Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

DBA said: The clear difference is that there is no provision in the Constitution giving a blanket right to abortion. You may WANT that to be the case, but it isn’t there. Nov 28, 2022 #137

The Constitution protects the right to privacy in one’s home. Do you think the Constitution does not protect the right to privacy of what goes on inside one’s body from the moment we are born?

It really all boils down to whether or not a fetus is a person, who would also be protected under the Constitution.
Show me what he actually posted, not what you claim he posted
Once again…

JoeB131 said:
The problem with consumption taxes is that they harm the poor more than the rich, when taxes should be about wealth restribution. We need to increase taxes on the wealthy and make those fuckers pay their fair share.
rightwinger, no reply regarding JoeB131 call for taxation to be used to spread wealth?

Show me what he actually posted, not what you claim he posted

Thanks, for the record, do firmly believe that tax policy should (among other things) ensure that wealth does not accumulate into too few hands. This was the guiding policy after the New Deal all the way up until Reagan screwed up the tax codes and put us into a grinding cycle of perpetual debt.
Once again…

JoeB131 said:
The problem with consumption taxes is that they harm the poor more than the rich, when taxes should be about wealth restribution. We need to increase taxes on the wealthy and make those fuckers pay their fair share.

OK, let’s start there

What happens when taxes are cut dramatically on the wealthy?
Services such as education, healthcare, infrastructure are underfunded and the burden shifts to the working poor to make up the difference.

Nobody is talking about Robin Hood taking from the rich and giving to the poor.
We are talking about who funds our society.
Does the burden fall on the wealthy or the working poor?
Does the burden fall on the wealthy or the working poor?

The burden should fall on everyone, but it doesn’t. Everyone should have some skin in the game. The “wealthy” have plenty and pay, on average, a higher percentage of their income than others. Their tax revenue also accounts for the vast majority of revenues collected.

What we have is a a group of people(Democrats) who want somebody else to pick up the entire tab for them and they will vote to take other people’s money.

It is a ridiculous, ignorant narrative that the rich don’t pay their fair share.

Societal Collapse, Is It Happening At Current? 231224​

Viktor in #15 said: Yes. The fetus is a growing human life. The Declaration of Independence says it has a right to life. vvktvr.23.05.26 #15

NotfooledbyW May’23 Vsciih00046: Yes. The fetus is a growing human life, however nature’s God provides upon the tree of knowledge that newly conceived human beings die while they are fetuses in nature. It is naturally aborted miscarriage to a woman when she has private knowledge that she is pregnant. •¥• So why are we political enemies over the non public life of little baby fetus? •¥¥• Dobbs is the problem not Roe. •¥¥¥• nfbw 231224 Vsciih00046 to vvktvr 230526 #15

Which States Allow the Permitless Carry of Guns? 221128​

DBA Nov2022 Swsatp00137: The clear difference is that there is no provision in the Constitution giving a blanket right to abortion. You may WANT that to be the case, but it isn’t there. dbvxyz 221128 Swsatp00137

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240127​

NotfooledbyW Jan2024 Vpmaez00480: The Constitution protects the right to privacy in one’s home. Do you think the Constitution does not protect the right to privacy of what goes on inside one’s body from the moment we are born? nfbw 240127 Vpmaez00480 to Swsatp00137

DBA Jan2024 Spmaez00481: It really all boils down to whether or not a fetus is a person, who would also be protected under the Constitution. dbvxyz 240127 Spmaez00481 to Swsatp00137

will abortion be big issue in 2024? Some states ban nearly all abortions! YES! 230526​

Monk-Eye May’23 Vwabbi00020: “……a citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated through a live birth , and by equitable doctrine , live birth is a requirement for equal protection with a citizen . •¥¥¥¥• “The live birth requirement and equitable doctrine are direct deductions from us constitution and dobbs is sedition against us 14th ,9th and 1st amendments and is supported traitors to a credo of e pluribus unum for us republic.” •¥¥¥¥¥• mnkvyv 230526 Vwabbi00020

Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals 240828​

There is nothing to boil down Saint Dba if you believe we are a nation of secular laws based upon the secular document that establishes the basic human right that a every pregnant woman is granted in nature at birth by Nature’s God. That is the right to full autonomy over her own body to proceed with her giving birth to a new human life or terminate her pregnancy in private when the pregnancy is unplanned and not wanted she believes her health and life could be at risk.

The US Constitution predetermines that your argument Saint DBA has no basis in commin law and no basis in societal “neutral on religion” standards or reality.

nfbw 240128 Vpmaez490 to Spmaez00481
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The burden should fall on everyone, but it doesn’t. Everyone should have some skin in the game. The “wealthy” have plenty and pay, on average, a higher percentage of their income than others. Their tax revenue also accounts for the vast majority of revenues collected.

What we have is a a group of people(Democrats) who want somebody else to pick up the entire tab for them and they will vote to take other people’s money.

It is a ridiculous, ignorant narrative that the rich don’t pay their fair share.

Except they don't pay their fair share, and they have increased their percentage of the wealth why the rest of us have declined.

Do you think every Christian on this message board are white Christian nationalist?
NO do not,
DO think that the MAGA CROWD has gotten caught up in the fun & excitement of being part of the vocal angry WE want crowd.
So much more fun than the quiet peace full God LOVING Church people I grew up with.
NO do not,
DO think that the MAGA CROWD has gotten caught up in the fun & excitement of being part of the vocal angry WE want crowd.
So much more fun than the quiet peace full God LOVING Church people I grew up with.
Most of MAGA are churched white Christian Nationalists . THe rest of MAGA are unchurched WCNists but all are deplorable when it comes to respecting our democratic institutions.
Most of MAGA are churched white Christian Nationalists . THe rest of MAGA are unchurched WCNists but all are deplorable when it comes to respecting our democratic institutions.
Must be sweet to hate half the country. Does it motivate you?
Thanks, for the record, do firmly believe that tax policy should (among other things) ensure that wealth does not accumulate into too few hands. This was the guiding policy after the New Deal all the way up until Reagan screwed up the tax codes and put us into a grinding cycle of perpetual debt.
Debt is caused by spending, not taxes. The problem is big government. Before the Progressive era, government was the size it should have remained. The New Deal did not handle poverty as well as charities and fraternal organizations did prior to it.
Must be sweet to hate half the country. Does it motivate you?
Half the fucking country thinks it’s OK for their cult leader to try and overturn the election on January 6, 2021. if you don’t hate those people there’s something wrong with you.
Half the fucking country thinks it’s OK for their cult leader to try and overturn the election on January 6, 2021. if you don’t hate those people there’s something wrong with you.
He did not do that. There was no way to overturn anything on that day. It is all hype and total bullshit.
Debt is caused by spending, not taxes. The problem is big government. Before the Progressive era, government was the size it should have remained. The New Deal did not handle poverty as well as charities and fraternal organizations did prior to it.

No, Debt is caused by not making the rich pay their fair share.

From 1787 to 1980, the National Debt was less than one trillion, despite fighting two World Wars, building an inter-state highway system, having a space program and all the social programs you whine about.

Then some idiot decided that the right were paying too much, the poor dears, and the National Debt tripled in 8 years under Reagan. It went up by another 1.5 Trillion under Bush, another 4 Trillion under Clinton, another 8 Trillion under Bush Jr, and so on until we are 33 Trillion today.
He did not do that. There was no way to overturn anything on that day. It is all hype and total bullshit.
He tried and failed because Pence refused to commit fraud for him.

What did DJT mean when he told the soon to be violent mob when he said “All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.”

Are you saying Trump had no plan on J6 to “become president” instead who I voted for,

This is what Trump told supporters before many stormed Capitol Hill

Trump rallying the forces at noon January 6, 2021: - - - “John [Eastman] is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, “What an absolute disgrace that this can be happening to our Constitution.” And he looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so. I hope so. - - - Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do, all this is, this is from the number one, or certainly one of the top, Constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our Constitution, and protect our constitution. - - - States want to revote. The states got defrauded, They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN

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