POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

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THAT was because of another corrupt, incompetent republican.


View attachment 779810
The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › 1985/09/17 › business › us-t...
Sep 17, 1985 — President Reagan has in recent days repeatedly reaffirmed his longstanding commitment to free trade and has threatened to veto protectionist ...

U.S. Becomes World's No. 1 Debtor Nation

View attachment 779811
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 1986/06/25 › us-b...
Jun 25, 1986 — President Reagan has brushed off the significance of growing foreign debt as a problem for the economy, asserting that it shows the strength of ...


View attachment 779812
Deseret News
https://www.deseret.com › america-lengthens-lead-as-t...
Jun 29, 1988 — America's foreign debt soared to $368.2 billion in 1987 as the country lengthened its lead as the world's largest debtor nation, ...

Education does benefit everyone, to bad teabaggers don't have any.
Their dear leader(s) like their cult STUPID.

Because he is a criminal, traitor and is dumb as a stump.

How will teabaggers get their welfare checks?
A Democrat established the useless Department of Education.

The US school rankings have gone down ever since. FACT.

I thought you said you knew the history of the Dept of Education?

What year was it established, and who was president?
They do not run it...that's simply not true.

The states run their own education... with their own board of education on what to teach, when to teach etc.

The federal dept of education's involvement is primarily involved with funding school lunches for the poor, and funding to spread out pre school...head start.
Head Start is where the indoctrination begins.
These kinds of poll results are why I'm done tiptoeing around the fact that many, far too many, Trumpsters are straight-up fascists. Things are gonna get ugly (or, rather, a lot uglier) if these motherfuckers get their way.
Good. Bring it. It's about damn time things got real.
Just like Reagan.
Teabaggers want a free-for-all on educating America's school children.......and it shows.
Indoctrinated, dumbasses is what Reagan wanted too.


In his State of the Union speech, President Ronald Reagan calls for the end of the Department of Education. Reagan says he believes that decisions about education should be made at the local level and that the federal government should play only a minor role in the nation’s schools. The speech stirs a debate in Congress. In the end, the department is funded, although at lower levels than in the past.
As it should be, dumbass. Those of us who know better than Liberals know the Dept. of Education was formed in 1978 as payola to the teachers' unions for endorsing Jimmah Cahtah in 1976. Before that, we had a quality educational system totally controlled AT THE LOCAL LEVEL as it should be.
As it should be, dumbass. Those of us who know better than Liberals know the Dept. of Education was formed in 1978 as payola to the teachers' unions for endorsing Jimmah Cahtah in 1976. Before that, we had a quality educational system totally controlled AT THE LOCAL LEVEL as it should be.
He said he knew the history of the Dept of Education, but he didn't know the history of the Dept of Education.

Thank you.
As it should be, dumbass. Those of us who know better than Liberals know the Dept. of Education was formed in 1978 as payola to the teachers' unions for endorsing Jimmah Cahtah in 1976. Before that, we had a quality educational system totally controlled AT THE LOCAL LEVEL as it should be.
There is no excuse for the Weingarten bitch to even exist.
As it should be, dumbass. Those of us who know better than Liberals know the Dept. of Education was formed in 1978 as payola to the teachers' unions for endorsing Jimmah Cahtah in 1976. Before that, we had a quality educational system totally controlled AT THE LOCAL LEVEL as it should be.
Government worker unions weren't allowed then, either.
Head Start is where the indoctrination begins.
I doubt you'd believe that if you ever attended it, as a volunteer/helper. :)

Kids who attend preschool and kindergarten actually do have a HEAD START in their education and life itself, than those who do not, for the most part.

It's a good thing!
I doubt you'd believe that if you ever attended it, as a volunteer/helper. :)

Kids who attend preschool and kindergarten actually do have a HEAD START in their education and life itself, than those who do not, for the most part.

It's a good thing!
School should start at kindergarten. Shouldn't be no gender bendy books or anything outside the scope of

what they should be learning, either.

They didn't have "Head Start" in my day and actually kids did better back then.
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

Magaturds are authoritarians. People actually paying attention know this already. Status quo or bust yo azz! :rolleyes:

Call 'em on it, they double down on being the exact opposite of you, no matter how ridiculous or scientifically unsound the stance might take them purely out of grievance. And loss. EDIT: And hate. Children who didn't get their cookies from a fabricated con man they still believe 'hasn't dun nuttin' wrong'.

This is where we are. :dunno: It will eventually pass. Wear a helmet, bud.
Magaturds are authoritarians. People actually paying attention know this already. Status quo or bust yo azz! :rolleyes:

Call 'em on it, they double down on being the exact opposite of you, no matter how ridiculous or scientifically unsound the stance might take them purely out of grievance. And loss. EDIT: And hate. Children who didn't get their cookies from a fabricated con man they still believe 'hasn't dun nuttin' wrong'.

This is where we are. :dunno: It will eventually pass. Wear a helmet, bud.
Don’t “AUTHORITARIANS” champion the suppression of free speech, don’t they collude with a complicit media/social media, don’t they force people to stop working and pursuing happiness, don’t they force people to take medicine they don’t want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers they don’t want to wear, don’t they stop enforcing the laws The People have laid on the books, don’t they oppose the peoples rights granted by our founders?
Are you Libs sure you know what authoritarianism is?
Magaturds are authoritarians. People actually paying attention know this already. Status quo or bust yo azz! :rolleyes:

Call 'em on it, they double down on being the exact opposite of you, no matter how ridiculous or scientifically unsound the stance might take them purely out of grievance. And loss. EDIT: And hate. Children who didn't get their cookies from a fabricated con man they still believe 'hasn't dun nuttin' wrong'.

This is where we are. :dunno: It will eventually pass. Wear a helmet, bud.
If that's so; Sucks to be you. Oh yeah, it'll pass. It won't be pretty.
Ain't no helmet gonna save ya.

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