Poll: Does Trump believe he actually won?

Does Trump actually believe he won the 2020 election?

  • Yes, he really believes he won.

    Votes: 21 28.0%
  • No, he knows he lost.

    Votes: 32 42.7%
  • What? What do you mean, he did win!

    Votes: 22 29.3%

  • Total voters
And once again we are not a democracy
Power is exercised by periodically freely elected representatives, right? The very definition of a democracy. How come you can't understand words?

The true definition of democracy is mob rules and you know it.
The word democracy has more than one meaning. It is entirely accurate to call the United States a democracy.

Which brings to mind my all time favorite political science book.

I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
He knows he lost. He's just milking the cow as hard as he can for donations and power. He doesn't care about the damage he's doing to our country and his followers.
By the sound of your posts it seems to me you want to see no evil, hear no evil but speak evil?
Nope. I see what he's doing,and it's evil.
By demanding for instance new logging rules to clean up california from wild fires?
What does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Oh, I see. It's a deflection thing.
It is the topic, not my fault I am educated on the news of the day and your not.
The topic is "does tRump believe he actually won?"

Can you explain what logging regulations in CA have to do with the topic, please?

You kept saying the damage he done, so I was trying to figure out what you where talking about
I pointed out two examples of that in your own posts.

Say what? You never said specifics the damage Trump was doing, I unfortunately was trying to read your mind.
You edited the quote stream to remove the examples you posted and my pointing them out to you. Below it the original stream.

View attachment 429882

What are you talking about?

I don't edit anyone's post ...
Pictures included of omitted posts.

View attachment 429891
I can't follow your logic in this deflection of yours, what are you talking about?
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
So creating a false pandemic in order to use those mail in ballots isn't cheating? What a rube! I would think that any person with a minutia of intellect would be suspicious of the whole affair. Especially after the vaccine announcement < a week after the farce was over.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Does it really matter what Trump believes?

All that really matters is that a significant majority of Americans believe that Biden won.

In fact, probably the most dangerous situation is the current one, where at least 50 million people believed the election was a fraud and a sham.

The complete dismissive nature of the MSM has only worked to heighten that belief. Had there been a completely open and honest discussion about it from the beginning, including looking into certain aspects and claims and actually doing some investigating, there wouldn't be 50 million Americans believing the republic is dead and preparing themselves to fight a Civil War.

Transparency could have stopped all of this bullshit, but I wonder why there has been no transparency or even curiosity, don't you?
I’ve yet to see a real charge unexplained.
Why is that?
The true definition of democracy is mob rules and you know it.
Deplorables have never met a dictionary, or if they've met one they've never read it, or if they've read it they've never understood it, or if they've understood it they've always denied it. That's what deplorables do.
Webster just called and changed the meaning.
He knows he lost. He admitted as much to staffers. This Quixotic canard is about two things. Trying to de-legitimize Biden's presidency as revenge for Dems pointing out Trump lost the popular vote and was aided by Putin. Two, making money off the gullible rubes willing to fund his PAC, money PAC laws allow him to keep.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
He knows he lost. He's just milking the cow as hard as he can for donations and power. He doesn't care about the damage he's doing to our country and his followers.
By the sound of your posts it seems to me you want to see no evil, hear no evil but speak evil?
Nope. I see what he's doing,and it's evil.
By demanding for instance new logging rules to clean up california from wild fires?
What does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Oh, I see. It's a deflection thing.
It is the topic, not my fault I am educated on the news of the day and your not.
The topic is "does tRump believe he actually won?"

Can you explain what logging regulations in CA have to do with the topic, please?

You kept saying the damage he done, so I was trying to figure out what you where talking about
I pointed out two examples of that in your own posts.

Say what? You never said specifics the damage Trump was doing, I unfortunately was trying to read your mind.
You edited the quote stream to remove the examples you posted and my pointing them out to you. Below it the original stream.

View attachment 429882

What are you talking about?

I don't edit anyone's post ...
Pictures included of omitted posts.

View attachment 429891
I can't follow your logic in this deflection of yours, what are you talking about?
Ok, I've laid it out for you twice. Your lack of comprehension is no longer my concern.

Have a nice day, enjoy your sandwich.
There literally is zero doubt that President Trump received more legal votes that Biden.

All the tendencies, all the historical trends, point to it.
The amount of y -yeah, but orange man bad, that the left have to use to convince themselves that people really enthusiastically voted for Biden over The President is stupefying.

The math simply does not work for Biden.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
Got to go with the disconnect on reality theory. The second is the more dangerous, as he is definitely trying to subvert democracy, he is big on doubling down, and there are UN-American nut ball supporters that could come into play.
I know it's not a disconnect with reality, because he planned for the loss ahead of the election...he knew with internal polling he was going to lose, months ahead of time...

That's why he took steps to cheat.

- USPS slowdown, removal of mail boxes in big democratic leaning cities, removal of fast mail processing machines in city USPS hubs....etc.

- brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers to vote in person... (his plan to have the election called on election night, claim he won, before the absentee ballots were counted began months ahead of the election, because he knew he was going to lose)

-brainwashing sessions of him telling his followers absentee voting was crooked, a fraud, bad things are going to happen in Philadelphia, rigged etc, before the first vote, was even cast....

- Trump sent his campaign to PA and MI to meet with their republican state legislatures BEFORE the election process started, telling them or trying to convince them to reject the vote of their citizens and send a Trump slate of Electors....this was reported a month or two before the election... trumpers said it was fake news, but it was factual...

- the October surprise dump on Hunter by the NYPOST from Rudi and Bannon, as a last ditch effort to win.

And who knows what other crooked things the press and we, never spotted?

ALL of those type of things were things Trump planned and did ahead of time, because going as they were, he knew he was going to lose, and continuing with those schemes as election day progressed and the days afterward proves he knows he lost....

he's not dellusional...

he created a dellusion, for his followers... so they would help him in his quest, to steal the election, from the voters and from the winner, Biden.
Understand and definitely see the design. The man is a sociopath. At the same time, I am not sure that he hasn't lost touch with reality, to the point where he thinks nobody else can see and he cannot see himself as "the undeserving usurper of democracy and constitutional rule". I have trouble seeing anybody in America wanting to be "that guy".
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
So creating a false pandemic in order to use those mail in ballots isn't cheating? What a rube! I would think that any person with a minutia of intellect would be suspicious of the whole affair. Especially after the vaccine announcement < a week after the farce was over.
What false pandemic?
73 plus million voters also see the fraud and believe Trump was swindled.
Trying to claim we don't exist is insane and will ultimately lead to failure for the criminals.
Trump knows that the election was rigged. So do we all. We have reached the end point of democracy. This is the same version of democracy that gave Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Un electoral victories. We are now the same kind of democrat tyranny as the other communist countries.
Trump knows that the election was rigged. So do we all. We have reached the end point of democracy. This is the same version of democracy that gave Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Un electoral victories. We are now the same kind of democrat tyranny as the other communist countries.

Except those countries never knew Freedom or honest elections -
We know what us at stake.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
So creating a false pandemic in order to use those mail in ballots isn't cheating? What a rube! I would think that any person with a minutia of intellect would be suspicious of the whole affair. Especially after the vaccine announcement < a week after the farce was over.
What false pandemic?

Is it the pandemic that has the death rate way up to ----
The number of deaths that we normally have per year?

Yeoh that's it.
I am not sure which is more dangerous. Trump really believing he won which suggests disconnection from reality OR Trump knowing he didn’t win but carrying on anyway to subvert democracy.
So creating a false pandemic in order to use those mail in ballots isn't cheating? What a rube! I would think that any person with a minutia of intellect would be suspicious of the whole affair. Especially after the vaccine announcement < a week after the farce was over.
What false pandemic?

Is it the pandemic that has the death rate way up to ----
The number of deaths that we normally have per year?

Yeoh that's it.
Well that's a lie.
Trump knows that the election was rigged. So do we all. We have reached the end point of democracy. This is the same version of democracy that gave Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Un electoral victories. We are now the same kind of democrat tyranny as the other communist countries.

Except those countries never knew Freedom or honest elections -
We know what us at stake.
It doesn't seem to matter does it. Ask a democrat would you rather be free or woke? Freedom doesn't mean much anymore. It's become distasteful. You could use freedom to be free of woke. That won't be tolerated.

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