POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I see, so if I don't say why I don't ever post financial data, then you're allowed to make up the reason. If you want to know, here's how you do it. Hey kaz, why don't you post your financial information?

See how that works? Idiot

Why would I actually give a hoot about your financial data?

I don't know, your concern over my financials makes no sense to me. Yet here you are, repeatedly posting about it

LOL as if your Burger King table wiping tips are of interest to anyone.

Enjoy being paranoid
It is most unfortunate that there are Americans like you. You clearly are a dupe for the criminal ruling class.

You and those like you as well as those on the right who believe similar idiocy, are the reason why we are so divided. You are playing right into the hands for the criminal ruling class, but too stupid to know it.
Why don't you explain how valid comparisons are "idiocy"?
You just keep exposing yourself as an idiot.

There is no doubt Trump is a loud mouth buffoon but calling him a Nazi, merely makes you a fool. .

No doubt you ridiculed and laughed at those on the right you called Obama a dictator, Stalinist, commie...etc...yet you do the exact same thing with Trump. LMFAO!
I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned

Um, yeah, you did... but never mind...

You bragged now you needed to earn that every month in your crappy little print shop... And I laughed at you because that was often a slow week for me in PO's written.

Obviously you didn't provide a quote because there isn't one. I've never said numbers, liar

And yes, you said you were a paper pusher. So?
Apparently you're not really a Doctor Who fan.

see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Sylvester started out horribly because he just ran around following the script not knowing how to act. He was very unpopular. Many people thought the BBC cast him to kill the show. He started getting better, but he was already so unpopular that he was unrecoverable. Then the BBC did kill the show.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

I can't believe you need links for basic Doctor Who history. You don't even know that each Doctor was different, but there was a theme that ran through their behavior that tied them all together that they followed. How can you possibly not know that?

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

So you voted for W, left the party because the SCOTUS wouldn't let Gore steal the election, then you voted for W again four years later and left the party again four years after that because Romney.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

You need to work on your story.

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

Like that you have two jobs that pay $80K, but you have one job that pays $80K and you approved $80K a day in invoices as a purchasing guru. Do you notice a theme? You like the number $80K when you make shit up. That's the only reason I know that. Type $80K in the search box for JoeB.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I didn't say why I don't post that information and you didn't ask. You're just being an ass and making shit up. You're also wrong. That isn't why I don't post it. You'd know that if you asked me why I don't post it rather than tell me why I don't post it

What did I make up?

Be specific

You made up that I don't post financial information because I'm afraid someone will somehow get it and use it. I never said that and it's not the reason. You made it up, you were wrong
I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I see, so if I don't say why I don't ever post financial data, then you're allowed to make up the reason. If you want to know, here's how you do it. Hey kaz, why don't you post your financial information?

See how that works? Idiot

Why would I actually give a hoot about your financial data?

I don't know, your concern over my financials makes no sense to me. Yet here you are, repeatedly posting about it

LOL as if your Burger King table wiping tips are of interest to anyone.

Enjoy being paranoid

You keep posting about it and speculating why I won't provide financial information. Obviously you do care very much. I don't post financial information, sorry Toots. If you want to know why, all you have to do is ask without being a dick. But paranoia has zero to do with it. You're just making up your shit
Obviously you didn't provide a quote because there isn't one. I've never said numbers, liar

Sure you did.. not try to do backsies now. You wanted to impress people with your business acumen, and you just exposed yourself as a small business bottom-feeder.... The kind that used to buy me lunch hoping I'd push some paper in their direction.
ummm....pops..... FIRST of all, i DID make my feelings known during obama's term when so many UNACCOMPANIED minors were crossing the border b4 they got a grip on things. m'k? HOWEVER... let's get some facts straight:

1) under obama - they were unaccompanied minors.
this situation has parents AND kids coming together & forcibly separating them.

2) those seeking asylum, whether thru a port of entry or not is not a crime. obama didn't arrest those people along with run of the mill illegals running across the border.

3) it's OBVIOUS that when TRUMP'S policy went into effect, they had no other policies instructing on WHERE they go, or separated families can be tracked; let alone stay in contact NOR how they will be re-united.

4) why isn't the press or members of congress ( both D & Rs ) allowed full access to these for profit detention centers? why aren't they allowed to speak with any of the kids?

5) did any court ORDER the reunification of any families within 30 days under obama? a court has now. there are still some 2000 kids scattered somewhere. that clearly shows they had no intention of giving those kids back.

What is your solution?

certainly not trump's. there are willing & able congress critters desperate for reform & want to pass a comprehensive bill on a bi-partisan level, but paul ryan has shot down more than once for anything to even get to the floor. & trump was never really up for that... he's now even saying to wait until after the midterms. he's essentially kidnapped these kids to use as hostages to get his fucking wall.

i see you didn't address anything else in post.

I ask you first what was your solution, then you ripped on me and I asked again what is your solution and you tell me not Trumps, so, you fail to answer my question, I don’t see a need to address anything you post, see how that works?

actually i did answer you. the legislative branch needs to do this. that is why we elected them. they have to go by the constitution & be lawful when they do. trump hasn't from the start of his gestapo tactics. i ripped into you because you flat out lied both about me & obama doing the same thing that trump has done & for the same reason....& i called you out on those lies.

see how THAT works?

So your solution is you have nothing, let Congress handle it. Got it. So, they follow the Constitution and we still have thousands at the border seeking asylum and legal immigration and where are they housed until they are either processed or turned away?

my 'solution'? i am not in a position to have a solution. i am not of the powers that be that DO have that task. oh ya, neither do you, except to support a megalomaniac that has no real answer but to lock up people seeking asylum.

is your solution to IGNORE the constitution? got it. you still haven't addressed anything else that i listed pertaining to your blatant lies. i didn't think you would anyways, pops.
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Kaz, if Trump is trying to control the press, he is doing a very poor job at it. Hitler didn’t demean the press, he didn’t put it down, he took the whole damn thing over and controlled every letter that was printed and every word that was said, he owned them, the press wasn’t belittled it was a tool.

Obama had better control of the press than Trump could ever. Hope for.
Hitler didn't do it over night. Go to bed one evening, next morning, press owner! Things occurred over a period of time. And this time I am referring to, was the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust, not the Holocaust itself. The comparisons I am making have to do with Germany in the early 30's.

He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.

HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...
What is your solution?

certainly not trump's. there are willing & able congress critters desperate for reform & want to pass a comprehensive bill on a bi-partisan level, but paul ryan has shot down more than once for anything to even get to the floor. & trump was never really up for that... he's now even saying to wait until after the midterms. he's essentially kidnapped these kids to use as hostages to get his fucking wall.

i see you didn't address anything else in post.

I ask you first what was your solution, then you ripped on me and I asked again what is your solution and you tell me not Trumps, so, you fail to answer my question, I don’t see a need to address anything you post, see how that works?

actually i did answer you. the legislative branch needs to do this. that is why we elected them. they have to go by the constitution & be lawful when they do. trump hasn't from the start of his gestapo tactics. i ripped into you because you flat out lied both about me & obama doing the same thing that trump has done & for the same reason....& i called you out on those lies.

see how THAT works?

So your solution is you have nothing, let Congress handle it. Got it. So, they follow the Constitution and we still have thousands at the border seeking asylum and legal immigration and where are they housed until they are either processed or turned away?

my 'solution'? i am not in a position to have a solution. i am not of the powers that be that DO have that task. oh ya, neither do you, except to support a megalomaniac that has no real answer except to lock up people seeking asylum.

is your solution to IGNORE the constitution? got it. you still haven't addressed anything else that i listed pertaining to your blatant lies. i didn't think you would anyways, pops.

You never answered my question, you danced around it, I never expected an answer so, when you decide to answer, I’ll answer. Have a good day
certainly not trump's. there are willing & able congress critters desperate for
i said i have reform & want to pass a comprehensive bill on a bi-partisan level, but paul ryan has shot down more than once for anything to even get to the floor. & trump was never really up for that... he's now even saying to wait until after the midterms. he's essentially kidnapped these kids to use as hostages to get his fucking wall.

i see you didn't address anything else in post.

I ask you first what was your solution, then you ripped on me and I asked again what is your solution and you tell me not Trumps, so, you fail to answer my question, I don’t see a need to address anything you post, see how that works?

actually i did answer you. the legislative branch needs to do this. that is why we elected them. they have to go by the constitution & be lawful when they do. trump hasn't from the start of his gestapo tactics. i ripped into you because you flat out lied both about me & obama doing the same thing that trump has done & for the same reason....& i called you out on those lies.

see how THAT works?

So your solution is you have nothing, let Congress handle it. Got it. So, they follow the Constitution and we still have thousands at the border seeking asylum and legal immigration and where are they housed until they are either processed or turned away?

my 'solution'? i am not in a position to have a solution. i am not of the powers that be that DO have that task. oh ya, neither do you, except to support a megalomaniac that has no real answer except to lock up people seeking asylum.

is your solution to IGNORE the constitution? got it. you still haven't addressed anything else that i listed pertaining to your blatant lies. i didn't think you would anyways, pops.

You never answered my question, you danced around it, I never expected an answer so, when you decide to answer, I’ll answer. Have a good day

lol... you are full of shit. you just don't like my answer. you are a coward & can't defend your lies. enjoy YOUR day pops.
see, knew he couldn't help himself.

Can't make an argument, try to diss the other person. Kind of sad, really.

Actually, he probably dragged it out a few seasons longer.. as the BBC was ready to kill the show when Colin Baker was there.

Um, guy, you were the one who got on here and whined because Sly McCoy had his own interpretation... man, you are getting desperate for my attention, aren't you.

Um, nope... never said that. again, your reading comprehension skills are poor, aren't they?

Why, you still wouldn't understand it or just make stuff up.

I think the 80K was what you said you make a month... but, um yeah, 80K a year is what I make... Whole budget built around that and I'm well on my way.

I have never posted any of my earnings information on this or any other board. I've talked about the businesses I owned, but I never posted revenue or any other financial data from those either. So you fail ... again ...

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I didn't say why I don't post that information and you didn't ask. You're just being an ass and making shit up. You're also wrong. That isn't why I don't post it. You'd know that if you asked me why I don't post it rather than tell me why I don't post it

What did I make up?

Be specific

You made up that I don't post financial information because I'm afraid someone will somehow get it and use it. I never said that and it's not the reason. You made it up, you were wrong

I never said that...……………….take your pills

I do not give a shit about you, or your financial misinformation which is all you have
Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I see, so if I don't say why I don't ever post financial data, then you're allowed to make up the reason. If you want to know, here's how you do it. Hey kaz, why don't you post your financial information?

See how that works? Idiot

Why would I actually give a hoot about your financial data?

I don't know, your concern over my financials makes no sense to me. Yet here you are, repeatedly posting about it

LOL as if your Burger King table wiping tips are of interest to anyone.

Enjoy being paranoid

You keep posting about it and speculating why I won't provide financial information. Obviously you do care very much. I don't post financial information, sorry Toots. If you want to know why, all you have to do is ask without being a dick. But paranoia has zero to do with it. You're just making up your shit

Seriously kid, you are having delusions of grandeur if you think that anyone cares about your garbage pail kids card collection

So you seem to be having both delusions of grandeur and suffering from paranoid psychosis as well.

No I am not a shrinky, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night
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Obviously you didn't provide a quote because there isn't one. I've never said numbers, liar

Sure you did.. not try to do backsies now. You wanted to impress people with your business acumen, and you just exposed yourself as a small business bottom-feeder.... The kind that used to buy me lunch hoping I'd push some paper in their direction.

Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I didn't say why I don't post that information and you didn't ask. You're just being an ass and making shit up. You're also wrong. That isn't why I don't post it. You'd know that if you asked me why I don't post it rather than tell me why I don't post it

What did I make up?

Be specific

You made up that I don't post financial information because I'm afraid someone will somehow get it and use it. I never said that and it's not the reason. You made it up, you were wrong

I do not give a shit about you, or your financial misinformation which is all you have

It's in your quote, dumb ass.

And how is my financial information "misinformation" when I haven't posted it? You're dumb as a brick.

And stop asking about it if you don't care. You're such an idiot. I don't talk about my financials, but not for the stupid reason you made up. If you want to know, just ask
I see, so if I don't say why I don't ever post financial data, then you're allowed to make up the reason. If you want to know, here's how you do it. Hey kaz, why don't you post your financial information?

See how that works? Idiot

Why would I actually give a hoot about your financial data?

I don't know, your concern over my financials makes no sense to me. Yet here you are, repeatedly posting about it

LOL as if your Burger King table wiping tips are of interest to anyone.

Enjoy being paranoid

You keep posting about it and speculating why I won't provide financial information. Obviously you do care very much. I don't post financial information, sorry Toots. If you want to know why, all you have to do is ask without being a dick. But paranoia has zero to do with it. You're just making up your shit

Seriously kid, you are having delusions of grandeur if you think that anyone cares about your garbage pail kids card collection

So you seem to be having both delusions of grandeur and suffering from paranoid psychosis as well.

No I am not a shrinky, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night

You've asked way to many times about my financials to claim you don't care
Again for the slow, there are people who know every one of your credit card numbers and thus know everything you have bought on credit, do you think you need to post that info here for them to know it?

And why are you so paranoid

I didn't say why I don't post that information and you didn't ask. You're just being an ass and making shit up. You're also wrong. That isn't why I don't post it. You'd know that if you asked me why I don't post it rather than tell me why I don't post it

What did I make up?

Be specific

You made up that I don't post financial information because I'm afraid someone will somehow get it and use it. I never said that and it's not the reason. You made it up, you were wrong

I do not give a shit about you, or your financial misinformation which is all you have

It's in your quote, dumb ass.

And how is my financial information "misinformation" when I haven't posted it? You're dumb as a brick.

And stop asking about it if you don't care. You're such an idiot. I don't talk about my financials, but not for the stupid reason you made up. If you want to know, just ask

First of all kid, since I do not know any of your financial info, you are exhibiting paranoid delusions in your insistence that I do know your financial data. What I find comical is that you seem to be admitting that you work for Burger King table cleaning tips as that is what I said that you do for a living.

Yawn, seriously, if the doctor gave you pills, it's time to take them
Why would I actually give a hoot about your financial data?

I don't know, your concern over my financials makes no sense to me. Yet here you are, repeatedly posting about it

LOL as if your Burger King table wiping tips are of interest to anyone.

Enjoy being paranoid

You keep posting about it and speculating why I won't provide financial information. Obviously you do care very much. I don't post financial information, sorry Toots. If you want to know why, all you have to do is ask without being a dick. But paranoia has zero to do with it. You're just making up your shit

Seriously kid, you are having delusions of grandeur if you think that anyone cares about your garbage pail kids card collection

So you seem to be having both delusions of grandeur and suffering from paranoid psychosis as well.

No I am not a shrinky, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night

You've asked way to many times about my financials to claim you don't care

I have never ask about your financials.

Were you ever hospitalized because the Wizard from The Wizard of Oz visits you in dreams and tells you to do things?
I didn't say why I don't post that information and you didn't ask. You're just being an ass and making shit up. You're also wrong. That isn't why I don't post it. You'd know that if you asked me why I don't post it rather than tell me why I don't post it

What did I make up?

Be specific

You made up that I don't post financial information because I'm afraid someone will somehow get it and use it. I never said that and it's not the reason. You made it up, you were wrong

I do not give a shit about you, or your financial misinformation which is all you have

It's in your quote, dumb ass.

And how is my financial information "misinformation" when I haven't posted it? You're dumb as a brick.

And stop asking about it if you don't care. You're such an idiot. I don't talk about my financials, but not for the stupid reason you made up. If you want to know, just ask

First of all kid, since I do not know any of your financial info, you are exhibiting paranoid delusions in your insistence that I do know your financial data. What I find comical is that you seem to be admitting that you work for Burger King table cleaning tips as that is what I said that you do for a living.

Yawn, seriously, if the doctor gave you pills, it's time to take them

But kaz, you're obviously poor and uneducated, exactly why you don't want handouts. Leftists are such morons
What did I make up?

Be specific

You made up that I don't post financial information because I'm afraid someone will somehow get it and use it. I never said that and it's not the reason. You made it up, you were wrong

I do not give a shit about you, or your financial misinformation which is all you have

It's in your quote, dumb ass.

And how is my financial information "misinformation" when I haven't posted it? You're dumb as a brick.

And stop asking about it if you don't care. You're such an idiot. I don't talk about my financials, but not for the stupid reason you made up. If you want to know, just ask

First of all kid, since I do not know any of your financial info, you are exhibiting paranoid delusions in your insistence that I do know your financial data. What I find comical is that you seem to be admitting that you work for Burger King table cleaning tips as that is what I said that you do for a living.

Yawn, seriously, if the doctor gave you pills, it's time to take them

But kaz, you're obviously poor and uneducated, exactly why you don't want handouts. Leftists are such morons

Have you ever seen this image?

I ask you first what was your solution, then you ripped on me and I asked again what is your solution and you tell me not Trumps, so, you fail to answer my question, I don’t see a need to address anything you post, see how that works?

actually i did answer you. the legislative branch needs to do this. that is why we elected them. they have to go by the constitution & be lawful when they do. trump hasn't from the start of his gestapo tactics. i ripped into you because you flat out lied both about me & obama doing the same thing that trump has done & for the same reason....& i called you out on those lies.

see how THAT works?

So your solution is you have nothing, let Congress handle it. Got it. So, they follow the Constitution and we still have thousands at the border seeking asylum and legal immigration and where are they housed until they are either processed or turned away?

my 'solution'? i am not in a position to have a solution. i am not of the powers that be that DO have that task. oh ya, neither do you, except to support a megalomaniac that has no real answer except to lock up people seeking asylum.

is your solution to IGNORE the constitution? got it. you still haven't addressed anything else that i listed pertaining to your blatant lies. i didn't think you would anyways, pops.

You never answered my question, you danced around it, I never expected an answer so, when you decide to answer, I’ll answer. Have a good day

lol... you are full of shit. you just don't like my answer. you are a coward & can't defend your lies. enjoy YOUR day pops.

So you want others to fix it? Lol! That is what is happening now and you don’t like it. See, you just want to bitch to bitch and it doesn’t matter what the President comes up with, you will bitch. Just be honest.

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