POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

Do you agree with this plan?

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You seem to have misspelled “criminally prosecuted, and thrown in prison for life, or better yet, put to death”.

Stalker Bob still has his murder boner going on, I see.

Speaking of Child abusing filth, have you joined a new cult that wasn't started by a kiddy diddler like Joseph Smith.
What results? There are more highly indoctrinated folks in blue states. We all know that. We also know that a college educated barista is no more valuable to our society than a plumber with a high school diploma, in fact, with the extreme doctrination that is going on in our colleges, the barista could be far less valuable despite spending an untold fortune on a useless degree. Ironically, it is the barista that wants the plumber to pick up part of the bill for his/her college education/indoctrination.

I'd say that that is not at all a fair comparison.

A good plumber (or any other skilled tradesman), without a college degree, probably contributes more to society on a good day than that college-educated barista will over the course of its life.
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I'd say that that is not at all a fair comparison.

A good plumber (or any other skilled tradesman), without a college degree, probably contributes more to society on a good day that that college-educated barista will over the course of its life.

Hail to all the tradesmen. (because I'm one of them)
What results? There are more highly indoctrinated folks in blue states. We all know that. We also know that a college educated barista is no more valuable to our society than a plumber with a high school diploma, in fact, with the extreme doctrination that is going on in our colleges, the barista could be far less valuable despite spending an untold fortune on a useless degree. Ironically, it is the barista that wants the plumber to pick up part of the bill for his/her college education/indoctrination.

Um, yeah, I know that you are out there telling yourself that they are all out there getting "useless" degrees.

But I've published this before, so let's do this again.


The vast majority of 4 year degrees are in useful majors. Sorry, there's no "Degrees in Woke Intersectional Feminism" Degrees you guys on the right have convinced yourselves the Colleges are giving out. Most of these kids are going into college, usually with a plan, to get a degree that leads to a career.

For those of us who took degrees that don't directly translate into a job, a college degree still shows what employers are looking for. Your ability to start something and stick with it for four years.

I'd say that that is not at all a fair comparison.

A good plumber (or any other skilled tradesman), without a college degree, probably contributes more to society on a good day that that college-educated barista will over the course of its life.

If they were that talented, they wouldn't be horrified of the thought of an illegal coming over and taking their jobs.
I would say that is the ideal. But not in all cases. If you know that the kid is gay and his parents are screaming homophobic Christian assholes, you certainly don't out the kid to the parents. That would be putting the child's life in danger.

And who gets to be the arbiter of all this? What if the teacher is a “screaming Christian asshole” does he get to keep things from the parents? What about a radical Muslim? What if the teacher is a crazy bigot or misogynist? Do they get to decide? The problem with your argument is you only agree with these teachers doing this because your ideology matches theirs.

Gender identity isn't a psychosis. Argument fail.

It’s a mental abnormality.
Actually, up until 2008 or so, I voted Republican. And then after 8 years of Geo. W. Stupid's brilliant leadership, I found myself with a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage and a 25% reduction in pay.

The thing is, I did well under Clinton, even though I didn't like him. I did okay under Obama. Under Bush, the hits just kept coming because the guy kept finding ways to fuck things up.

LOL that you think the President has some real impact on your success.
I am going to ask the question I ask every transphobic person... Do you actually know any trans people and have asked them when they realized they were trans?
And how many Trans people have you sat down with and had a talk with? I would guess.. none.

I do not need to know any man who thinks that he is Napoleon to know that there is something very, very, very wrong with any man who believes himself to be Napoleon.

It doesn't matter when he “realized” that he's Napoleon, and it doesn't matter why.

All I need to know about any such man is that he's batshit crazy, and I am best off to avoid allowing him any opportunity to try to drag me, or anyone I care about, into his madness.

A man who thinks he's a woman is no different; other than that because so much of society has foolishly chosen to pander to him, he represents a far greater threat that someone who everyone universally knows to dismiss as batshit crazy and feels free to do so.
But not in all cases. If you know that the kid is gay…

No young child is “gay”, or any other kind of fucked up sexual deviant, unless some pedophile is filling the child's head with that shit—very likely the same teacher whose “right” you are defending to hide from that child's parents what is being done to that child; very likely the one that the child's parents have the greatest right and the greatest need to know what that sick fuck is doing to their child.
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

Close the Federal Dept of Education.
I'll do one better.

Abolish the entire Dept of Ed at the federal level.

Return education to the states and the localities as it should be.

Done. The end.
Won't happen because it means the government won't be able to brain wash the kids.
Stalker Bob still has his murder boner going on, I see.
Speaking of Child abusing filth, have you joined a new cult that wasn't started by a kiddy diddler like Joseph Smith.

Do something about the beam in your own eye before you fuss about the mote that you delusionally imagine was in the eye of someone long dead.

Even if your hateful and absurd lies about the founders of my religion were completely true, it would be no excuse at all for you to openly take the side of modern-day childfuckers.

By the way, it is only murder to kill a human being. Childfuckers are not human. Neither are filth such as you who take their side.
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If they were that talented, they wouldn't be horrified of the thought of an illegal coming over and taking their jobs.

I do not know any that are worried about any such thing. Not in my trade, not in any of the other trades alongside which I have worked.
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

Feels kinda generically desperate and insincere. What is the policy?
Sounds like a plan. Glad you are coming around but just getting shed of the DoEd would be a fine start for now.

My kids never saw the inside of a public school. Working on the grandkids now.

Of course it takes sacrifice and most folks don't have the balls for that, too selfish.
Or most folks don’t have time for that.
Not many are pushing for this, but having the feds running our educational system is ridiculous. If you haven't noticed, people like you from Illinois have a slightly different idea of just how our children should be educated than many states in the South. Each state should be able to manage their own curriculum.
The feds don’t run “ our” education system.
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

I would have zero problem completely shutting the Dept of Ed down, like Reagan wanted to do. Since it's Inception the Dept of Ed and proved to be a total waste of taxpayer money, with both test scores and dropout rates going the wrong direction. DC is the only place in the world where an agency can be a total failure and get more and more money every year.


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