CDZ POLL: Are you proud of your party right now?

Are you proud of your party right now?

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I saw this on one my aggregate sites
Red pilled left wing lesbian blows up. Shes pissed off and done with the left
How do the morons of the nazi left respond ? Take a wild guess ......AND she hates DJT
I cant stop laughing ...what larks
Keep going nazi lefttards ...

The more right wingers and independents you create the better....THANKS!

heres a few snips of her rant
some of the responses are off the wall BUT shes getting a ton of love from fellow patriots .

(1/25) You know what? Fuck it. I'm done. As of today, I've swallowed the red pill. I’ve tried half-heartedly defending the left ever since it was obvious we were only getting half the story in the Rodney King debacle. No more.

(2/25) Why now? Because the transcult has eroded my patience. Because Ilhan Omar won’t condemn Antifa violence and Shaun King celebrates it. Because we’ve gotten to the point where innocuous hats and flags get you tarred as a white supremacist.

‏(3/25) Because left extremists condone the sexualization of children: drag queen storytimes, Desmond Is Amazing, Pink News being aghast that Republicans might try to ban kiddie drag shows. I don’t quote scripture much, but seriously, woe to those who call good evil and evil good.

(4/25) But the last straw was Erica Thomas and her hate hoax, and the way the leftist media and virtue-signaling politicians accepted and repeated the lie without doing the least bit of research into the claim.

(7/25) Here’s the deal. I come from the Midwest and know the working-class people who supported DJT, not because they thought he was morally upright or because they were seething racists, but because the left threw the working class to the dogs long ago.

(9/25) DJT is, in my view, the wrong person for the right job, but it was never about him. In fact, I think he’s a blustering, mean-spirited idiot. And I hate the jingoism and xenophobia he stirs up.

(10/25) But what’s the alternative? Race-baiting, thought police, censorship, erasure of sex differences, denigration of Western culture and values, the support of extremist left-wing violence?

Christina Andrews on Twitter

More Christina Andrews Retweeted Dan McLaughlin
This is why white nationalism makes no sense to me. U.S./Western cultural values aren't exclusively "white"; e.g., nonwhite immigrants often hold complementary values, while it's coastal white lefties who push the worst crap on us. Bring back the melting pot. E Pluribus Unum.
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.
A man cannot be disappointed in his party if that man has on party. I am such a man.

If I were to call myself a Democrat, I would be disappointed in the seemingly celebrated take-over by the communist left. There is not one 2020 Dem presidential candidate for whom I would dare pull the lever aside from maybe Tulsi Gabbart and (gulp, hesitating nervously) Joe Biden.

If I were to call myself a Republican, I would be disappointed in how that party has wholesale ABANDONED fiscal responsibility because the letter "R" is in the White House. I would generally be dissatisfied with the party's long-held belief that it must kowtow to the Jesus Nazis. I would want to party to kick the "social conservative" (theocratic statist) platform and expand the damn tent. Convince the Jesus Nazis (if possible) that their political choices can be theoretically neutral. Get some high-level Christian leadership to tell them they are not going to hell just because they let gays into the party. Most importantly, I would demand that the party actually COMMIT to liberty and limited government, not just give it lip service.

For both parties, I would like them to both go straight to hell. I would like a third party to arise and beat back the big-money special interest power brokers who control both main parties. I would like that party to focus on MAXIMIZING LIBERTY and demonstrate a commitment to running all government decisions through the prism of maximizing liberty. I would like that third party to be better than a mere clown show where Republican and Democrat REJECTS go to pasture and attempt to play spoiler to the party that jilted them, and who will actually get serious about WINNING ELECTIONS, rather than just doing it to socialize and drink with buddies (looking at you, Libertarians).

So, I will vote that I am not satisfied with my party, even though I have none.


Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.
A man cannot be disappointed in his party if that man has on party. I am such a man.

If I were to call myself a Democrat, I would be disappointed in the seemingly celebrated take-over by the communist left. There is not one 2020 Dem presidential candidate for whom I would dare pull the lever aside from maybe Tulsi Gabbart and (gulp, hesitating nervously) Joe Biden.

If I were to call myself a Republican, I would be disappointed in how that party has wholesale ABANDONED fiscal responsibility because the letter "R" is in the White House. I would generally be dissatisfied with the party's long-held belief that it must kowtow to the Jesus Nazis. I would want to party to kick the "social conservative" (theocratic statist) platform and expand the damn tent. Convince the Jesus Nazis (if possible) that their political choices can be theoretically neutral. Get some high-level Christian leadership to tell them they are not going to hell just because they let gays into the party. Most importantly, I would demand that the party actually COMMIT to liberty and limited government, not just give it lip service.

For both parties, I would like them to both go straight to hell. I would like a third party to arise and beat back the big-money special interest power brokers who control both main parties. I would like that party to focus on MAXIMIZING LIBERTY and demonstrate a commitment to running all government decisions through the prism of maximizing liberty. I would like that third party to be better than a mere clown show where Republican and Democrat REJECTS go to pasture and attempt to play spoiler to the party that jilted them, and who will actually get serious about WINNING ELECTIONS, rather than just doing it to socialize and drink with buddies (looking at you, Libertarians).

So, I will vote that I am not satisfied with my party, even though I have none.



Good post.
Just another example of your utter stupidity and ignorance of how this fiat/debt based currency system actually works that is controlled by a foreign owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve.

Trilateralists and Bilderbergers and Skull and Bones, oh my.

Yeah, Joe Blowhard....because you are such an incredible example of respecting the opinions of others......said no one ever.

Well, um, yeah... sane people I give a fair hearing to.
Okay, let's unpack this.

Despite the trillion dollar hit because of 911 the economy was doing fine for six years when Bush was President but went to hell when the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 when the Democrat's CRA chickens came home to roost.

THe CRA didn't cause the recession. The banks selling sub-prime mortgages and then repackaging them as Investments did.

We all know about Obama's failed record. An increase in poverty, decrease in family income, tremendous debt and very dismal economic growth. Trump is fixing some of that disaster and God bless him for that.

Funny, what I remember is that he inherited the worst recession in 80 years and gave us a pretty strong economy at the end of it.

However, remember the point I was making. Although we do better under Republicans for the most part there isn't much real difference. We still have big government that is a tremendous burden on the economy. Just because it is a slightly less burden under the Republicans than the Democrats may cause the economy to do a little better but that difference is minimal for the most part. We could do so much better with a Conservative fiscally responsible Liberty based government that wasn't a welfare state.

Except that's never how the REpublicans govern. They give tax cuts to rich people, spend lots of money on weapons systems that don't work and never get used, run up huge deficits and never make the government any smaller.

I don't know why Liberals bitch about Republicans. When a Republican is elected they still get to keep their precious bloated big government. The welfare state continues and most of the time even grows and we still get increased debt, which Liberals love more than life itself. For the most part the Republicans are nothing more than the more moderate branch of the extreme far Left Democrat Party nowadays.

Well, here's the problem with that.

The biggest "Welfare" collectors out there are Middle Class White people and their entitlements. Unemployment, Social Security, Medicare, FHA and VA Loans... all nice big juicy welfare programs for white folks.

The pittance we actually give poor people of color would be less than 5% of the Federal Spend
Just another example of your utter stupidity and ignorance of how this fiat/debt based currency system actually works that is controlled by a foreign owned central bank known as the Federal Reserve.

Trilateralists and Bilderbergers and Skull and Bones, oh my.

Yeah, Joe Blowhard....because you are such an incredible example of respecting the opinions of others......said no one ever.

Well, um, yeah... sane people I give a fair hearing to.
I don't wish to curry favor with an admitted gun grabbing commie such as yourself. I simply take joy in exposing you....much to your chagrin, Joe Blowhard, card carrying commie.
Social Security is an "entitlement program"? Explain that one.....especially since one is taxed at 7.5 percent that is matched by the employer......
So, we're sure the problem is me then? Oh, and thanks for addressing my point. I'm really feeling the healing.

Let me be clear.

I want to communicate, seriously and honestly. But I don't see how that is possible, with people who are convinced of my ill intent.

I don't see, once someone is there, that there is anything I can do.

Nothing I say, will actually be heard.

Communication is a two way street, and if they are not listening, than I can't reach them.

The other side has to be open.
Okay, then don't do anything differently.

Not sure how many times I need to say this.

Are YOU prepared to even consider doing anything differently? Or are you sure that all the change has to come from other people?
It has to come from those of us who have the capacity to collaborate. I have some success with that locally.

I don't have to change at all. Many of us don't. I just now realize that trying to squeeze water out of a turnip is a waste of time.

Were you convinced the people you were working with were racists? Or was this more a center left alliance?
You just sit down with people from different ends, have them talk, confirm that they are actually listening and understanding, look for areas of common ground on which to build. You then hold them accountable -- simply as serious, honest, intelligent, decent human beings -- for publicly standing behind the progress and commit to building on it.

It works in business regularly. It's called "collaboration and innovation". Some people are much better than others. Of course, in business, you don't have a group of people who want to get rid of you if you communicate.

There's the recipe. I know you don't want to believe this. I would request that you just consider me a loon and ignore what I'm saying.

That's the message that's needed.. To communicate that to the "tribes", you pretty much have to tell them to communicate on some other level than simply "winning"... Think like your party does not OWN you.. Because neither party is a responsible care-taker of your principles or needs anymore...
Okay, then don't do anything differently.

Not sure how many times I need to say this.

Are YOU prepared to even consider doing anything differently? Or are you sure that all the change has to come from other people?
It has to come from those of us who have the capacity to collaborate. I have some success with that locally.

I don't have to change at all. Many of us don't. I just now realize that trying to squeeze water out of a turnip is a waste of time.

Were you convinced the people you were working with were racists? Or was this more a center left alliance?
You just sit down with people from different ends, have them talk, confirm that they are actually listening and understanding, look for areas of common ground on which to build. You then hold them accountable -- simply as serious, honest, intelligent, decent human beings -- for publicly standing behind the progress and commit to building on it.

It works in business regularly. It's called "collaboration and innovation". Some people are much better than others. Of course, in business, you don't have a group of people who want to get rid of you if you communicate.

There's the recipe. I know you don't want to believe this. I would request that you just consider me a loon and ignore what I'm saying.

That's the message that's needed.. To communicate that to the "tribes", you pretty much have to tell them to communicate on some other level than simply "winning"... Think like your party does not OWN you.. Because neither party is a responsible care-taker of your principles or needs anymore...
I'm afraid we're beyond that for the most part. Look through this thread at the posts from both ends. The wings clearly don't understand the difference (any more) between communication, collaboration & innovation, and abject, feeble, gutless surrender. All they know, at this point, is to fight. Just blindly fight.

I've said this a thousand times, and it never gets through: Collaboration CREATES. It INNOVATES. It creates something ALL NEW. Like our Constitution. But the wings only see it as all or nothing, all your way or all my way, period. That's it.

How did the hell did we decay to this point?

It's clear that the wings aren't going to change, that they have lost the capacity for collaboration. Okay, let's start from that point. If long-lasting progress is going to be made, they'll just need to be marginalized so that those who CAN collaborate can get to it. Let them scream and fling poo from the wings. The question, clearly, is whether it's too late.
I'm afraid we're beyond that for the most part. Look through this thread at the posts from both ends. The wings clearly don't understand the difference (any more) between communication, collaboration & innovation, and abject, feeble, gutless surrender. All they know, at this point, is to fight. Just blindly fight.

I've said this a thousand times, and it never gets through: Collaboration CREATES. It INNOVATES. It creates something ALL NEW. But the wings only see it as all or nothing, all your way or all my way, period.

How did the hell did we decay to this point?

It's clear that the wings aren't going to change, that they have lost the capacity for collaboration. Okay, let's start from that point. If long-lasting progress is going to be made, they'll just need to be marginalized so that those who CAN collaborate can get to it. Let them scream and fling poo from the wings. The question is whether it's too late.

So many wrong assumptions.. so many.

The reality is, as we saw in 2016, is that there is no "Middle". 94% of the electorate voted for one of the two most divisive candidates the two parties have ever run. Including you, buy your own admission.

The remaining six percent voted for parties that were even MORE extreme.

Now, yeah, there used to be a point where if one party completely crapped the bed an nominated a nut, large numbers of people would cross party lines to vote for the alternative even if they thought he was shifty (Nixon in 72, LBJ in 64).

That's simply not the case now.

If anything, it's quite the opposite. A lot of the Republicans who realized Trump was a HUGE mistake during the primaries have all obediently fallen into line. Ted Cruz had TOTALLY forgotten that Trump accused his dad of killing JFK.

The other reality is that moderates just don't win.

Hillary ran as a moderate. She lost (at least in the Electoral Anarchonism)

Romney ran as a moderate. McCain ran as a moderate. Kerry tried to pass himself off as a moderate until someone found pictures of him hanging with Jane Fonda. ("No, look, look, I've got three purple hearts I totally didn't throw away!") Gore ran as a moderate.

They ALL lost to candidates who ran as Ideologues, but governed as moderates because they had to.

The ONLY thing that has changes is that Trump is a crazy person who amped up the crazy, and has no real interest in governing.

And the whole country is treating him like the Drunk Uncle going on a racist rant at Thanksgiving.
After yesterday, and in comparison to Democrats, I'm EXTREMELY glad I vote Republican almost all of the time.

Believe THAT
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.
Democraps are always proud of killing children
sure it is. If you live to be 72, you'll get back everything you've paid into it.

That's a bigger lie than "if you like your doctor/plan, you can keep your doctor/plan.. You must have no fucking idea what 6.5% or 13% of your salary over 40 or 50 years comes out to...

Young folks probably won't even break even why they die...

And your tribe wants to RAISE vesting age and RAISE the salary caps.. Making it a welfare program, NOT A UNIVERSAL anything. And they'll turn the other way when they see 70 yr old roofers or truck drivers trying to still work towards their first penny of benefits..
That's a bigger lie than "if you like your doctor/plan, you can keep your doctor/plan.. You must have no fucking idea what 6.5% or 13% of your salary over 40 or 50 years comes out to...

Young folks probably won't even break even why they die...

And your tribe wants to RAISE vesting age and RAISE the salary caps.. Making it a welfare program, NOT A UNIVERSAL anything. And they'll turn the other way when they see 70 yr old roofers or truck drivers trying to still work towards their first penny of benefits..

Um, it's the GOP that wants to raise the vesting age, not liberals, buddy.

And frankly, I can see the merits of it. When Social Security was devised, the average life expectancy was 62. Most didn't live long enough to collect it. Now the average is 78.

So let's do some math. If you are making 40K average, and you pay 6.5% of your salary into SS, $2600 a year. Let's assume a working life of 45 years. - You've paid in $117,000 over a lifetime. You get our $1400 a month- 16800 a year. so That $117 K gets used up in 6.9 years. Yup If you live to be 72, someone else is paying your way.

"But.. but... but... If I invested, I would have gotten much more than that!" Maybe. Or you could have been completely wiped out in an event like 2008 or 2001.

That's the point of Social Security... It's a wel
That's a bigger lie than "if you like your doctor/plan, you can keep your doctor/plan.. You must have no fucking idea what 6.5% or 13% of your salary over 40 or 50 years comes out to...

Young folks probably won't even break even why they die...

And your tribe wants to RAISE vesting age and RAISE the salary caps.. Making it a welfare program, NOT A UNIVERSAL anything. And they'll turn the other way when they see 70 yr old roofers or truck drivers trying to still work towards their first penny of benefits..

Um, it's the GOP that wants to raise the vesting age, not liberals, buddy.

And frankly, I can see the merits of it. When Social Security was devised, the average life expectancy was 62. Most didn't live long enough to collect it. Now the average is 78.

So let's do some math. If you are making 40K average, and you pay 6.5% of your salary into SS, $2600 a year. Let's assume a working life of 45 years. - You've paid in $117,000 over a lifetime. You get our $1400 a month- 16800 a year. so That $117 K gets used up in 6.9 years. Yup If you live to be 72, someone else is paying your way.

"But.. but... but... If I invested, I would have gotten much more than that!" Maybe. Or you could have been completely wiped out in an event like 2008 or 2001.

That's the point of Social Security... It's a wel

If you're SELF employed, that goes up to about 14 year "break even".. And if you're millennial professional making $80K a year (mid middle class) and you work for yourself --- That's 28 year payback..

Where you socialist/commies go wrong with "Universal anything" is there's a LOT OF FOLKS who are not "average" or fit your one size plans.....
Simple, clear, direct question: Are you proud of your party right now?

I was going to list some of things being said and done by both parties right now, but I really don't think I need to.

In all seriousness, are you proud of your party's general behaviors right now?

Independents/Moderates, please vote and comment too.

I vote No, I don't see or understand what this stuff is supposed to accomplish for the long run.

Your president is a greatly pragmatic and politically centrist president. WTF are you bitching about? Give specific examples or STFU.
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If long-lasting progress is going to be made, they'll just need to be marginalized so that those who CAN collaborate can get to it.
What do you mean? Progress towards what? Communism? Or what?

Grow some balls.
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