POLL: Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

Are Trump and his supporters Nazis?

  • Yes - I do believe this

    Votes: 27 19.1%
  • No - It's just partisan hyperbole

    Votes: 100 70.9%
  • Schnitzel

    Votes: 14 9.9%

  • Total voters
Serious question.
I see this term tossed around pretty regularly in various ways.
Please vote and comment, thanks.

Calling Trumpeters Nazis is just another lazy ploy by the Left. Nazism was a monarchy of total government control. As Trump said repeatedly, both he and his supporters are for limited small constitutional government. Neither Trump nor his supporters are for a monarchy nor total government control---- just total government control of commies and socialists and for a limited, small democratic party government. :p
The answer to the first part is in the quote and the second part makes no sense
That's not my point. That's your little bullshit strawman.

Your point was whatever it takes to fill your leftist greed for other people's money. It's the dumbest talking point in your endlessly inane ideology. People who want to keep what they earned are greedy. People who want other people's money are just getting what's owed to them, baby
Why are you afraid to answer the question? Are you pretending that it is not a reasonable question for a lefty who has shown that she supports using brown shirt tactics in response to political speech she does not like?

afraid? of what? YOU? you give yourself much more credit than you deserve.

for fucks sake---i answered you. & i JUST said that no matter what, you'll believe what you want, see what you want, hear what you want , because you need something for your paranoid, angry, misguided brain to wrap around so you can actually feel something other than that numbness in your head. ya, that's the ticket.

now, time for you to come up with some more delusional fantasies.... it's all you got. btw, i'm STILL waiting for you to cough up your evidence showing my ACTIONS, that you claim you have done 'in the past'.

you lie so much,, i am sure you believe it. so, c'mon... hop to it. lol...lol...LOL....

You lied to support the justification for violence by your side violent brown shirts.

That is an action showing support for using street violence in response to political speech by your political enemies.

NOt a normal thing in America. Not by far.

Hence, my simple question. Are you a marxist? YES OR NO.

i don't lie. why are you? i said i don't condone violence. never have been involved in any violent act. never will unless my body is touched. i said i understand WHY it happens. so where in any of that do you get off saying otherwise?

because you are out of your fucking mind & delusional beyond anybody else i've crossed paths on this board. i answered you already on whether or not i am a marxist. not good enough for you? that falls under too fucking bad. i do see that you still haven't shown anything by me that validates your delusions or you would have produced something... anything that would.

you = :cuckoo:

me = :fu:

1. You lied to provide political cover for your side's use of violence in response to speech.

That is actively supporting violence.

2. YOu say you answered the question, but I've read all your replies, and I still don't know if you are a marxist or not.

Are you a marxist, yes or no?

lol... 'my side'..... i don't have a 'side'. i certainly lean left but i am not a liberal. i am not even a (D). i answered you when i said i was as much a marxist as you are. & i don't lie.

but you just did. again. as usual. don't you get tired of it?

You did lie in order to provide political cover for the violence of the left's street thugs.

That was an act of support, and your denial is not credible.

YOur "answer" such as it was, to whether or not you are a marxist, was evasive, at best.

You obviously do have a side.

Are you a marxist or not?
I look at this as another symptom of a culture in decay. We can't even communicate normally any more. We automatically reach for the worst possible word or comparison, talk ourselves into it, and run with it.

We've become terribly intellectually lazy and intellectually dishonest. This ain't good.

No, what isn't good is sending kids to concentration camps...

That's what's not good.

I'm sure that there were apologists in 1930's Germany... Some of them didn't even get to explore new career opportunities as bars of soap and lampshades.
Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Your President never called "the free press" the enemy of the people." He insulted leftist fake news. So just to be clear, when Obama insulted Fox news and the new media, he was calling for the elimination of the press. That's what you heard? Of course not, liar.

Did he ever call them "the Enemy of the People"? Um, no, he didn't.

Trump did say that about the other four networks and the NYT.

Yes, he's right. Fake news is the enemy of the American people. They use their platform to lie and manipulate idiots like you. You said he called having a free press the enemy of the people, is this your concession he didn't?

Sorry, a Free Press to me is one that can criticize the president, and guess what, we can make up our own minds about whether or not it's valid. Frankly, my complaint with the MSM is that they keep trying to normalize Trump.

Due process is a judicial process, Joe. Double jeopardy means you can't be tried in court for the same crime twice. Multiple investigations into the crime aren't considered jeopardy. Don't hurt yourself, but think about it. "Jeopardy" means when a jury determines your fate. Investigations can't convict you. I can't believe you don't know that

Okay... you had 8 investigations into Benghazi, and 3 into Emails, and fucking Whitewater dragged on for a decade, and you guys haven't gotten anywhere NEAR getting Mrs. Clinton into a courtroom. So, yeah, a President threatening to throw a political opponent in jail when fair and biased against her investigations have cleared her, there's a word for that.

So you’re saying the president can’t use free speech to criticize the free press?
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My god you're stupid. You're saying trump has no free speech to even criticize the media who constantly lie about him. I mean duh
That's not what I'm saying, that's not what I said. Why do you keep responding to something you don't know? Why do you keep making up my own argument for me? What are you afraid of?

BTW, what did the media lie about?
My god you're stupid. You're saying trump has no free speech to even criticize the media who constantly lie about him. I mean duh
That's not what I'm saying, that's not what I said. Why do you keep responding to something you don't know? Why do you keep making up my own argument for me? What are you afraid of?

BTW, what did the media lie about?

That's exactly what you said, dumb ass. You said for Trump to criticize any of the media is to attack the Constitution. You said that Trump has no right to free speech because to use free speech is to undercut free speech.

You really are that stupid
Your point was whatever it takes to fill your leftist greed for other people's money. It's the dumbest talking point in your endlessly inane ideology. People who want to keep what they earned are greedy. People who want other people's money are just getting what's owed to them, baby
Dude, you waffle more than IHOP!
Your point was whatever it takes to fill your leftist greed for other people's money. It's the dumbest talking point in your endlessly inane ideology. People who want to keep what they earned are greedy. People who want other people's money are just getting what's owed to them, baby
Dude, you waffle more than IHOP!
I heard conservatives go and eat at IHOP...........OMFG............bunch of dang Nazi's eat there...........

Lion's and Tigers and Bears.
That's exactly what you said, dumb ass. You said for Trump to criticize any of the media is to attack the Constitution. You said that Trump has no right to free speech because to use free speech is to undercut free speech.

You really are that stupid
No I did not say that. I said Trump calling the media the "enemy of the state", was an infringement on freedom of the press.

Do you have the balls to be honest?
That's exactly what you said, dumb ass. You said for Trump to criticize any of the media is to attack the Constitution. You said that Trump has no right to free speech because to use free speech is to undercut free speech.

You really are that stupid
No I did not say that. I said Trump calling the media the "enemy of the state", was an infringement on freedom of the press.

Do you have the balls to be honest?

Did it stop them from telling their Lies............Tabloids more like it...........They are now longer news..............They are BS.
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