Police officer fired for having confederate flag in yard

Good. I'm glad the dumb bitch got fired.

So you don't believe in the First Amendment?
Some people believe in the first amendment until they feel offended, then all bets are off. I don't like that flag myself, had a couple of ancestors die on the yankee end of things but the first amendment protects their right to have that flag.
Not if they are a cop. That should be obvious. You cant have cops that support stuff like Nazi's, the KKK, and other hate groups. Its a conflict of interest.

What hate group is she supporting? Where is your evidence?

It came from the same place most of his "evidence" comes from: he squatted and bore down.
From the racist comments on this board towards the Black Man, it's obvious her former department made the right choice....

So because you don't like what people are saying about it, you think the First Amendment should not be applied to someone else? I don't see the logic....
From the racist comments on this board towards the Black Man, it's obvious her former department made the right choice....

So because you don't like what people are saying about it, you think the First Amendment should not be applied to someone else? I don't see the logic....
Her Rights were never violated, she was not jailed or fined for her speech...therefore no violation exists.
However, her former career required that the public see her as unbiased when dealing with the public.
Supporting a cause/ symbol that called for slavery and treason doesn't support a position of objectivity when encountering minorities...

The same types that support this symbol of hate, racism and treason or usually the one's that start a thread calling Black people "coons" while denying any racist tendencies.
Last edited:
From the racist comments on this board towards the Black Man, it's obvious her former department made the right choice....

So because you don't like what people are saying about it, you think the First Amendment should not be applied to someone else? I don't see the logic....
Her Rights were never violated, she was not jailed or fined for her speech...therefore no violation exists.
However, her former career required that the public see her as unbiased when dealing with the public.
Supporting a cause/ symbol that called for slavery and treason doesn't support a position of objectivity when encountering minorities...

The same types that support this symbol of hate, racism and treason or usually the one's that start a thread calling Black people "coons"while denying any racist tendencies.

And there is the crux of the matter. Some people see the confederate flag about racism and slavery. That the Civil War was all about that and nothing else. The Civil War was in fact fought about states rights to succeed from the Union. One of the issues at stake in that war was slavery. There were several other reasons as well. The Confederate Flag was representative of the south's succession from the Union.

Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery. Some see it as southern pride, others see it as a symbol of a rebel mentality showing defiance from the establishment. It is only those who see a singular issue and apply it as the only reason behind the flag who has caused it to be an issue.

It is the equivalent of being offended by someone wearing a 'cross' necklace because someone is offended about the Crusades, even though the cross does not represent the oppression once upon a time carried out.

I am not a supporter of racism, bigotry, slavery, or any methodology of inequality. I am simply saying that it is not known in what context this person chose to fly the flag, given that there are several contexts available. Therefore passing judgment on her and firing her because she displayed the flag is just as bad as the unsubstantiated intent she is being accused of.

For those who support the flag due to racism, slavery, and bigotry, in general and on here specifically, they have nether the moral, or ethical standard to judge or provide an opinion to anyone.

The judgment of, and political correctness applied to this subject is part of the reason of the divisiveness within the US as a whole.
From the racist comments on this board towards the Black Man, it's obvious her former department made the right choice....

So because you don't like what people are saying about it, you think the First Amendment should not be applied to someone else? I don't see the logic....
Her Rights were never violated, she was not jailed or fined for her speech...therefore no violation exists.
However, her former career required that the public see her as unbiased when dealing with the public.
Supporting a cause/ symbol that called for slavery and treason doesn't support a position of objectivity when encountering minorities...

The same types that support this symbol of hate, racism and treason or usually the one's that start a thread calling Black people "coons"while denying any racist tendencies.

And there is the crux of the matter. Some people see the confederate flag about racism and slavery. That the Civil War was all about that and nothing else. The Civil War was in fact fought about states rights to succeed from the Union. One of the issues at stake in that war was slavery. There were several other reasons as well. The Confederate Flag was representative of the south's succession from the Union.

Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery. Some see it as southern pride, others see it as a symbol of a rebel mentality showing defiance from the establishment. It is only those who see a singular issue and apply it as the only reason behind the flag who has caused it to be an issue.

It is the equivalent of being offended by someone wearing a 'cross' necklace because someone is offended about the Crusades, even though the cross does not represent the oppression once upon a time carried out.

I am not a supporter of racism, bigotry, slavery, or any methodology of inequality. I am simply saying that it is not known in what context this person chose to fly the flag, given that there are several contexts available. Therefore passing judgment on her and firing her because she displayed the flag is just as bad as the unsubstantiated intent she is being accused of.

For those who support the flag due to racism, slavery, and bigotry, in general and on here specifically, they have nether the moral, or ethical standard to judge or provide an opinion to anyone.

The judgment of, and political correctness applied to this subject is part of the reason of the divisiveness within the US as a whole.
Your reply is the usual statement made by individuals that adhere to the new revisionist ideology that the civil war's cornerstone was not the right to maintain slavery in the Southern States and indeed spread it to the Western territories...
If the woman displayed that rag in order to show her rebellion against the system, then she again is undermining the confidence that communities must have in their public servants, hence her dismissal.
The Generals and originator's of the CSA stated that slavery was in fact the reason for their traitorous actions, that is indisputable...

The fact is that her Rights weren't violated...she was not jailed or fined and chose to lie as to her knowledge of that rag's history and what it represents
Last edited:
From the racist comments on this board towards the Black Man, it's obvious her former department made the right choice....

So because you don't like what people are saying about it, you think the First Amendment should not be applied to someone else? I don't see the logic....
Her Rights were never violated, she was not jailed or fined for her speech...therefore no violation exists.
However, her former career required that the public see her as unbiased when dealing with the public.
Supporting a cause/ symbol that called for slavery and treason doesn't support a position of objectivity when encountering minorities...

The same types that support this symbol of hate, racism and treason or usually the one's that start a thread calling Black people "coons"while denying any racist tendencies.

And there is the crux of the matter. Some people see the confederate flag about racism and slavery. That the Civil War was all about that and nothing else. The Civil War was in fact fought about states rights to succeed from the Union. One of the issues at stake in that war was slavery. There were several other reasons as well. The Confederate Flag was representative of the south's succession from the Union.

Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery. Some see it as southern pride, others see it as a symbol of a rebel mentality showing defiance from the establishment. It is only those who see a singular issue and apply it as the only reason behind the flag who has caused it to be an issue.

It is the equivalent of being offended by someone wearing a 'cross' necklace because someone is offended about the Crusades, even though the cross does not represent the oppression once upon a time carried out.

I am not a supporter of racism, bigotry, slavery, or any methodology of inequality. I am simply saying that it is not known in what context this person chose to fly the flag, given that there are several contexts available. Therefore passing judgment on her and firing her because she displayed the flag is just as bad as the unsubstantiated intent she is being accused of.

For those who support the flag due to racism, slavery, and bigotry, in general and on here specifically, they have nether the moral, or ethical standard to judge or provide an opinion to anyone.

The judgment of, and political correctness applied to this subject is part of the reason of the divisiveness within the US as a whole.
Your reply is the usual statement made by individuals that adhere to the new revisionist ideology that the civil war's cornerstone was not the right to maintain slavery in the Southern States and indeed spread it to the Western territories...
If the woman displayed that rag in order to show her rebellion against the system, then she again is undermining the confidence that communities must have in their public servants, hence her dismissal.
The Generals and originator's of the CSA stated that slavery was in fact the reason for their traitorous actions, that is indisputable...

The fact is that her Rights weren't violated...she was not jailed or fined and choose to lie as to her knowledge of that rag's history and what it represents

It was ONE of the reasons, not the only reason and no, it's not "revisionist". Your opinions do not necessarily constitute facts as things are not cut and dry black and white. This smacks of Political Correctness and no tolerance for anything other than absolute ideology by those who cannot accept anything but their belief in the world as your reply of absoluteness indicates. My analogy of the cross stands and applies. You apply an absolute that the flag stands and supports slavery. It must, it has to because it is defined that way by those who say it is. Therefore she must support slavery and is a racist. Therefore, without discussing it with her...she is labeled so. She must be fired because of these things, never considering any other possibility or perception.

It could be argued that those that feel as you do on this are bigoted, unfair, judgmental, and narrow. However, I only have this thread to draw upon to make that assumption. Is that fair to come to that conclusion without knowing more? I would think not.

While I think she may have made a mistake, I seriously doubt she did so with the intent or the thought so absolutely assigned to her by others. I suspect in reality, a much less form of punishment would be warranted.
From the racist comments on this board towards the Black Man, it's obvious her former department made the right choice....

So because you don't like what people are saying about it, you think the First Amendment should not be applied to someone else? I don't see the logic....
Her Rights were never violated, she was not jailed or fined for her speech...therefore no violation exists.
However, her former career required that the public see her as unbiased when dealing with the public.
Supporting a cause/ symbol that called for slavery and treason doesn't support a position of objectivity when encountering minorities...

The same types that support this symbol of hate, racism and treason or usually the one's that start a thread calling Black people "coons"while denying any racist tendencies.

And there is the crux of the matter. Some people see the confederate flag about racism and slavery. That the Civil War was all about that and nothing else. The Civil War was in fact fought about states rights to succeed from the Union. One of the issues at stake in that war was slavery. There were several other reasons as well. The Confederate Flag was representative of the south's succession from the Union.

Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery. Some see it as southern pride, others see it as a symbol of a rebel mentality showing defiance from the establishment. It is only those who see a singular issue and apply it as the only reason behind the flag who has caused it to be an issue.

It is the equivalent of being offended by someone wearing a 'cross' necklace because someone is offended about the Crusades, even though the cross does not represent the oppression once upon a time carried out.

I am not a supporter of racism, bigotry, slavery, or any methodology of inequality. I am simply saying that it is not known in what context this person chose to fly the flag, given that there are several contexts available. Therefore passing judgment on her and firing her because she displayed the flag is just as bad as the unsubstantiated intent she is being accused of.

For those who support the flag due to racism, slavery, and bigotry, in general and on here specifically, they have nether the moral, or ethical standard to judge or provide an opinion to anyone.

The judgment of, and political correctness applied to this subject is part of the reason of the divisiveness within the US as a whole.
Your reply is the usual statement made by individuals that adhere to the new revisionist ideology that the civil war's cornerstone was not the right to maintain slavery in the Southern States and indeed spread it to the Western territories...
If the woman displayed that rag in order to show her rebellion against the system, then she again is undermining the confidence that communities must have in their public servants, hence her dismissal.
The Generals and originator's of the CSA stated that slavery was in fact the reason for their traitorous actions, that is indisputable...

The fact is that her Rights weren't violated...she was not jailed or fined and choose to lie as to her knowledge of that rag's history and what it represents

It was ONE of the reasons, not the only reason and no, it's not "revisionist". Your opinions do not necessarily constitute facts as things are not cut and dry black and white. This smacks of Political Correctness and no tolerance for anything other than absolute ideology by those who cannot accept anything but their belief in the world as your reply of absoluteness indicates. My analogy of the cross stands and applies. You apply an absolute that the flag stands and supports slavery. It must, it has to because it is defined that way by those who say it is. Therefore she must support slavery and is a racist. Therefore, without discussing it with her...she is labeled so. She must be fired because of these things, never considering any other possibility or perception.

It could be argued that those that feel as you do on this are bigoted, unfair, judgmental, and narrow. However, I only have this thread to draw upon to make that assumption. Is that fair to come to that conclusion without knowing more? I would think not.

While I think she may have made a mistake, I seriously doubt she did so with the intent or the thought so absolutely assigned to her by others. I suspect in reality, a much less form of punishment would be warranted.
Good thing you aren't the Chief...
So because you don't like what people are saying about it, you think the First Amendment should not be applied to someone else? I don't see the logic....
Her Rights were never violated, she was not jailed or fined for her speech...therefore no violation exists.
However, her former career required that the public see her as unbiased when dealing with the public.
Supporting a cause/ symbol that called for slavery and treason doesn't support a position of objectivity when encountering minorities...

The same types that support this symbol of hate, racism and treason or usually the one's that start a thread calling Black people "coons"while denying any racist tendencies.

And there is the crux of the matter. Some people see the confederate flag about racism and slavery. That the Civil War was all about that and nothing else. The Civil War was in fact fought about states rights to succeed from the Union. One of the issues at stake in that war was slavery. There were several other reasons as well. The Confederate Flag was representative of the south's succession from the Union.

Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery. Some see it as southern pride, others see it as a symbol of a rebel mentality showing defiance from the establishment. It is only those who see a singular issue and apply it as the only reason behind the flag who has caused it to be an issue.

It is the equivalent of being offended by someone wearing a 'cross' necklace because someone is offended about the Crusades, even though the cross does not represent the oppression once upon a time carried out.

I am not a supporter of racism, bigotry, slavery, or any methodology of inequality. I am simply saying that it is not known in what context this person chose to fly the flag, given that there are several contexts available. Therefore passing judgment on her and firing her because she displayed the flag is just as bad as the unsubstantiated intent she is being accused of.

For those who support the flag due to racism, slavery, and bigotry, in general and on here specifically, they have nether the moral, or ethical standard to judge or provide an opinion to anyone.

The judgment of, and political correctness applied to this subject is part of the reason of the divisiveness within the US as a whole.
Your reply is the usual statement made by individuals that adhere to the new revisionist ideology that the civil war's cornerstone was not the right to maintain slavery in the Southern States and indeed spread it to the Western territories...
If the woman displayed that rag in order to show her rebellion against the system, then she again is undermining the confidence that communities must have in their public servants, hence her dismissal.
The Generals and originator's of the CSA stated that slavery was in fact the reason for their traitorous actions, that is indisputable...

The fact is that her Rights weren't violated...she was not jailed or fined and choose to lie as to her knowledge of that rag's history and what it represents

It was ONE of the reasons, not the only reason and no, it's not "revisionist". Your opinions do not necessarily constitute facts as things are not cut and dry black and white. This smacks of Political Correctness and no tolerance for anything other than absolute ideology by those who cannot accept anything but their belief in the world as your reply of absoluteness indicates. My analogy of the cross stands and applies. You apply an absolute that the flag stands and supports slavery. It must, it has to because it is defined that way by those who say it is. Therefore she must support slavery and is a racist. Therefore, without discussing it with her...she is labeled so. She must be fired because of these things, never considering any other possibility or perception.

It could be argued that those that feel as you do on this are bigoted, unfair, judgmental, and narrow. However, I only have this thread to draw upon to make that assumption. Is that fair to come to that conclusion without knowing more? I would think not.

While I think she may have made a mistake, I seriously doubt she did so with the intent or the thought so absolutely assigned to her by others. I suspect in reality, a much less form of punishment would be warranted.
Good thing you aren't the Chief...

And good thing your relegated to blogs.....
Her Rights were never violated, she was not jailed or fined for her speech...therefore no violation exists.
However, her former career required that the public see her as unbiased when dealing with the public.
Supporting a cause/ symbol that called for slavery and treason doesn't support a position of objectivity when encountering minorities...

The same types that support this symbol of hate, racism and treason or usually the one's that start a thread calling Black people "coons"while denying any racist tendencies.

And there is the crux of the matter. Some people see the confederate flag about racism and slavery. That the Civil War was all about that and nothing else. The Civil War was in fact fought about states rights to succeed from the Union. One of the issues at stake in that war was slavery. There were several other reasons as well. The Confederate Flag was representative of the south's succession from the Union.

Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery. Some see it as southern pride, others see it as a symbol of a rebel mentality showing defiance from the establishment. It is only those who see a singular issue and apply it as the only reason behind the flag who has caused it to be an issue.

It is the equivalent of being offended by someone wearing a 'cross' necklace because someone is offended about the Crusades, even though the cross does not represent the oppression once upon a time carried out.

I am not a supporter of racism, bigotry, slavery, or any methodology of inequality. I am simply saying that it is not known in what context this person chose to fly the flag, given that there are several contexts available. Therefore passing judgment on her and firing her because she displayed the flag is just as bad as the unsubstantiated intent she is being accused of.

For those who support the flag due to racism, slavery, and bigotry, in general and on here specifically, they have nether the moral, or ethical standard to judge or provide an opinion to anyone.

The judgment of, and political correctness applied to this subject is part of the reason of the divisiveness within the US as a whole.
Your reply is the usual statement made by individuals that adhere to the new revisionist ideology that the civil war's cornerstone was not the right to maintain slavery in the Southern States and indeed spread it to the Western territories...
If the woman displayed that rag in order to show her rebellion against the system, then she again is undermining the confidence that communities must have in their public servants, hence her dismissal.
The Generals and originator's of the CSA stated that slavery was in fact the reason for their traitorous actions, that is indisputable...

The fact is that her Rights weren't violated...she was not jailed or fined and choose to lie as to her knowledge of that rag's history and what it represents

It was ONE of the reasons, not the only reason and no, it's not "revisionist". Your opinions do not necessarily constitute facts as things are not cut and dry black and white. This smacks of Political Correctness and no tolerance for anything other than absolute ideology by those who cannot accept anything but their belief in the world as your reply of absoluteness indicates. My analogy of the cross stands and applies. You apply an absolute that the flag stands and supports slavery. It must, it has to because it is defined that way by those who say it is. Therefore she must support slavery and is a racist. Therefore, without discussing it with her...she is labeled so. She must be fired because of these things, never considering any other possibility or perception.

It could be argued that those that feel as you do on this are bigoted, unfair, judgmental, and narrow. However, I only have this thread to draw upon to make that assumption. Is that fair to come to that conclusion without knowing more? I would think not.

While I think she may have made a mistake, I seriously doubt she did so with the intent or the thought so absolutely assigned to her by others. I suspect in reality, a much less form of punishment would be warranted.
Good thing you aren't the Chief...

And good thing your relegated to blogs.....
Good thing I get a lifetime pension from my Law Enforcement career...
Good thing that Chief agrees with me...
Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery.
those people are wrong

Your wrong.
no. see no matter what else those people want to pretend the flag stands for the fact that it represents racism and oppression never changes

That's your absolutism point of view. If someone doesn't agree...they are wrong. Hypocrisy.
Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery.
those people are wrong

Your wrong.
no. see no matter what else those people want to pretend the flag stands for the fact that it represents racism and oppression never changes

That's your absolutism point of view. If someone doesn't agree...they are wrong. Hypocrisy.
some things are just true. water is wet, the earth is round, boobs are good, and the confederate rag is now and always has been a symbol of racism and oppression
And there is the crux of the matter. Some people see the confederate flag about racism and slavery. That the Civil War was all about that and nothing else. The Civil War was in fact fought about states rights to succeed from the Union. One of the issues at stake in that war was slavery. There were several other reasons as well. The Confederate Flag was representative of the south's succession from the Union.

Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery. Some see it as southern pride, others see it as a symbol of a rebel mentality showing defiance from the establishment. It is only those who see a singular issue and apply it as the only reason behind the flag who has caused it to be an issue.

It is the equivalent of being offended by someone wearing a 'cross' necklace because someone is offended about the Crusades, even though the cross does not represent the oppression once upon a time carried out.

I am not a supporter of racism, bigotry, slavery, or any methodology of inequality. I am simply saying that it is not known in what context this person chose to fly the flag, given that there are several contexts available. Therefore passing judgment on her and firing her because she displayed the flag is just as bad as the unsubstantiated intent she is being accused of.

For those who support the flag due to racism, slavery, and bigotry, in general and on here specifically, they have nether the moral, or ethical standard to judge or provide an opinion to anyone.

The judgment of, and political correctness applied to this subject is part of the reason of the divisiveness within the US as a whole.
Your reply is the usual statement made by individuals that adhere to the new revisionist ideology that the civil war's cornerstone was not the right to maintain slavery in the Southern States and indeed spread it to the Western territories...
If the woman displayed that rag in order to show her rebellion against the system, then she again is undermining the confidence that communities must have in their public servants, hence her dismissal.
The Generals and originator's of the CSA stated that slavery was in fact the reason for their traitorous actions, that is indisputable...

The fact is that her Rights weren't violated...she was not jailed or fined and choose to lie as to her knowledge of that rag's history and what it represents

It was ONE of the reasons, not the only reason and no, it's not "revisionist". Your opinions do not necessarily constitute facts as things are not cut and dry black and white. This smacks of Political Correctness and no tolerance for anything other than absolute ideology by those who cannot accept anything but their belief in the world as your reply of absoluteness indicates. My analogy of the cross stands and applies. You apply an absolute that the flag stands and supports slavery. It must, it has to because it is defined that way by those who say it is. Therefore she must support slavery and is a racist. Therefore, without discussing it with her...she is labeled so. She must be fired because of these things, never considering any other possibility or perception.

It could be argued that those that feel as you do on this are bigoted, unfair, judgmental, and narrow. However, I only have this thread to draw upon to make that assumption. Is that fair to come to that conclusion without knowing more? I would think not.

While I think she may have made a mistake, I seriously doubt she did so with the intent or the thought so absolutely assigned to her by others. I suspect in reality, a much less form of punishment would be warranted.
Good thing you aren't the Chief...

And good thing your relegated to blogs.....
Good thing I get a lifetime pension from my Law Enforcement career...
Good thing that Chief agrees with me...

So you say...and even if so...it doesn't mean either one of you are necessarily right. Both of you are absolutists (it can only be one way) on a grey matter. Perhaps whose judgment should be questioned as much as the officer fired.
Having said that. Not everyone sees the Confederate Flag as an expression to support racism and slavery.
those people are wrong

Your wrong.
no. see no matter what else those people want to pretend the flag stands for the fact that it represents racism and oppression never changes

That's your absolutism point of view. If someone doesn't agree...they are wrong. Hypocrisy.
some things are just true. water is wet, the earth is round, boobs are good, and the confederate rag is now and always has been a symbol of racism and oppression

To some it may be...and to others it may not. You have one way of seeing it, and others do not. I do not agree with your basis, but I do respect your opinion.
those people are wrong

Your wrong.
no. see no matter what else those people want to pretend the flag stands for the fact that it represents racism and oppression never changes

That's your absolutism point of view. If someone doesn't agree...they are wrong. Hypocrisy.
some things are just true. water is wet, the earth is round, boobs are good, and the confederate rag is now and always has been a symbol of racism and oppression

To some it may be...and to others it may not. You have one way of seeing it, and others do not. I do not agree with your basis, but I do respect your opinion.
That's your problem. you think i'm giving you an opinion.

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