POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
you are certifiable... but amusing when i wanna kill time. however, whatever i say-you'll just come to your own crazy conclusions, cartoon boy.


Why are you afraid to answer the question? Are you pretending that it is not a reasonable question for a lefty who has shown that she supports using brown shirt tactics in response to political speech she does not like?

afraid? of what? YOU? you give yourself much more credit than you deserve.

for fucks sake---i answered you. & i JUST said that no matter what, you'll believe what you want, see what you want, hear what you want , because you need something for your paranoid, angry, misguided brain to wrap around so you can actually feel something other than that numbness in your head. ya, that's the ticket.

now, time for you to come up with some more delusional fantasies.... it's all you got. btw, i'm STILL waiting for you to cough up your evidence showing my ACTIONS, that you claim you have done 'in the past'.

you lie so much,, i am sure you believe it. so, c'mon... hop to it. lol...lol...LOL....

You lied to support the justification for violence by your side violent brown shirts.

That is an action showing support for using street violence in response to political speech by your political enemies.

NOt a normal thing in America. Not by far.

Hence, my simple question. Are you a marxist? YES OR NO.

i don't lie. why are you? i said i don't condone violence. never have been involved in any violent act. never will unless my body is touched. i said i understand WHY it happens. so where in any of that do you get off saying otherwise?

because you are out of your fucking mind & delusional beyond anybody else i've crossed paths on this board. i answered you already on whether or not i am a marxist. not good enough for you? that falls under too fucking bad. i do see that you still haven't shown anything by me that validates your delusions or you would have produced something... anything that would.

you = :cuckoo:

me = :fu:

1. You lied to provide political cover for your side's use of violence in response to speech.

That is actively supporting violence.

2. YOu say you answered the question, but I've read all your replies, and I still don't know if you are a marxist or not.

Are you a marxist, yes or no?

lol... 'my side'..... i don't have a 'side'. i certainly lean left but i am not a liberal. i am not even a (D). i answered you when i said i was as much a marxist as you are. & i don't lie.

but you just did. again. as usual. don't you get tired of it?
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You have battered wife syndrome. Open your eyes and see what the left has become. That right and left are both not perfect does not mean that right = left. The left is way worse. I hate the Republican party. Read my sig. But they aren't nearly the threat to my liberty that the left has become.

As for speech, sure, it's the minority that are actually going out and advocating shutting down free speech aloud. But the silence from the rest of the left is deafening. Here's a dollar, buy a clue to where their silence shows they really stand
We have a President who calls the free press the "enemy of the state" and an Annapolis shooter who was influenced by the alt-right and you say the left doesn't believe in free speech?

That's just lunacy!

You're just flat out stupid. Trump called the leftist media the enemy of the people, not having a free press. Stop being a stupid dickwad and address what Trump actually said, liar. Obviously he hit a little too close to home for you since you need to lie about what he said
Trump supporters are Nazis. Trump thinks Nazis are "fine people". If the shoe fits, stop quacking like a duck!
It is most unfortunate that there are Americans like you. You clearly are a dupe for the criminal ruling class.

You and those like you as well as those on the right who believe similar idiocy, are the reason why we are so divided. You are playing right into the hands for the criminal ruling class, but too stupid to know it.

Clinton was President, he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Bush was President he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Obama was President, he was a Nazi and would appoint himself President for life. Trump is President he is a Nazi and is going to appoint himself President for life.

Only a few people seem to see the pattern that has gone on since 1992. When are people going to wake up, quit being so stupid and think for themselves? You are correct, the criminal ruling class counts on these stupid people and they serve the ruling class well.
Trump supporters are Nazis. Trump thinks Nazis are "fine people". If the shoe fits, stop quacking like a duck!

Another moronic post by the moron. Pick up a history book, bitch, and learn what a fucking idiot you are
Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.

You mean, "0, yet!"

Look, man, you can go on all day, but now we have concentration camps. The reason why Hitler got away with as much as he did was no one was willing to say 'no". And when it was all over, they said, "We were only following orders', right before we hung their asses. (Although, IMO not nearly enough.)

Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.

Um, yeah, we have ICE arresting people in hospitals, rounding up legal aliens on 18 year old misdemeanors, throwing kids into Concentration camps.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Um, no, actually, it's pretty close.

Hitler considered a free press "An Enemy of the People"- so does Trump.

Hitler scapegoated the Jews as the source of all Germany's problems. - Trump does this with Mexicans.

Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Trump dehumanizes people he doesn't like.

Hitler opened concentration camps for the "undesirables" before expelling them from Germany (exterminating them only came later).. So has Trump.
You have battered wife syndrome. Open your eyes and see what the left has become. That right and left are both not perfect does not mean that right = left. The left is way worse. I hate the Republican party. Read my sig. But they aren't nearly the threat to my liberty that the left has become.

As for speech, sure, it's the minority that are actually going out and advocating shutting down free speech aloud. But the silence from the rest of the left is deafening. Here's a dollar, buy a clue to where their silence shows they really stand
We have a President who calls the free press the "enemy of the state" and an Annapolis shooter who was influenced by the alt-right and you say the left doesn't believe in free speech?

That's just lunacy!

You're just flat out stupid. Trump called the leftist media the enemy of the people, not having a free press. Stop being a stupid dickwad and address what Trump actually said, liar. Obviously he hit a little too close to home for you since you need to lie about what he said

Kaz, if Trump is trying to control the press, he is doing a very poor job at it. Hitler didn’t demean the press, he didn’t put it down, he took the whole damn thing over and controlled every letter that was printed and every word that was said, he owned them, the press wasn’t belittled it was a tool.

Obama had better control of the press than Trump could ever. Hope for.
  • Thanks
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Democrats are running as outright socialists now, and winning. They've also with antifa, BLM and Maxine Watters proven they support violence to shut their opposition. And free speech is cause for punishment or expulsion in our educational system. What about that Democrats are headed to being Stalin, Mao and Lenin confuses you? When they actually win, do you really believe you will be safe to speak your views in public?

Yawn... calling these people on the horrible thing they do is hardly cutting out free speech. Fat ass Sanders still got up the next day and kept lying her fat ass off even though she didn't get dinner.

Get a fucking grip.
A synagogue locked out a film crew of a pro-life RvW movie being made in Louisiana when they found out that the movie was not pro-abortion.

The primary characteristic of jews is their refusal to accept God's law.

Okay.. .Please point out to me in the Bible where Abortion is prohibited.

We'll wait.
You're just flat out stupid. Trump called the leftist media the enemy of the people, not having a free press. Stop being a stupid dickwad and address what Trump actually said, liar. Obviously he hit a little too close to home for you since you need to lie about what he said

Um, what he said was pretty clear. Press that disagrees with him is the "Enemy of the People".

Do you think that the NYT is the "Enemy of the People".
Again your abysmal reading skills. That isn't what I said, Joe

Yeah, it kind of is... go away and stalk someone else.

Obviously you know it's not since you knew you needed to cut the quote.

And Sylvester was the worst Doctor other than Paul McGann, who barely counts.

He said he never watched the doctor and wanted to make the part his own. Considering that he was the seventh doctor, all he proved was that he was right, he never watched the doctor. You don't play a part for the seventh time without having a clue what made the show last successfully. And he didn't play it successfully
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Comparing Trump or any President to Hitler is absolutely stupid and out and out downplays the evil of Hitler.

First, 11 million deaths were ordered by Hitler, Trump 0.

You mean, "0, yet!"

Look, man, you can go on all day, but now we have concentration camps. The reason why Hitler got away with as much as he did was no one was willing to say 'no". And when it was all over, they said, "We were only following orders', right before we hung their asses. (Although, IMO not nearly enough.)

Hitler had the SS to thwart any attempts to take his power and force his will, Trump, nothing but tweets.

Um, yeah, we have ICE arresting people in hospitals, rounding up legal aliens on 18 year old misdemeanors, throwing kids into Concentration camps.

People that want to compare any political person in America today to Hitler automatically lose an argument. You have to be pretty ignorant of world history to even think it is close.

Um, no, actually, it's pretty close.

Hitler considered a free press "An Enemy of the People"- so does Trump.

Hitler scapegoated the Jews as the source of all Germany's problems. - Trump does this with Mexicans.

Hitler dehumanized the Jews. Trump dehumanizes people he doesn't like.

Hitler opened concentration camps for the "undesirables" before expelling them from Germany (exterminating them only came later).. So has Trump.
Hitler loved socialism so much he actually called his party national socialists....
A synagogue locked out a film crew of a pro-life RvW movie being made in Louisiana when they found out that the movie was not pro-abortion.

The primary characteristic of jews is their refusal to accept God's law.

Okay.. .Please point out to me in the Bible where Abortion is prohibited.

We'll wait.

jewish law is elaborated by jewish scholars. I do not remember any mention of
abortion in the bible
Democrats are running as outright socialists now, and winning. They've also with antifa, BLM and Maxine Watters proven they support violence to shut their opposition. And free speech is cause for punishment or expulsion in our educational system. What about that Democrats are headed to being Stalin, Mao and Lenin confuses you? When they actually win, do you really believe you will be safe to speak your views in public?

Yawn... calling these people on the horrible thing they do is hardly cutting out free speech. Fat ass Sanders still got up the next day and kept lying her fat ass off even though she didn't get dinner.

Get a fucking grip.

Nothing I said was calling people out. All of them were about using force and violence to silence free speech. If you disagree with that, address it. But don't respond to something that I didn't say. Your command of the English language is just abysmal, Joe. What can you possibly do to earn a living without speaking English? Do you pick fruit and mow lawns with the illegal aliens who can't speak English?
You're just flat out stupid. Trump called the leftist media the enemy of the people, not having a free press. Stop being a stupid dickwad and address what Trump actually said, liar. Obviously he hit a little too close to home for you since you need to lie about what he said

Um, what he said was pretty clear. Press that disagrees with him is the "Enemy of the People".

Do you think that the NYT is the "Enemy of the People".

What he said is clear, and that's not what he said. Again with the horrible reading comprehension. He called the press that lies the enemy of the people, not the press that "disagrees with him." Again, if you disagree with him, fine, address that. That you have to lie about what he said shows that he's hitting the mark ... and you know it ... You want the press to lie
A synagogue locked out a film crew of a pro-life RvW movie being made in Louisiana when they found out that the movie was not pro-abortion.

The primary characteristic of jews is their refusal to accept God's law.

Okay.. .Please point out to me in the Bible where Abortion is prohibited.

We'll wait.

You and the voices in your head? Obviously pro-lifers consider abortion to be murder, which is clearly in the bible. I'm pro-choice, but that doesn't mean that I can't read her post and understand what she said. You've got the worst reading skills, Joe. Just horrible
And Sylvester was the worst Doctor other than Paul McGann, who barely counts.

He said he never watched the doctor and wanted to make the part his own. Considering that he was the seventh doctor, all he proved was that he was right, he never watched the doctor. You don't play a part for the seventh time without having a clue what made the show last successfully. And he didn't play it successfully

Actually, you miss what I am doing with my AVI's...

Sylvester McCoy was the 7th Doctor. July is the Seventh month. Last month it was Colin Baker (who actually was the worst Doctor in my opinion). Sixth Doctor for June. Back in January, it was Bill Hartnell, and so on.

August, I'm going to split it up between Paul McGann and John Hurt, because they were both the "Eighth" Doctor.

Now, as far as McCoy's portrayal, I thought it was actually pretty good. I like him better than I liked Colin Baker and a lot better than Christopher Eccleston, who was pretty awful and really didn't understand the character. I did find his lisp a bit off putting.

Final note, EVERY actor has made the part his (and now her) own. That's kind of the point. If Patrick Troughton had just kept doing what Bill Hartnell did, the series probably wouldn't have lasted or become what it is.
You and the voices in your head? Obviously pro-lifers consider abortion to be murder, which is clearly in the bible. I'm pro-choice, but that doesn't mean that I can't read her post and understand what she said. You've got the worst reading skills, Joe. Just horrible

Except the Bible doesn't say abortion is murder. In fact, it says QUITE the opposite.

In fact, the Bible specifically says this.

Numbers 5

5:19 And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse: (5:19) "And the priest shall ... say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee ... be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse."
(5:20) "But if ... some man have lain with thee beside thine husband,"

(5:21) "The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell."

(5:22) "And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen."

So they had no problem causing an abortion in an unfaithful woman.

Then you have this little gem.

Exodus 21:22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

Sounds pretty clear to me. Killing a someone else's fetus is only worthy of a fine.
What he said is clear, and that's not what he said. Again with the horrible reading comprehension. He called the press that lies the enemy of the people, not the press that "disagrees with him."

The problem is, the Press isn't lying, is it? Oh, wait, it doesn't say what the Fuhrer wants to hear, so it must be lying.

You know for a "Libertarian", you aren't too clear on the whole "Liberty" thing. A free press is one that CAN criticize the President without being called "An Enemy of the People".
Final note, EVERY actor has made the part his (and now her) own. That's kind of the point. If Patrick Troughton had just kept doing what Bill Hartnell did, the series probably wouldn't have lasted or become what it is.

Conversations with you always end up being so dumbed down. Of course they didn't play the exact same doctor. But there is obviously a theme that makes the doctor who he is. You don't succeed in all those different people playing the same part in the same show without both variations and a theme.

McCoy said he had never watched the Doctor, and that was obvious. Clearly that's what I was saying. Again, your English comprehension is just horrible. McCoy said he had never seen the Doctor when he played the part. You thought that I meant every doctor was exactly the same? Seriously?

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