POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

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These kinds of poll results are why I'm done tiptoeing around the fact that many, far too many, Trumpsters are straight-up fascists. Things are gonna get ugly (or, rather, a lot uglier) if these motherfuckers get their way.
Why did Trump win in 2016? Plenty of reasons.
Nope. Just one. Hillary was a shit candidate. The Democrats never should have ran her. Her MSM buddies pushed trump during the primaries thinking he'd be easy to beat, but she was such a shit candidate too many people voted third party.

Hillary got 48.2% of the vote, 2.1% more than Trump, 1% more than Romney, 2.5% more than McCain, 0.1% less than Kerry....

The amount of people who vote doesn't always matter, Hillary lost Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. 75 EC votes. Had she won those, she'd have been on 302, and Trump on 229.

She lost about 2% of votes in Florida compared to Obama, about 4.5% in PA, 7% in Michigan and about 7% in Wisconsin.

She got slightly less votes than Obama in 2016, though there were about 2 million more voters.
Yes, she lost those states because third party candidates drew off the vote. Because she was a shit candidate.

But to hear Vichy Mac tell it, it was because Democrats didn't listen to whiny white people like him who were upset about Political Correctness. (Even though Hillary did next to nothing to really pander to the far left.)
Let me guess, they knew before they started walking. You see, my little indoctrinated lemming, it doesn’t matter. The real truth is they didn’t know anything about sexuality until whatever “switch” was flipped that caused the issue. I personally don’t care when they think they figured it out, the point is that it is an illness that needs treatment.

Um, wow. Really? So you think everyone would be straight and cis if no one told them LGBTQ was a thing (even though we've had them all throughout history, even when the penalty was death for doing it.)

So let's look at this. Why is it an "illness"? Because it make YOU uncomfortable? Sounds like you are the one with the Problem, Cleetus

If a child has ADHD we either give them medicine or provide them with methods for coping with the issue. We don’t persecute them but we also don’t encourage ADHD behavior because it is detrimental to them and to our society.

Actually, a lot of what we do to treat ADHD is kind of messed up. We drug up these kids to make them more manageable, but they aren't really helping them. And of course, the condition is massively overdiagnosed.

You were likely beat up on a daily basis by a person from the South. Your have an unhealthy level of disdain for all things Southern. YOU are the kind of people we don’t want here.
Yes, I have a disdain for people who wear their ignorance and racism like badges of honor.
I'm of German Ancestry. What Germans did during WWII shames me, even though I had nothing personal to do with it and my dad had a hand in stopping it. (He was a Medic and Translator in the US Army in WWII). You would never find a German today who proudly looks back at the Third Reich.

But you fucking inbreds just look at the CSA like that's a moment to be proud of. Don't take down my statue of the War leader who started the Klan.

I guess you fail to realize that despite the major, students are being indoctrinated. If you are an engineering major, you still have humanities electives that are taught by ex-hippies.
Um, wow, really? You think this is what dun-der goes on in University? Hey, guy, I went to a four year school in IL, and while the professors were mostly liberal (although I did have one PolSci class taught by a Republican who went on to be Lt. Gov.) there was hardly any indoctrination going on. If there were, as a Campus Republican, (oh, I'm so embarrased to admit this), I'd have never gotten a degree with the views I had at the time.

I currently write resumes, and I haven't seen one new grad tell me that they were a major in intersectional feminism. Nearly every last one of them is vocation oriented.

The left-wing narrative is pervasive in most Universities.

Has it occurred to you that maybe that's because reality has a left wing slant. Sorry, we really did evolve from Apes and Most Republican Presidents were kind of awful. I know this is stuff you don't want to hear, but it doesn't make it any less true.

This is exactly why so many young people no longer except the idea of American exceptionalism.

Because maybe we aren't "exceptional". We are a country that had a brief moment of dominance because all the other countries reduced each other to Rubble. So we supplanted the UK as the top Dog after WWII, and China will probably supplant us. Ebb and Flow.

ou don’t get it because you are already fully indoctrinated, evidently for you, it happened later in life. Such is the case with those that live in places surrounded by the insanity of the left.
No, guy, here's what happened.

I realized that the only real conflict in this country isn't about Race, or Religion, who what hole you stick you dick into, it's about the conflict between the investor class and working class. Period. Full stop. The problem is, I realized I had no common cause with the investor class when I messed up my knee and my medical bills put a target on my back to be downsized.

Republicans very cleverly use the religious racial and sexual bullshit to get stupid people like you to vote against your own interests. And I'll admit. I fell for it for years. I don't now.

you see, America was "Exceptional" when visionaries like FDR, Harry Truman, JFK and LBJ realized that the working class deserved to share in some of the prosperity. Republicans spend the last 50 years rolling that back... and we are all worse off for it.

But don't worry, they'll point at China and you'll blame them for what they did to you.
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The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

Yes. Something has to be done. I've of the mind that it's likely too late to save our Republic, but I don't believe in giving up. Unfortunately, our future leadership will be graduates of the Public Fool System (also known as Marxist Indoctrination Camps) and they're so confused and clueless that they're bound to pound the final nails in America's coffin. But we just gotta keep fighting until the entire nation either comes to her senses or dons the chains of servitude and slavery.
Yes. Something has to be done. I've of the mind that it's likely too late to save our Republic, but I don't believe in giving up. Unfortunately, our future leadership will be graduates of the Public Fool System (also known as Marxist Indoctrination Camps) and they're so confused and clueless that they're bound to pound the final nails in America's coffin. But we just gotta keep fighting until the entire nation either comes to her senses or dons the chains of servitude and slavery.

Or maybe you can learn to tolerate people who don't share your backwards ideas, Dry Drunk.
Um, yeah, I know that you are out there telling yourself that they are all out there getting "useless" degrees.

But I've published this before, so let's do this again.


The vast majority of 4 year degrees are in useful majors. Sorry, there's no "Degrees in Woke Intersectional Feminism" Degrees you guys on the right have convinced yourselves the Colleges are giving out. Most of these kids are going into college, usually with a plan, to get a degree that leads to a career.

For those of us who took degrees that don't directly translate into a job, a college degree still shows what employers are looking for. Your ability to start something and stick with it for four years.

If they were that talented, they wouldn't be horrified of the thought of an illegal coming over and taking their jobs.
Most of those are great degree's. My daughter got a degree in biology and when she was nearing graduation discovered that 85% of those with her degree are never chosen to get a masters.

So there are a lot of kids with great degree's serving coffee.
Or maybe you can learn to tolerate people who don't share your backwards ideas, Dry Drunk.
Did you tolerate Jeffery Dahmer? How about Charles Manson? No? Then why should I tolerate a small group of zealots hell-bent on murdering America? Wet Drunk!
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For a lot of reasons, most of which you'd be too dumb to understand.

I say this as a product of Catholic Education. As much as I rail on the RCC about it's stupid beliefs and criminal facilitation of pedophile priests, they actually did a pretty good job in my case. But only because my parents were involved, (as stated, my mom actually taught at the school I went to) and they were putting up their own money.

Giving every family a voucher will not improve the parental involvement of people who merely see school as "eight hours of free day care".

Let's take that to the next level. Chicago has 341,00 public school students and 70,438 private school students. There are often waiting lists to get into those private schools. So if you give everyone a voucher (and all 70K students in those private schools will be asking for theirs). you still have the limitation of how many seats in private schools there are.

Do you think the private schools will take all comers? Um, no, they'll cherry pick who they take. They won't take the kid with the disciplinary problems or the English as a second language learner or the kid with the learning disability. They are going to take students they know will get good test scores, so they keep their accreditation.
My experience with area Catholic schools has been just the opposite.
Nope. Mac is a pompous ass who thinks he's better than anyone else.

He seems to think that the party should listen to him because he's just so damned smart, and wonders why the "Partisans" who actually put forth the effort have so much influence.

And when he puts forth one of his great "theories" about something, he really hates it when people contradict him.

Case in point, he whines incessantly that the reason Trump won in 2016 was because the Democrats were too "PC". Of course, this is utter bullshit. Trump didn't do any better in 2016 than Romney or McCain did previously. The reason why he "won" is because too many people voted for third parties because Hillary was generally so unlikeable. Had nothing to do with ideology and more with Hillary's lack of personal appeal. When I pointed this out to him, he got very, very huffy. He has me on ignore now because I won't let him get away with his bullshit.
So you really believe that the libertarian vote would have went to Hillary? I doubt that.
They do not run it...that's simply not true.

The states run their own education... with their own board of education on what to teach, when to teach etc.

The federal dept of education's involvement is primarily involved with funding school lunches for the poor, and funding to spread out pre school...head start.
Who funded "no child left behind"?
No, he has his own opinions based on misinformation, and when corrected, he keeps repeating the misinformation.

"when corrected".... what a statement. You say he thinks he's better than anyone else, but you're literally saying that when you speak, people must accept that what you've said is the truth and then correct their opinion because how could you be wrong.
Nope. Just one. Hillary was a shit candidate. The Democrats never should have ran her. Her MSM buddies pushed trump during the primaries thinking he'd be easy to beat, but she was such a shit candidate too many people voted third party.

Yes, she lost those states because third party candidates drew off the vote. Because she was a shit candidate.

But to hear Vichy Mac tell it, it was because Democrats didn't listen to whiny white people like him who were upset about Political Correctness. (Even though Hillary did next to nothing to really pander to the far left.)

Perhaps, the Greens essentially helped Hillary lose in three of the four main battleground states. But that was with very small margins. And why? You say that Mac claims it's because the Dems are too "PC", but you're not proving or disproving this.
I'm not a teacher, but my late mother was and my niece is. (Although in the Catholic system.)

Here's what I would change.

First, we need to make it easier to fire inept or incompetent teachers.

Second, we need to place a lot less emphasis on testing. The problem is, we have a whole system of "Teaching to the Test" and not actually encouraging critical thinking skills. This is why so many kids flame out in college. They get really good SAT scores, but then don't have the skills to do the coursework.

Third, We need to realize that some kids have learning disabilities so serious that you can't educate them. Mainstreaming them into a classroom and holding everyone else up until they get it is slowing things down.

Fourth, we need to actually offer enough money for teaching so that people want to do that as a career. My mom was able to be a teacher not because we relied on her salary to pay the bills, but because she loved teaching and my dad made really good money as a Sheet Metal Worker (until he got sick in his later years, anyway.) It's actually insane that we require a master's degree to teach and then pay an average teacher's salary of $56,000.

Fifth, we need national standards. For instance, a lot of kids don't have a firm grasp on evolution. Why? because the textbook companies design their books to be purchased by school boards in Texas, where they think Evolution is against the bible.
I actually agree with you about the first two, the rest would have to be discussed further…But, hey, it’s a start.

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