POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
It is most unfortunate that there are Americans like you. You clearly are a dupe for the criminal ruling class.

You and those like you as well as those on the right who believe similar idiocy, are the reason why we are so divided. You are playing right into the hands for the criminal ruling class, but too stupid to know it.
Why don't you explain how valid comparisons are "idiocy"?
You're just flat out stupid. Trump called the leftist media the enemy of the people, not having a free press. Stop being a stupid dickwad and address what Trump actually said, liar. Obviously he hit a little too close to home for you since you need to lie about what he said
Calling any member of the free press an "enemy", is declaring the Constitution is the enemy. And the only reason he called them that, is because they said something he didn't like!

That's fascism, turdball.
Clinton was President, he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Bush was President he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Obama was President, he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Trump is President he is a Nazi and is going to appoint himself President for life.

Only a few people seem to see the pattern that has gone on since 1992. When are people going to wake up, quit being so stupid and think for themselves? You are correct, the criminal ruling class counts on these stupid people and they serve the ruling class well.
Bad analogy. Clinton, Bush and Obama never said that, Trump did.

Just to make myself clear, I'm warning you, now that the Lakers are playing "thug ball", so am I, so to speak. Fuck civility, its time to get loud.
Kaz, if Trump is trying to control the press, he is doing a very poor job at it. Hitler didn’t demean the press, he didn’t put it down, he took the whole damn thing over and controlled every letter that was printed and every word that was said, he owned them, the press wasn’t belittled it was a tool.

Obama had better control of the press than Trump could ever. Hope for.
Hitler didn't do it over night. Go to bed one evening, next morning, press owner! Things occurred over a period of time. And this time I am referring to, was the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust, not the Holocaust itself. The comparisons I am making have to do with Germany in the early 30's.
People who complain about Nazi comparisons are only doing it to derail the conversation. Just look at all the posts these people are objecting to in this thread, not one of their rebuttals addresses any specific comparison, with the exception of this recent "free press" discussion. They won't even go near the fact that a large part of Trumps' base are alt-right Nazi sympathizers who Trump said in his own words, are "fine people".
Clinton was President, he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Bush was President he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Obama was President, he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Trump is President he is a Nazi and is going to appoint himself President for life.

Only a few people seem to see the pattern that has gone on since 1992. When are people going to wake up, quit being so stupid and think for themselves? You are correct, the criminal ruling class counts on these stupid people and they serve the ruling class well.
Bad analogy. Clinton, Bush and Obama never said that, Trump did.

Just to make myself clear, I'm warning you, now that the Lakers are playing "thug ball", so am I, so to speak. Fuck civility, its time to get loud.

Others said that about them when Trump is out of office and refuses to leave, let me know, otherwise it’s BS.

As far as the Flakers? Warriors are going to kick Lebron’s ass.
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I didn't say why I don't post that information and you didn't ask. You're just being an ass and making shit up. You're also wrong. That isn't why I don't post it. You'd know that if you asked me why I don't post it rather than tell me why I don't post it
Kaz, if Trump is trying to control the press, he is doing a very poor job at it. Hitler didn’t demean the press, he didn’t put it down, he took the whole damn thing over and controlled every letter that was printed and every word that was said, he owned them, the press wasn’t belittled it was a tool.

Obama had better control of the press than Trump could ever. Hope for.
Hitler didn't do it over night. Go to bed one evening, next morning, press owner! Things occurred over a period of time. And this time I am referring to, was the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust, not the Holocaust itself. The comparisons I am making have to do with Germany in the early 30's.

He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I see, so if I don't say why I don't ever post financial data, then you're allowed to make up the reason. If you want to know, here's how you do it. Hey kaz, why don't you post your financial information?

See how that works? Idiot

Why would I actually give a hoot about your financial data?

I don't know, your concern over my financials makes no sense to me. Yet here you are, repeatedly posting about it
Calling any member of the free press an "enemy", is declaring the Constitution is the enemy

That's just stupid. Wait a sec. Smell my butt. Closer. Closer. Yeah, there, just a sec


Sorry guy, didn't know that was going to happen. Really ...

LOL, think about the first amendment and what you just said. You're not swift on the uptake.

And he called fake news the enemy of the people because they constantly lie. And he's right, they do and they are
25 "yes" votes so far. This is where we are. Blind, emotional hyperbole rules. And the right wingers have been flinging the word right back, of course. Wheeeeeeeeeee! How fun! You're a Nazi!

Millions died at the hands of the Nazis, millions and millions more suffered, we saw real, evil human atrocity, and we're cool with tossing the word around like this. What a fucking insult to their memory.

It has been so long since we exercised objective reason and critical thinking that we have literally lost the skills. The skills have atrophied like a muscle that has been left unused.

This is what concerns me more than anything about our divisions. It appears we're not capable of fixing this, because we no longer have the capacity to.

Proving that there are 25 - correction, now 26 - incredibly ignorant people on this board.

If Trump and his followers were truly Fascists, those critical of them would be in gulags or dead.
Another moronic post by the moron. Pick up a history book, bitch, and learn what a fucking idiot you are
Why don't you save us some time and explain it to me? These bullshit innuendo's don't cut it.

You think that Nazis wanted to take people sneaking into Nazi Germany and deport them rather than giving them a free education, medical care and welfare. Actually, Nazis didn't do that, Sport. And no one was sneaking INTO Nazi Germany at all. Skipped WWII and who the Nazis were in school, didn't you? Or maybe they covered that after you dropped out.
25 "yes" votes so far. This is where we are. Blind, emotional hyperbole rules. And the right wingers have been flinging the word right back, of course. Wheeeeeeeeeee! How fun! You're a Nazi!

Millions died at the hands of the Nazis, millions and millions more suffered, we saw real, evil human atrocity, and we're cool with tossing the word around like this. What a fucking insult to their memory.

It has been so long since we exercised objective reason and critical thinking that we have literally lost the skills. The skills have atrophied like a muscle that has been left unused.

This is what concerns me more than anything about our divisions. It appears we're not capable of fixing this, because we no longer have the capacity to.

Proving that there are 25 incredibly ignorant people on this board.

If Trump and his followers were truly Fascists, those critical of them would be in gulags or dead.
We just kneejerk to the easiest and most hyperbolic words that pop to mind, then scramble to justify them afterwards.

Sure beats attempting a little intellectual elasticity and coming up with something a bit more accurate and rational.
25 "yes" votes so far. This is where we are. Blind, emotional hyperbole rules. And the right wingers have been flinging the word right back, of course. Wheeeeeeeeeee! How fun! You're a Nazi!

Millions died at the hands of the Nazis, millions and millions more suffered, we saw real, evil human atrocity, and we're cool with tossing the word around like this. What a fucking insult to their memory.

It has been so long since we exercised objective reason and critical thinking that we have literally lost the skills. The skills have atrophied like a muscle that has been left unused.

This is what concerns me more than anything about our divisions. It appears we're not capable of fixing this, because we no longer have the capacity to.

Proving that there are 25 incredibly ignorant people on this board.

If Trump and his followers were truly Fascists, those critical of them would be in gulags or dead.
We just kneejerk to the easiest and most hyperbolic words that pop to mind, then scramble to justify them afterwards.

Sure beats attempting a little intellectual elasticity and coming up with something a bit more accurate and rational.

Sadly, they're more government school educated failures who sadly want to do to their own children what government did to them
I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned

Um, yeah, you did... but never mind...

You bragged now you needed to earn that every month in your crappy little print shop... And I laughed at you because that was often a slow week for me in PO's written.
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I didn't say why I don't post that information and you didn't ask. You're just being an ass and making shit up. You're also wrong. That isn't why I don't post it. You'd know that if you asked me why I don't post it rather than tell me why I don't post it

What did I make up?

Be specific

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