Political Correctness: The pushback continues

Libs are amazing. Funny. Unconvincing. But amazing.

They are DRIVEN by PC.

But they get all mad as hell and in full denial mode ABOUT PC whenever anybody calls them out about it.

Tell me when I've ever been this 'PC' you're ranting about. With some real evidence to back your accusation.

Same here. If the guy wasn't a retard, he'd be able to find examples easily.

Did ya see that? I used the word retard to describe that faggot.

That's not very PC of you, you dishonest twat. See that?

I called the pussy a twat and I labeled him as dishonest just because in addition to being a hypocrite and a twat, he's also a liar.

I have lied often in my life.....but never here. This is an anonymous forum. You....on the other hand.....skip out on your bets. You cannot be trusted.

Another lie by you. I never skipped out on a bet.

Damn, you are a wholly dishonest twat, Lonely Laughable.
As angry and defensive as the Regressive Left/PC Police are about this slow but steady pushback, at some point they'll realize they should be saving their REAL anger on the steadily growing number of honest lefties who are admitting this has gone too far:

Yawn, guy. Only people whining about "political correctness" are the racists and homophobes who find they aren't welcome anymore.

Why do I get the feeling Mac is the Crazy Relative who gets the Stink-eye at Thanksgiving Dinner?
Libs are amazing. Funny. Unconvincing. But amazing.

They are DRIVEN by PC.

But they get all mad as hell and in full denial mode ABOUT PC whenever anybody calls them out about it.

It is the new totalitarian mentality - the left-wing mentality of political correctness .

All little Stalins...... the sheeple.

I think you might be just about as stupid as Staph. Neither of you can even define the words that you use.
They are not taking the collapsed of their beloved doctrine well. The monolith is cracking under the weight if its own absurdity.
Is Mack still whining because he got called down to HR that one time?

You get caught jerking off under your desk once, and everyone wants to make it an HR issue. :dunno:
I thought Joe kept getting fired because of his pathological problems, but that makes sense too. The two are not mutually exclusive after all.

I was talking about Mac. Joe didn't get fired. The police shutdown his glory hole.
Libs are amazing. Funny. Unconvincing. But amazing.

They are DRIVEN by PC.

But they get all mad as hell and in full denial mode ABOUT PC whenever anybody calls them out about it.

Tell me when I've ever been this 'PC' you're ranting about. With some real evidence to back your accusation.

Same here. If the guy wasn't a retard, he'd be able to find examples easily.

Did ya see that? I used the word retard to describe that faggot.

That's not very PC of you, you dishonest twat. See that?

I called the pussy a twat and I labeled him as dishonest just because in addition to being a hypocrite and a twat, he's also a liar.

I have lied often in my life.....but never here. This is an anonymous forum. You....on the other hand.....skip out on your bets. You cannot be trusted.

Another lie by you. I never skipped out on a bet.

Damn, you are a wholly dishonest twat, Lonely Laughable.

Of course you did. You are still here. That's the evidUnce, fool.

Ask yourself this question:

Would Lone Laugher insist on calling me a dishonest welcher if I had never made that bet to leave the forum?
Tell me when I've ever been this 'PC' you're ranting about. With some real evidence to back your accusation.

Same here. If the guy wasn't a retard, he'd be able to find examples easily.

Did ya see that? I used the word retard to describe that faggot.

That's not very PC of you, you dishonest twat. See that?

I called the pussy a twat and I labeled him as dishonest just because in addition to being a hypocrite and a twat, he's also a liar.

I have lied often in my life.....but never here. This is an anonymous forum. You....on the other hand.....skip out on your bets. You cannot be trusted.

Another lie by you. I never skipped out on a bet.

Damn, you are a wholly dishonest twat, Lonely Laughable.

Of course you did. You are still here. That's the evidUnce, fool.

Ask yourself this question:

Would Lone Laugher insist on calling me a dishonest welcher if I had never made that bet to leave the forum?

Lonely Laughable would indeed lie and is lying.

You imbecile.


I shall deign to correct you yet again.

I HAD made a bet.

The OTHER party to the bet got itself permabanned before the conditions of the bet were fulfilled.

One cannot be IN a bet with another party when that other party is GONE. Prior to the bet being completed, therefore, the bet was thus voided.

For an absurdly simple (not to mention entirely dishonest) "mind" such as yours, once a bet is voided, it is no longer a bet.

HAD the bet actually continued, I would have lost it. Then, it would be a welsh to disregard the wager's terms. But since the bet was voided ahead of time, I was no longer in a bet.

I later DID say that if Obumbler won, I'd leave the board. THAT latter assertion was not a "bet" since nobody else had any stake in it. It was merely a statement of future intent. This will rock you petty mind and your entire petty universe, but folks ARE allowed to change their minds when not bound by law, a contract or the terms of a bet. I did change my mind. I didn't owe you or anybody else unconditional adherence to my unilateral decision to leave the place. In other words, you hack simpleton dishonest twat, I was free to change my mind. And if you don't like it ... good.

But as to your deliberately false claim that I ever "welshed" on a bet, you remain nothing more than a lying syphilis-infested decaying stanky twat. :thup:
Same here. If the guy wasn't a retard, he'd be able to find examples easily.

Did ya see that? I used the word retard to describe that faggot.

That's not very PC of you, you dishonest twat. See that?

I called the pussy a twat and I labeled him as dishonest just because in addition to being a hypocrite and a twat, he's also a liar.

I have lied often in my life.....but never here. This is an anonymous forum. You....on the other hand.....skip out on your bets. You cannot be trusted.

Another lie by you. I never skipped out on a bet.

Damn, you are a wholly dishonest twat, Lonely Laughable.

Of course you did. You are still here. That's the evidUnce, fool.

Ask yourself this question:

Would Lone Laugher insist on calling me a dishonest welcher if I had never made that bet to leave the forum?

Lonely Laughable would indeed lie and is lying.

You imbecile.


I shall deign to correct you yet again.

I HAD made a bet.

The OTHER party to the bet got itself permabanned before the conditions of the bet were fulfilled.

One cannot be IN a bet with another party when that other party is GONE. Prior to the bet being completed, therefore, the bet was thus voided.

For an absurdly simple (not to mention entirely dishonest) "mind" such as yours, once a bet is voided, it is no longer a bet.

HAD the bet actually continued, I would have lost it. Then, it would be a welsh to disregard the wager's terms. But since the bet was voided ahead of time, I was no longer in a bet.

I later DID say that if Obumbler won, I'd leave the board. THAT latter assertion was not a "bet" since nobody else had any stake in it. It was merely a statement of future intent. This will rock you petty mind and your entire petty universe, but folks ARE allowed to change their minds when not bound by law, a contract or the terms of a bet. I did change my mind. I didn't owe you or anybody else unconditional adherence to my unilateral decision to leave the place. In other words, you hack simpleton dishonest twat, I was free to change my mind. And if you don't like it ... good.

But as to your deliberately false claim that I ever "welshed" on a bet, you remain nothing more than a lying syphilis-infested decaying stanky twat. :thup:

Whatever, shithead. You failed to keep your end of that bargain. You can twist yourself into a dishonest pretzel until the end of your days.....but you cannot escape this fact.

You actually left......for a period of time.....knowing that you had lost a bet. But...you couldn't stay away. You returned as an unannounced sock. But...you couldn't even keep that going. Sad.

You welched. You aren't to be trusted. Simple.
That's not very PC of you, you dishonest twat. See that?

I called the pussy a twat and I labeled him as dishonest just because in addition to being a hypocrite and a twat, he's also a liar.

I have lied often in my life.....but never here. This is an anonymous forum. You....on the other hand.....skip out on your bets. You cannot be trusted.

Another lie by you. I never skipped out on a bet.

Damn, you are a wholly dishonest twat, Lonely Laughable.

Of course you did. You are still here. That's the evidUnce, fool.

Ask yourself this question:

Would Lone Laugher insist on calling me a dishonest welcher if I had never made that bet to leave the forum?

Lonely Laughable would indeed lie and is lying.

You imbecile.


I shall deign to correct you yet again.

I HAD made a bet.

The OTHER party to the bet got itself permabanned before the conditions of the bet were fulfilled.

One cannot be IN a bet with another party when that other party is GONE. Prior to the bet being completed, therefore, the bet was thus voided.

For an absurdly simple (not to mention entirely dishonest) "mind" such as yours, once a bet is voided, it is no longer a bet.

HAD the bet actually continued, I would have lost it. Then, it would be a welsh to disregard the wager's terms. But since the bet was voided ahead of time, I was no longer in a bet.

I later DID say that if Obumbler won, I'd leave the board. THAT latter assertion was not a "bet" since nobody else had any stake in it. It was merely a statement of future intent. This will rock you petty mind and your entire petty universe, but folks ARE allowed to change their minds when not bound by law, a contract or the terms of a bet. I did change my mind. I didn't owe you or anybody else unconditional adherence to my unilateral decision to leave the place. In other words, you hack simpleton dishonest twat, I was free to change my mind. And if you don't like it ... good.

But as to your deliberately false claim that I ever "welshed" on a bet, you remain nothing more than a lying syphilis-infested decaying stanky twat. :thup:

Whatever, shithead. You failed to keep your end of that bargain. You can twist yourself into a dishonest pretzel until the end of your days.....but you cannot escape this fact.

You actually left......for a period of time.....knowing that you had lost a bet. But...you couldn't stay away. You returned as an unannounced sock. But...you couldn't even keep that going. Sad.

You welched. You aren't to be trusted. Simple.

See? You can't even track either part of the discussion.

I have no respect for you, of course.

But if you had any hint of self respect you'd admit that you have nothing to offer on this fake topic.

(A) The bet was voided when the other guy got bounced. No more bet.

You can't rebut or refute that and you are so lazy, you don't try. You just ignore what you cannot handle. A typical cowardly display from one of your ilk.

On the other hand, the non-bet aside, (B) I DID say that if Obumbler got re-elected, I'd leave the Board. That, you cowardly flaming piss bucket, is not a "bet." Notice (if you are capable of it) that there is no other "party" TO the would-be "bet." That's right. No bet.

Still, I DID say -- in that NON-bet scenario -- that if Obumbler won re-election I'd leave the Board.

Now, naturally, I get no credit for having left the Board for a while, since I am clearly still here.

Point is: I changed my mind. Whether a dip-shit coward like you has the nadz to admit it or not, folks are permitted to change their minds outside of a lawful duty, a contractual obligation or a bet.

Don't worry, though Lonely Laughable. Nobody who has waded through your pathetic body of "work" here as one of the regular posters would expect a low life scumbag such as you to man up and simply admit that you have been wrong.

I have lied often in my life.....but never here. This is an anonymous forum. You....on the other hand.....skip out on your bets. You cannot be trusted.

Another lie by you. I never skipped out on a bet.

Damn, you are a wholly dishonest twat, Lonely Laughable.

Of course you did. You are still here. That's the evidUnce, fool.

Ask yourself this question:

Would Lone Laugher insist on calling me a dishonest welcher if I had never made that bet to leave the forum?

Lonely Laughable would indeed lie and is lying.

You imbecile.


I shall deign to correct you yet again.

I HAD made a bet.

The OTHER party to the bet got itself permabanned before the conditions of the bet were fulfilled.

One cannot be IN a bet with another party when that other party is GONE. Prior to the bet being completed, therefore, the bet was thus voided.

For an absurdly simple (not to mention entirely dishonest) "mind" such as yours, once a bet is voided, it is no longer a bet.

HAD the bet actually continued, I would have lost it. Then, it would be a welsh to disregard the wager's terms. But since the bet was voided ahead of time, I was no longer in a bet.

I later DID say that if Obumbler won, I'd leave the board. THAT latter assertion was not a "bet" since nobody else had any stake in it. It was merely a statement of future intent. This will rock you petty mind and your entire petty universe, but folks ARE allowed to change their minds when not bound by law, a contract or the terms of a bet. I did change my mind. I didn't owe you or anybody else unconditional adherence to my unilateral decision to leave the place. In other words, you hack simpleton dishonest twat, I was free to change my mind. And if you don't like it ... good.

But as to your deliberately false claim that I ever "welshed" on a bet, you remain nothing more than a lying syphilis-infested decaying stanky twat. :thup:

Whatever, shithead. You failed to keep your end of that bargain. You can twist yourself into a dishonest pretzel until the end of your days.....but you cannot escape this fact.

You actually left......for a period of time.....knowing that you had lost a bet. But...you couldn't stay away. You returned as an unannounced sock. But...you couldn't even keep that going. Sad.

You welched. You aren't to be trusted. Simple.

See? You can't even track either part of the discussion.

I have no respect for you, of course.

But if you had any hint of self respect you'd admit that you have nothing to offer on this fake topic.

(A) The bet was voided when the other guy got bounced. No more bet.

You can't rebut or refute that and you are so lazy, you don't try. You just ignore what you cannot handle. A typical cowardly display from one of your ilk.

On the other hand, the non-bet aside, (B) I DID say that if Obumbler got re-elected, I'd leave the Board. That, you cowardly flaming piss bucket, is not a "bet." Notice (if you are capable of it) that there is no other "party" TO the would-be "bet." That's right. No bet.

Still, I DID say -- in that NON-bet scenario -- that if Obumbler won re-election I'd leave the Board.

Now, naturally, I get no credit for having left the Board for a while, since I am clearly still here.

Point is: I changed my mind. Whether a dip-shit coward like you has the nadz to admit it or not, folks are permitted to change their minds outside of a lawful duty, a contractual obligation or a bet.

Don't worry, though Lonely Laughable. Nobody who has waded through your pathetic body of "work" here as one of the regular posters would expect a low life scumbag such as you to man up and simply admit that you have been wrong.


In your world.....a guy getting booted nullifies the bet. In the real world...it is just you welching. Whether or not he's here has nothing to do with the bet. He could have choked on his Wheaties and croaked on Election Day. You still need to disappear.

The best thing you can say about yourself, counselor, is that you are not a man of your word. That you "changed your mind" indicates a scenerio where you have not made a PROMISE to leave. That's what you did. You promised to leave and never return. Yet.....here you are.

Ether way you look at it.....you are a dishonest person.

Own it.
Another lie by you. I never skipped out on a bet.

Damn, you are a wholly dishonest twat, Lonely Laughable.

Of course you did. You are still here. That's the evidUnce, fool.

Ask yourself this question:

Would Lone Laugher insist on calling me a dishonest welcher if I had never made that bet to leave the forum?

Lonely Laughable would indeed lie and is lying.

You imbecile.


I shall deign to correct you yet again.

I HAD made a bet.

The OTHER party to the bet got itself permabanned before the conditions of the bet were fulfilled.

One cannot be IN a bet with another party when that other party is GONE. Prior to the bet being completed, therefore, the bet was thus voided.

For an absurdly simple (not to mention entirely dishonest) "mind" such as yours, once a bet is voided, it is no longer a bet.

HAD the bet actually continued, I would have lost it. Then, it would be a welsh to disregard the wager's terms. But since the bet was voided ahead of time, I was no longer in a bet.

I later DID say that if Obumbler won, I'd leave the board. THAT latter assertion was not a "bet" since nobody else had any stake in it. It was merely a statement of future intent. This will rock you petty mind and your entire petty universe, but folks ARE allowed to change their minds when not bound by law, a contract or the terms of a bet. I did change my mind. I didn't owe you or anybody else unconditional adherence to my unilateral decision to leave the place. In other words, you hack simpleton dishonest twat, I was free to change my mind. And if you don't like it ... good.

But as to your deliberately false claim that I ever "welshed" on a bet, you remain nothing more than a lying syphilis-infested decaying stanky twat. :thup:

Whatever, shithead. You failed to keep your end of that bargain. You can twist yourself into a dishonest pretzel until the end of your days.....but you cannot escape this fact.

You actually left......for a period of time.....knowing that you had lost a bet. But...you couldn't stay away. You returned as an unannounced sock. But...you couldn't even keep that going. Sad.

You welched. You aren't to be trusted. Simple.

See? You can't even track either part of the discussion.

I have no respect for you, of course.

But if you had any hint of self respect you'd admit that you have nothing to offer on this fake topic.

(A) The bet was voided when the other guy got bounced. No more bet.

You can't rebut or refute that and you are so lazy, you don't try. You just ignore what you cannot handle. A typical cowardly display from one of your ilk.

On the other hand, the non-bet aside, (B) I DID say that if Obumbler got re-elected, I'd leave the Board. That, you cowardly flaming piss bucket, is not a "bet." Notice (if you are capable of it) that there is no other "party" TO the would-be "bet." That's right. No bet.

Still, I DID say -- in that NON-bet scenario -- that if Obumbler won re-election I'd leave the Board.

Now, naturally, I get no credit for having left the Board for a while, since I am clearly still here.

Point is: I changed my mind. Whether a dip-shit coward like you has the nadz to admit it or not, folks are permitted to change their minds outside of a lawful duty, a contractual obligation or a bet.

Don't worry, though Lonely Laughable. Nobody who has waded through your pathetic body of "work" here as one of the regular posters would expect a low life scumbag such as you to man up and simply admit that you have been wrong.


In your world.....a guy getting booted nullifies the bet. In the real world...it is just you welching. Whether or not he's here has nothing to do with the bet. He could have choked on his Wheaties and croaked on Election Day. You still need to disappear.

The best thing you can say about yourself, counselor, is that you are not a man of your word. That you "changed your mind" indicates a scenerio where you have not made a PROMISE to leave. That's what you did. You promised to leave and never return. Yet.....here you are.

Ether way you look at it.....you are a dishonest person.

Own it.

No bitch. In the real world (I know you MUST have at least heard of it) ... a guy making a bet with another person that involves leaving the board as a consequence of losing the bet is a guy making a bet with a person who will be there when the bet is over. Otherwise the bet has no hope of sensee.

I'd urge you to "think about it," but I realize you lack that capacity.

If A has a bet with B to leave the Board if Shrillary wins the General Dejection, but then B gets permabanned BEFORE the General Dejection, then B cannot "leave" the Board if B loses the bet. The bet is thus nullified.

I realize that a person with your lack of intelligence and basic honesty will neither see the obvious or admit it, anyway. But your lack of honesty and your unwillingness to admit the truth doesn't change it.

As you should know.

As I correctly noted, you are the dishonest person.
It really is nice (and very hopeful sign) to see that more and more honest liberals (by far the majority) are admitting that PC has jumped the shark. They are willing to say that PC is far more than just an annoyance, it is a negative.

I'm enjoying South Park's new season...maybe Obama is too?

I just watched that Southpark clip again... :lmao:

I'm surprised anyone dares hypocrisy with Matt and Trey on the watch. Next episode should be one where they have an attorney for Ms. Ford going up against Kavanaugh. The attorney in private is a crossdressing tranny who gags women with lawsuits for objecting to him watching them undress in the ladies' locker room at the community pool.

In the spirit of equal destruction, Trump of course is an endless source of fodder for the Southpark folks..lol.
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Hey, here's an oldie but a goodie.

I talk about the PC pushback that was clearly forming, and the Regressive Left thinks it's funny goes after me.

One year later, the pushback fully manifests with the election of Trump.

Damn I'm good. Damn, the Regressives are funny. I love this place.
PC kept fact sharing people on the ropes for 10 years but that destructive tool is on the way out. And please spare me the “it’s just common courtesy”

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