Police dashboard camera video shows what really happened.

...---as a GROUP...stating facts are not denouncing

Denouncing an entire group of people is not "fact," and it is not logical. You must have known that.
stating facts is not denouncing
Calling blatant racism and illogical conclusions "facts" does not make them such. Go tell your mirror image im2. Both of you need this simple truth pounded into your empty skulls.
.....but it's not racism...just because Unko from USMB says so, doesn't mean it's true
...---as a GROUP...stating facts are not denouncing

Denouncing an entire group of people is not "fact," and it is not logical. You must have known that.
stating facts is not denouncing
Calling blatant racism and illogical conclusions "facts" does not make them such. Go tell your mirror image im2. Both of you need this simple truth pounded into your empty skulls.
how many more times do you want to go in a circle????!!!!!
...---as a GROUP...stating facts are not denouncing

Denouncing an entire group of people is not "fact," and it is not logical. You must have known that.
stating facts is not denouncing
Calling blatant racism and illogical conclusions "facts" does not make them such. Go tell your mirror image im2. Both of you need this simple truth pounded into your empty skulls.
.....but it's not racism...just because Unko from USMB says so, doesn't mean it's true

Do you have any concept at all of what "logic" is?
I want to be very clear I think she handled this in a horrible way and her behavior is awful.

But I just think the cop could have done a few things to avoid yanking her out of the car.
He asked her POLITELY 20 TIMES. How long was long enough to wait?

My point being she didn't need to come out of the car. I've been stopped by the cops many times and never been asked to get out of the vehicle. He should have run the VIN, saw it was not reported stolen and then politely asked if she ever owned a 2003 Saturn.

But like I said in my OP she could have immediately told him that she sold the 2003 Saturn to get this car. That would have put the cop more at ease. She basically did nothing right that's for sure.
Dude, she took the plates off of a car she used to own and put them on another car that wasn't insured. It doesn't matter if she owned both cars...it's that she was driving an unregistered, uninsured motor vehicle without a license.
...---as a GROUP...stating facts are not denouncing

Denouncing an entire group of people is not "fact," and it is not logical. You must have known that.
stating facts is not denouncing
Calling blatant racism and illogical conclusions "facts" does not make them such. Go tell your mirror image im2. Both of you need this simple truth pounded into your empty skulls.
.....but it's not racism...just because Unko from USMB says so, doesn't mean it's true

Do you have any concept at all of what "logic" is?
around and around we go .........unending circle
Where’s the viral link? Tell the whole story. I never heard of this so how big of a viral story was it? Interaction seemed professional to me but how many white people they circle over for turning on the signal then pulling over?
*so frickin' dumb*
I want to be very clear I think she handled this in a horrible way and her behavior is awful.

But I just think the cop could have done a few things to avoid yanking her out of the car.
He asked her POLITELY 20 TIMES. How long was long enough to wait?

My point being she didn't need to come out of the car. I've been stopped by the cops many times and never been asked to get out of the vehicle. He should have run the VIN, saw it was not reported stolen and then politely asked if she ever owned a 2003 Saturn.
Maybe he should have taken her keys and made her stay in the car while they impounded it.

For driving without insurance and improper plates? Yea. I mean had she handled this differently, explained the situation and had insurance, I'm pretty sure this would have ended far differently.
She REFUSED to provide ID, you get arrested for that when driving a car.

Wrong. 9th circuit disagrees:

Since she was NOT driving, she was a passenger. I've sat in the drivers seat of a parked car to try to diagnose a check engine light. I was not a driver at that time. She had a point about it being a parked car. It changes things.
LOL I guess you totally missed where the COPS noticed her BECAUSE she WAS driving and parked to avoid them?
I was a bit disappointed.

I was really hoping to see that loud mouth bitch get knocked the f*ck out!!!
She knew what she was doing, playing dumb but also trying to intimidate him into backing off and letting the whole thing go , which could have gotten him fired. Another reason they have dash cams is to watch everything, including the officers behavior.
...---as a GROUP...stating facts are not denouncing

Denouncing an entire group of people is not "fact," and it is not logical. You must have known that.
stating facts is not denouncing
Calling blatant racism and illogical conclusions "facts" does not make them such. Go tell your mirror image im2. Both of you need this simple truth pounded into your empty skulls.
.....but it's not racism...just because Unko from USMB says so, doesn't mean it's true

Do you have any concept at all of what "logic" is?
around and around we go .........unending circle
Not really.
...---as a GROUP...stating facts are not denouncing

Denouncing an entire group of people is not "fact," and it is not logical. You must have known that.
stating facts is not denouncing
Calling blatant racism and illogical conclusions "facts" does not make them such. Go tell your mirror image im2. Both of you need this simple truth pounded into your empty skulls.
.....but it's not racism...just because Unko from USMB says so, doesn't mean it's true

Do you have any concept at all of what "logic" is?
around and around we go .........unending circle
Not really.

cops have half a second to make a decision. sometimes, they choke. but if they make the wrong decision in the other direction, they get killed themselves

wouldn't you rather have the criminal killed than the cop killed, my friends? i bet you would!
"Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?" - Joe Biden

Trump has always said he would rather impose law and order and then lose re-election, rather than the other way around


cops have half a second to make a decision. sometimes, they choke. but if they make the wrong decision in the other direction, they get killed themselves

wouldn't you rather have the criminal killed than the cop killed, my friends? i bet you would!
...exactly----and I've said it before--experts in their fields '''kill''' many innocents because of human error
--pilots---very intelligent--trained--''kill'' hundreds because of human error/judgement/etc
--parents ''kill'' their kids because of human error
--people ''kill''' themselves in non-suicidal errors
--the military ''kill'' innocents and their OWN for same reasons

.....and when you are dealing with irrational/ VIOLENT/stupid/etc criminals- = it's AMAZING the police have ''killed'' so FEW!!!!!!

..it's not like making a cheese sandwich when you are dealing with these jackasses--it's very dynamic and DANGEROUS
Laws on driving and such vary by State in the 70's I know in Texas you could be arrested for drunk driving if in your car parked but had possession of the keys. My dad avoided that charge because when he parked he accidentally took the keys out of ignition and dropped them kicking them under the seat,.
(From 3 weeks ago)
Aurora Police Chief released dash cam after a 4 -second clip of a black woman being pulled from her car goes viral on social media.

Thank you for sharing. Context matters. I reiterate this over and over again and stupid Leftists don’t understand why.

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