Politicians trying to censor Broadcasters

You're a fool, Rogan isn't hurting anyone, but the government and media are by banning medical treatments that have been proven to work. You would believe anything they tell you, you have no clue what is fact or fiction, and they're working hard to keep it that way.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died preventable deaths due to vaccine hesitancy promoted by people like Rogan.

It’s hurting a LOT of people.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died preventable deaths due to vaccine hesitancy promoted by people like Rogan.

It’s hurting a LOT of people.


History is going to prove you wrong, the facts will come to light at some point, the fascists you support won't be able to quell it forever.
It was social pressure that pushed the Govt into action. Had the protest for civil rights not taken place the Govt would have never acted. Had people not risen up against companies dumping shit into our waterways the Govt would have never taken action.

I do not really give any thought to statues. It is often the pressure from the few that starts the ball rolling. It was pressure by the few that got Civil Rights moving. It was not the majority out there marching in Selma, it was the few

You just cannot help yourself, when someone does not agree with you, you just have to move to personal attacks. Says much about you

It's 'the few' that are behind the censorship and destruction of American history now as well, they control the media, that's all it takes.
If you think government isn't behind that change, then you're a fool.... it's only a minority of those that control social media and the lamestream media, the majority of Americans could care less, and were certainly not offended by any of them. But our voice, even though bigger in numbers, is pretty much silenced by the fringe since they control the apparatus that spreads the message.

Social Media is fairly new, it was not around when social pressure brought an end to legalized racism.
It's 'the few' that are behind the censorship and destruction of American history now as well, they control the media, that's all it takes.

Yet here we are free to talk about it all on 1000s of different platforms.

One cannot silence the internet.
Yet here we are free to talk about it all on 1000s of different platforms.

One cannot silence the internet.

This doesn't reach the masses, day after day, hour after hour, into every home in the country.

I'll take your non-response to my last comments about Young as a surrender. :beer:
It wasn't social pressure that brought it to an end, it was a war.

Social pressure to end slavery started the movement, just some were slow to agree.

But I was referring more to the passage of civil rights laws that removed legal racism of the time. Without the people, a few people at that, rising up against it, the Govt never would have changed it.
This doesn't reach the masses, day after day, hour after hour, into every home in the country.

I'll take your non-response to my last comments about Young as a surrender. :beer:

I have no idea what comment you are speaking of. Hard to keep up with every post
Who the FUCK listens to NEIL YOUNG in 2022?

Lefties now love rich old white men?
I guessing most who do, don't need that service to listen to him

Jen Psaki did. Does she not speak for Biden when up on that podium?

Where is the threat in what she said?

Q- Sure. Last week, the Surgeon General also was asked on MSNBC about Joe Rogan’s vaccine comments on Spotify. And he said that tech companies have an “important role to play” in stopping misinformation because he — they are the “predominant places” where misinformation spreads.

Spotify is putting out advisory warnings on episodes that have to do with COVID-19. Does the White House and the administration think this is a satisfactory step? Or do you — do you think that companies like Spotify should go further than just, you know, putting a label on there to say, “Hey, go do your own — you know, check this out. You know, there’s more research you can look at — you know, scientific research regarding COVID”?

MS. PSAKI: Sure. Well, last July, I — you probably know, but the Surgeon General also took the unprecedented step to issue an advisory on the risk of misinformation and public health, which is a very significant step. And amid that, he talked about the role social media platforms have.

So our hope is that all major tech platforms — and all major news sources, for that matter — be responsible and be vigilant to ensure the American people have access to accurate information on something as significant as COVID-19. And that certainly includes Spotifly [sic].

So, this disclaimer — it’s a positive step. But we want every platform to continue doing more to call out misinform- — mis- and disinformation while also uplifting accurate information.

I mean, look at the facts, right? You are 16 times more likely to be hospitalized if you’re unvaccinated and 68 times more likely to die than someone who is boosted if you’re unvaccinated. That’s pretty significant. And we think that is something that unquestionably should be the basis of how people are communicating about it.

But, ultimately, you know, our view is it’s a — it’s a — it’s a good step, it’s a positive step, but there’s more that can be done.

No, but Psaki did talk about doing more, right? Some people might interpret that as a request that a good little progressive liberal ought to follow. I consider that to be covert censorship, de-platforming Rogan and trying to coerce him to STFU.
Ok, so let's talk about that. Do democrats, or republicans, or progressives, libertarians, or christians, or any politically active group, have a right to organize resistance against ideas and causes they disagree with? To shun people and groups they think are a danger to society? If Trump says that he thinks football players who kneel for the anthem should be fired - is that covert censorship? If that encourages people to boycott the NFL, is that a violation of the Constitution?

The problem I see here is that Trumpsters can't accept the fact that many of us think they're stupid - dangerously stupid - and deserve to be shunned. They can't accept the fact that we have every right to shun them. Further, they seek legal remedies, claiming that such shunning is unconstitutional or that it's "discrimination", or anything they can think of, to legally stop the shunning and force people to put up with their bullshit. They want to turn the First Amendment inside out, changing it from restriction on the government's ability to regulate speech, into an obligation on businesses (on everyone, really) to accommodate their nonsense.
Yet here we are free to talk about it all on 1000s of different platforms.
One cannot silence the internet.
BUT, when the main ones are censored then elections are swayed. It is just as bad as Russians interfering with a election.
Yet here we are free to talk about it all on 1000s of different platforms.
One cannot silence the internet.

Since you made a good post in the abortion thread I will see if you can do it again:

For 4 years CNN. NBC, NYT ad the rest lies about Russian Collusion and Trump being a racist. (They lied about a lot more than that but lets just go with those two.)

Stipulate for a moment that those are indeed lies. Considering hw close the election was, is it not fair to say that 4 years of bombardment of those lies on the public swayed enough votes to change the election? And does that not mean that fake news literally altered to outcome based on lies?

Come on now, but o your fair and balanced hat.
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I guessing most who do, don't need that service to listen to him

Not really accurate. I have a few hundred CDs and maybe 100 albums yet still use a service for 90% of my music listening. The convenience is just too good to pass up
BUT, when the main ones are censored then elections are swayed. It is just as bad as Russians interfering with a election.

Absolutely... The younger generation are pretty much ignorant about most things because all they listen to are their celebrities on Twitter, or what they hear on college campuses, it's all peer pressure to believe a certain way, and not to think for yourself or ask questions. That's exactly why they fear Rogan so much, he's reached that generation and he's teaching them the valuable lesson of asking questions, and they don't like it.
Ok, so let's talk about that. Do democrats, or republicans, or progressives, libertarians, or christians, or any politically active group, have a right to organize resistance against ideas and causes they disagree with? To shun people and groups they think are a danger to society? If Trump says that he thinks football players who kneel for the anthem should be fired - is that covert censorship? If that encourages people to boycott the NFL, is that a violation of the Constitution?

The problem I see here is that Trumpsters can't accept the fact that many of us think they're stupid - dangerously stupid - and deserve to be shunned. They can't accept the fact that we have every right to shun them. Further, they seek legal remedies, claiming that such shunning is unconstitutional or that it's "discrimination", or anything they can think of, to legally stop the shunning and force people to put up with their bullshit. They want to turn the First Amendment inside out, changing it from restriction on the government's ability to regulate speech, into an obligation on businesses (on everyone, really) to accommodate their nonsense.

As long as you keep saying 'Trumpsters', your posts will never be taken seriously by me, seek help for your mental issues.

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