POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
Hitler didn't do it over night. Go to bed one evening, next morning, press owner! Things occurred over a period of time. And this time I am referring to, was the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust, not the Holocaust itself. The comparisons I am making have to do with Germany in the early 30's.

He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.

HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...

Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I didn’t vote for Trump, have no intention on voting for Trump in the future, never have given a dime to his campaign, I have criticized Trump for his handling his Tweets, his bombing of Syria, his handling of the restaurant, his spending and his tax cuts, and other issues, why do you lie that I’m a Trump supporter?

I believe that comparing Trump to Hitler is just plain stupid. It is not even close and then the left nuts claim that people at the border are in concentration camps, I simply point out that under Obama kids were kept in kennels, isn’t that like a concentration camps? Obama was never close to becoming Hitler, nor has any President for that matter. Just a stupid, ridiculous, uneducated comparison.
I look at this as another symptom of a culture in decay. We can't even communicate normally any more. We automatically reach for the worst possible word or comparison, talk ourselves into it, and run with it.

We've become terribly intellectually lazy and intellectually dishonest. This ain't good.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Trump? No.

His supporters? Some are, some aren’t.

What is of note is that virtually all of the [neo] Nazis and white nationalists I’ve seen are Trump supporters.
He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.
What am I wrong about?
He will never approach Hitler status
That's just stupid. Wait a sec. Smell my butt. Closer. Closer. Yeah, there, just a sec


Sorry guy, didn't know that was going to happen. Really ...

LOL, think about the first amendment and what you just said. You're not swift on the uptake.

And he called fake news the enemy of the people because they constantly lie. And he's right, they do and they are
A free press is a Constitutional right. Any infringement upon that right is an infringement against the Constitution.

"Fake news" is just a label Trump puts on anything he doesn't like to hear or see. It has nothing to do with the truth or falsehood of the media claim. It's his way of discrediting the source, because he's got no valid argument against it.

Calling a news source fake news doesn’t violate the Constitution. They are free to report whatever they like, we are all free to respond to what they report.

Bilbo's such a dumb ass. He's actually using the first amendment to restrict free speech. Fascists like him restrict speech however they can
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Trump? No.

His supporters? Some are, some aren’t.

What is of note is that virtually all of the [neo] Nazis and white nationalists I’ve seen are Trump supporters.
My guess is that Trump was/is so fixated on placating his "base", any part of it whatsoever, that he'd put up with damn near anything. And because he doesn't have the political or rhetorical skills to mitigate it, he just tries to ignore it.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Trump? No.

His supporters? Some are, some aren’t.

What is of note is that virtually all of the [neo] Nazis and white nationalists I’ve seen are Trump supporters.
My guess is that Trump was/is so fixated on placating his "base", any part of it whatsoever, that he'd put up with damn near anything. And because he doesn't have the political or rhetorical skills to mitigate it, he just tries to ignore it.
Faun spends a lot of time with neonazis. He would know
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Trump? No.

His supporters? Some are, some aren’t.

What is of note is that virtually all of the [neo] Nazis and white nationalists I’ve seen are Trump supporters.
My guess is that Trump was/is so fixated on placating his "base", any part of it whatsoever, that he'd put up with damn near anything. And because he doesn't have the political or rhetorical skills to mitigate it, he just tries to ignore it.
Faun spends a lot of time with neonazis. He would know
You never stop kazzing, do ya?
Proving that there are 25 - correction, now 26 - incredibly ignorant people on this board.

If Trump and his followers were truly Fascists, those critical of them would be in gulags or dead.

again, people Trump doesn't like are ALREADY in camps... have you not been paying attention?

You are a LAIR - but keep the lies going! It's a surefire way to ensure Trump wins in 2020.
Serious question.

I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.

Please vote and comment, thanks.
Trump? No.

His supporters? Some are, some aren’t.

What is of note is that virtually all of the [neo] Nazis and white nationalists I’ve seen are Trump supporters.
My guess is that Trump was/is so fixated on placating his "base", any part of it whatsoever, that he'd put up with damn near anything. And because he doesn't have the political or rhetorical skills to mitigate it, he just tries to ignore it.
Trump's a racist. Always has been. Going back to even before the Central Park 5, when he literally wrote an op ed saying they should stay in jail even after DNA proved they were innocent. That was decades before he led the Birther Shit, that energized the neonazi wing of what now passes for the GOP. He's not doing it to placate his base, he's with them. All he has to do is say what he really believes.

He's not the first racist we've had as potus. Even post-WWII, Truman certainly started out one, but one measure of his greatness is he sincerely rejected it. And we're not talking bigot here, which is just not liking a group, we're talking about denying them equal rights. I don't think you can argue Nixon was anything but a racist.
Hitler didn't do it over night. Go to bed one evening, next morning, press owner! Things occurred over a period of time. And this time I am referring to, was the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust, not the Holocaust itself. The comparisons I am making have to do with Germany in the early 30's.

He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.

HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...

Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i wasn't distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.
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But kaz, you're obviously poor and uneducated, exactly why you don't want handouts. Leftists are such morons

Have you ever seen this image?


No, apparently that's just you

But ninjas are interested in the 75 dollars you have in your emergency account

That has nothing to do with my reason. That's the reason you keep making up because it's the only thing you can think of because you're not very smart. You can stop asking how much I make now because I'm not going to tell you
I have never ask you how much you make your belief that I care shows delusions.


calling him delusion is being kind.
my 'solution'? i am not in a position to have a solution. i am not of the powers that be that DO have that task. oh ya, neither do you, except to support a megalomaniac that has no real answer except to lock up people seeking asylum.

is your solution to IGNORE the constitution? got it. you still haven't addressed anything else that i listed pertaining to your blatant lies. i didn't think you would anyways, pops.

You never answered my question, you danced around it, I never expected an answer so, when you decide to answer, I’ll answer. Have a good day

lol... you are full of shit. you just don't like my answer. you are a coward & can't defend your lies. enjoy YOUR day pops.

So you want others to fix it? Lol! That is what is happening now and you don’t like it. See, you just want to bitch to bitch and it doesn’t matter what the President comes up with, you will bitch. Just be honest.

noooooooooooooo............. another lie. i said i personally cannot fix it. i understand why you need to twist my words to suit your agenda here. kinda like what trump does. just like when he said that obama did the same thing re: border crossing... that you regurgitated when you lied earlier.

i can however, help get the right people elected that WANT to do something... are WILLING to do something that will address that--- & come up with the appropriations on how to do it right. oh, btw.... i can tell you what SHOULDN'T have been done. your president SHOULDN'T have implemented a policy with no clear directive & no clear exit plan. no wristbands.... no DNA samples.... instead he creates a crisis & is now ordered to put the broken pieces back together.

don't you come to me... reply to me first & from the get go - you lie. that sets up the entire exchange. i'm gonna speak out about an obviously bone headed incompetent crisis creating reality star because he had no clear cut policy when HE started this mess, & any body that needs to lie--- like you---- who are trying to defend him. now is this where YOU bitch to me because you still support separating families with no real oversight?

This was what I posted, where are the lies?
Conditions were similar under Obama, in 2014 they had kids in kennels, where was your outrage, where were you in comparing Obama to Trump?What would you like to be done to remedy the situation? We have a large influx wanting to come into “Nazi” America, what is your solution?

The only statement I made was the kids in kennels in 2014, which is true, the last part was asking you if you were outraged and what is your solution. So if asking questions are now considered lies, I’m guilty.

you intimated that i had no outrage because i must be as extreme in my views about obama as you apparently are w/ trump.. you certainly phrased it with a total bias bent. the rest i answered you but you thought that answer wasn't satisfactory thereby giving yourself an out for not answering me. see? i answered your Qs & you haven't answered mine.
yep... guilty.
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He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.

HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...

Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i am not distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.
He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.

HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...

Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i am not distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.


Doesnt contradict what i said, plaything
Have you ever seen this image?


No, apparently that's just you

But ninjas are interested in the 75 dollars you have in your emergency account

That has nothing to do with my reason. That's the reason you keep making up because it's the only thing you can think of because you're not very smart. You can stop asking how much I make now because I'm not going to tell you
I have never ask you how much you make your belief that I care shows delusions.


calling him delusion is being kind.
Circle jerking leftists
Hitler didn't do it over night. Go to bed one evening, next morning, press owner! Things occurred over a period of time. And this time I am referring to, was the 10 years leading up to the Holocaust, not the Holocaust itself. The comparisons I am making have to do with Germany in the early 30's.

He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.

HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...

Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

Obama took to campaigning for 2012 iI didn’t vote for Trump, have no intention on voting for Trump in the future, never have given a dime to his campaign, I have criticized Trump for his handling his Tweets, his bombing of Syria, his handling of the restaurant, his spending and his tax cuts, and other issues, why do you lie that I’m a Trump supporter?

I believe that comparing Trump to Hitler is just plain stupid. It is not even close and then the left nuts claim that people at the border are in concentration camps, I simply point out that under Obama kids were kept in kennels, isn’t that like a concentration camps? Obama was never close to becoming Hitler, nor has any President for that matter. Just a stupid, ridiculous, uneducated comparison.

See kaz’s Post on how you divert.

uh-huh. sure. & kaz is a fool that i cannot take seriously. & i stand by my opinion of trump & i have defended my reasons.

CDZ - I want to know something
HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...

Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i am not distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.
HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...

Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i am not distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.


Doesnt contradict what i said, plaything

of course it does. & try cleaning up your post...
He will be out of office in 2020, then what will you say? And you re very wrong.

HUH? WHAT? you don't think he'll run again or you don't think he'll win? cause the dotard has been campaigning for 2020 practically from the first day he took office...

Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I didn’t vote for Trump, have no intention on voting for Trump in the future, never have given a dime to his campaign, I have criticized Trump for his handling his Tweets, his bombing of Syria, his handling of the restaurant, his spending and his tax cuts, and other issues, why do you lie that I’m a Trump supporter?

I believe that comparing Trump to Hitler is just plain stupid. It is not even close and then the left nuts claim that people at the border are in concentration camps, I simply point out that under Obama kids were kept in kennels, isn’t that like a concentration camps? Obama was never close to becoming Hitler, nor has any President for that matter. Just a stupid, ridiculous, uneducated comparison.
I look at this as another symptom of a culture in decay. We can't even communicate normally any more. We automatically reach for the worst possible word or comparison, talk ourselves into it, and run with it.

We've become terribly intellectually lazy and intellectually dishonest. This ain't good.

well mac- we danced on a thread concerning exactly this in the CDZ. i follwed the rules & gave links & examples to boot. so you won't be hanging that 'intellectually lazy and intellectually dishonest' hat on me, thank-you very much.
Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i am not distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.
Hmmm, did I say he wouldn’t run? How dumb are you really? I said he’d be out of office, you figure the rest out. Nice diversion.

no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i am not distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.


Doesnt contradict what i said, plaything

of course it does. & try cleaning up your post...

No it doesnt, idiot. I said you divert. You replied you dont care. That doesnt contradict what i said
well mac- we danced on a thread concerning exactly this in the CDZ. i follwed the rules & gave links & examples to boot. so you won't be hanging that 'intellectually lazy and intellectually dishonest' hat on me, thank-you very much.
If you're a partisan ideologue, you're intellectually lazy and intellectually dishonest.

You'll provide links and examples of that which supports your point, and ignore/avoid/distort that which does not.

Existing in an ideological vacuum does that to people.
no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i am not distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.
no, i don't do diversions. i don't know what you meant by he wouldn't run, that is why i asked.

see how that works?

clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the way you did. i can't be bothered trying to figure out what is in the mind of a trump supporter-- it's too swampy. that is why i asked you to clarify. 'diversion'? lol.... use a dictionary & find out what that means.

I agree with your statement that you asked what he meant by Trump won't be in office in 2020 since he did sayTrump won't be in office.

But your statement you don't do diversions is a lie since you called Trump a "dotard" in the question. When you ask genuine questions, you don't detract from the question by making statements like that because it is exactly diversion since it clearly lessens the chance you'll get a real answer.

Also, reading your posts, you divert all the time.

I insult leftists all the time in my posts. I don't deny it's a diversion, it is. I just don't believe you're capable of honest answers, so I've stopped trying. But I don't deny what I'm doing like you do

i shall call trump any name i please since he lowered the bar on name calling m'k? it's not a diversion at all. when obama or hillary or 'pokahontas' or anybody else has been called something other than their name- i am not distracted so easily.... why are you?

because you have proven to me in the past to be bat shit crazy.


Doesnt contradict what i said, plaything

of course it does. & try cleaning up your post...

No it doesnt, idiot. I said you divert. You replied you dont care. That doesnt contradict what i said

it means you aren't credible. so nothing you say can be including this latest line of crap.
well mac- we danced on a thread concerning exactly this in the CDZ. i follwed the rules & gave links & examples to boot. so you won't be hanging that 'intellectually lazy and intellectually dishonest' hat on me, thank-you very much.
If you're a partisan ideologue, you're intellectually lazy and intellectually dishonest.

You'll provide links and examples of that which supports your point, and ignore/avoid/distort that which does not.

Existing in an ideological vacuum does that to people.

we also had a b/f about the fact that i have voted (D) (R) & green party, nor am i a registered anything. you? hmmmm..... it would be nice to hear the same from you. iam pretty certain what that answer might be. i could be wrong, but i'm not feeling it....lol...

oh & on that very CDZ thread- welcomed a counter point... point by point to CONtradict my opinions. NOBODY took me up on it. why not?

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