences for every decision we make in life. The key is to minimize the negative consequences of those decisions, and look to exploit the positives at all cost.

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And again, I answered your question as to what would have to be done at this point. And yes, at this point our options are limited which means we had best complete a detailed risk analysis. If the cost is high, we may very well need to pay a high price

There are consequences for every decision we make in life. The key is to minimize the negative consequences of those decisions, and look to exploit the positives at all cost.


I actually pointed out the best possible scenario to your "solution". The worst outcome, and a reasonably likely one, would be the end of all life on the planet. Russia still maintains a large enough nuclear arsenal to destroy the planet. A shooting war could spiral out of control very quickly, especially if there are a large amount of deaths.

Not sure how you are factoring this in your "risk analysis".

Russia is a VERY dangerous country.

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