Politicians trying to censor Broadcasters

I've been saying this for years, they railed against the 'religious right' for forcing their views on everyone in their attempt to destroy religion and family in this country, and today they've become 10 times worse than they ever dreamed the 'religious right' was.

The STATE is the GOD of the left.

They bash religion, but they are the worshippers at the altar of the FED....its so weird.



Fuck these FAKE rebels.
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It absolutely is if it’s influenced by our president lol
If that influence takes the form of a coercive threat, I entirely agree with you. But there's no indication Neil Young was threatened. That's just Trumpster paranoia.
Why does Neil Old fucking care? Rogan has actual experts on and he has a fair and honest discussion. Our Govt has gotten out of control
As have the woke assholes and their blatant thuggery.
Rogan is in it for the money. He has on whoever keeps his show popular with the bro culture morons who feel smart next to him.

It has nothing to do with fair and honest. It’s for cash.
Rogan is in it for the money. He has on whoever keeps his show popular with the bro culture morons who feel smart next to him.

It has nothing to do with fair and honest. It’s for cash.
And? So was Howard Stern for how many years and how many tried to ban him? Free speech matters, even to bad doctors like you.
Actually it's the Biden administration and the Surgeon General saying Spotify and other Tech companies have to "do more" to counter COVID "misinformation".
And how is that against the constitution...

Joe Rogan show has been apart of spreading misinformation about the vaccine... The low rate of the vaccine turnout has US as having one of the highest death rates in the first world on COVID at the moment and it is still rising... It is now 2,800 a day...
Biden won counties have death rate 2.7 lower that counties won by Trump. Biden is trying to get all Americans vaccinated not just his own supporters. The are parties which are spreading misinformation about the vaccine and alternative treatments... Biden administration was informing those companies of the corporate responsibilities.
Thread isn’t about Neil Young. Watch the video. It’s Jen Psaki saying Joe Rogan should be censored. A White House spokesperson calling for someone to be censored because they dare to criticize the government. They can’t censor him, so they want tech companies to do it for them. That’s textbook fascism.

3 pages and not one lefty can address that issue.
Did Psaki also have the judges on Masked SInger get up and leave when Rudy Giuliani was unmasked? That seems very Gestapo-like too.
Yeah, that is exactly the same as kneeling before a football game.

Lady Antebellum, Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians, St John’s Red Men, Syracuse Orangemen.

All still active and doing well.

I am tired of pussies being easily offended.

Yet you are offended by them changing the names. Why do you care if Lady Antebellum wants to call themselves Lady A?

How does any of this impact your life?
And how is that against the constitution...

Joe Rogan show has been apart of spreading misinformation about the vaccine... The low rate of the vaccine turnout has US as having one of the highest death rates in the first world on COVID at the moment and it is still rising... It is now 2,800 a day...
Biden won counties have death rate 2.7 lower that counties won by Trump. Biden is trying to get all Americans vaccinated not just his own supporters. The are parties which are spreading misinformation about the vaccine and alternative treatments... Biden administration was informing those companies of the corporate responsibilities.
What “misinformation”? He gives opinions and shares them with experts who speak candidly. Your post reeks of communism, govt control and lack of free speech. Over my dead body.
And how is that against the constitution...

Joe Rogan show has been apart of spreading misinformation about the vaccine... The low rate of the vaccine turnout has US as having one of the highest death rates in the first world on COVID at the moment and it is still rising... It is now 2,800 a day...
Biden won counties have death rate 2.7 lower that counties won by Trump. Biden is trying to get all Americans vaccinated not just his own supporters. The are parties which are spreading misinformation about the vaccine and alternative treatments... Biden administration was informing those companies of the corporate responsibilities.

It's an end run around the 1st amendment.

And in NYC the highest unvaccinated populations are amongst democrat voting minorities.
And? So was Howard Stern for how many years and how many tried to ban him? Free speech matters, even to bad doctors like you.
So don’t lie about it. Rogan is full of shit when he pretends to want to get to truth. He wants to get to a paycheck.

There’s a catch 22 here. Rogan has to pretend to want to get to truth to get paid. But if he wants to get paid he has to enable nonsense. He can’t admit it.
All still active and doing well.

Yet you are offended by them changing the names. Why do you care if Lady Antebellum wants to call themselves Lady A?

How does any of this impact your life?
Because they didn’t want to make the change but social pressure forced the change. That’s not America that’s BS leftist cancel culture. What’s next? We change the name of the Boston Celtics as it offends Irish persons?
Who the FUCK listens to NEIL YOUNG in 2022?

Lefties now love rich old white men?

I do. If I liked his music in 1980 why would I not like it in 2022? Not like much being made today is worth listening to

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