Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

What is probably going to occur is that Wilson will get off and maybe face a federal investigation. I have zero confidence he will face trial locally. Then white people will wonder why Black youth are so angry and older Blacks dont trust white people. Now I understand clearly why my gramps used to kill white racists from time to time and feed them to the gators back in Mississippi.

I think I've identified part of your problem. You have no intention of fulfilling Reverend King's dream, do you? Just keep the feud going as long as you can?

MLK's dream is not embraced by everyone so that presents a problem. I'm not going to try and pretend I am non violent. I'm probably a racists worst nightmare.


No, dumbass you ARE the racist.
I cant be a racist. I have a daughter that is half white and several family members as well. My extended family is pretty diverse. We have white, Mexican, Filipino and Black members in our family/

Cool. I can't be a racist either, because my daughter-in-law is black, as are my grandsons.
Breaking News:

7 Black Witnesses Come Forward Corroborating Officer Wilsons Testimony Before Grand Jury.

Report At least seven black witnesses have corroborated Darren Wilson 8217 s testimony before the Ferguson grand jury Hot Air

We can always count on you for total idiocy. Hotair.com? And you do know that the proceedings of a grand jury are secret, right?

Grand Jury Secrecy Rules
Washingtonpost.com Special Report Clinton Accused

Wish I woulda seen this before my post.
Thats a shocker. A Police Chief doesnt think he'll be found guilty? Wow Amazing...

You know who else thinks he wont be found guilty. Most blacks. It'll be more shocking if he was charged. Most officers dont...hell just last week an officer threw a flash bang grenade into a house on a no knock warrant. That flash bang landed in a toddlers crib and blew his face off


No Charges, Not Guilty...just "sloppy"

This doesn't meet the standards of criminal INTENT. They didn't intend to flash bang a baby. Blame parents for selling drugs w baby in house.

Intent doesnt matter but nice way to play that same tune...blame the victim.

Play it again Sam! In fact the day you have any opinion that isnt "Police right, everyone else wrong" let me know
I think he should not be charged, but I believe he will be charged. Simply because of fear and intimidation from the thugs in Ferguson.
He wont be charged by his friends. If there is a federal investigation he may be charged.
The FBI has already had forty agents attempting to dig up anything against Wilson and the FPD.
They couldn't find fuck-all pal.
Holder already has the GJ's report tucked away in his deck. BOBO and the DNC have told him not to release it until after the mid terms.
You're stupid.
What is probably going to occur is that Wilson will get off and maybe face a federal investigation. I have zero confidence he will face trial locally. Then white people will wonder why Black youth are so angry and older Blacks dont trust white people. Now I understand clearly why my gramps used to kill white racists from time to time and feed them to the gators back in Mississippi.

I think I've identified part of your problem. You have no intention of fulfilling Reverend King's dream, do you? Just keep the feud going as long as you can?

MLK's dream is not embraced by everyone so that presents a problem. I'm not going to try and pretend I am non violent. I'm probably a racists worst nightmare.


No, dumbass you ARE the racist.
I cant be a racist. I have a daughter that is half white and several family members as well. My extended family is pretty diverse. We have white, Mexican, Filipino and Black members in our family/
So does Zimmerman remind me again how he is racist?

Did you know there are some Blacks that are racist against Blacks? Zimmerman doesnt have a daughter that is half white. I dont know about the rest of his family but that doesnt stop him from being a racist. Hitler has E1B1 blood type which is found predominantly in super Saharan groups and in the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews It didnt stop him from trying to wipe out the Jews and sterilize Blacks.
I think I've identified part of your problem. You have no intention of fulfilling Reverend King's dream, do you? Just keep the feud going as long as you can?

MLK's dream is not embraced by everyone so that presents a problem. I'm not going to try and pretend I am non violent. I'm probably a racists worst nightmare.


No, dumbass you ARE the racist.
I cant be a racist. I have a daughter that is half white and several family members as well. My extended family is pretty diverse. We have white, Mexican, Filipino and Black members in our family/
So does Zimmerman remind me again how he is racist?

Did you know there are some Blacks that are racist against Blacks? Zimmerman doesnt have a daughter that is half white. I dont know about the rest of his family but that doesnt stop him from being a racist. Hitler has E1B1 blood type which is found predominantly in super Saharan groups and in the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews It didnt stop him from trying to wipe out the Jews and sterilize Blacks.

And nothing at all stops you from being a piece if shit racist
What is probably going to occur is that Wilson will get off and maybe face a federal investigation. I have zero confidence he will face trial locally. Then white people will wonder why Black youth are so angry and older Blacks dont trust white people. Now I understand clearly why my gramps used to kill white racists from time to time and feed them to the gators back in Mississippi.

You think the grand jury will be all white people. That's how totally ignorant you are. Fact is there are blacks on the grand jury that will hear the evidence.
Who told you I thought the jury was going to be all white? Not enough Black people to get him to a trial. Tis the system so I understand that. However, that doesnt excuse him in my mind nor the minds of millions of other Black and white people.

I'm not sure which post you said it in but you did say that Wilson will probably get off because a racist jury will not go after one of their own or something to that effect.

But go ahead and deny you said anything like that.
Youre not sure because I never said the jury was all white. Matter of fact I posted that I heard the jury was majority white but way to back pedal.

You certainly implied it.
How could i have implied it convict? I already said the jury was a majority White. Your failure to conquer the skill of reading makes you think I implied it was all white.
MLK's dream is not embraced by everyone so that presents a problem. I'm not going to try and pretend I am non violent. I'm probably a racists worst nightmare.


No, dumbass you ARE the racist.
I cant be a racist. I have a daughter that is half white and several family members as well. My extended family is pretty diverse. We have white, Mexican, Filipino and Black members in our family/
So does Zimmerman remind me again how he is racist?

Did you know there are some Blacks that are racist against Blacks? Zimmerman doesnt have a daughter that is half white. I dont know about the rest of his family but that doesnt stop him from being a racist. Hitler has E1B1 blood type which is found predominantly in super Saharan groups and in the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews It didnt stop him from trying to wipe out the Jews and sterilize Blacks.

And nothing at all stops you from being a piece if shit racist
Dont be stressed.
What is probably going to occur is that Wilson will get off and maybe face a federal investigation. I have zero confidence he will face trial locally. Then white people will wonder why Black youth are so angry and older Blacks dont trust white people. Now I understand clearly why my gramps used to kill white racists from time to time and feed them to the gators back in Mississippi.

I think I've identified part of your problem. You have no intention of fulfilling Reverend King's dream, do you? Just keep the feud going as long as you can?

MLK's dream is not embraced by everyone so that presents a problem. I'm not going to try and pretend I am non violent. I'm probably a racists worst nightmare.


You are a racist.
Ok. Do you feel better?

Better than what?

Your racism hasn't been a secret
Better than you felt before now that you have gotten that off your chest?
Has anyone read the autopsy? It too backs Wilson's story of Brown grabbing his gun and the cop firing. A small part of Brown's thumb was found in the patrol car.
I would have grabbed Wilsons gun as well if he had attempted to shoot me after grabbing me by the neck so that doesnt bother me at all.
Has anyone read the autopsy? It too backs Wilson's story of Brown grabbing his gun and the cop firing. A small part of Brown's thumb was found in the patrol car.
I would have grabbed Wilsons gun as well if he had attempted to shoot me after grabbing me by the neck so that doesnt bother me at all.

And you would have ended up like Dirt Nap Mike.....dead.
I think you should vacation in Ferguson this year.
Apparently, there were a number of shots while Brown was a good distance from Wilson that missed (luckily they didn't hit any innocent bystanders, if Wilson or anyone cares). Besides, Wilson was supposedly hurt so badly it's a wonder he could even squeeze off an accurate shot.

Kind of like Zimmerman having his head "beaten into the concrete within an inch of his life" but only having some scratches on his head.

You're a lying sack of shit....there are pictures that showed the back of Zimmerman's head, with bloody matted hair. Trayvon was a little thug and got what he had coming.

Tell you what dude, you bash someone's head into concrete "within an inch of their life," they are going to have more than scratches -- like a fractured skull.

I think Zman scratched his head on that little tree that was nearby. But, for darn sure, Trayvon was not straddling him beating his head into the concrete -- that little pissant gun nut , police wannabe wouldn't have walked away from that if it had really happened anymore than Jersey Joe was going to get up from Marciano's right. That's the friggin lie.

I'd say PBS has a HUGE roll in making the little snitch Assplaster and other white pretenders continue to screech about "racist" cops and lynchings that happened 70 years ago, You can't watch that creepshow network for a week without seeing the 1960's fire hoses in Birmingham and hanged negroes in rural Mississippi, who incidentally were guilty of crimes against whites and given justice....remember, Hillary says "it takes a village", right? It's how the left keeps the willies agitated and the young ones looking for a knockout game. Sooner or later, a city like Ferguson has to be taught a lesson. In Detroit, there would have been no riots if the police had responded to Rap Brown and his black panthers that first night by rounding them up and hanging them from lamposts up and down 12th Street and Kercheval. Hey, it might have saved 2,100 burned buildings and thousands of whites fleeing from the city, leaving it burned down and broken. I'm tired of the accusations....if they hate us anyway, and they do, show em what it looks like up front instead of grainy old movie footage.
Clowns like you arent going to do anything but talk shit on a message board.When I slap the shit out of white boy racists like you all they do is turn pink, then red, and start to cry. You would pee yourself if you had to match up with someone like me you effeminate pussy.

Your people are uncivilized savages for the most part. Must be the neaderthal DNA that makes them do stuff like this....

The Black Body as Souvenir in American Lynching Harvey Young - Academia.edu

Before the torch was applied to the pyre, the negro was deprived of his ears, fingers andgenital parts of his body. He pleaded pitifully for his life while the mutilation was going on, but stood the ordeal of fire with surprising fortitude. Before the body was cool, it was cutto pieces, the bones were crushed into small bits, and even the tree upon which the wretchmet his fate was torn up and disposed of as “souvenirs.” The negro’s heart was cut intoseveral pieces, as was also his liver. Those unable to obtain ghastly relics direct paid theirmore fortunate possessors extravagant sums for them. Small pieces of bones went for 25cents, and a bit of liver crisply cooked sold for 10 cents

see ya in the field, boy.
What is probably going to occur is that Wilson will get off and maybe face a federal investigation. I have zero confidence he will face trial locally. Then white people will wonder why Black youth are so angry and older Blacks dont trust white people. Now I understand clearly why my gramps used to kill white racists from time to time and feed them to the gators back in Mississippi.

I think I've identified part of your problem. You have no intention of fulfilling Reverend King's dream, do you? Just keep the feud going as long as you can?

MLK's dream is not embraced by everyone so that presents a problem. I'm not going to try and pretend I am non violent. I'm probably a racists worst nightmare.


IOW, you're one of those who won't allow racial relations to get better in this country. You're suspicious of white people and ready to become violent if you perceive racism. Think just for a little bit. I'm going to turn that around, so see what it sounds like from a different perspective.

"You're suspicious of black people and ready to become violent if you perceive racism". I've heard that kind of attitude justification from white racists.

I've more than done my part and continue to do so. One thing I wont tolerate is a white racist. If I sense one in my presence he is going to have a problem with me. I'm not suspicous of white people. I dont even notice most white people until they do or say something racist.

I see the point of your example however, I simply see no point in talking with someone that has convinced themselves I am inferior simply because they lack self esteem. I dont mind them being a racist because thats there problem. I do however, have the ability to make sure they keep their opinions to themselves or risk injury.
I'd say PBS has a HUGE roll in making the little snitch Assplaster and other white pretenders continue to screech about "racist" cops and lynchings that happened 70 years ago, You can't watch that creepshow network for a week without seeing the 1960's fire hoses in Birmingham and hanged negroes in rural Mississippi, who incidentally were guilty of crimes against whites and given justice....remember, Hillary says "it takes a village", right? It's how the left keeps the willies agitated and the young ones looking for a knockout game. Sooner or later, a city like Ferguson has to be taught a lesson. In Detroit, there would have been no riots if the police had responded to Rap Brown and his black panthers that first night by rounding them up and hanging them from lamposts up and down 12th Street and Kercheval. Hey, it might have saved 2,100 burned buildings and thousands of whites fleeing from the city, leaving it burned down and broken. I'm tired of the accusations....if they hate us anyway, and they do, show em what it looks like up front instead of grainy old movie footage.
Clowns like you arent going to do anything but talk shit on a message board.When I slap the shit out of white boy racists like you all they do is turn pink, then red, and start to cry. You would pee yourself if you had to match up with someone like me you effeminate pussy.

Your people are uncivilized savages for the most part. Must be the neaderthal DNA that makes them do stuff like this....

The Black Body as Souvenir in American Lynching Harvey Young - Academia.edu

Before the torch was applied to the pyre, the negro was deprived of his ears, fingers andgenital parts of his body. He pleaded pitifully for his life while the mutilation was going on, but stood the ordeal of fire with surprising fortitude. Before the body was cool, it was cutto pieces, the bones were crushed into small bits, and even the tree upon which the wretchmet his fate was torn up and disposed of as “souvenirs.” The negro’s heart was cut intoseveral pieces, as was also his liver. Those unable to obtain ghastly relics direct paid theirmore fortunate possessors extravagant sums for them. Small pieces of bones went for 25cents, and a bit of liver crisply cooked sold for 10 cents

see ya in the field, boy.
You wont see me in the field unless I'm coming there to make sure you completed your work there as I have ordered.
Has anyone read the autopsy? It too backs Wilson's story of Brown grabbing his gun and the cop firing. A small part of Brown's thumb was found in the patrol car.
I would have grabbed Wilsons gun as well if he had attempted to shoot me after grabbing me by the neck so that doesnt bother me at all.

And you would have ended up like Dirt Nap Mike.....dead.
I think you should vacation in Ferguson this year.
Depends on if I had gotten the weapon. If so he would have ended up dead. I'm not a 18 year old teenager.
I'd say PBS has a HUGE roll in making the little snitch Assplaster and other white pretenders continue to screech about "racist" cops and lynchings that happened 70 years ago, You can't watch that creepshow network for a week without seeing the 1960's fire hoses in Birmingham and hanged negroes in rural Mississippi, who incidentally were guilty of crimes against whites and given justice....remember, Hillary says "it takes a village", right? It's how the left keeps the willies agitated and the young ones looking for a knockout game. Sooner or later, a city like Ferguson has to be taught a lesson. In Detroit, there would have been no riots if the police had responded to Rap Brown and his black panthers that first night by rounding them up and hanging them from lamposts up and down 12th Street and Kercheval. Hey, it might have saved 2,100 burned buildings and thousands of whites fleeing from the city, leaving it burned down and broken. I'm tired of the accusations....if they hate us anyway, and they do, show em what it looks like up front instead of grainy old movie footage.
Clowns like you arent going to do anything but talk shit on a message board.When I slap the shit out of white boy racists like you all they do is turn pink, then red, and start to cry. You would pee yourself if you had to match up with someone like me you effeminate pussy.

Your people are uncivilized savages for the most part. Must be the neaderthal DNA that makes them do stuff like this....

The Black Body as Souvenir in American Lynching Harvey Young - Academia.edu

Before the torch was applied to the pyre, the negro was deprived of his ears, fingers andgenital parts of his body. He pleaded pitifully for his life while the mutilation was going on, but stood the ordeal of fire with surprising fortitude. Before the body was cool, it was cutto pieces, the bones were crushed into small bits, and even the tree upon which the wretchmet his fate was torn up and disposed of as “souvenirs.” The negro’s heart was cut intoseveral pieces, as was also his liver. Those unable to obtain ghastly relics direct paid theirmore fortunate possessors extravagant sums for them. Small pieces of bones went for 25cents, and a bit of liver crisply cooked sold for 10 cents

see ya in the field, boy.
You wont see me in the field unless I'm coming there to make sure you completed your work there as I have ordered.

LOL...Napoleon syndrome.
What is probably going to occur is that Wilson will get off and maybe face a federal investigation. I have zero confidence he will face trial locally. Then white people will wonder why Black youth are so angry and older Blacks dont trust white people. Now I understand clearly why my gramps used to kill white racists from time to time and feed them to the gators back in Mississippi.

I think I've identified part of your problem. You have no intention of fulfilling Reverend King's dream, do you? Just keep the feud going as long as you can?

MLK's dream is not embraced by everyone so that presents a problem. I'm not going to try and pretend I am non violent. I'm probably a racists worst nightmare.


No, dumbass you ARE the racist.
I cant be a racist. I have a daughter that is half white and several family members as well. My extended family is pretty diverse. We have white, Mexican, Filipino and Black members in our family/

Cool. I can't be a racist either, because my daughter-in-law is black, as are my grandsons.
Good stuff.
I'd say PBS has a HUGE roll in making the little snitch Assplaster and other white pretenders continue to screech about "racist" cops and lynchings that happened 70 years ago, You can't watch that creepshow network for a week without seeing the 1960's fire hoses in Birmingham and hanged negroes in rural Mississippi, who incidentally were guilty of crimes against whites and given justice....remember, Hillary says "it takes a village", right? It's how the left keeps the willies agitated and the young ones looking for a knockout game. Sooner or later, a city like Ferguson has to be taught a lesson. In Detroit, there would have been no riots if the police had responded to Rap Brown and his black panthers that first night by rounding them up and hanging them from lamposts up and down 12th Street and Kercheval. Hey, it might have saved 2,100 burned buildings and thousands of whites fleeing from the city, leaving it burned down and broken. I'm tired of the accusations....if they hate us anyway, and they do, show em what it looks like up front instead of grainy old movie footage.
Clowns like you arent going to do anything but talk shit on a message board.When I slap the shit out of white boy racists like you all they do is turn pink, then red, and start to cry. You would pee yourself if you had to match up with someone like me you effeminate pussy.

Your people are uncivilized savages for the most part. Must be the neaderthal DNA that makes them do stuff like this....

The Black Body as Souvenir in American Lynching Harvey Young - Academia.edu

Before the torch was applied to the pyre, the negro was deprived of his ears, fingers andgenital parts of his body. He pleaded pitifully for his life while the mutilation was going on, but stood the ordeal of fire with surprising fortitude. Before the body was cool, it was cutto pieces, the bones were crushed into small bits, and even the tree upon which the wretchmet his fate was torn up and disposed of as “souvenirs.” The negro’s heart was cut intoseveral pieces, as was also his liver. Those unable to obtain ghastly relics direct paid theirmore fortunate possessors extravagant sums for them. Small pieces of bones went for 25cents, and a bit of liver crisply cooked sold for 10 cents

see ya in the field, boy.
You wont see me in the field unless I'm coming there to make sure you completed your work there as I have ordered.

LOL...Napoleon syndrome.
The first one to bring up Napoleon has short man and little dick syndrome.

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