Political Correctness: The sounds of silence

Progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Once they're in total control, they mass murder everyone who disagrees with them

sounds like you're incapable of tolerating standards of common decency.

in what way are progressives in total control of you?

You're not in control of me. I'm remarking on the history and track record of the Progressive Movement

aaand in precisely what way has the 'progressive movement' controlled you?
Anchorwoman’s ouster exposes risks for whites talking race

Wendy Bell, former Pittsburgh TV anchor, lost her job for a Facebook post on a cookout shooting

Post drew criticism for stereotyping, condescending tone of post

Incident illustrates risks, pitfalls faced by white Americans commenting on racial issues online

Read more here: Anchorwoman’s ouster exposes risks for whites talking race

Do you think her apology was sincere? Do you think you would be fired from your job for saying the same thing?

In this climate, she should have known that if her job was important to her to keep her mouth shut.
I think she meant what she said, and her apology was something she had to do in order to preserve what's left of her career.
In this climate, she should have known that if her job was important to her to keep her mouth shut.
I think she meant what she said, and her apology was something she had to do in order to preserve what's left of her career.

The problem is, people tend to overshare on social media. they'd say things on there they'd never say in public because they think no one is listening.

this woman knew people were listening, because she was a public figure with thousands of followers.
Anchorwoman’s ouster exposes risks for whites talking race

Wendy Bell, former Pittsburgh TV anchor, lost her job for a Facebook post on a cookout shooting

Post drew criticism for stereotyping, condescending tone of post

Incident illustrates risks, pitfalls faced by white Americans commenting on racial issues online

Read more here: Anchorwoman’s ouster exposes risks for whites talking race

Do you think her apology was sincere? Do you think you would be fired from your job for saying the same thing?

In this climate, she should have known that if her job was important to her to keep her mouth shut.
I think she meant what she said, and her apology was something she had to do in order to preserve what's left of her career.

Why did her employer fire her?
If you don't like being called a Racist, Sexist, Homophobe, Xenophobe, or Bigot, then you should try not to be one.
Progressives are the most intolerant people on the planet. Once they're in total control, they mass murder everyone who disagrees with them

sounds like you're incapable of tolerating standards of common decency.

in what way are progressives in total control of you?

Only goes to show just how insane and evil your ideology has become, that you would defend as “common decency” allowing creepy male perverts into women's restrooms.
To be politically correct is to be morally wrong...
Inside below the surface, they have no use for anyone thinking differently than they do, and when someone speaks out, and it's not part of their narrative, they immediately point fingers, and throw the standard terms out.
Racist !
Sexist !
Homophobe !
Xenophobe !
Bigot !

The reason those terms get thrown out is because they are often the case. Let's take this issue. It seems to me that you people who just hate, hate, hate the LGBT community just keep wanting to draw new lines in the sand when the last line became untenable.

"Well, I have to let you get married now, but, dammit, I don't want one of you damn trannies using the wrong bathroom." Like there's anyone who thinks of a public bathroom as a sexual place other than Senator Larry Craig.

If there's a Tranny in the bathroom, she's going to be in a stall where no one can see her junk. Get over yourself.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain why it's discrimination requiring someone with a package to use the men's room.
How often do you speak your mind without fear when discussing volatile issues ?
When you stay silent, is it self-imposed, motivated by the fear of not being liked by your peers?
Or is it because of something more hideous ? Are you silent motivated by the fear of being punished either in your career, and or being cast aside by a society demanding everyone be on board the same steamroller ?

Liberals, demand a multicultural society, but let's be honest, it's just a surface that looks different.
Inside below the surface, they have no use for anyone thinking differently than they do, and when someone speaks out, and it's not part of their narrative, they immediately point fingers, and throw the standard terms out.
Racist !
Sexist !
Homophobe !
Xenophobe !
Bigot !
The list goes on. They know the use of these terms can quickly silence people, and the argument ends. The person much of the time slinks away, knowing the danger of being publicly labeled in this fashion.

We bring out our feelings on internet message boards, but how often do we do so among coworkers, friends or family nowadays ? I have a feeling most of us only discuss provocative subjects very carefully and in limited fashions.

Keep men out of women's restrooms

There is a bully in our country that has been body-building for the last 25 years. That bully has now "come out" and is flexing its muscles, sending fear down the spines of our politically correct population.

There are untold numbers of people who do not speak out for fear of being ostracized or being called bigots. They are not bad people, nor are they bigots. They have simply succumbed to the sound of silence. And as Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence" song goes, silence, like a cancer, grows.

The bully is political correctness, and it does not scare me.

I live in North Carolina, and I support the new controversial state law that says people must use the bathroom that corresponds with the sex listed on their birth certificates. However, the law is flawed — the part that allows for LGBT people to be discriminated against in employment should be repealed.

Keep men out of women's restrooms

I say what I think. But then again I've thought about the issues I'm going to talk about, and I know what I'm saying is what I believe is right after long thought.

Many people simply say "what they think" which is often not based on much thought at all. They just say it. Then they want to justify what they say.

Yes, sometimes words like racist get banded around too easily, and the person isn't a racist. But often the person is a racist too.

A lot of people "say what they think" and it's not based on tolerance, or intelligence, but on pure anger and aggression.
Too funny. Follow the money. Al Gore and his minions are making millions off their scam.

Guy, if it was about "the money", big oil is paying a lot more than the few scientific grants that are given out to study it.

So are the dying coral reefs part of the scam? How abou the melting permafrost? The shrinking glaciers?
Oh looky there, look at what those melting glaciers did when Fred Flinstone melted them 12,000 years ago. You'd be screaming catastrophe.

BTW - global warming would save millions of lives.

"A new study — published in the British journal The Lancet — analyzed data on more than 74 million deaths in 13 countries between 1985 and 2012. Of those, 5.4 million deaths were related to cold, while 311,000 were related to heat."

Study: Cold kills 20 times more people than heat


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Yeah it is common decency to DEMAND all believe in AGW...those who don't, must be silenced. Your leaders like Big Ears and John Dumb Shit Kerry, have said as much.

Considering most of the cranks who deny AGW are on the payroll of the companies causing it, um, yeah, maybe we should take action against them.

The thing is for you deniers is that you don't WANT AGW to be true, not based on any science, but because you might have to change your lifestyle to combat it.
Global cooling, global warming, climate change. What are you going to call your fairytale next?
Inside below the surface, they have no use for anyone thinking differently than they do, and when someone speaks out, and it's not part of their narrative, they immediately point fingers, and throw the standard terms out.
Racist !
Sexist !
Homophobe !
Xenophobe !
Bigot !

The reason those terms get thrown out is because they are often the case.

By that logic you must have no problem when someone says "black people are violent". That is often the case, right? You are a hypocrite though and you have no intellectual honesty, which is why your position flip flops, depending on how it suits your argument at the moment.
Anchorwoman’s ouster exposes risks for whites talking race

Wendy Bell, former Pittsburgh TV anchor, lost her job for a Facebook post on a cookout shooting

Post drew criticism for stereotyping, condescending tone of post

Incident illustrates risks, pitfalls faced by white Americans commenting on racial issues online

Read more here: Anchorwoman’s ouster exposes risks for whites talking race

Do you think her apology was sincere? Do you think you would be fired from your job for saying the same thing?

In this climate, she should have known that if her job was important to her to keep her mouth shut.
I think she meant what she said, and her apology was something she had to do in order to preserve what's left of her career.

Why did her employer fire her?

Because she's worth less to them than the hyper-sensitive cupcakes that will boycott their station if they keep her.

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