POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
You mean, "0, yet!"

Look, man, you can go on all day, but now we have concentration camps. The reason why Hitler got away with as much as he did was no one was willing to say 'no". And when it was all over, they said, "We were only following orders', right before we hung their asses. (Although, IMO not nearly enough.)

Um, yeah, we have ICE arresting people in hospitals, rounding up legal aliens on 18 year old misdemeanors, throwing kids into Concentration camps.

Um, no, actually, it's pretty close.

Hitler considered a free press "An Enemy of the People"- so does Trump.

Hitler scapegoated the Jews as the source of all Germany's problems. - Trump does this with Mexicans.

Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Trump dehumanizes people he doesn't like.

Hitler opened concentration camps for the "undesirables" before expelling them from Germany (exterminating them only came later).. So has Trump.

these ignoramus' think that unless there is a glowing red neon sign over those tent cities declaring them exactly what they are... then they must be just 'summer camp'. first there's a nudge, then a push....& when there isn't push back.... next comes a shove. & b4 you know it, there's no turning back.

Conditions were similar under Obama, in 2014 they had kids in kennels, where was your outrage, where were you in comparing Obama to Trump?What would you like to be done to remedy the situation? We have a large influx wanting to come into “Nazi” America, what is your solution?

ummm....pops..... FIRST of all, i DID make my feelings known during obama's term when so many UNACCOMPANIED minors were crossing the border b4 they got a grip on things. m'k? HOWEVER... let's get some facts straight:

1) under obama - they were unaccompanied minors.
this situation has parents AND kids coming together & forcibly separating them.

2) those seeking asylum, whether thru a port of entry or not is not a crime. obama didn't arrest those people along with run of the mill illegals running across the border.

3) it's OBVIOUS that when TRUMP'S policy went into effect, they had no other policies instructing on WHERE they go, or separated families can be tracked; let alone stay in contact NOR how they will be re-united.

4) why isn't the press or members of congress ( both D & Rs ) allowed full access to these for profit detention centers? why aren't they allowed to speak with any of the kids?

5) did any court ORDER the reunification of any families within 30 days under obama? a court has now. there are still some 2000 kids scattered somewhere. that clearly shows they had no intention of giving those kids back.

What is your solution?

certainly not trump's. there are willing & able congress critters desperate for reform & want to pass a comprehensive bill on a bi-partisan level, but paul ryan has shot down more than once for anything to even get to the floor. & trump was never really up for that... he's now even saying to wait until after the midterms. he's essentially kidnapped these kids to use as hostages to get his fucking wall.

i see you didn't address anything else in post.

I ask you first what was your solution, then you ripped on me and I asked again what is your solution and you tell me not Trumps, so, you fail to answer my question, I don’t see a need to address anything you post, see how that works?
these ignoramus' think that unless there is a glowing red neon sign over those tent cities declaring them exactly what they are... then they must be just 'summer camp'. first there's a nudge, then a push....& when there isn't push back.... next comes a shove. & b4 you know it, there's no turning back.

Conditions were similar under Obama, in 2014 they had kids in kennels, where was your outrage, where were you in comparing Obama to Trump?What would you like to be done to remedy the situation? We have a large influx wanting to come into “Nazi” America, what is your solution?

ummm....pops..... FIRST of all, i DID make my feelings known during obama's term when so many UNACCOMPANIED minors were crossing the border b4 they got a grip on things. m'k? HOWEVER... let's get some facts straight:

1) under obama - they were unaccompanied minors.
this situation has parents AND kids coming together & forcibly separating them.

2) those seeking asylum, whether thru a port of entry or not is not a crime. obama didn't arrest those people along with run of the mill illegals running across the border.

3) it's OBVIOUS that when TRUMP'S policy went into effect, they had no other policies instructing on WHERE they go, or separated families can be tracked; let alone stay in contact NOR how they will be re-united.

4) why isn't the press or members of congress ( both D & Rs ) allowed full access to these for profit detention centers? why aren't they allowed to speak with any of the kids?

5) did any court ORDER the reunification of any families within 30 days under obama? a court has now. there are still some 2000 kids scattered somewhere. that clearly shows they had no intention of giving those kids back.

What is your solution?

certainly not trump's. there are willing & able congress critters desperate for reform & want to pass a comprehensive bill on a bi-partisan level, but paul ryan has shot down more than once for anything to even get to the floor. & trump was never really up for that... he's now even saying to wait until after the midterms. he's essentially kidnapped these kids to use as hostages to get his fucking wall.

i see you didn't address anything else in post.

I ask you first what was your solution, then you ripped on me and I asked again what is your solution and you tell me not Trumps, so, you fail to answer my question, I don’t see a need to address anything you post, see how that works?

actually i did answer you. the legislative branch needs to do this. that is why we elected them. they have to go by the constitution & be lawful when they do. trump hasn't from the start of his gestapo tactics. i ripped into you because you flat out lied both about me & obama doing the same thing that trump has done & for the same reason....& i called you out on those lies.

see how THAT works?
Conditions were similar under Obama, in 2014 they had kids in kennels, where was your outrage, where were you in comparing Obama to Trump?What would you like to be done to remedy the situation? We have a large influx wanting to come into “Nazi” America, what is your solution?

ummm....pops..... FIRST of all, i DID make my feelings known during obama's term when so many UNACCOMPANIED minors were crossing the border b4 they got a grip on things. m'k? HOWEVER... let's get some facts straight:

1) under obama - they were unaccompanied minors.
this situation has parents AND kids coming together & forcibly separating them.

2) those seeking asylum, whether thru a port of entry or not is not a crime. obama didn't arrest those people along with run of the mill illegals running across the border.

3) it's OBVIOUS that when TRUMP'S policy went into effect, they had no other policies instructing on WHERE they go, or separated families can be tracked; let alone stay in contact NOR how they will be re-united.

4) why isn't the press or members of congress ( both D & Rs ) allowed full access to these for profit detention centers? why aren't they allowed to speak with any of the kids?

5) did any court ORDER the reunification of any families within 30 days under obama? a court has now. there are still some 2000 kids scattered somewhere. that clearly shows they had no intention of giving those kids back.

What is your solution?

certainly not trump's. there are willing & able congress critters desperate for reform & want to pass a comprehensive bill on a bi-partisan level, but paul ryan has shot down more than once for anything to even get to the floor. & trump was never really up for that... he's now even saying to wait until after the midterms. he's essentially kidnapped these kids to use as hostages to get his fucking wall.

i see you didn't address anything else in post.

I ask you first what was your solution, then you ripped on me and I asked again what is your solution and you tell me not Trumps, so, you fail to answer my question, I don’t see a need to address anything you post, see how that works?

actually i did answer you. the legislative branch needs to do this. that is why we elected them. they have to go by the constitution & be lawful when they do. trump hasn't from the start of his gestapo tactics. i ripped into you because you flat out lied both about me & obama doing the same thing that trump has done & for the same reason....& i called you out on those lies.

see how THAT works?

So your solution is you have nothing, let Congress handle it. Got it. So, they follow the Constitution and we still have thousands at the border seeking asylum and legal immigration and where are they housed until they are either processed or turned away?
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
This is only a serious question to a retard like you...…………………..
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?

So you are anti free speech.
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.
So your solution is you have nothing, let Congress handle it. Got it. So, they follow the Constitution and we still have thousands at the border seeking asylum and legal immigration and where are they housed until they are either processed or turned away?

Actually, we do what we did under Obama. They let us know who they will be staying with until their hearing comes up.

It really was an okay, not perfect, but okay system. Until Trump started appealing the the sad rednecks by throwing kids into concentration camps.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
This is only a serious question to a retard like you...…………………..
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?

So you are anti free speech.
Yeah, of all people on this board.

I don't know about Trump, maybe some of the things Hitler said are being said again, and that worries people.
if you did not like a political party to start with & then heard some of the things Hitler DID say repeated YOU could start to worry that we are going in the wrong direction, look at them & then tell me what you think.

"Its not truth that matters but victory"

"Education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has invented for its own destruction"

"Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity & cowardice"

"If you tell a big enough lie & tell it frequently enough it will be believed"
I see.

Why is that? Do you not see the term constantly flung around? Do you not wonder if they're being serious? So far it has 25 "yes" votes.

Perhaps you can respond at something above a grade school level.
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?

Being against the use of a word, is equal to burning the words that you do not like.

Unlike Mac I believe in freedom of speach

I love kindergarten toochers, they really are earning their 45 grand a year for the 200 grand degrees that they have and they really deserve more for wiping up all that democrappic snots (should be snot but I chose to write snots, why? because it inspires kindergarten toochers)

PS. It's also Trump, not trump, but faggot democrappic web pages and imbeciles like you never corrected the spell checker to write Trump like this page writes Cliton and Ginspuke
You see NAZIES because that is what your dysfunctional brain wants to see. Seriously, do you really believe that Alveda King and Kanye West are NAZIES?

Alveda King, MLK’s niece: ‘I voted for Mr. Trump’

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?

Being against the use of a word, is equal to burning the words that you do not like.

Unlike Mac I believe in freedom of speach

I love kindergarten toochers, they really are earning their 45 grand a year for the 200 grand degrees that they have and they really deserve more for wiping up all that democrappic snots

PS. It's also Trump, not trump, but faggot democrappic web pages and imbeciles like you never corrected the spell checker to write Trump like this page writes Cliton and Ginspuke
Evidently you were stung because you misconstrued my post and thought I was calling Trump and his supporters Nazis.

I'll give you this, even though you found out that wasn't the case, even though you were wrong, instead of just admitting it, you kept up with the name-calling and insults. Bravo!

You folks are consistent, for sure.

I'm against the use of the word, and I point that out several times in this thread.

That's my point. The one that has gone completely over your head.

Wanna try again?

Being against the use of a word, is equal to burning the words that you do not like.

Unlike Mac I believe in freedom of speach

I love kindergarten toochers, they really are earning their 45 grand a year for the 200 grand degrees that they have and they really deserve more for wiping up all that democrappic snots

PS. It's also Trump, not trump, but faggot democrappic web pages and imbeciles like you never corrected the spell checker to write Trump like this page writes Cliton and Ginspuke
Evidently you were stung because you misconstrued my post and thought I was calling Trump and his supporters Nazis.

I'll give you this, even though you found out that wasn't the case, even though you were wrong, instead of just admitting it, you kept up with the name-calling and insults. Bravo!

You folks are consistent, for sure.


Snowflakes like you have no stinger
Being against the use of a word, is equal to burning the words that you do not like.

Unlike Mac I believe in freedom of speach

I love kindergarten toochers, they really are earning their 45 grand a year for the 200 grand degrees that they have and they really deserve more for wiping up all that democrappic snots

PS. It's also Trump, not trump, but faggot democrappic web pages and imbeciles like you never corrected the spell checker to write Trump like this page writes Cliton and Ginspuke
Evidently you were stung because you misconstrued my post and thought I was calling Trump and his supporters Nazis.

I'll give you this, even though you found out that wasn't the case, even though you were wrong, instead of just admitting it, you kept up with the name-calling and insults. Bravo!

You folks are consistent, for sure.

Snowflakes like you have no stinger

ROSEY, who did not use the big T? when talking about trump? and what has it to do about the question?
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I see, so if I don't say why I don't ever post financial data, then you're allowed to make up the reason. If you want to know, here's how you do it. Hey kaz, why don't you post your financial information?

See how that works? Idiot
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I see, so if I don't say why I don't ever post financial data, then you're allowed to make up the reason. If you want to know, here's how you do it. Hey kaz, why don't you post your financial information?

See how that works? Idiot

Why would I actually give a hoot about your financial data?
You are a very sick individual. Quick question, were you ever incarcerated? If so, what crime did commit in front of the police?
Yes I was incarcerated (DUI) and obviously, it was in front of a cop.

What's your point?

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