POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

Do you agree with this plan?

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Magaturds are authoritarians.
This is another part of this that I just didn't see -- this intense, innate need of theirs to be ruled and inspired by an iconic, aggressive, punitive strongman.

As I always say, the world has seen this before, but I never thought I would see it HERE.

I just don't understand politics.
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Just proves your comrade lied.
Sure.............Nothing like Trump.

Trump renews threats to withhold federal funds from ...​

https://www.cnn.com › trump-sanctuary-city-coronavirus

Apr 30, 2020 — As states sought federal support to combat coronavirus in recent days, President Donald Trump teased withholding aid to cities that limit ...

Trump Threatens To Cut Off Funding To States That Plan ...​

https://www.npr.org › 2020/05/20 › trump-threatens-to-c...

May 20, 2020 — President Trump has threatened to cut off unspecified federal funding to Michigan and Nevada because of their plans to expand absentee ...

Trump threatens to cut federal funds from schools that don't ...​

https://www.politico.com › news › 2020/07/08 › trum...

Jul 8, 2020 — President Donald Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos are threatening to cut federal funding if schools don't fully physically reopen, ...
Now xidens regime is coming up with new unfunded mandates with the threat of withholding fed funds. He's insisting on destroying girls/women's sports.

You're FOS.

OKLAHOMA CITY - Attorney General John O’Connor has joined a coalition of 26 state attorneys general calling on President Joe Biden to withdraw the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) new guidance on sex discrimination for schools and programs that receive federal nutritional assistance. The coalition says recent guidance from the USDA imposes new—and unlawful—regulatory measures on state agencies and operators receiving federal financial assistance from the USDA.

On May 5th, 2022, the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), announced it would expand its interpretation of the prohibition on sex discrimination found in Title IX to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

As a result, any state, local agency, or program that receives federal funds through The Food and Nutrition Act and the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) -administered by the USDA- must in theory comply with this unlawful application of Bostock v. Clayton County and Title IX, or lose federal funding.

Teabaggers want to discriminate against students because they are homosexual or lesbian.
Not the intent of the Constitution.
You're FOS..........AGAIN.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion".

Texas wants to establish their religion in public schools, the 10 commandments.

"or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".

Clubs and groups separate from the entire school.

or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
A Democrat established the useless Department of Education.
No shit.
The US school rankings have gone down ever since. FACT.
Just because you say FACT, doesn't make it so.

Americans who went to school during the 1960s ranked a respectable 3rd; those schooled in the 1970s ranked 5th. But 16- to 25-year-olds, adults who were wandering America's school hallways during the 1980s and 1990s, ranked 14th.Jul 14, 2006

Ticket to Nowhere - Education Next​

Education Next
https://www.educationnext.org › tickettonowhere

That's because Reagan and every republican elected since cut funding for the DOE.

The GOP's 40 Year Crusade to Gut the Department of ...​

An Injustice!
https://aninjusticemag.com › the-gops-40-year-crusade...

Apr 25, 2022 — The budget plan I submit to you on Feb. 8 will realize major savings by dismantling the Department of Education,” said Ronald Reagan in his ...

I thought you said you knew the history of the Dept of Education?
The history of republicans, wanting to keep their cult STUPID.
What year was it established, and who was president?
1979 by Jimmy Carter.
As it should be, dumbass. Those of us who know better than Liberals know the Dept. of Education was formed in 1978 as payola to the teachers' unions for endorsing Jimmah Cahtah in 1976.
The DOE was formed in 1979.
His last year in office.
Before that, we had a quality educational system totally controlled AT THE LOCAL LEVEL as it should be.
UNTIL.........Reagan and every republican elected since, has CUT education funding.
The DOE was formed in 1979.
His last year in office.

UNTIL.........Reagan and every republican elected since, has CUT education funding.
You'll notice they've moved the conversation from the straight up authoritarian tactics they love to whether the department should exist.

As it turns out, this is who they have always been.
You'll notice they've moved the conversation from the straight up authoritarian tactics they love to whether the department should exist.

As it turns out, this is who they have always been.
Well, since their GOD stated in 1980.

Reagan May Renew Push to Abolish Education ...​

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 1984/11/21 › reag...

Nov 21, 1984 — The president vowed in his 1980 campaign to abolish the Education and Energy departments, but never succeeded, and Congess recently has been ...

And their dear leader.

Trump plans to abolish U.S. Education Department if elected​

Washington Times
https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › mar › tru...

Mar 4, 2023 — His successor, President Reagan, advocated for eliminating the department two years after its creation. Education has emerged as a hot issue ...

It shows too, the first trait of their DNA, is..................STUPIDITY.
Well, since their GOD stated in 1980.

Reagan May Renew Push to Abolish Education ...

View attachment 780118
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 1984/11/21 › reag...
Nov 21, 1984 — The president vowed in his 1980 campaign to abolish the Education and Energy departments, but never succeeded, and Congess recently has been ...

And their dear leader.

Trump plans to abolish U.S. Education Department if elected

View attachment 780120
Washington Times
https://www.washingtontimes.com › news › mar › tru...
Mar 4, 2023 — His successor, President Reagan, advocated for eliminating the department two years after its creation. Education has emerged as a hot issue ...

It shows too, the first trait of their DNA, is..................STUPIDITY.
If someone tells them what they want to believe, they'll follow that person to the ends of the earth, no matter what.
Fuck, let's go one better. Let's get rid of public education, and then return the tax dollars to the people. And the people who have kids can pay to have their kids educated or home school them.
I know you are joking... But there are some here that won't get it....

Fundamentally education has been free to children since the caveman...

We teach our children how to best able provide for themselves when we are gone...

When did we think monetising that was a good idea? When did we say that what we got for free as children, we should charge our children?
That's how McCarthyism & KKK worked, for you that was the good ole days.. Starting to understand what MAGA means..
Slander is par for the course for you people…

You MASA (Make America Suck Again) people wouldn’t understand MAGA if you actually had a functioning brain.
That's how McCarthyism & KKK worked, for you that was the good ole days.. Starting to understand what MAGA means..
You fucking retarded asshole! McCarthy had NOTHING to do with the KKK, that's YOUR conflating to make a FALSE point!
McCarthy was NOT wrong as witness the prevalent MARXISM TODAY that is destroying our nation!
God damn you are a fucking PSYCHOPATH lying asshole!

These kinds of poll results are why I'm done tiptoeing around the fact that many, far too many, Trumpsters are straight-up fascists. Things are gonna get ugly (or, rather, a lot uglier) if these motherfuckers get their way.


These Trump MAGA Fascists will send the FBI to monitor parents speaking out at local school boards; they will have Intel Agents LIE about Russian disinformation; they will Intel Agencies DIRECT Social media to censor opposition thoughts and statements; they will have the FBI spy on democrat candidates, campaigns and anyone associated with them!

Surely our Freedoms cannot survive under these Trump MAGA Fascists!
School should start at kindergarten. Shouldn't be no gender bendy books or anything outside the scope of

what they should be learning, either.

They didn't have "Head Start" in my day and actually kids did better back then.
Did kids in or below poverty level do better back then? Nope! They do better now, with head start. That's a proven fact.

States support this program, and know the importance, and some like Florida have instituted their own preschool programs to cover even more children.
Did kids in or below poverty level do better back then? Nope! They do better now, with head start. That's a proven fact.

States support this program, and know the importance, and some like Florida have instituted their own preschool programs to cover even more children.
Kids at or below poverty level did do better academically back then. Also I live in FL.
I looked like a white spot when I went to kindergarten and was jealous of kids using yesterday's Sno-Ball lil wooden
"spoon" with a medium sugared pack of Kool-Aid for Fun Dip. And that WAS a thing.
Why was it called a "Sno-Ball"? Because it was a Sno-Cone with a little round gumball at the very bottom.
I'll do one better.

Abolish the entire Dept of Ed at the federal level.

Return education to the states and the localities as it should be.

Done. The end.
Actually No...

All kids(American Citizens) deserve an equal right to education, one of the important part of Federal government is to that equality in place...

Other wise you have places like Kansas cutting education budget to give tax cuts to rich people.

Children of America are Citizens of America and deserve rights... I see how you want rob them of those rights but there are people who will stand up to you and your ilk...

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