POLL: Are USMB Trump supporters okay with this plan?

Do you agree with this plan?

  • Total voters
  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?
first off, we are living in times where one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter Mac

that's how divided we are now

any categorization will follow suit......

Nope. Mac is a pompous ass who thinks he's better than anyone else.

He seems to think that the party should listen to him because he's just so damned smart, and wonders why the "Partisans" who actually put forth the effort have so much influence.

And when he puts forth one of his great "theories" about something, he really hates it when people contradict him.

Case in point, he whines incessantly that the reason Trump won in 2016 was because the Democrats were too "PC". Of course, this is utter bullshit. Trump didn't do any better in 2016 than Romney or McCain did previously. The reason why he "won" is because too many people voted for third parties because Hillary was generally so unlikeable. Had nothing to do with ideology and more with Hillary's lack of personal appeal. When I pointed this out to him, he got very, very huffy. He has me on ignore now because I won't let him get away with his bullshit.

So, he has his own opinions, and you disagree. I mean, that's the WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF A FORUM LIKE THIS. You disagree, you talk about things, you discuss why you disagree and maybe you get fed up and stop talking, maybe you learn new perspectives, maybe... lots of maybes.....

Plenty of people I disagree with, in fact I generally only talk with people I disagree with because otherwise, what's the point. But those who start attacking me... I keep away from.

Ever researched why Rome fell? I did, just to compare that with how the US is falling, and I find many different reasons. Why did Trump win in 2016? Plenty of reasons.
Hillary got 48.2% of the vote, 2.1% more than Trump, 1% more than Romney, 2.5% more than McCain, 0.1% less than Kerry....

The amount of people who vote doesn't always matter, Hillary lost Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. 75 EC votes. Had she won those, she'd have been on 302, and Trump on 229.

She lost about 2% of votes in Florida compared to Obama, about 4.5% in PA, 7% in Michigan and about 7% in Wisconsin.

She got slightly less votes than Obama in 2016, though there were about 2 million more voters.

She did better than Obama in CA, 1 million more votes, better in MA, essentially she did better in stronghold states and worse in battleground states. Probably because she was considered more Democrat than Obama was, the Dems loved her, the people in the middle, people who maybe go more of personality politics, or people who listened to what Trump said and it resonated with them, Trump says shit and they're not paying much attention to it all except the big headlines, and Trump was making those headlines.
Plenty of different people with different reasons for changing their votes, OR lots of people in these states voting. Hillary got 300,000 more votes in Florida, for example.... lots of strange things were going on with Trump, people voting for entertainment value for example.
THAT was because of another corrupt, incompetent republican.


View attachment 779810
The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › 1985/09/17 › business › us-t...
Sep 17, 1985 — President Reagan has in recent days repeatedly reaffirmed his longstanding commitment to free trade and has threatened to veto protectionist ...

U.S. Becomes World's No. 1 Debtor Nation

View attachment 779811
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 1986/06/25 › us-b...
Jun 25, 1986 — President Reagan has brushed off the significance of growing foreign debt as a problem for the economy, asserting that it shows the strength of ...


View attachment 779812
Deseret News
https://www.deseret.com › america-lengthens-lead-as-t...
Jun 29, 1988 — America's foreign debt soared to $368.2 billion in 1987 as the country lengthened its lead as the world's largest debtor nation, ...

Education does benefit everyone, to bad teabaggers don't have any.
Their dear leader(s) like their cult STUPID.

Because he is a criminal, traitor and is dumb as a stump.

How will teabaggers get their welfare checks?

We spend more per student than every other country you lying idiot

^ My plan for the Department of Education

Eliminate outright Day 1.

Give parent vouchers that can only be spent on education.
For a lot of reasons, most of which you'd be too dumb to understand.

I say this as a product of Catholic Education. As much as I rail on the RCC about it's stupid beliefs and criminal facilitation of pedophile priests, they actually did a pretty good job in my case. But only because my parents were involved, (as stated, my mom actually taught at the school I went to) and they were putting up their own money.

Giving every family a voucher will not improve the parental involvement of people who merely see school as "eight hours of free day care".

Let's take that to the next level. Chicago has 341,00 public school students and 70,438 private school students. There are often waiting lists to get into those private schools. So if you give everyone a voucher (and all 70K students in those private schools will be asking for theirs). you still have the limitation of how many seats in private schools there are.

Do you think the private schools will take all comers? Um, no, they'll cherry pick who they take. They won't take the kid with the disciplinary problems or the English as a second language learner or the kid with the learning disability. They are going to take students they know will get good test scores, so they keep their accreditation.
1) True, it won't make parents more active in their kids lives...don't disagree with that...nothing there is nothing the Govt can do to keep parents from being deadbeats....but frankly that's not the point of school choice.
2) yes,it's true more people will want to go to private schools....and with more demand comes more product...I am sure you'll see more schools go up, you'll also see the pubic sector feel the need to get better a better product, which might help even out the demand
3) yes of course, the private schools will have the as they do now, the ability not to accept certain students. By the way, public schools also kick out kids that are constant trouble makers as well.

Nothing you said, supports your conclusion.

All the voucher system would do is give parents (obviously parents that care because they'd take the steps to get them) a chance to have a options for their kids. It's not going to solve the problem of deadbeat parents....it's not the intent.
Republicans, and white conservatives, have long been hostile to public schools. School desegregation drove white evangelicals to become the strongest Republican demographic. Ronald Reagan promised to end the Department of Education in 1980. Trump put Betsy DeVos in charge of the Department of Education, precisely because she was a leading proponent (and funder) of defunding public schools, and funneling it to religious schools.
During her confirmation hearings it became clear that she knew nothing about education, and provided plagiarized and laughably bad answers to questions, asserting that teachers need guns to ward off grizzly bear attacks.

Republican candidates talk about “school choice” and putting God and prayer back in schools.

Conservative states such as Arizona, Florida, and Texas have been particularly aggressive in “school choice” reform that undercuts school funding. Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate (and insurrectionist Christian nationalist) Doug Mastriano goes a step further.
His educational plan is to eliminate property taxes, which is where half of the money for Pennsylvania schools comes from, and replace the lost revenue with vouchers for $9,000. This covers only half of what it costs to educate a student there.

Teabaggers want to fund religious schools with taxpayer $$$.

Supreme Court Decision Paves Way for Public Funds to ...

View attachment 779813
National Education Association
https://www.nea.org › new-from-nea › supreme-court-...
Jul 21, 2022 — Makin, issued on June 21, further breaches the separation between church and state by requiring states to fund private religious schools if they ...

Texas bill would require Ten Commandments in public ...

View attachment 779814
Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › 2023/04/21 › texas...
5 days ago — Thou shalt have the Ten Commandments in Texas public schools? ... Greg Abbott (R) signs it into law, the measure would go into effect Sept.

It was your current cult leader Joey Xiden a dem, along with his mentors that opposed enforcing Brown v Board of Education.

I am also not sure how a bill proposed in TX about the 10 Commandments is hostile to public schools...weird.
I am going to ask the question I ask every transphobic person... Do you actually know any trans people and have asked them when they realized they were trans?

Let me guess, they knew before they started walking. You see, my little indoctrinated lemming, it doesn’t matter. The real truth is they didn’t know anything about sexuality until whatever “switch” was flipped that caused the issue. I personally don’t care when they think they figured it out, the point is that it is an illness that needs treatment. If a child has ADHD we either give them medicine or provide them with methods for coping with the issue. We don’t persecute them but we also don’t encourage ADHD behavior because it is detrimental to them and to our society.

You avoid the point, as usual. Why is it your part of the country (which would probably be a third world country had you won the Civil War) has the lowest number of college grad and the lowest number of high school graduates.

You get on here every day about why all these northerners want to move south, but what you don't say is who is inviting them. It's all these companies that moved down to Jesusland to get the inbred labor because Cleetus and Billy-bob don't want no union, and then realize that Cleetus and Billy-bob are morons because of generations of inbreeding. Or as Tucker Carlson's producer called you "A bunch of Cousin fuckers".

Then they have to lure people down from the North to keep things running.

You were likely beat up on a daily basis by a person from the South. Your have an unhealthy level of disdain for all things Southern. YOU are the kind of people we don’t want here.
Um, yeah, I know that you are out there telling yourself that they are all out there getting "useless" degrees.

But I've published this before, so let's do this again.


The vast majority of 4 year degrees are in useful majors. Sorry, there's no "Degrees in Woke Intersectional Feminism" Degrees you guys on the right have convinced yourselves the Colleges are giving out. Most of these kids are going into college, usually with a plan, to get a degree that leads to a career.

For those of us who took degrees that don't directly translate into a job, a college degree still shows what employers are looking for. Your ability to start something and stick with it for four years.

If they were that talented, they wouldn't be horrified of the thought of an illegal coming over and taking their jobs.

I guess you fail to realize that despite the major, students are being indoctrinated. If you are an engineering major, you still have humanities electives that are taught by ex-hippies. The left-wing narrative is pervasive in most Universities. This is exactly why so many young people no longer except the idea of American exceptionalism. They have been brainwashed. If I was an enemy of America, this is EXACTLY the approach I would take to destroy the country. You don’t get it because you are already fully indoctrinated, evidently for you, it happened later in life. Such is the case with those that live in places surrounded by the insanity of the left.
Not many are pushing for this, but having the feds running our educational system is ridiculous. If you haven't noticed, people like you from Illinois have a slightly different idea of just how our children should be educated than many states in the South. Each state should be able to manage their own curriculum.

They do not run it...that's simply not true.

The states run their own education... with their own board of education on what to teach, when to teach etc.

The federal dept of education's involvement is primarily involved with funding school lunches for the poor, and funding to spread out pre school...head start.

It was your current cult leader Joey Xiden a dem, along with his mentors that opposed enforcing Brown v Board of Education.

I am also not sure how a bill proposed in TX about the 10 Commandments is hostile to public schools...weird.
Sure Q-NUT.
Would you feel the same about the Koran or Buddhism?
Sure Q-NUT.
Would you feel the same about the Koran or Buddhism?
Yeah, I dont think either are an assault on public schools. In fact, maybe if more people raised their kids with some faith, they'd be better students in public schools.
Yes it is.
NO, religion should be displayed schoolwide, in ANY public school.
They can have their clubs and groups, just as they do now.
Cool, don't disagee with you...but if someone wants it, it's not an "assault" on public schools. An assault on public schools is when bad teachers are protected from being fired, an assault on public schools is when students are allowed to be disruptive and uncontrolled...these sort of things undermine the education process. An individual wanting something from the Koran posted on the school wall, isn't an attack on the school, and doesn't undermine the education process.

I get that you are faithless, or at least, don't like any thing, especially religion, to come between you are your dembot cult, but people having faith in something beyond your cult, is not attack on education...well maybe cult education, but not real education
The former President and current presidential candidate promises to do the following, and I'd like to know how his supporters feel about it:

"On Day One, we will begin to find and remove the radical zealots and Marxists who have infiltrated the federal Department of Education. And that also includes others, and you know who you are. Because we're not going to allow anybody to hurt our children. Joe Biden has given them unchecked power. I will have them fired and escorted from the building."

If you agree with this, I'd ask:

  • Who is to decide who the "radical zealots and Marxists" are?
  • What should the criteria for this be, exactly?
  • Is it okay with you that they are fired with no due process?
  • What do you think of "that also includes others, and you know who you are"? Does that sound a little vague to you?
  • Does the thought of federal agents escorting Americans who have broken no laws out of a building sit okay with you?
  • Do you feel this is a Constitutional idea?
  • Is a government this aggressive, arbitrary and punitive a good example to set for American children?

Perhaps you can provide some clear, direct and honest responses after you're through trying to deflect with the predictable personal insults and name-calling (that's okay, I'm used to it, and it's always a good sign).

True and honest response:

1. The State and local governments.
2. Not sure, but that's why we elect people. I would trust my governor DeSantis to make that decision.
3. Since when do you need due process to fire someone?
4. Yes, but I'm ok with it.
5. Doubt that it'll require federal agents but yes, if they refuse to leave.
6. Yes.
7. That's a strawman, but yes.
Cool, don't disagee with you...but if someone wants it, it's not an "assault" on public schools.
Then they should be content with having their private clubs and groups.
There is a time and place for everything.

Do you want people praying in front of the doors as you're trying to enter Walmart?
An assault on public schools is when bad teachers are protected from being fired, an assault on public schools is when students are allowed to be disruptive and uncontrolled...these sort of things undermine the education process. An individual wanting something from the Koran posted on the school wall, isn't an attack on the school, and doesn't undermine the education process.

I get that you are faithless, or at least, don't like any thing, especially religion,
Time and a place.
to come between you are your dembot cult, but people having faith in something beyond your cult,
Having "faith" in the christian religion?
No thanks.
Teabaggers RUINED that.
is not attack on education...well maybe cult education, but not real education
Like christians.

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