Political Pussification

So i am watching the Republican debate and I am inspired on a lot of thing but one of them is national defense and ISIS. You know lets be honest....Obama is a pussy. The world tramples all over us under his administration and Hillary is not as much of a pussy but she is a pussy too. Both of them are too worries abut how the world looks at us instead of what is best for us.

Putin is walking over Obama and us like he is making Obama his submissive bitch. Might as well put a ball gaga in his mouth. Our planes run when a Russian plane comes into our declared airspace. Can you believe this? The question was asked "do you shoot down a Russian plane?" If you declare that space and they enter it...DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOOT IT DOWN. Turkey did. Does Turkey suddenly have more balls than us. JESUS this administration is a bunch of wimps. I would take any of these Republican candidates over the corrupt and pussified Hillary

My take. Jeb Bush....dude...they don't want to talk to you. They won't tell you the truth. You are a naive fool and you will get us killed.

Trump...you are an asshole. The PC society we live in makes us feel shame that we agree with you...but you are right...COMPLETELY right but we are too afraid to say it

Fiorina....why can't you get a foothold? I like you most of all.

Ben......get angry. You are right but you are too soft spoken and people think you don't have guts.

Ted...too polished.

Marco...I love you....lets see what happens.

No one else matters.

What I can say is that this administration under Obama is such a bunch of chicken shits....we havent seen this since the USSR walked all over JFK and Iran made Jimmy Carter and the USA their cuckold bitch. Want to know why Jimmy Carter and Obama are the most popular presidents OUTSIDE of the United States...because when they were in power the rest of the world owned us.

That's not who we are and that's not who the world needs and WANTS us to be..and yes,...the world bitches but the world WANTS us to lead and Obama and Hillary are not leaders...they are cuckolds to the world.

I am tired of the United States being pussies under this administration and under liberal leadership. You want to win this war? Accept what war is. People die. And sometimes the wrong people...but that is not a concern our enemy has. and THAT is why we are losing.

We gained our independence because Great Britain tried to fight a gentleman's war. That is what we are doing now. We didn't fight a gentleman's war to gain our independence. If we try this time we will continue to get our collective asses kicked because our enemy is not interested in "the rules"

Seems to be caveman mentality.

Be strong, kill, otherwise you're weak.

Oh come off it. There ARE countries in the world that A) manage to run their countries for the people and B) don't go to stupid wars.

I consider these much better than being grunts.
"Obama is a pussy."

Ridiculous partisan nonsense.

It takes great courage to reject the reckless, irresponsible calls from the right to make the mistake of sending American conventional ground forces to the ME, a mistake most of the GOP candidates would clearly make.

Somehow they think their lives would be better if they were always at war.

Personally I think not going to Iraq in 2003, not making ISIS, not killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process, and spending that money of things like health, education, social programs would have been much better.
The supposed "pussy" made the entire GOP his bitch.


332-206. #BOHICA_in_2016

Dear candycorn If you are referring to the ACA that Obama passed by swearing it wasn't a tax so it would get past Congress, trusting the Courts to strike it down, just to have Obama's lawyers argue to the Supreme Court that it WAS a tax to get it to pass:

This twisted act of changing horses midstream that has divided the nation
has enslaved taxpayers until it gets corrected, such as changing the mandate to optional where only
those who choose to use the federal program by faith are held to its requirements.

Sorry I see nothing to celebrate here in demonizing not only the GOP
but half the nation that believes in free market health care
and the other half that believes in paying for single payer health care,
not paying corporate insurance companies. The universal health care
advocates have been politically hijacked, oppressed and censored as well as the GOP.

Everyone I know has been effectively "enslaved" by these mandates,
the only exception being people too poor to pay taxes who won't ever see fines,
or those who expect to reap more benefits than they pay for which is being shuffled onto others paying for more and getting less! Most ppl I know fall in this category -- our rates
went up and access to services went down, either on private insurance or on govt options.

Is this what you want? Someone who would push an unwanted mandate
on ALL taxpayers, holding everyone's freedom hostage until both parties agree on a better solution?

How can we even communicate if both sides are blaming the other?
This division weakens the nation, similar to before 9/11, where it distracted the public fighting over govt,
and left us vulnerable to attacks we weren't united in policing.

I would celebrate if the President united our nation, not divided us further!

Trying to make the GOP and working taxpayers beg and plead is not my idea of Constitutional leadership.
I would expect the right approach to unite both parties their leaders and followers
in solutions we all agree on that unite us, not divide us.

What are you saying? I find this is an abuse of power to play politics this way.
True Constitutional solutions would win support and unity across party lines.
That's the leadership I respect and believe in, not division to try to bully politically.
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So i am watching the Republican debate and I am inspired on a lot of thing but one of them is national defense and ISIS. You know lets be honest....Obama is a pussy. The world tramples all over us under his administration and Hillary is not as much of a pussy but she is a pussy too. Both of them are too worries abut how the world looks at us instead of what is best for us.

Putin is walking over Obama and us like he is making Obama his submissive bitch. Might as well put a ball gaga in his mouth. Our planes run when a Russian plane comes into our declared airspace. Can you believe this? The question was asked "do you shoot down a Russian plane?" If you declare that space and they enter it...DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOOT IT DOWN. Turkey did. Does Turkey suddenly have more balls than us. JESUS this administration is a bunch of wimps. I would take any of these Republican candidates over the corrupt and pussified Hillary

My take. Jeb Bush....dude...they don't want to talk to you. They won't tell you the truth. You are a naive fool and you will get us killed.

Trump...you are an asshole. The PC society we live in makes us feel shame that we agree with you...but you are right...COMPLETELY right but we are too afraid to say it

Fiorina....why can't you get a foothold? I like you most of all.

Ben......get angry. You are right but you are too soft spoken and people think you don't have guts.

Ted...too polished.

Marco...I love you....lets see what happens.

No one else matters.

What I can say is that this administration under Obama is such a bunch of chicken shits....we havent seen this since the USSR walked all over JFK and Iran made Jimmy Carter and the USA their cuckold bitch. Want to know why Jimmy Carter and Obama are the most popular presidents OUTSIDE of the United States...because when they were in power the rest of the world owned us.

That's not who we are and that's not who the world needs and WANTS us to be..and yes,...the world bitches but the world WANTS us to lead and Obama and Hillary are not leaders...they are cuckolds to the world.

I am tired of the United States being pussies under this administration and under liberal leadership. You want to win this war? Accept what war is. People die. And sometimes the wrong people...but that is not a concern our enemy has. and THAT is why we are losing.

We gained our independence because Great Britain tried to fight a gentleman's war. That is what we are doing now. We didn't fight a gentleman's war to gain our independence. If we try this time we will continue to get our collective asses kicked because our enemy is not interested in "the rules"

Seems to be caveman mentality.

Be strong, kill, otherwise you're weak.

Oh come off it. There ARE countries in the world that A) manage to run their countries for the people and B) don't go to stupid wars.

I consider these much better than being grunts.

Dear frigidweirdo
These tactics are sometimes necessary with violent bullies who will otherwise test you.
Preemptive type of deterrence is sometimes necessary with THESE types to discourage them from trying anything at all.

Wolves who live by pack mentality and pecking order
might need to be policed by other Wolves who defend territory by those rules.
Bark louder, defend your pack from any attacks on weaker members to test you,
and mark and patrol your turf.

Where you are right that this is NOT necessary is when you are dealing with friendly neighbors
or members of your own pack.

As someone posted, they credit Obama for holding down the GOP
this is actually dividing the nation against ourselves and making us weak.
The GOP is not the enemy but half the public that Obama is supposed to represent as a federal official.
So this is attacking and dividing your own pack, trying to be the Alpha Male.

He wouldn't have to do that if he followed and enforced the Constitution where
the whole pack agrees.

Unity by enforcing common laws and standards can be done when all the groups are under the same laws.

With terrorists and people not following due process, but who will attack by their own judgments, these aren't agreeing to follow civil laws and rules of engagement but make it clear they don't respect and won't respond to such approaches. So such groups may require
deterrence, by threats to use force in the same way they do, until they can be contained.

This is like keeping an armed guard or police at banks or airports, etc. After a criminal is caught and detained, then you can apply the civil process; but it may require "use of force" or THREAT of guns before that point to deter attacks to begin with.

Do you agree there are two different contexts going on?

I agree with you that it is wrongful to take the retributive, preemptive collective punishment
mentality and apply it to the wrong group that would respond to civil methods. But with lawless bullies, these extreme types have to be deterred by speaking their language.

NOTE: since both major parties seem to have different styles of leadership and priorities/focus, this is why I would recommend using the Republican/conservative style of leadership for executive and
military strategies in preemptive law enforcement security and defense by deterrence.
And focus the Democratic focus on social programs and democratic relations
on internal affairs within already established civil relations.

Once we establish security, then diplomacy is possible.
But trying to be diplomatic with a war mongering bully trying to test you
is the wrong approach in the wrong order. And Obama comes across completely
backwards by treating civil countrymen under Constitutional laws as the bullies to dominate over,
while treating terrorists as less of a threat. It makes sense to me he should have aligned
with fellow compatriot Constitutionalists on agreed policies, so that we could better manage
both our foreign and domestic affairs, instead of making enemies and dividing on both fronts.
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"Obama is a pussy."
Ridiculous partisan nonsense.

It takes great courage to reject the reckless, irresponsible calls from the right to make the mistake of sending American conventional ground forces to the ME, a mistake most of the GOP candidates would clearly make.

Somehow they think their lives would be better if they were always at war.

Personally I think not going to Iraq in 2003, not making ISIS, not killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process, and spending that money of things like health, education, social programs would have been much better.

frigidweirdo I actually agree with you and have proposed a way to do this.
To organize the Greens and Libertarians opposed to unconstitutional war spending, illicit contested contracts,
and unauthorized loss and waste, assess damages at taxpayer expense,
demand restitution and reimbursement, and credit back the costs through the Federal Reserve
where debts are owed to taxpayers not by us.

Then form legal teams to assess the cost and responsibility for reimbursement,
set up settlement plans for paying us back over time plus interest and legal fees,
charge this to the wrongdoers and issue credits to taxpayers to use for rebuilding
our VA, prisons, schools public housing and facilities to be sustainable services.

If the wrongdoers cannot or will not pay the money back, then assess land and programs
to hold as collateral. If the govt collects on the debts, the govt retains control of these as govt property.
But if taxpayers bail out these debts, then we get paid interest on our loans to govt
and/or reclaim the property and programs as our jurisdiction and no longer pay taxes on them to govt.

We invest directly and deduct that from our taxes.
this way we establish accountability. govt can only be in charge of what they can police without abuse and
corruption going unchecked. if govt is so big and corrupted that corporate interests are running amok,
then we take back those programs and run them ourselves locally so there is more direct representation and check.
So i am watching the Republican debate and I am inspired on a lot of thing but one of them is national defense and ISIS. You know lets be honest....Obama is a pussy. The world tramples all over us under his administration and Hillary is not as much of a pussy but she is a pussy too. Both of them are too worries abut how the world looks at us instead of what is best for us.

Putin is walking over Obama and us like he is making Obama his submissive bitch. Might as well put a ball gaga in his mouth. Our planes run when a Russian plane comes into our declared airspace. Can you believe this? The question was asked "do you shoot down a Russian plane?" If you declare that space and they enter it...DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOOT IT DOWN. Turkey did. Does Turkey suddenly have more balls than us. JESUS this administration is a bunch of wimps. I would take any of these Republican candidates over the corrupt and pussified Hillary

My take. Jeb Bush....dude...they don't want to talk to you. They won't tell you the truth. You are a naive fool and you will get us killed.

Trump...you are an asshole. The PC society we live in makes us feel shame that we agree with you...but you are right...COMPLETELY right but we are too afraid to say it

Fiorina....why can't you get a foothold? I like you most of all.

Ben......get angry. You are right but you are too soft spoken and people think you don't have guts.

Ted...too polished.

Marco...I love you....lets see what happens.

No one else matters.

What I can say is that this administration under Obama is such a bunch of chicken shits....we havent seen this since the USSR walked all over JFK and Iran made Jimmy Carter and the USA their cuckold bitch. Want to know why Jimmy Carter and Obama are the most popular presidents OUTSIDE of the United States...because when they were in power the rest of the world owned us.

That's not who we are and that's not who the world needs and WANTS us to be..and yes,...the world bitches but the world WANTS us to lead and Obama and Hillary are not leaders...they are cuckolds to the world.

I am tired of the United States being pussies under this administration and under liberal leadership. You want to win this war? Accept what war is. People die. And sometimes the wrong people...but that is not a concern our enemy has. and THAT is why we are losing.

We gained our independence because Great Britain tried to fight a gentleman's war. That is what we are doing now. We didn't fight a gentleman's war to gain our independence. If we try this time we will continue to get our collective asses kicked because our enemy is not interested in "the rules"

Seems to be caveman mentality.

Be strong, kill, otherwise you're weak.

Oh come off it. There ARE countries in the world that A) manage to run their countries for the people and B) don't go to stupid wars.

I consider these much better than being grunts.

Dear frigidweirdo
These tactics are sometimes necessary with violent bullies who will otherwise test you.
Preemptive type of deterrence is sometimes necessary with THESE types to discourage them from trying anything at all.

Wolves who live by pack mentality and pecking order
might need to be policed by other Wolves who defend territory by those rules.
Bark louder, defend your pack from any attacks on weaker members to test you,
and mark and patrol your turf.

Where you are right that this is NOT necessary is when you are dealing with friendly neighbors
or members of your own pack.

As someone posted, they credit Obama for holding down the GOP
this is actually dividing the nation against ourselves and making us weak.
The GOP is not the enemy but half the public that Obama is supposed to represent as a federal official.
So this is attacking and dividing your own pack, trying to be the Alpha Male.

He wouldn't have to do that if he followed and enforced the Constitution where
the whole pack agrees.

Unity by enforcing common laws and standards can be done when all the groups are under the same laws.

With terrorists and people not following due process, but who will attack by their own judgments, these aren't agreeing to follow civil laws and rules of engagement but make it clear they don't respect and won't respond to such approaches. So such groups may require
deterrence, by threats to use force in the same way they do, until they can be contained.

This is like keeping an armed guard or police at banks or airports, etc. After a criminal is caught and detained, then you can apply the civil process; but it may require "use of force" or THREAT of guns before that point to deter attacks to begin with.

Do you agree there are two different contexts going on?

I agree with you that it is wrongful to take the retributive, preemptive collective punishment
mentality and apply it to the wrong group that would respond to civil methods. But with lawless bullies, these extreme types have to be deterred by speaking their language.

NOTE: since both major parties seem to have different styles of leadership and priorities/focus, this is why I would recommend using the Republican/conservative style of leadership for executive and
military strategies in preemptive law enforcement security and defense by deterrence.
And focus the Democratic focus on social programs and democratic relations
on internal affairs within already established civil relations.

Once we establish security, then diplomacy is possible.
But trying to be diplomatic with a war mongering bully trying to test you
is the wrong approach in the wrong order. And Obama comes across completely
backwards by treating civil countrymen under Constitutional laws as the bullies to dominate over,
while treating terrorists as less of a threat. It makes sense to me he should have aligned
with fellow compatriot Constitutionalists on agreed policies, so that we could better manage
both our foreign and domestic affairs, instead of making enemies and dividing on both fronts.

No, these tactics are NOT necessary, they only appear necessary to certain people who have a lack of imagination and a lack of brain cells in order to think up of ways that are, in fact, better.

You talk about bullies. You have to wonder who the bullies are. I'd say the US and UK are the bullies and the Muslims are the ones who are fighting back against the aggression here.

Your whole argument is based upon flawed thinking. Sorry. Try again.
"Obama is a pussy."
Ridiculous partisan nonsense.

It takes great courage to reject the reckless, irresponsible calls from the right to make the mistake of sending American conventional ground forces to the ME, a mistake most of the GOP candidates would clearly make.

Somehow they think their lives would be better if they were always at war.

Personally I think not going to Iraq in 2003, not making ISIS, not killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process, and spending that money of things like health, education, social programs would have been much better.

frigidweirdo I actually agree with you and have proposed a way to do this.
To organize the Greens and Libertarians opposed to unconstitutional war spending, illicit contested contracts,
and unauthorized loss and waste, assess damages at taxpayer expense,
demand restitution and reimbursement, and credit back the costs through the Federal Reserve
where debts are owed to taxpayers not by us.

Then form legal teams to assess the cost and responsibility for reimbursement,
set up settlement plans for paying us back over time plus interest and legal fees,
charge this to the wrongdoers and issue credits to taxpayers to use for rebuilding
our VA, prisons, schools public housing and facilities to be sustainable services.

If the wrongdoers cannot or will not pay the money back, then assess land and programs
to hold as collateral. If the govt collects on the debts, the govt retains control of these as govt property.
But if taxpayers bail out these debts, then we get paid interest on our loans to govt
and/or reclaim the property and programs as our jurisdiction and no longer pay taxes on them to govt.

We invest directly and deduct that from our taxes.
this way we establish accountability. govt can only be in charge of what they can police without abuse and
corruption going unchecked. if govt is so big and corrupted that corporate interests are running amok,
then we take back those programs and run them ourselves locally so there is more direct representation and check.

You're writing a lot of stuff, but the reality is I can tell where it's going from the first sentence, and the rest is just like an satsuma in a stocking, it's there to make it look big, but doesn't actually do anything.
So i am watching the Republican debate and I am inspired on a lot of thing but one of them is national defense and ISIS. You know lets be honest....Obama is a pussy. The world tramples all over us under his administration and Hillary is not as much of a pussy but she is a pussy too. Both of them are too worries abut how the world looks at us instead of what is best for us.

Putin is walking over Obama and us like he is making Obama his submissive bitch. Might as well put a ball gaga in his mouth. Our planes run when a Russian plane comes into our declared airspace. Can you believe this? The question was asked "do you shoot down a Russian plane?" If you declare that space and they enter it...DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOOT IT DOWN. Turkey did. Does Turkey suddenly have more balls than us. JESUS this administration is a bunch of wimps. I would take any of these Republican candidates over the corrupt and pussified Hillary

My take. Jeb Bush....dude...they don't want to talk to you. They won't tell you the truth. You are a naive fool and you will get us killed.

Trump...you are an asshole. The PC society we live in makes us feel shame that we agree with you...but you are right...COMPLETELY right but we are too afraid to say it

Fiorina....why can't you get a foothold? I like you most of all.

Ben......get angry. You are right but you are too soft spoken and people think you don't have guts.

Ted...too polished.

Marco...I love you....lets see what happens.

No one else matters.

What I can say is that this administration under Obama is such a bunch of chicken shits....we havent seen this since the USSR walked all over JFK and Iran made Jimmy Carter and the USA their cuckold bitch. Want to know why Jimmy Carter and Obama are the most popular presidents OUTSIDE of the United States...because when they were in power the rest of the world owned us.

That's not who we are and that's not who the world needs and WANTS us to be..and yes,...the world bitches but the world WANTS us to lead and Obama and Hillary are not leaders...they are cuckolds to the world.

I am tired of the United States being pussies under this administration and under liberal leadership. You want to win this war? Accept what war is. People die. And sometimes the wrong people...but that is not a concern our enemy has. and THAT is why we are losing.

We gained our independence because Great Britain tried to fight a gentleman's war. That is what we are doing now. We didn't fight a gentleman's war to gain our independence. If we try this time we will continue to get our collective asses kicked because our enemy is not interested in "the rules"
Good post but I was disappointed you weren't impressed with Christie. I guess he's just not in the running.

I DID like Christie, but he is too far behind. Shame too. he would be good.

Even after his big Obama hug?

Kelly: GOP won’t forgive Christie’s Obama ‘hug’ - Columnists - NorthJersey.com
That's petty. He hugged him because Obama came through with funds for New Jersey.
The OP of this thread, talking about pussification, is too afraid to go see Earth, Wind, and Fire by himself, or even with his one black friend. LOL!!!

The GOP debate was an embarrassment, and I only watched the first 30 minutes. If I were to drink every time they said the words terrorist, or radical Islam, I would have been passed out in 10 minutes.

It was all doom and gloom. I wouldn't be surprised if all RWer's had to sleep with the light on.
So i am watching the Republican debate and I am inspired on a lot of thing but one of them is national defense and ISIS. You know lets be honest....Obama is a pussy. The world tramples all over us under his administration and Hillary is not as much of a pussy but she is a pussy too. Both of them are too worries abut how the world looks at us instead of what is best for us.

Putin is walking over Obama and us like he is making Obama his submissive bitch. Might as well put a ball gaga in his mouth. Our planes run when a Russian plane comes into our declared airspace. Can you believe this? The question was asked "do you shoot down a Russian plane?" If you declare that space and they enter it...DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOOT IT DOWN. Turkey did. Does Turkey suddenly have more balls than us. JESUS this administration is a bunch of wimps. I would take any of these Republican candidates over the corrupt and pussified Hillary

My take. Jeb Bush....dude...they don't want to talk to you. They won't tell you the truth. You are a naive fool and you will get us killed.

Trump...you are an asshole. The PC society we live in makes us feel shame that we agree with you...but you are right...COMPLETELY right but we are too afraid to say it

Fiorina....why can't you get a foothold? I like you most of all.

Ben......get angry. You are right but you are too soft spoken and people think you don't have guts.

Ted...too polished.

Marco...I love you....lets see what happens.

No one else matters.

What I can say is that this administration under Obama is such a bunch of chicken shits....we havent seen this since the USSR walked all over JFK and Iran made Jimmy Carter and the USA their cuckold bitch. Want to know why Jimmy Carter and Obama are the most popular presidents OUTSIDE of the United States...because when they were in power the rest of the world owned us.

That's not who we are and that's not who the world needs and WANTS us to be..and yes,...the world bitches but the world WANTS us to lead and Obama and Hillary are not leaders...they are cuckolds to the world.

I am tired of the United States being pussies under this administration and under liberal leadership. You want to win this war? Accept what war is. People die. And sometimes the wrong people...but that is not a concern our enemy has. and THAT is why we are losing.

We gained our independence because Great Britain tried to fight a gentleman's war. That is what we are doing now. We didn't fight a gentleman's war to gain our independence. If we try this time we will continue to get our collective asses kicked because our enemy is not interested in "the rules"

Seems to be caveman mentality.

Be strong, kill, otherwise you're weak.

Oh come off it. There ARE countries in the world that A) manage to run their countries for the people and B) don't go to stupid wars.

I consider these much better than being grunts.

Dear frigidweirdo
These tactics are sometimes necessary with violent bullies who will otherwise test you.
Preemptive type of deterrence is sometimes necessary with THESE types to discourage them from trying anything at all.

Wolves who live by pack mentality and pecking order
might need to be policed by other Wolves who defend territory by those rules.
Bark louder, defend your pack from any attacks on weaker members to test you,
and mark and patrol your turf.

Where you are right that this is NOT necessary is when you are dealing with friendly neighbors
or members of your own pack.

As someone posted, they credit Obama for holding down the GOP
this is actually dividing the nation against ourselves and making us weak.
The GOP is not the enemy but half the public that Obama is supposed to represent as a federal official.
So this is attacking and dividing your own pack, trying to be the Alpha Male.

He wouldn't have to do that if he followed and enforced the Constitution where
the whole pack agrees.

Unity by enforcing common laws and standards can be done when all the groups are under the same laws.

With terrorists and people not following due process, but who will attack by their own judgments, these aren't agreeing to follow civil laws and rules of engagement but make it clear they don't respect and won't respond to such approaches. So such groups may require
deterrence, by threats to use force in the same way they do, until they can be contained.

This is like keeping an armed guard or police at banks or airports, etc. After a criminal is caught and detained, then you can apply the civil process; but it may require "use of force" or THREAT of guns before that point to deter attacks to begin with.

Do you agree there are two different contexts going on?

I agree with you that it is wrongful to take the retributive, preemptive collective punishment
mentality and apply it to the wrong group that would respond to civil methods. But with lawless bullies, these extreme types have to be deterred by speaking their language.

NOTE: since both major parties seem to have different styles of leadership and priorities/focus, this is why I would recommend using the Republican/conservative style of leadership for executive and
military strategies in preemptive law enforcement security and defense by deterrence.
And focus the Democratic focus on social programs and democratic relations
on internal affairs within already established civil relations.

Once we establish security, then diplomacy is possible.
But trying to be diplomatic with a war mongering bully trying to test you
is the wrong approach in the wrong order. And Obama comes across completely
backwards by treating civil countrymen under Constitutional laws as the bullies to dominate over,
while treating terrorists as less of a threat. It makes sense to me he should have aligned
with fellow compatriot Constitutionalists on agreed policies, so that we could better manage
both our foreign and domestic affairs, instead of making enemies and dividing on both fronts.

No, these tactics are NOT necessary, they only appear necessary to certain people who have a lack of imagination and a lack of brain cells in order to think up of ways that are, in fact, better.

You talk about bullies. You have to wonder who the bullies are. I'd say the US and UK are the bullies and the Muslims are the ones who are fighting back against the aggression here.

Your whole argument is based upon flawed thinking. Sorry. Try again.
That's unique. Muslims are fighting back against aggression from the US. Wrong.
The OP of this thread, talking about pussification, is too afraid to go see Earth, Wind, and Fire by himself, or even with his one black friend. LOL!!!

The GOP debate was an embarrassment, and I only watched the first 30 minutes. If I were to drink every time they said the words terrorist, or radical Islam, I would have been passed out in 10 minutes.

It was all doom and gloom. I wouldn't be surprised if all RWer's had to sleep with the light on.
You didn't watch the debate but you claim it as an embarrassment. Sounds like a staunch liberal wonk.
So i am watching the Republican debate and I am inspired on a lot of thing but one of them is national defense and ISIS. You know lets be honest....Obama is a pussy. The world tramples all over us under his administration and Hillary is not as much of a pussy but she is a pussy too. Both of them are too worries abut how the world looks at us instead of what is best for us.

Putin is walking over Obama and us like he is making Obama his submissive bitch. Might as well put a ball gaga in his mouth. Our planes run when a Russian plane comes into our declared airspace. Can you believe this? The question was asked "do you shoot down a Russian plane?" If you declare that space and they enter it...DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOOT IT DOWN. Turkey did. Does Turkey suddenly have more balls than us. JESUS this administration is a bunch of wimps. I would take any of these Republican candidates over the corrupt and pussified Hillary

My take. Jeb Bush....dude...they don't want to talk to you. They won't tell you the truth. You are a naive fool and you will get us killed.

Trump...you are an asshole. The PC society we live in makes us feel shame that we agree with you...but you are right...COMPLETELY right but we are too afraid to say it

Fiorina....why can't you get a foothold? I like you most of all.

Ben......get angry. You are right but you are too soft spoken and people think you don't have guts.

Ted...too polished.

Marco...I love you....lets see what happens.

No one else matters.

What I can say is that this administration under Obama is such a bunch of chicken shits....we havent seen this since the USSR walked all over JFK and Iran made Jimmy Carter and the USA their cuckold bitch. Want to know why Jimmy Carter and Obama are the most popular presidents OUTSIDE of the United States...because when they were in power the rest of the world owned us.

That's not who we are and that's not who the world needs and WANTS us to be..and yes,...the world bitches but the world WANTS us to lead and Obama and Hillary are not leaders...they are cuckolds to the world.

I am tired of the United States being pussies under this administration and under liberal leadership. You want to win this war? Accept what war is. People die. And sometimes the wrong people...but that is not a concern our enemy has. and THAT is why we are losing.

We gained our independence because Great Britain tried to fight a gentleman's war. That is what we are doing now. We didn't fight a gentleman's war to gain our independence. If we try this time we will continue to get our collective asses kicked because our enemy is not interested in "the rules"

Seems to be caveman mentality.

Be strong, kill, otherwise you're weak.

Oh come off it. There ARE countries in the world that A) manage to run their countries for the people and B) don't go to stupid wars.

I consider these much better than being grunts.
You don't know much about history, do you. America has historically been safe because it is strong.
The OP of this thread, talking about pussification, is too afraid to go see Earth, Wind, and Fire by himself, or even with his one black friend. LOL!!!

The GOP debate was an embarrassment, and I only watched the first 30 minutes. If I were to drink every time they said the words terrorist, or radical Islam, I would have been passed out in 10 minutes.

It was all doom and gloom. I wouldn't be surprised if all RWer's had to sleep with the light on.
You didn't watch the debate but you claim it as an embarrassment. Sounds like a staunch liberal wonk.

I watched 30 minutes of it. That's all I could stand.
The OP of this thread, talking about pussification, is too afraid to go see Earth, Wind, and Fire by himself, or even with his one black friend. LOL!!!

The GOP debate was an embarrassment, and I only watched the first 30 minutes. If I were to drink every time they said the words terrorist, or radical Islam, I would have been passed out in 10 minutes.

It was all doom and gloom. I wouldn't be surprised if all RWer's had to sleep with the light on.
You didn't watch the debate but you claim it as an embarrassment. Sounds like a staunch liberal wonk.

I watched 30 minutes of it. That's all I could stand.
So you don't know what transpired for 3/4 of it. You have no idea what happened.
The OP of this thread, talking about pussification, is too afraid to go see Earth, Wind, and Fire by himself, or even with his one black friend. LOL!!!

The GOP debate was an embarrassment, and I only watched the first 30 minutes. If I were to drink every time they said the words terrorist, or radical Islam, I would have been passed out in 10 minutes.

It was all doom and gloom. I wouldn't be surprised if all RWer's had to sleep with the light on.
You didn't watch the debate but you claim it as an embarrassment. Sounds like a staunch liberal wonk.

I watched 30 minutes of it. That's all I could stand.
So you don't know what transpired for 3/4 of it. You have no idea what happened.

That's right Einstein, I think I already said that.
So i am watching the Republican debate and I am inspired on a lot of thing but one of them is national defense and ISIS. You know lets be honest....Obama is a pussy. The world tramples all over us under his administration and Hillary is not as much of a pussy but she is a pussy too. Both of them are too worries abut how the world looks at us instead of what is best for us.

Putin is walking over Obama and us like he is making Obama his submissive bitch. Might as well put a ball gaga in his mouth. Our planes run when a Russian plane comes into our declared airspace. Can you believe this? The question was asked "do you shoot down a Russian plane?" If you declare that space and they enter it...DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOOT IT DOWN. Turkey did. Does Turkey suddenly have more balls than us. JESUS this administration is a bunch of wimps. I would take any of these Republican candidates over the corrupt and pussified Hillary

My take. Jeb Bush....dude...they don't want to talk to you. They won't tell you the truth. You are a naive fool and you will get us killed.

Trump...you are an asshole. The PC society we live in makes us feel shame that we agree with you...but you are right...COMPLETELY right but we are too afraid to say it

Fiorina....why can't you get a foothold? I like you most of all.

Ben......get angry. You are right but you are too soft spoken and people think you don't have guts.

Ted...too polished.

Marco...I love you....lets see what happens.

No one else matters.

What I can say is that this administration under Obama is such a bunch of chicken shits....we havent seen this since the USSR walked all over JFK and Iran made Jimmy Carter and the USA their cuckold bitch. Want to know why Jimmy Carter and Obama are the most popular presidents OUTSIDE of the United States...because when they were in power the rest of the world owned us.

That's not who we are and that's not who the world needs and WANTS us to be..and yes,...the world bitches but the world WANTS us to lead and Obama and Hillary are not leaders...they are cuckolds to the world.

I am tired of the United States being pussies under this administration and under liberal leadership. You want to win this war? Accept what war is. People die. And sometimes the wrong people...but that is not a concern our enemy has. and THAT is why we are losing.

We gained our independence because Great Britain tried to fight a gentleman's war. That is what we are doing now. We didn't fight a gentleman's war to gain our independence. If we try this time we will continue to get our collective asses kicked because our enemy is not interested in "the rules"

" the world tramples all over us"?

US led international efforts:

-led the fight to erradicate Ebola
-Stopped Iranian nuclear program
-Imposed multinational sanctions on Russia
-negotiated climate deal with 189 countries
- bombing the shit out of ISIS.

I don't see much " trampling". I see a rube who believes the BS repeatedly suggested.
Last edited:
Not to worry, I have it recorded. I'll watch 30 minutes at a time, unless I decide to play the drinking game, and drink every time they say the words terrorist, or radical Islam. If that's the case, I'll be passed out in 10 minutes.
So i am watching the Republican debate and I am inspired on a lot of thing but one of them is national defense and ISIS. You know lets be honest....Obama is a pussy. The world tramples all over us under his administration and Hillary is not as much of a pussy but she is a pussy too. Both of them are too worries abut how the world looks at us instead of what is best for us.

Putin is walking over Obama and us like he is making Obama his submissive bitch. Might as well put a ball gaga in his mouth. Our planes run when a Russian plane comes into our declared airspace. Can you believe this? The question was asked "do you shoot down a Russian plane?" If you declare that space and they enter it...DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOOT IT DOWN. Turkey did. Does Turkey suddenly have more balls than us. JESUS this administration is a bunch of wimps. I would take any of these Republican candidates over the corrupt and pussified Hillary

My take. Jeb Bush....dude...they don't want to talk to you. They won't tell you the truth. You are a naive fool and you will get us killed.

Trump...you are an asshole. The PC society we live in makes us feel shame that we agree with you...but you are right...COMPLETELY right but we are too afraid to say it

Fiorina....why can't you get a foothold? I like you most of all.

Ben......get angry. You are right but you are too soft spoken and people think you don't have guts.

Ted...too polished.

Marco...I love you....lets see what happens.

No one else matters.

What I can say is that this administration under Obama is such a bunch of chicken shits....we havent seen this since the USSR walked all over JFK and Iran made Jimmy Carter and the USA their cuckold bitch. Want to know why Jimmy Carter and Obama are the most popular presidents OUTSIDE of the United States...because when they were in power the rest of the world owned us.

That's not who we are and that's not who the world needs and WANTS us to be..and yes,...the world bitches but the world WANTS us to lead and Obama and Hillary are not leaders...they are cuckolds to the world.

I am tired of the United States being pussies under this administration and under liberal leadership. You want to win this war? Accept what war is. People die. And sometimes the wrong people...but that is not a concern our enemy has. and THAT is why we are losing.

We gained our independence because Great Britain tried to fight a gentleman's war. That is what we are doing now. We didn't fight a gentleman's war to gain our independence. If we try this time we will continue to get our collective asses kicked because our enemy is not interested in "the rules"

" the world tramples all over us"?

US led international efforts:

-Stopped Iranian nuclear program
-Imposed multinational sanctions on Russia
-negotiated climate deal with 189 countries
- bombing the shit out of ISIS.

I don't see much " trampling". I see a rube who believes the BS repeatedly suggested.

Binyamin Appelbaum

✔ @BCAppelbaum

"Nothing works in this country" Donald Trump tells an audience of well-fed people in large homes watching on high-definition televisions.
The OP of this thread, talking about pussification, is too afraid to go see Earth, Wind, and Fire by himself, or even with his one black friend. LOL!!!

The GOP debate was an embarrassment, and I only watched the first 30 minutes. If I were to drink every time they said the words terrorist, or radical Islam, I would have been passed out in 10 minutes.

It was all doom and gloom. I wouldn't be surprised if all RWer's had to sleep with the light on.
You didn't watch the debate but you claim it as an embarrassment. Sounds like a staunch liberal wonk.

I watched 30 minutes of it. That's all I could stand.
So you don't know what transpired for 3/4 of it. You have no idea what happened.

That's right Einstein, I think I already said that.
Comparatively speaking, I am an Einstein when debating you.
The supposed "pussy" made the entire GOP his bitch.


332-206. #BOHICA_in_2016

Dear candycorn If you are referring to the ACA that Obama passed by swearing it wasn't a tax so it would get past Congress, trusting the Courts to strike it down, just to have Obama's lawyers argue to the Supreme Court that it WAS a tax to get it to pass:

This twisted act of changing horses midstream that has divided the nation
has enslaved taxpayers until it gets corrected, such as changing the mandate to optional where only
those who choose to use the federal program by faith are held to its requirements.

Sorry I see nothing to celebrate here in demonizing not only the GOP
but half the nation that believes in free market health care
and the other half that believes in paying for single payer health care,
not paying corporate insurance companies. The universal health care
advocates have been politically hijacked, oppressed and censored as well as the GOP.

Everyone I know has been effectively "enslaved" by these mandates,
the only exception being people too poor to pay taxes who won't ever see fines,
or those who expect to reap more benefits than they pay for which is being shuffled onto others paying for more and getting less! Most ppl I know fall in this category -- our rates
went up and access to services went down, either on private insurance or on govt options.

Is this what you want? Someone who would push an unwanted mandate
on ALL taxpayers, holding everyone's freedom hostage until both parties agree on a better solution?

How can we even communicate if both sides are blaming the other?
This division weakens the nation, similar to before 9/11, where it distracted the public fighting over govt,
and left us vulnerable to attacks we weren't united in policing.

I would celebrate if the President united our nation, not divided us further!

Trying to make the GOP and working taxpayers beg and plead is not my idea of Constitutional leadership.
I would expect the right approach to unite both parties their leaders and followers
in solutions we all agree on that unite us, not divide us.

What are you saying? I find this is an abuse of power to play politics this way.
True Constitutional solutions would win support and unity across party lines.
That's the leadership I respect and believe in, not division to try to bully politically.

I'd respect you if you could tell me in what way personally that Barack Obama "divided" you against anything.

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