Police BRUTALITY to The Max : Bomb Tallahasse instead of Syria

If there was a video of two guys beating the crap out of their drunk sister they would be in jail, not drawing a fucking paycheck. Until cops who do wrong are treated exactly the same as everyone else no one can claim the system works.
But we aren't seeing anything like that in this video. All I've seen is misfeasance on the part of two clumsily incompetent cops.
Sunshine is 100% correct. The lady broke the law and was properly arrested, cuffed, and put in a car. When the police pulled her out of the car and acted like gestapo, they broke the law, and they will pay the price.

She is actually wrong because the video clearly show that the charges of battery and assault against the police were fabricated, which makes the video exculpatory.

There are portions of that video which are dark and obscure. And while I am not suggesting the woman did kick or strike one or both cops, if the cops say she did assault them the obscure portions of the video could support their claim or introduce the reasonable possibility that she did. And you may rest assured the cops' lawyer will rely on that element.

Please don't presume I am supportive of those cops. I'm not. I am simply commenting objectively on what I saw in the video in relation to a reality I happen to be well acquainted with.

Which is why the city is going into full panic mode, and the state attorney dropped everything but the DUI charge before they even got to arraignment.
If there was a video of two guys beating the crap out of their drunk sister they would be in jail, not drawing a fucking paycheck. Until cops who do wrong are treated exactly the same as everyone else no one can claim the system works.
But we aren't seeing anything like that in this video. All I've seen is misfeasance on the part of two clumsily incompetent cops.

Like I said, if this was two civilians doing the exact same thing under the exact same circumstances, they would be in jail. Until cops are treated the same way the system is broken, period.
The video is what is. Analysis of the most egregious police dealings serves no purpose. The police are experts at concealment, and If it couldn't have been so black-and-white like you say, we would never have seen it. That's why the police don't release videos of when they are obviously wrong. They slipped up releasing this one, probably because they got distracted by how cute the girl was at first.

She was screaming bloody murder when the scumbag was in the back seat with her. Sounded like he was punching her lights out.

The video is what is. Analysis of the most egregious police dealings serves no purpose. The police are experts at concealment, and If it couldn't have been so black-and-white like you say, we would never have seen it. That's why the police don't release videos of when they are obviously wrong. They slipped up releasing this one, probably because they got distracted by how cute the girl was at first.

She was screaming bloody murder when the scumbag was in the back seat with her. Sounded like he was punching her lights out..
I watched the video. If one of those cops got in the back seat with that woman I wasn't paying attention, because I didn't see that. But if it's true I can't think of any reason for it and it completely changes things.

What legitimate reason could there be for one of the cops to get in the back seat with her?
Like I said, if this was two civilians doing the exact same thing under the exact same circumstances, they would be in jail. Until cops are treated the same way the system is broken, period.
Of course you're right. But I'm sure you know as well as I do such a circumstance is not a practical possibility.

A major part of this problem lies in prescribed procedures for placing individuals under arrest. These police procedures are fairly universal throughout the U.S. and are structured with emphasis on officer safety. When the subject of an arrest offers the slightest resistance to being handcuffed the procedure allows the officers to force the subject to lie face down and, when necessary, to place a knee on the subject's back or neck while forcibly positioning his arms for applying cuffs.

With adequate physical ability, competent instruction and sufficient practice, two police officers should be able to skillfully apply the steps of this procedure with a minimum of injurious force. But strong or vigorous resistance will necessarily require an increased level of force, which can result in some degree of injury to the subject.

But when this procedure is applied by officers who are inadequately trained, or who lack sufficient strength and/or practiced skill, it can result in the kind of injuries seen in this example. This procedure also enables officers who are casually brutal and/or sadistic to deliberately exceed the level of required force and to justify any injuries to the subject as being the result of the subject's level of resistance. Unfortunately, in most examples there is no reliable way to positively determine whether the level of force was deliberately excessive.

The bottom line is this prescribed "procedure" operates as a convenient way for police to brutalize an arrest subject with virtually certain immunity to criticism or punishment.

Advocates of the procedure insist the "take-down/face-down" aspect is necessary because experience has shown resistance to restraint usually occurs when the handcuffs are being applied. When the subject is standing the level of force needed to control him then is much greater than when he is lying face down.

So, if anyone thinks there is a workable solution to this "procedure" problem I'd be interested in knowing what it is.
Like I said, if this was two civilians doing the exact same thing under the exact same circumstances, they would be in jail. Until cops are treated the same way the system is broken, period.
Of course you're right. But I'm sure you know as well as I do such a circumstance is not a practical possibility.

A major part of this problem lies in prescribed procedures for placing individuals under arrest. These police procedures are fairly universal throughout the U.S. and are structured with emphasis on officer safety. When the subject of an arrest offers the slightest resistance to being handcuffed the procedure allows the officers to force the subject to lie face down and, when necessary, to place a knee on the subject's back or neck while forcibly positioning his arms for applying cuffs.

With adequate physical ability, competent instruction and sufficient practice, two police officers should be able to skillfully apply the steps of this procedure with a minimum of injurious force. But strong or vigorous resistance will necessarily require an increased level of force, which can result in some degree of injury to the subject.

But when this procedure is applied by officers who are inadequately trained, or who lack sufficient strength and/or practiced skill, it can result in the kind of injuries seen in this example. This procedure also enables officers who are casually brutal and/or sadistic to deliberately exceed the level of required force and to justify any injuries to the subject as being the result of the subject's level of resistance. Unfortunately, in most examples there is no reliable way to positively determine whether the level of force was deliberately excessive.

The bottom line is this prescribed "procedure" operates as a convenient way for police to brutalize an arrest subject with virtually certain immunity to criticism or punishment.

Advocates of the procedure insist the "take-down/face-down" aspect is necessary because experience has shown resistance to restraint usually occurs when the handcuffs are being applied. When the subject is standing the level of force needed to control him then is much greater than when he is lying face down.

So, if anyone thinks there is a workable solution to this "procedure" problem I'd be interested in knowing what it is.

Let us assume that the police were telling the truth that she slipped out of the cuffs after she was in the back of the squad car.

So what?
I watched the long, boring video and I can't say I saw any categorical brutality. What I did see is a lot of redundant conversation and apparent incompetence and time-wasting inefficiency in getting Christine handcuffed and transported for booking. What should take two cops a few minutes turns out to look like a family reunion and barbecue.

This obviously is a poorly trained and incompetently supervised police department.

Can you come up with a single example of the police not being in total control of a routine situation?


But they are certain that the powers-that-be will absolve them of all responsibility.

If pigs wills always treat us like dogs, won't we become like the Jews, and then the police state acts as the Egyptian taskmasters? You know, like a roundabout dose of karma.

That is SSSSSOOOO far from the truth! SSSSOO far!!! If anything the 'pigs' are having thsi hands tied more. First, cameras and camera phones are everywhere. Second, they have dash cams to not only protect themselves, but others. In fact this crime was caught on a dash cam. Third, the laws a are getting really tough on cops. They are under a high standard of care. Fourth, videos go viral very quickly when a cop is caught doing something wrong and the public outcry is immediate.

I have met some real dick cops and some great and caring cops. Don't think for a second cops have easy jobs, they are dealing with emotional, irrational and unpredictable people. That is not an excuse, but saying that every one is going to keep their cool all the time is bar that can't be met. I say most cops keep their cool, but their are many incidents they don't.

It's sometimes hard to act rational in some situation. Take this situation, this woman was highly intoxicated and she HIT A HOUSE!!! She did this with two kids in CAR SEATS IN THE CAR!!! Do you realize how LUCKY she was that their wasn't a different headline to this story. If I was a cop coming on the scene, these facts would have royally pissed me off. Then she was making a mockery of the events with her actions. To top if off, the digenerate husband wouldn't even come to pick his kids up! I mean what kind of father wouldn't be hopping in his car to grab his kids the minute he was called (my guess is he was drunk or stoned also)? Cops are humans also and a fact pattern like this would make them mad also. They feel for the kids and would find annoying the woman who just drove her car into a house faux caring for her kids at this point. It doesn't excuse their actions, but hypocrites always want to take every situation the same and say cops are just dicks!
If pigs wills always treat us like dogs, won't we become like the Jews, and then the police state acts as the Egyptian taskmasters? You know, like a roundabout dose of karma.

That is SSSSSOOOO far from the truth! SSSSOO far!!! If anything the 'pigs' are having thsi hands tied more. First, cameras and camera phones are everywhere. Second, they have dash cams to not only protect themselves, but others. In fact this crime was caught on a dash cam. Third, the laws a are getting really tough on cops. They are under a high standard of care. Fourth, videos go viral very quickly when a cop is caught doing something wrong and the public outcry is immediate.

I have met some real dick cops and some great and caring cops. Don't think for a second cops have easy jobs, they are dealing with emotional, irrational and unpredictable people. That is not an excuse, but saying that every one is going to keep their cool all the time is bar that can't be met. I say most cops keep their cool, but their are many incidents they don't.

It's sometimes hard to act rational in some situation. Take this situation, this woman was highly intoxicated and she HIT A HOUSE!!! She did this with two kids in CAR SEATS IN THE CAR!!! Do you realize how LUCKY she was that their wasn't a different headline to this story. If I was a cop coming on the scene, these facts would have royally pissed me off. Then she was making a mockery of the events with her actions. To top if off, the digenerate husband wouldn't even come to pick his kids up! I mean what kind of father wouldn't be hopping in his car to grab his kids the minute he was called (my guess is he was drunk or stoned also)? Cops are humans also and a fact pattern like this would make them mad also. They feel for the kids and would find annoying the woman who just drove her car into a house faux caring for her kids at this point. It doesn't excuse their actions, but hypocrites always want to take every situation the same and say cops are just dicks!

So generic drug testing is the answer? :lol:

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