POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

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Sorry, Mac, you long ago lost credibility with both sides.

Since the Dept of Ed is a Federal Agency, I'm not sure what impact that would have on local schools offering gender confirming care.

Or why the GOP thinks this is a winning issue, exactly. The only people upset about this are the ones who were going to vote Republican anyway.

Sorry Joe, but Mac is one of the few people on this forum who doesn't play the bullshit partisan game.
Losing "credibility" with people who come on here with no knowledge, no logic, no arguments, only bullshit, really can't be a bad thing, you'd think.
Sorry Joe, but Mac is one of the few people on this forum who doesn't play the bullshit partisan game.
Losing "credibility" with people who come on here with no knowledge, no logic, no arguments, only bullshit, really can't be a bad thing, you'd think.
Holy crap, my stalker is STILL posting about me?

He's been on ignore for years, and he knows it. :rolleyes:
"I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party."
Yeah. We just don't fuckin' learn.
Feels kinda generically desperate and insincere.
Well, the problem is that the rubes are all for it. They like the idea of a right wing authoritarian government agent walking people out of buildings, simply because someone thinks they think something.

They're authoritarians at heart. NOW they just LOVE the government.
Actually, I think we need a lot of education reform. I think we need to limit the ability of teacher unions to protect bad teachers. And the idiocy of spending more on special ed kids than we spend on the kids who are going to eventually become functioning members of society is a bit silly.

But all that said... vouchers aren't a solution.
Are you a teacher? Maybe you could expand on your list of reforms beyond what you’ve provided here…?
You seem to have misspelled “criminally prosecuted, and thrown in prison for life, or better yet, put to death”.
When have I said that? Oh, I haven’t…Maybe you should stick with what I do say, instead of making things up.
And who gets to be the arbiter of all this? What if the teacher is a “screaming Christian asshole” does he get to keep things from the parents? What about a radical Muslim? What if the teacher is a crazy bigot or misogynist? Do they get to decide? The problem with your argument is you only agree with these teachers doing this because your ideology matches theirs.

No, I reasonably trust teachers because they've taken YEARS of training in child psychology and recognizing when things are terribly wrong. Most cases, yes, involve the parents immediately. But some cases, that would be doing more harm than good.

It’s a mental abnormality.
50 years ago, they said the same thing about Homosexuality. 150 years ago, they said the same thing about women having opinions.

The reality is, trans folks hold down jobs, and if you met one on the street, you probably wouldn't be able to tell, other than, "Man, that's a homely woman."

LOL that you think the President has some real impact on your success.
Um, yeah, actually, when you have recessions every time a republican gets into office, that has an effect on all of our success. I can work hard as I like, but if you have a president wreck the housing and stock markets like Bush did, there's just not much I can do about it.

I guess what I could do is what I did when Trump got elected. Realize the guy was going to inevitably fuck things up, and be prepared. So while I took some hits when TRUMP PLAGUE wrecked the economy, they weren't bad ones. .
Stalker Bob, displaying his crazy.

I do not need to know any man who thinks that he is Napoleon to know that there is something very, very, very wrong with any man who believes himself to be Napoleon.

It doesn't matter when he “realized” that he's Napoleon, and it doesn't matter why.
Wow, talk about your weird analogies.
All I need to know about any such man is that he's batshit crazy, and I am best off to avoid allowing him any opportunity to try to drag me, or anyone I care about, into his madness.
So yes, using someone's preferred pronouns (which, by the way, a lot of companies will fire you for if you don't) is clearly dragging you into Madness.

How is that really effecting your life in any way?

A man who thinks he's a woman is no different; other than that because so much of society has foolishly chosen to pander to him, he represents a far greater threat that someone who everyone universally knows to dismiss as batshit crazy and feels free to do so.

Um, no. It seems the problem here is your own bigotry.

Hey, tell me which one of these people has a Y Chromosone.


No young child is “gay”, or any other kind of fucked up sexual deviant, unless some pedophile is filling the child's head with that shit—very likely the same teacher whose “right” you are defending to hide from that child's parents what is being done to that child; very likely the one that the child's parents have the greatest right and the greatest need to know what that sick fuck is doing to their child.

Uh, guy, if you ever talked to ANY gay person (I promise they won't give you a case of the gays), every last one of them would tell you they knew they were different fairly early on, often before puberty hit.

Heck, there are gay people in your church, hundreds leave every year because they realize their sexual orientation doesn't match your crazy religion.

Do something about the beam in your own eye before you fuss about the mote that you delusionally imagine was in the eye of someone long dead.

Even if your hateful and absurd lies about the founders of my religion were completely true, it would be no excuse at all for you to openly take the side of modern-day childfuckers.

The truth about the founders of your religion is historically verifiable fact. And it is kind of important because you still revere them as profits who talked to God.

By the way, it is only murder to kill a human being. Childfuckers are not human. Neither are filth such as you who take their side.
But you don't want to just kill pedophiles (which is problematic because of how many false accusations there are in any year, like the McMartin Day Care case), you want to kill teachers who listen to gay kids tell them about their problems and don't rat them out to their crazy Christian parents. Not to mention women who have abortions, people who want to make you get a shot, etc.
It isn't.
But neither are
  • Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  • Department of Commerce (DOC)
  • Department of Defense (DOD)
  • Department of Education.
  • Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President’s Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government.

SO.......by all means let's get rid of education, period.
It's working so well.............even with it, people are STUPID.

Yeah they all need to go!

Prior to the Federal Department of Education, the USA was 1st in the world, we're now behind Botswana and falling further behind every year. But that's EXACTLY the type of indoctrination system that benefits Progressive Fascists

That's the main reason why Trump cannot be allowed in the White House again. In the very unlikely event there is ever a non-Progressive Fascist President, they need to come in with Seal Teams and A-10 Warthogs and eliminate half the Federal Departments.
Actually, I think we need a lot of education reform. I think we need to limit the ability of teacher unions to protect bad teachers. And the idiocy of spending more on special ed kids than we spend on the kids who are going to eventually become functioning members of society is a bit silly.

But all that said... vouchers aren't a solution.
why aren’t vouchers a solution?
Just like Reagan.
Teabaggers want a free-for-all on educating America's school children.......and it shows.
Indoctrinated, dumbasses is what Reagan wanted too.


In his State of the Union speech, President Ronald Reagan calls for the end of the Department of Education. Reagan says he believes that decisions about education should be made at the local level and that the federal government should play only a minor role in the nation’s schools. The speech stirs a debate in Congress. In the end, the department is funded, although at lower levels than in the past.
how is Reagan wanting to leaving public education a local and state issue equate to him wanting to indoctrinate kids?
Are you a teacher? Maybe you could expand on your list of reforms beyond what you’ve provided here…?

I'm not a teacher, but my late mother was and my niece is. (Although in the Catholic system.)

Here's what I would change.

First, we need to make it easier to fire inept or incompetent teachers.

Second, we need to place a lot less emphasis on testing. The problem is, we have a whole system of "Teaching to the Test" and not actually encouraging critical thinking skills. This is why so many kids flame out in college. They get really good SAT scores, but then don't have the skills to do the coursework.

Third, We need to realize that some kids have learning disabilities so serious that you can't educate them. Mainstreaming them into a classroom and holding everyone else up until they get it is slowing things down.

Fourth, we need to actually offer enough money for teaching so that people want to do that as a career. My mom was able to be a teacher not because we relied on her salary to pay the bills, but because she loved teaching and my dad made really good money as a Sheet Metal Worker (until he got sick in his later years, anyway.) It's actually insane that we require a master's degree to teach and then pay an average teacher's salary of $56,000.

Fifth, we need national standards. For instance, a lot of kids don't have a firm grasp on evolution. Why? because the textbook companies design their books to be purchased by school boards in Texas, where they think Evolution is against the bible.
Yeah they all need to go!

Prior to the Federal Department of Education, the USA was 1st in the world, we're now behind Botswana and falling further behind every year.
THAT was because of another corrupt, incompetent republican.


The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › 1985/09/17 › business › us-t...

Sep 17, 1985 — President Reagan has in recent days repeatedly reaffirmed his longstanding commitment to free trade and has threatened to veto protectionist ...

U.S. Becomes World's No. 1 Debtor Nation​

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 1986/06/25 › us-b...

Jun 25, 1986 — President Reagan has brushed off the significance of growing foreign debt as a problem for the economy, asserting that it shows the strength of ...


Deseret News
https://www.deseret.com › america-lengthens-lead-as-t...

Jun 29, 1988 — America's foreign debt soared to $368.2 billion in 1987 as the country lengthened its lead as the world's largest debtor nation, ...

But that's EXACTLY the type of indoctrination system that benefits Progressive Fascist.
Education does benefit everyone, to bad teabaggers don't have any.
Their dear leader(s) like their cult STUPID.
That's the main reason why Trump cannot be allowed in the White House again.
Because he is a criminal, traitor and is dumb as a stump.
In the very unlikely event there is ever a non-Progressive Fascist President, they need to come in with Seal Teams and A-10 Warthogs and eliminate half the Federal Departments.
How will teabaggers get their welfare checks?
why aren’t vouchers a solution?

For a lot of reasons, most of which you'd be too dumb to understand.

I say this as a product of Catholic Education. As much as I rail on the RCC about it's stupid beliefs and criminal facilitation of pedophile priests, they actually did a pretty good job in my case. But only because my parents were involved, (as stated, my mom actually taught at the school I went to) and they were putting up their own money.

Giving every family a voucher will not improve the parental involvement of people who merely see school as "eight hours of free day care".

Let's take that to the next level. Chicago has 341,00 public school students and 70,438 private school students. There are often waiting lists to get into those private schools. So if you give everyone a voucher (and all 70K students in those private schools will be asking for theirs). you still have the limitation of how many seats in private schools there are.

Do you think the private schools will take all comers? Um, no, they'll cherry pick who they take. They won't take the kid with the disciplinary problems or the English as a second language learner or the kid with the learning disability. They are going to take students they know will get good test scores, so they keep their accreditation.
Sorry Joe, but Mac is one of the few people on this forum who doesn't play the bullshit partisan game.
Losing "credibility" with people who come on here with no knowledge, no logic, no arguments, only bullshit, really can't be a bad thing, you'd think.

Nope. Mac is a pompous ass who thinks he's better than anyone else.

He seems to think that the party should listen to him because he's just so damned smart, and wonders why the "Partisans" who actually put forth the effort have so much influence.

And when he puts forth one of his great "theories" about something, he really hates it when people contradict him.

Case in point, he whines incessantly that the reason Trump won in 2016 was because the Democrats were too "PC". Of course, this is utter bullshit. Trump didn't do any better in 2016 than Romney or McCain did previously. The reason why he "won" is because too many people voted for third parties because Hillary was generally so unlikeable. Had nothing to do with ideology and more with Hillary's lack of personal appeal. When I pointed this out to him, he got very, very huffy. He has me on ignore now because I won't let him get away with his bullshit.
how is Reagan wanting to leaving public education a local and state issue equate to him wanting to indoctrinate kids?
Republicans, and white conservatives, have long been hostile to public schools. School desegregation drove white evangelicals to become the strongest Republican demographic. Ronald Reagan promised to end the Department of Education in 1980. Trump put Betsy DeVos in charge of the Department of Education, precisely because she was a leading proponent (and funder) of defunding public schools, and funneling it to religious schools.
During her confirmation hearings it became clear that she knew nothing about education, and provided plagiarized and laughably bad answers to questions, asserting that teachers need guns to ward off grizzly bear attacks.

Republican candidates talk about “school choice” and putting God and prayer back in schools.

Conservative states such as Arizona, Florida, and Texas have been particularly aggressive in “school choice” reform that undercuts school funding. Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate (and insurrectionist Christian nationalist) Doug Mastriano goes a step further.
His educational plan is to eliminate property taxes, which is where half of the money for Pennsylvania schools comes from, and replace the lost revenue with vouchers for $9,000. This covers only half of what it costs to educate a student there.

Teabaggers want to fund religious schools with taxpayer $$$.

Supreme Court Decision Paves Way for Public Funds to ...​

National Education Association
https://www.nea.org › new-from-nea › supreme-court-...

Jul 21, 2022 — Makin, issued on June 21, further breaches the separation between church and state by requiring states to fund private religious schools if they ...

Texas bill would require Ten Commandments in public ...​

Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2023/04/21 › texas...

5 days ago — Thou shalt have the Ten Commandments in Texas public schools? ... Greg Abbott (R) signs it into law, the measure would go into effect Sept.

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